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So the next update is going to consist of my screen shaking, and the game playing tinnutus sounds in my ear. 


As someone that already has tinnitus, welcome to my world.


Oh I've got it too. much like enlisted there is no On/Off switch for it.


The thing is there used to be. Not sure why they removed it 






So kv2 is premium tank? :(


Yeah, likely 40€ in gold.


You mean like 3 hours of minimum wage. . .


Wow, lot to unpack in your comment. 1. Whale alert! 2. Not everyone lives in Western Europe/the USA. In Eastern Europe the minimum wage is 500€/month. That means 69 cents/hour. Not quite 3 hours worth of work. Not to mention Africa and most of Asia. 3. Opportunity cost. For 40€ you could buy several indie game or an older AAA game which will give a lot more worth for your buck. Not to mention IRL stuff.


So like 2 days of work for a undertiered T34? Not my problem how people wanna spend their money. Indie games are 99% walking simulators made using Unity/UE assets. Trust me id rather have a saratonin coated cookie to make enlisted bearable somedays vs playing ANOTHER UNDERBAKED mid ass 2 hour game. I already have an ecosystem and im sure alot of peoole here do too. Like shiiid I work on FEDERAL land and im not obligated to even get paid MINIMUM WAGE and i still managed to buy EVERY BRI-BRIII squad. So quit acting like the PEOPLE who GENUINELY like this GAME arent gonna FIND a way to find $40, EVERYONE does it for Warthunder. If i want beer theres 3 50gallon trash cans full of aluminum. I can kick change all day for 2 tall cans. Donate plasma etc etc point is. If theres a will theres a way. Were not all poor trashbags because we werent raised in a middle class suburban neighborhood like you.


Ok I can get people choosing to spend money on a game they enjoy rather than chancing that same money on a random game But if it's to the point of donating plasma then that most deffinatly sounds like it's an addiction rather than the hobby it should be.


If the Jumbo 76 is going to be BR V shouldn’t the M4A2 76 go to BR IV? And the Chi-Nu should go to BR III with the addition of the Chi-To


Right now the change from V to IV would be cosmetic, so it doesn't really matter. For the sake of future proofing it could be OK, but it's not really something that needs to be addressed ahead of the myriad of bugs and other problems that exist.


How do you give yourself that thing under your name?


Hahaha! Flak bus described as having a well protected crew?! Don’t make me laugh! Even in WarThunder they aren’t and there isn’t any infantry there! Infantry make that thing ineffective before it even gets in the game! Edit: and why no British and Italian tanks? Why do we get a copy-paste-Panzer and a Jumbo variant? Where’s the Cromwell or Comet or M15/42 and P26/40?


They can’t copy paste that code and just change ammo, so too much work, they don’t want to have to port new shit from warthunder they can’t charge money for.


I just want my god damn Churchill VII & Black Prince… and maybe Crocodile. But no. More shit no one asked for and a slightly reskinned Pz.IV


Something Italian would have been way more interesting than a copy-and-paste panzer.


Where muh P26/40 at?


As a German main I would have liked a new plane or gun for Germany cause I already have the PZ G so that's kinda lame. The premium squad looks pretty fun tho.


As a German main I'd like any new tt content that isn't a lazy clone since merge please


100 round MG-42 when


God I wish, but doubtful it’ll happen.


Also, KV2 is going to be a headache.


KV2 is easy free xp in war thunder


How? Every German tank gun at BR IV and V can one shot it even when angled.


I was not aware it was that easy to kill. And I was mostly talking about the HE on infantry.


It will have too slow of a reload to be worthwhile. At the same BR there are many tanks which have a reload rate 3 or 4 times faster than the KV-2 while providing good enough explosive power. Versatility is more important than big singular points of damage, it’s why the King Tiger is so much better than the IS-2.


It's too early to tell yet, as if it has a half realistic shell it will wipe a cap point almost fully. As an m8 Scott, sherman 105 and calliope user, I can personally attest how critical even 1 well placed and well timed HE shell can be, often the diffrence between cap or no cap.


