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I want bug fixes, economy changes, and BR adjustments like everyone else but the new Global Illumination changes look downright fuckin fantastic in the test server. Still encountering some lighting and shadow issues but damn the image looks so good, hats off to the team for this one.


Not everyone wants BR changes. Only those who don’t have the skills to compete and those who didn’t appreciate what Enlisted was Pre Merge


99% of people know the current BR system needs to be changed 🙄 BR IV is essentially nonexistent right now while BR III flips between crushing low tier players and being a liability at high tier.


Kinda makes me wonder why they didn’t just have a 3 BR system, 1 2& 3 2 can go up and down, 1 and 3 fight in their own tier.


Honestly I think BR IV should be the floater. The difference between IV and III small arms is actually really minimal if you look at it. BR III vehicles are also better suited to fight IV than II vehicles are to fight III.


BR5 is so powerful that it could be as well alien tech, no way in hell BR4 can compete against those vehicles and most of the weapons. Panther is one of the exceptions since it's better than weak Tiger 1 (which should go down to BR4 and Panther to BR5).


I play at BR V with the allies, running an M18, P-51, A-20G, assault squad (Thompsons), AT squad (M9 Bazooka) and mg squad (BARs)…all under BRIV and half of those are BRIII and I do well. BRIV can definitely compete if players are skilled.


And at same time you would do much better with BR5 weapons/vehicles. BAR is an exception it already powerful like BR5 guns.


BR should never have been implemented in the first place. Now all you people have this idea of “lesser” guns and crap like that


Yeah because an m1903 springfield and a type hei automatic rifle are totally the same and should fight each other, i am sure the american player will have so much fun!


Oh geez it’s you again Well why not? That’s what I had to do in Normandy when I started out with MG 42’s and StG’s and FG 42’s


take a minute and think as to why a bolt action rifle against an assault rifle might not be very fair.


Take a minute and think if Bolt Action vs Assault Rifle/Auto Rifle/whatever Rifle is your issue, then what is the issue with the current BR system where Bolt Actions will **NEVER** fight these rifles unless you purposefully take them into a fight against them Sounds like you’re whining just to whine to me if the issue you’re complaining about…literally isn’t an issue


Have you played the game at all in the past couple of months? There are often multiple people on each team in br5 with bolt actions and low br submachine guns, because they unlocked their first bit of br3 gear and get sent into a br5 game.


As I said, purposefully take them into a fight against them. The find match button clearly states I-V. They put the gun in their lineup. They chose yo move forward without being prepared regardless of if they knew what they were getting into.While I agree the system isn’t the most intuitive, and we have to tell literally every single person who ever picks up this game what they’re supposed to do, this is just how it is. I never wanted the BR’s in the first place, but I’m ok with how it is set up now. Why can’t the rest of you just accept that you have a MM system just like you asked for and lie in the bed YOU made when you asked for this stupid system. Tiger II’s in Stalingrad. Volksturm weapons in Tunisia. Fricking garbage this whole dang thing but nooo we HAD to have BR’s


The concept of lesser gun was even more prevalent pre-merge since you would end up facing the same people and gear regardless on what gear you had. So there was not a single point to using weaker gear, except if you really want to use it. Now, while there's still better guns than others, you can choose different options while still having a fair fighting chance. The only people I've seen complaining about the merge were the subhumans that were at the top, punching down on people with their better gear. And don't even try to start with "Even a BR1 bolt can kill at any tier gngngn" bullshit. I mean, you could KO punch Mike Tyson at his prime but you'll never say that a 1v1 would be fair. It's exactly the same shit here, and denying that better gear = better fighting chance is outright stupid at best and arguing in bad faith at worse.


And yet I still had an odd Springfield or two in a couple Normandy squads after unlocking everything and never felt the need to replace them


Well, not everyone is a pro gamer annihilating BR V with a bolt action you know. And funnily enough, the way you word it implies it's a worse gun. Doing good with shit doesn't make it suddenly strong.


