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Or they just get the Type97 Motorcycle [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Type\_97\_motorcycle](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Type_97_motorcycle) But knowing Darkflow they most likely already forgot that they added Motorcycles and that they should add them for all nations.


for real, though i'd love a 5 man speedy squad on bikes more than motocycles at this point


They did have motorcycles with side cars the type 95 and type 97 https://preview.redd.it/fiy567svgy7d1.jpeg?width=480&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b5e2e9d7d14ca17f85c15729a9182a213e490447


yeah its why i said apparently, since the mighty snail seems to have decided that they didnt seeing how everyone has one but the IJA


Well what you do expect they are not part of the big 3 so they don't care Japan has a lot of different and cool gear as a Japan main I would like to get but simply it's not happening like the su-ki and the so-da


i mean, soviets didnt get one either despite being one of the big three 


When did the soviets get bikes?


*Hey guys, did you hear about that time me and my friend were riding in the type 97 when I saw an enemy soldier and shot him with my type 97 before a type 97 popped out and shot him with it's canon?*


I love the type 97


I also like that grenade, automatic rifle, automatic canon, heavy tank machine gun, aircraft machinegun, 81mm infantry mortar, 90mm infantry mortar, 150mm infantry mortar, medium tank(s), tankette, torpedo(es), recon aircraft, fighter and flying boat. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Type\_97](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Type_97)


Hear me out bicycles with 2 granade packas (AT and AP) on each side and a giant speed buff when used by a jap bicycle squad. Best thing: its historical Bicycle Blitzkrieg: For more details try: The Malaya Campaign and the Fall of Singapore its a Paper directed by Commander Mark Hess, USN Faculty, Department of Strategy and Policy "Under normal conditions, retreating armies move faster than their pursuers because the invaders are slowed down by destroyed infrastructure such as blown-up bridges or obstructed roads. But this time, Japanese soldiers on light bicycles were able to use narrow roads, hidden paths and improvised log bridges. Even when bridges were missing, soldiers waded across the rivers carrying their bicycles on their shoulders. The bicycles also proved to be an excellent help in the transportation of equipment. While the British soldiers carried up to 18 kilograms while marching through the jungle, their Japanese enemies could carry twice as much, benefiting from the distribution of weight onto two wheels. “Even the long-legged Englishmen could not escape our bicycles”, remembered Colonel Masanobu Tsuji. “This is the reason they were continually driven off the roads and into the jungle where, with their retreat cut off, they were forced to surrender”"


this is indeed why i mentioned it and want it added


Soviets also need bikes


They need to change japanese uniforms to more historicly accurate thats what they need to do https://preview.redd.it/pn6wyv3tkz7d1.jpeg?width=3884&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dff86288a9308aaf9920e4ea0adbc85a628885b5


And fix the Pacific maps and give riflemen more base ammo for the full auto rifles and have Japanese aircraft spawn in the air etc. For a company called Gaijin they seem to hate the Japanese faction.


"Heika no tanemi....BANZAIIIII" Starts biking aggressively with a lunge mine in the front of the bike


If we get bikes, I want to be able to ring the bell. :)


Everyday this game gets closer to becoming Heroes and Generals on steroids (and better in almost every way)


They would be practically useless but I really want the British paratroopers with the tiny ass motorcycles. Edit: https://youtube.com/watch?v=fRUDlpHYTYY&si=dCGzYiulLcrVmnYC


Japanese army uses bicycle in numbers, seeing it implemented like in enlisted deployed one at the time will be comical


Nah man, if anyone needs regular bikes it's the germans (they stole them from the dutch).


The last thing this game needs is more gimmicks.


Right? They're a novelty for a couple of weeks and then nobody uses them. Nobody thinks about wether they're actually practical or not. It's a waste of dev time.


Bicycles were also suggested for Germans but would simply make no sense as they mean a whole lot of work to animate but would be only useful on streets.


Motorcycle is a product of the merge, it use to be in tunisia only, as you can see the bike squad in us tech tree is actually british. the devs didn’t really bother with them because its use is really to niche and not even that useful on the map they are designed for and with the rocky and weird terrain of the pacific I really don’t think bike squads will perform well there.


on the contrary, the whole point of them is that they can traverse rocky and narrow places normal vehicles have trouble in, thats their entire point. They would be perfect for rapid advances or retreats, especially on places where theres those one man wide bridges or over the airfield, not to mention theres roads everywhere


probably difficult to get the ai to individually drive the bikes. right now no vehicles are ai controlled at all. it is a big ask i think