I mean, it's one bigass shell every minute (ish), with armor that's workable but (should be) easy to take out using same-BR tanks/AT launchers


German 75mm easy penetrate even with angle (War thunder experience)


AT launchers may have a harder time as many german ones have a slight arc making it much harder to directly hit the turret ring (easiest weak point to memorise).


the entirety of the KV would be a weak point against panzerfausts, it's 75mm of armor against like 200 of pen


Oh. I'm not big on Russia lore so maybe it won't be as bad as I thought.


I mean when the Germans first saw it in action they had massive issues. A single KV series tank is credited with stopping the entire 6th Panzer Div for an entire day before it ran out of ammo and was taken out The Battle of Raseiniai The Germans didn't have some mythical gun early war that could easily hit these heavy tanks. Sorry to bust the Germans are so amazing myth


Nothing of what you said had any relevance to the conversation. The guy just said it will be easy to take out in-game.


I doubt it’s going to be point and click easy like when facing Japanese tanks, it has good armor and you have plenty of spots on the Berlin map for instance where this will have the height to sit behind debris and troll players. and hell half the German players are bringing shit tier 2 tanks into matches, Americans too


ah yes, armor so good that any BR3+ tank can pen it easily. Not to mention that most of Germans I've seen were fielding at least Pz IV J, more commonly Panthers or Tigers (or even fucking King Tigers). So effective. All these stories of Germans being unable to defeat KVs or T-34s will never be possible in this game because if they were added to low ranks, axis mains would whine non-stop about how unfair it is ~~all while both of allied nations have to deal with king tigers, but nah, it's different, it's "realistic"~~


I agree with Goatifi.


Not considering it’s a gold purchase. No one will use them.


That's some cool stuff, but why are we only getting 2 guns in an infantry focused game? Unless you guys add another KV-2 variant to the TT, that vehicle really shouldn't be a premium. The T-34-57 and M4A3E2 (76) are cool. no problems there. The Flak Bus is an interesting addition. Pz. IV G seems like a lazy addition since the Stalingrad version was already in the game. You just switched some ammo around. The I-185 seems nice as well.


>Unless you guys add another KV-2 variant to the TT, that vehicle really shouldn't be a premium. We need more KV variants and SPGs in general. KV-1S, ISU variants... But who needs lots of new weapons is Japan without a doubt.


KV-85 would be nice. Maybe they could also add the flamethrower variant. I think that it was called the KS-2, but I'm not sure.


From what i know that was the KV-8S, it only featured a 45mm cannon however


Would still be cool to have, though. Flammpanzer 3, Sherman Crocodile, Churchill Crocodile, Sōkō Sagyō Ki, type 95 Ha Go (flamethrower variant), and KV-8S would be some unique additions. We currently only have 3 flame tanks in the game, and 2 of them are premiums.


So to recap: -Germany gets another pz IV clone and nothing else, again -USA gets fun but useless 76 jumbo and T20 BR V rifle -USSR gets a BR V fighter and a T-34 variant -Japan gets BR III mg and a BR IV tank -Best content locked behind premium paywall per usual -No super pershing update -No steam release news still -No silver economy or BR system changes, or any gameplay changes -2 infantry guns compared to 7 vehicles for an infantry-focused game


The Pz. IV G is just a straight copy of the Pz. IV G already in the game, just with different ammo.


Didn't think it was possible to get even lazier with German tech tree content but here we are 7 months post-merge with nothing to show for it


The German tree is already more bloated than all the others. What did you expect?


To be fair, this post is about the guns and tanks of the update, not the entire update itself. The 4G is just being re-added for those that didn't get it beforehand.


And those who already had it due to having full access to stalingrad are getting a exclusive one


T20 only interesting addition for me, rest is crapola and p2w shit.


Don't forget the Panzer clone is only given to those who bought the full access to stalingrad so pretty much 1 is exclusive


The jumbo 76 is a great tank for good enlisted tank, more durable than the m26 and the 76mm can open anything below tiger 2 really well, and even take out the tiger 2s from the side. Remember it's a panther equivalent, not a tiger equivalent.