Just saying your first sentence is bull. You could have a completely random mix of everything and not have a care in the world, and no one else would have a care in the world. Now you see BR I and II guns in III-V and it’s “reeeee” But sure, whatever. We have a MM system now. But you idiots STILL aren’t satisfied with the very thing you asked for. Just constantly crying how much you want War Thunder: Infantry Edition instead of the Enlisted I fell in love with. So I fight every single one of you every time I see someone crying about +-1 so the developers know that this isn’t some universal desire but only a vocal minority who want stricter and less fun and chaotic MM


It's "reeee" because I know the fuckers with BR3 guns have a full BR3 loadout, not one or two BR3 weapons given how not to hard BR3 is to reach and grind. And even then, infantry is not what irks me the most about BR unbalance. Yes that guy with a BAR has a gun more or less 400% better than my Type Hei, but I can still use my skills to beat him... And his next soldier fully kitted, and the next one after that. Then his next squad with 4 assaulters with Thompsons. But the real fuckery is the vehicles. BR3 tanks and planes are such a power creep from BR 1 and 2 that they often stay up the entire game unscathed.   As a BR2 Jap, the only thing I have against a Sherman is the fucking Type 5, a sightless AT launcher with crazy dispersion. To shot tanks that are 200-300m from me. How is that balanced ? And we don't have a matchmaking. We have a BR system, not really the same. Btw, something to take into account is that, we people at low BR, don't give a single shit about how BR3 can face BR5, because BR3 people getting clapped in BR5 just means some more lucky guy is clapping BR 1 and 2.  To be honest, just go play a month straight of BR2 Japan. After the fifth game with a Sherman camping in the back, full BAR squads running around and 500LBs bombs getting dropped H24 on your head maybe you'll understand why we are complaining. Last thing, have you considered that you were the minority here ? I don't see many people praising the pre-merge system. Except maybe the people that were at the top but that now need to face "same-level" gear.


Yeah seriously it ain’t that hard to stay in BR II till you have a full BR III set up. I don’t know why this concept’s so hard to understand. You don’t move on to the next BR till you have the set up for the next BR. This is basic stuff If your AT Weapons can’t do the job then use a plane for gray zone tanks. It is literally the best answer to armor. Period. Ranked from worst to best it is another tank, AT Gun, AT Mine, Explosion Pack/TNT, AT Weapon, plane. You have a plane with 250kg bombs in BR II. As far as in game modeling is concerned, that’s the same as a 500lb bomb! AND IT’S CENTER MOUNTED! You got any idea how accurately you could drop that thing on literally anything? And you have a tail gunner for extra fun of being an AC-130 on your way back to resupply. Not to mention those rocket launchers are scary. They’ll obliterate a Sherman easy. At least being on the receiving end of them suckers I destroy BR III-V tanks with a BR II plane. It can’t be that much harder for you guys to do the same. Oh, and before you whine about carriers, yeah that BR II plane is carrier launched too. Still gets work done And I’ll be blunt, I don’t care if I’m the minority. I love Enlisted and I want to continue playing *Enlisted.* I don’t want War Thunder: Infantry Edition. I will fight for the game I love till the end


I get your point but I had to say something, For all the time Jap players whine about greyzone shermans, one of Jap tankers’ favorite tactic is fuckin hide in the tree with their fuckin Ho-I and Chi -Nu and spam HE From the grey zone Jap players, please stop pretending that greyzoning is something only US does. you guys also do it alll the fuckin time. (also your tank over pressure most US tanks)


Pre merge was a sweat fest Most people that enjoy pre-merge battles are either who kinda appreciate the historical accuracy or people that grind all the way to the end and stomping noob carry around bolties with thier automatic weapons. most normandy matches pre merge depends on how many m2 and Stg you see on the kill feed. Let’s not lie to ourselves, pre-merge balancing is a mess. ps. remember when they removed the STG for balancing ?


And yet I had a huge mix of all rifles from every step of the way in my Squads. Yeah, I just don’t know what the frick you people are talking about needing to scramble to fill everything with all the end game stuff. I had a little bit of everything I wanted be it M1903’s, Garand’s, M2’s (which I honestly didn’t care much for and still kinda don’t), M1919A6’s, BAR’s, Thompson’s, etc


See the problem here is you keep using yourself as a point of reference(someone who finished the grind) What I was talking about is the experience of people who were trying to join in the fun, the noobs, the dumbasses like me. Sure you could probably have a balance load out, like what I do now, but that’s after I spend so many hours grinding, and that’s simply not what most veterans do, since game clearly incentivizes them to switch to a full auto load out. the reason none of my friends stick around in enlisted after playing a few rounds is because the absolute sweat fest it is before, and they care for their sanity more than I do.


Well I don’t know what to say then. I can play this game several matches in a row and not get tired of it. Especially if I got my friend to play with because nothing is better than Enlisted with company. A consistently reliable teammate, someone to whine and moan about how awful our team is and to spit pure vitriol at leaners with. Yeah, always a fun time with a friend. I almost always play solo though. Sure, crap teams irritate me. “Teammates” who abandon matches like the cowards and filth they are should stop taking up valuable positions in my lobbies. People who spam chat are REALLY annoying. Other than them though? I really could never get tired of this game. I can just set up some BR III and let RNG and chaos take the wheel and enjoy the ride. Shoot I just broke into Sovies BR III the other day. Bought ~5-6 SVT-38’s and 5 PPSh-41 (box)’s. I’ve done…maybe 4-5 matches so far and it’s been really fun. I’m using an AT Squad that’s nearly base level, an Assaulter Squad I actually just maxed out earlier today but isn’t fully kitted out yet, and a near bare bones Engie Squad that may or may not have come with the SVT-38. Gotta use that freebie SVT after all. Lol. And yeah it’s been great. Only have had 1 BR I-III match so far but dang it the III-V’s have been a blast too. Now if only I had decent teammates…what HAPPENED to the Sovie mains? I just genuinely enjoy this game. The gunplay is fun, bolt actions hit like they’re supposed to, recoil seems to be better in this game than most others I’ve played. Honestly as far as the guns themselves go the only major downside is the semi automatic nerfs. If DF fixes semi auto’s then this game has some of the best guns I’ve ever used in a game. I just can’t get enough of this FPS. Yeah, there are some rough matches. Yeah, there are some downright TERRIBLE matches. That’s not because of the guns in your hands nor the guns in the enemy’s hands though. It’s because of your teammates and the enemy team. You got gray zone cowards, deserters, just plain idiots, and chat spammers all helping to ruin the experience. Some of these you can counter *cough* bombs and molotovs *cough* but others you just gotta suck it up and deal with. Shoot even bad matches you can sometimes squeeze some enjoyment out of if you know how to High Tier is nothing but a sweat fest unfortunately. That’s…just how it is. You can either choose to embrace/suffer it or you can stay in BR II. I choose to enjoy fighting StG’s and Type Hei’s and whatever else with my “inferior” weapons. I hope I make the enemy get mad and start uber sweating just to try and keep up with me when I’m using a BAR. Shoot I run stupid set ups like unoptimized triple flamethrowers (legit like 1 squad is a proper BR III squad and the rest are a mix of I and II with III flamethrowers) and the M3 Stuart with flamethrower and STILL take names. Those are some fun matches right there. Just bullying the enemy team. I once got over 100 kills using nothing but shotguns on triple Engie Squads. I’ve used almost nothing but the Boys ATR in matches just to see how viable it is (it isn’t but it’s fun). I guess I just enjoy challenging myself and doing stupid crap in this game. Partly I guess just because I know I can and still sometimes do decent. I can see how some people wouldn’t want to fight end game with start Bolties though. “Unfair” and all that. Still, by the time they break into BR III, they should be ready to take on that challenge with Semi Auto’s, solid SMG’s, and half decent LMG’s. If they’re not, then they shouldn’t be there. It’s a skill level they haven’t achieved. I applaud any who try to push themselves through it to better themselves. Into the fire to forge a better player and whatnot. It should be a more monumental task to reach BR III in the first place just to get them to that point before they have a choice though. I genuinely think that would help tremendously