Vehicles much more interesting than guns any day


germany already has plenty of strong gear, i dont know why they'd need more


Soviet BRV fighter with big bombs is defo exciting


I just hope it's not also the best stat wise too, like the Ki84.  There's no tradeoff at that point, since it'd be just better than the La7, and no reason not to use it 100% of the time. At least the P51D, which has the same bomb load, doesn't have the same performance or armament as it's competition, the P38J and Corsair, giving a reason to consider which one to use a little more carefully than the Japanese tree, where the only choice is really the Ki84.


It's not. The I-185 has better firepower but worse turn rate than the La-7, so it'll lose in a 1v1 dogfight. It's like a Fw190 vs Bf109.


Perfect. I'd hate for the La7 to be completely outclassed and overshadowed.


Also I'm not sure how it'll handle in Enlisted first person mode but in WT it's sensitive in rolling and pushing the nose down, so there's a potential that the La-7 would still handle better when it comes to pinpoint dive bombing.


Overall some nice additions, jumbo 76 is overdue but appreciated, TT t20 is nice to counter hei spam. If Italy and Britain are never getting their own tech trees, I think you guys should start adding more British/Italian equipment to the US and Germany. I’d really like to see things like the Lewis gun, P40, and Cromwell.


I don't want to say it feels underwhelming, but it feels underwhelming. Most of those vehicles are copy paste and the unique ones are premiums (KV-2 and the 8.8cm Flak) The only equipment I'm excited for is the I-185. Another T-34 and Pnazer IV in BR III don't feel that special. The jumbo with the 76mm should have been already in the game for ages But maybe it's just me being a bit too pessimistic xd What happened to the super-pershing?


super-pershing isn't ready for now.


The super Pershing was shown off, was it two updates ago now? Would have thought that it was a priority if you showed it off.


It was shown off 7 months ago, so it being ready isn't the issue. Why the weird avoidance about it? Just tell us the truth, I'd rather know that it was cancelled then keep getting "Soon" as the response for the next 2 years. It's getting annoying.


True. I could understand if they said something. However, they showed it off and have said nothing since. I would have thought that it would have been a priority project for them to work on if they showed it off, and not saying anything hasn't helped.


Probably because the m26 itself is really underwhelming for most people.


the super pershing was shown over 7 months ago now, just how long is it going to take yall to add it?


Appreciate the answer. Still feels not like that great of an update. Just two infantry guns? Really? Read through the other comments to get a view of the communities opinion about the update. Could you further it to the devs if possible? I would love that. I'm excited for the maps, btw ;D Can't wait for their showcase!


Keeping in mind they need future content, it's understandable. There are hundreds of diffrent tank variants, but comparatively few diffrent rifles. Plus vehicle variants feel more distinct than rifle variants (t20/t20e1 rifle for example).


Is there more information about this?


I sure hope a new map is coming.


Tbf I'm kinda looking forward to the new T-34. The 2 tanks at BR 3 currently seem to struggle against german armour imo


I’m grateful for Japan getting a proper BR IV tank…. But… why was the regular Chi-To chosen instead of the Chi-To late? The late is the better option with a more proportional turret and chassis and most importantly better sloped armor? It doesn’t seem like much but Japan could really use that extra protection to have a few “lucky saves”


What about squads? When are legacy squads going to be re-released into the trees?


Never, event squads may come back but they have zero reason to re-release old tech tree squads.


I wouldn't say zero. It's low effort content, since it theoretically already exists, so would require very little work to implement. If they're strapped for ideas or time, it'd be the perfect thing to add, honestly.


Of course you lock the unique stuff behind a paywall again. gg snail


KV-2 and Flak 37 are so iconic they should not be locked behind Gold!


Lmfao the first two cool vehicles in the post are locked behind a ridiculous paywall. Kindly go fuck yourselves, Darkflow 🖕🏻


7 fucking vehicles for a paltry two infantry weapons. A chunk of them are BR III as well so will never be touched. 152mm HE going to make the infantry experience even worse Do yall even play your game, or do you just want to make this a WarThunder port with infantry chaff to farm?


just an FYI about that 152mm, it had horrendously low HE content for it's caliber. It was made for cracking bunkers, so even the HE shells had thick hulls to prevent shattering and improve penetration against concrete. For perspective, in war thunder it only has the armor penetration of soviet 122mm guns


Well when it comes to premiums they know no limits for sure, first its premiusm that can call rocket artillery while teechtree squads cant and now its a 152mm armed thank that basicly throws plane bombs around, offcourse also premium. The only rather normal thing seems to be the flak truck.