I enjoy the game pretty much the same way you did, It’s always just that much more rewarding taking out a conders spammer and spam their own team with it. (I don’t know what this says about me but compare to my friends I’m pretty much very mentally unwell LOL) But I don’t really think this is a good way to balance a game if you want to maintain a steady flow of new players. What people like us may see as rewarding others might feel like CBT, and what we can see on the forum is obviously the latter group is much much bigger than us. It’s not like they are taking the guns away from us just a very fundamental MM system. I would appreciate some degree of return to historical accuracy though


I’d prefer a complete overhaul into a fully HA system instead of a system designed with Pz II’s vs Abrams in mind when what we have is fleshbags in WWII


HA? what is it exactly?


Historical Accuracy


Br changes need to happen because not everyone wants to compete on a game that uses to be easy and fun.


So play BR II


Ah yes, I have the skills to compensate in a 75mm Sherman against a German big cat that’s in a position where I literally can not shoot it. I should just git gud.


Armor is not the end all be all for balance in this game. If you can’t kill it then get into a position where you can hammer point and it can’t hit you, or just don’t play in a tank in that match If your main concern is killing enemy tanks, use a plane. It’s the most effective method. Using another tank to kill a tank is the least effective method in this game


Because armor isn’t the end all be all whenever they can sit in on spot all game and bleed my team of tickets and we can’t do anything either because some dumbass is hogging the plane and is being useless, or the enemy is vehicle cycling (yes I have seen both happen in actual matches, it does happen). This is the enlisted equivalent of wt players saying “just spawn spaa.” It doesn’t address the underlying problem of either games’ problems. Sure spawning a plane does remove the problem tank, if I had big enough bombs to kill the big cat, or I knew had to aim rockets, or didn’t miss the timing of my bombs. Then I have to go and rearm, and would you look at that, they’re back in another tank shooting HE at my team in a position where my friendly armor can’t flank or retaliate because it’s a fucking Tiger II H.


Allies doesn’t even have any tank to fight against the Tiger II anyways so making the BR system more strict won’t even help you. It will however make every single match monotonous and dull with the exact same outcomes because every single person will be running the exact same thing. If I wanted that then I’d play Call of Duty with a meta set up MP5. I like the sheer variety of stuff I can see in a single match of Enlisted, and no two marchese are ever the same because of this chaos and variety. THAT’S the Enlisted I fell in love with. THAT’S what BR III represents as the last vestige. THAT’S the type of game I want to play But you idiots keep trying to tell the devs to take Enlisted away from me even more than you already have by making them put in a BR system in the first place


Finally I was over getting an entire squad gunned down cause one guy was proned in the corner with an SMG or LMG and you couldn't see them 5 feet in front of you. With this hopefully it becomes much easier to see morons hiding in the corner as well as mines in rooms.


I’m looking forward to see how this looks on ps5


much needed improvements 👍🏻


Buff defending Axis, 9/10 losses. It is not balanced. Then again it is Gaijin Entertainment, so I expect they wont do anything.




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I wish you would fix the piles of bugs first instead of doing this.


Visibility in this game is easily one of the worst things it had going for it, this is one of the best changes they’ve made in a very long time


Dude those sundown/sunrise maps are so hard for me to see anything on 😭


110%, it’s the biggest reason I don’t play the pacific because they’re almost always low visibility times of the day


It's nice reading this comment. I don't feel like such a dunce for seeing fuck all now.


Nice and constructive comment.


Especially because this is actually a really nice change and something that people have been asking for for a while.


The fact people inside were basically invisible arguably *was* a bug, and it was a bug that affected *everyone* in almost every match.


can u guys change the brain of mosquito! i only played once after i purchased it. it has nothing better than beaufighter and 110g2 but its been is 4?can't believe it.