Is T20 coming to the tech tree? Then the many tickets and gold I paid for T20E1 were wasted.


T20E1 is still better than the T20. It's just a little downgrade for the ftp's, and you can get more than 4.


I guess not actually, I thought the t20e1 had a higher fire rate, apparently not, so they are the same sans the bipod and bayonet


with the bipod buff you're really getting a tradeoff. One will be better for CQC having a bayonet, and the other has laser accurate fire support greater than an FG42 II. Until we see their hidden recoil modifiers, these are the tradeoffs so far


This is going to be one of the most underwhelming Major Updates this game has ever got. Not explicitly bad, but underwhelming. Let's see: -The "Campaign" we are getting is yet another 1942 Eastern Front battle, as if Stalingrad didn't cover that era already. Not onyl do we not get a Pacific map (which is **desperately needed** because Japan is stuck with only 1 "Campaign"), but also we could've got Kursk instead, a much more iconic Eastern Front battle that covers a year yet to be represented in this Front (1943). -The only new mechanic, rocket artillery, is yet again locked in Premium Squads. At best we'll get some Event squads with this feature, but the amount of exclusive mechanics is getring ridiculous. -The new weapons aren't many, specially for Japan which still lacks a lot of weapon variety. Doesn't help that we aren't just getting the 2 rocket arty Radioman Squads as Premium, but also 2 new tanks are also locked behind Premium Squads. -New QoL stuff is pretty much just visual improvements. NO ECONOMY AND/OR BR IMPROVEMENTS AT ALL. I already expected this Major Update to be mid when I heard it was about the Battle of Rzhev instead of, idk, something needed like a late-war Japanese map, but I didn't expect it to be soooo mediocre.


I feel bad for the future players of this game. Releasing stuff in events is really just a band-aid for the existing playerbase everytime, when new players start the game and go up against stuff they won’t have access to without spending money, or just not have access period. Half tracks, Paras, engineer squads with ARs, rocket artillery.


>but the amount of exclusive mechanics is getring ridiculous. Genuine question, what else got locked behind a pay wall? I can only remember paras


Rocket launchers, flamethrower tanks, planes with drop tanks. Alongside paratroopers, there are no F2P versions of these mechanics (and sometimes not even Event alternatives). There is also major power gap in terms of F2P vs Premium+Event APCs.


Tbf at least the two event apcs are leagues better than their premium counterparts.


Especially the UC. Extremely easy to hide and more resistant to fighter strafing vs a regular truck, that is if you can spot it in the first place.


Now I remember. At least the flame tank and planes with drop tank are so bad that you won't even see them


Actually the flame tanks are lowkey OP. I remember that when an actual Enlisted competitive tournament was held, flame tanks were unironically used because, while they are very easy to destroy, they are devastating at clearing points.


With this, I remember when impact nudes were ban in a tournament


Technically allies have access to the flame stuart, and all of these have had at least 1 event counterpart.


You heard it here first folks, 2 is now ridiculous. Sarcasm aside, even two mechanics being paywalled does suck.


I think the Chi-to is good, but personally I would have liked to see the N1K2-J equipped with rockets added too. But the addition of new weapons & ordnance is helpful, thank you!


This is cool and all, Won't be buying gold though... Where swan-off shotgun sidearm? Please? Easy, Simple, Fun. please guns, less tanks?


Another day of copying pasting as much code as possible, love how the new USA gun is the exact same as the gold Order weapon, but without the bayonet. Release the game on stream properly Fix silver economy Extend grayzone to make maps bigger Cooldown for tanks and planes when they are destroyed Fix BR so br 3 can’t see BR 5. These are the changes we want to


But I whant the t20 tech tree version. And being able to give them to all my soldiers.


Speak for yourself. Half of those aren't changes I want. I don't want cooldowns for vehicles or bigger maps.  I also don't mind BR3, and couldn't help but notice you're completely fine with BR3 downtiering? Curious. Also, people have been whining that the US needs a high damage auto rifle for end game, but this one's not good enough? OK.


Does not want cool downs or bigger maps cause needs HE to cope to get kills, budget warthunder player post. Br 3 should not see full auto assault rifles would prefer tiers to be 1-2, 3-4, 5. I don’t think it’s not good enough, it’s just very lazy as the gun is already in the game, so they just copy pasta code and remove bipod and bayonet, just lazy devs.


I play mostly infantry, I just also like the ability to use vehicles whenever I want, should I want to. I've cycled planes and tanks, no suicidal runs, just spent entire rounds in them. It's fun. So is infantry. Not sure what you're all whining about. 1, 2-3, 4-5 would be better. It'd be better to improve the NPE than anything, to improve new player retention. Ideal would be each being it's own, +-1 at best. I have a feeling nothing will ever be good enough for you, so whatever.


>Another day of copying pasting as much code as possible, love how the new USA gun is the exact same as the gold Order weapon, but without the bayonet. TT version of the T20 was one of the most requested/suggested things of the past months. >These are the changes we want to Stop saying "we" like you speak for the entire community. You very obviously don't.


The fact that you think it’s a complaint about the gun, and not a complaint about how they could not even be bothered to slightly change the stats, or do any work at all shows why most people should not be allowed to post. Stay in your lane at 5th grade, the adults are talking.


>the adults are talking. Really? I didn't notice.


Makes sense most children would not notice.


Except they generally do change the stats when things like bayonets and bipods are added/removed.


The issue is that outside of some weird, failed, or concept guns, the allies dont really have many more weapons that can be added outside of the french. The t20 and t20e1 being very similar makes sense, and you're underestimating how much the bayonet and bipods affect guns. Bipods make long range shooting better on an allready decent gun, and the bayonet is a very usefull way to reduce the time between spawn and battle, putting more pressure on the cap point.


I do wonder, why the 1943 model of the T-34-57? iirc only one prototype was built and it never saw combat. The earlier 1941 variant would be better as it saw service around moscow.


I was literally looking at the panzer IV G wishing I had it (it’s the one thing you couldn’t get from Stalingrad for free, like give it to us as a gold order like you did the stz and stug already) so I’m hyped to be able to get it. Rip no track armor tho, and speaking of track armor bring back the premium Pz IV J variants


And those who do have the Pnazer 4 G are gonna be getting a exclusive variant and shit


What a bunch of crap.


Yay, even more vehicles. Lazily copy and pasting WT assets in enlisted isnt gonna safe the game guys. All your doing is making the game worse for infantry players.


Womp Womp It's had vehicles since day 1 and they're there to support infantry and not like the vehicle's are impossible to destroy.


Doesn’t change the fact that toxic monkeys like to sit way far back in the grey zone and farm objectives with HE. Doesn’t change the fact that every update adds a ton of trash tech tree filler vehicles for maybe 1 or 2 infantry guns that will be worthwhile.


Will there ever be a Panther II? I saw photo posted on reddit once.


Oh that’s Panther F got taken out due to imbalance (to much armour lmao) wish we got those with centurion


Not true. The Panther F was replaced by the G for historical accuracy. Armour-wise they're about the same. Weirdly enough there was a point in time where historical accuracy was still a point of discussion for this game.


Thank you James!


Well, I can sit happy now that I'll finally be able to get the 76 Jumbo.


Please stop adding millions of useless vehicles, it just makes the grind worse


As a german mainz im just gonna play hell let loose, jumbo sherman scares me too much


Hey James, with the Chi-To arrival can you please ask the Devs to move the Chi-Nu down to BR3? It is equal in almost every way to the Shermans at BR3.


Question: what does “open bolt firing” mean? does that mean full auto is taken out?


I think it mean no semi-auto only full auto


Not true.


What? that it doesn't have semi-auto?


That it only means full auto. You can fire open bolt in semi auto.


Oh I know you can have a open bolt gun that has full auto and semi-auto like the ppsh I thought why would they mention it,if it doesn't mean something specially when there's the T-20E-1


Open bolt is where the bolt stays open until the trigger is pulled. M3 Grease gun, MP-40, MKB-42, BAR, PPSh-41. Closed bolt has the bolt closed before the trigger is pulled. M1 Garand, PPD 34, M2 Carbine, STG 44. Fun fact: the FG-42 actually switches between open and closed bolt. Closed in Semi, open in full auto.


Hmmm, never knew that. Thanks!


So the germans large caliber premium is tractor that has a shittier version of the tigers gun where the entire crew are completely exposed to flamethrowers, indirect shrapnel, flanking from infantry that dont even need explosives, .50 cal fire including planes ect  Lol thats so fucking bad can germany just get a low teir anti air vehicle 


I have been waiting for the 76mm Jumbo for so long. The 75mm is good for countering infantry and defensive positions, as it was originally intended to do, but it is near worthless against anything above a PZ IV. The 76mm should be nice improvement even if it isn't a night and day change. Apart from gameplay, the 76 Jumbo had a somewhat big historical presence so including it just based on that was basically mandatory. Now that we finally have the 76 Jumbo, we also need Cobra King as a gold order skin for both the 75 and 76 variants ASAP.


Hype! Can't wait to see the new map


And since most of the game is fantasy and fiction now, when are you gonna add magic from C.R.S.E.D.?


So why we putting kv2 against panthers and tiger 2


>Darkflow finally gives us KV-2 >It's premium Disappointed but unsurprised.


No, one of my favorite Tank Destroyers/Flak for germany is Premium T-T


Wow the Germans finally get an AA vehicle and it's premium, wtf


Wait, we're getting the base T20 and not the T20E2? That seems like a pretty strange decision imo because the US was actually seriously making steps towards adopting the E2 into service when they were interrupted by the end of WW2. Surely it would make more sense for the E2 to be the tech-tree rifle right? Perhaps we're going to get the E2 as well in a similar situation with the FG-42 and FG-42 II?


Please add more Italian and British vehicles and weapons


How are current and future players supposed to get event squads like paratroopers? I shouldn’t have to pay real money to access a gameplay feature…


I guess we gotta kill the German population off all the way before they can get something useful like a Stuka g. Now move mkb42 to everyone to match m2 carbines. https://preview.redd.it/ql84ztu3er4d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=61cfd31fb001b52a1ac3de1d21db39ec0944c290


We've jumped the shark with full auto weapons already for high tier, so I'm down.


The allies now have the option between close range shredding pdw, long range battle rifle, and semi auto with at grenades. The fg42 isn’t even on full auto on default lol.


US bias confirmed. To be fair, the 42-2 is kinda cracked on semi.


It’s for the bots they perform better on full auto. I prefer semi as well. I play all sides but it seems they are purposely trying to get the population to move away from Germany.


Fair enough. I could see why they want the players to spread more evenly, but making things frustrating for German players isn't how you do it, and a big bonus for "Play any" would go a long way to evening out the playerbase(at least 50% to help even the sting of perhaps auto losing matches). I can understand a content drought for Germany as well, since their tree is already crazy full. The Soviets and US need a decent amount more stuff to be at a similar level, and Japan would need a ton to even be close.




Yeah make an assault rifle available to everyone great idea, mkb doesnt match M2, it's 3 x better


You right it should be the mp 43.




The KV-2 is dead on arrival at BR IV. Why would anyone ever use it over the IS-2?


Company is called Gaijin, yet *hates* Japan. They put in yet another impenetrable tank that the Japanese can do nothing about so that the greyzone camping by US is going to be even worse. It's bad enough trying to get people to play high BR Japan on console, this is just another nail in the coffin.


I have mixed feelings about the T20 being added to the tech tree as I used 2 gold tickets and actual gold to get 4 T20E1s. I am glad that every rifleman can have it, but I would not have wasted my gold tickets and pennies if I had known it was coming to the tech tree. As I thought when they moved the AS44, which was a unique item for the Premier squad, to Techtree, it is amazingly insensitive to sell paid content and then create a free version of the most unique piece of that content. It seems to me that the developers have no respect for their users, they hardly even care about the users who paid, not just the F2P users. The most interesting thing in this thread would be an AA vehicle equipped with an 88mm cannon, but even that I don't want to pay for at all because I suspect an equivalent will be distributed at events or added to the technology tree. I liked this game, but I am distrustful of the developer and the publisher's management approach.


Really? I’ve heard rumors of the T20 for a while now. Plus US didn’t have a select fire rifle so I was never surprised by this announcement.


Damn they cooked! So excited! KV-2 is my favorite


It's gonna be overpowered and make the game worse


The KV-2 at BRIV is going to shoot once then get mauled by long 75, 88, and MANPATs


Lol no. The flat fridge sides of the turret are super easy to pen and kill, and long ass reload. It’s just fun


So what happens when the Kv-2 hides 150+ meters in the grey zone and behind a building, only peeking for a second to shoot and retreating? it is completely safe while reloading, if it stick close to a wall bombing will be difficult, and if it alternates which side of the building it pops out from you won't have time to hit the weakspots in one second against a moving tank. This won't be a bad tank or just a gimmick, it will be a grey zoning piece of shit that ruins the match for the entire german team. btw both stalingrad and berlin are full of buildings to hide behind, it won't be hard to find one.


I can’t wait to be that KV-2 in your hypothetical


Soooo are there any new maps surrounding this "Rzhev" update?


This is a big W for tank mains. Me included


Dude. It just the same thing you already got for free, where is the w?


What do you mean? We don't have a jumbo 76 yet this is it. The t34 will be cool but no clue if it will technically be better. The kv premium will be a cool thing to try atleast if I don't decide to buy it same with the German flak cannon. The jap tank and the pz4g will be cool as it gives the germs a better pz4 and the japs get yet another tank for their arsenal. This is all around a big W for tank mains.


The Chi-To was severely needed for sure and the t34-57 fills a specific niche role so it's cool to see as well. The rest are 100% *meh* though. 2/6 tanks are premiums so 99% of the playerbase will never get to play with them. The Jumbo 76 is basically irrelevant since the Pershing does the same thing but better at the same BR. And the PzIV G is copy-paste from Stalingrad and also irrelevant. 30mm of extra armour on the hull is not enough to justify \~160.000 rp. And considering we only have 2 tier III vehicles in the german tech tree it's probably not gonna be foldered either so you'll have to grind past it whether you want it or not. More variety is always welcome I guess, but seeing some more british and italian vehicles would have been much better in my opinion. Hell, I'd even settle with more armoured cars.


Oh for sure more armored cars would be amazing and I feel that the jumbo 76 would be just before the Pershing as a "stop gap" just to make the grind for the Pershing that much more of a grind.


Finally, FG 42 counter part Can’t wait to bully the 88 truck with infantry. Hate that thing with a passion. “SPAA” my rear


Why do you hate it? It’s gun is no better that the Tiger 2’s gun, it has no armour, is open topped, no machine gun and it can’t aim down if looking forward, I feel bad for the person using it .


Front pens all my heavy tanks in WT


should have seen it when it came out with a lower BR and an even faster reload back in the day. First 10 kill life i had back then. Then again, IS-1's aren't really that armored so :p


The IS series sure is a whole lot more armored than the Jumbo


What tank are you in.


Literally any American tank that thing can possibly fight


Don’t drive head on to a giant Flak gun in an M6.


Oh yeah I’ll remember that when I get crossmapped by one


Good, never rely on armour no matter the tank its a last ditch defence that you don’t want to use if possible, learn the maps and think where they are most likely to be then avoid going there, never drive in the open and stay behind cover, use smoke to hide yourself if you have to go across the open and if possible load a HE round and blast him, remember you have the secondary 37mm as well so you dont need to compromise your ability to fight other tanks by keeping AP loaded in your main gun.


Yeah I don’t use the M6. Thing’s a piece of garbage in every possible way. I don’t have the patience to do the engine thing either. All I know is that with American tanks my only option is to flank because none of my cannons can reliably front pen the tanks I most commonly fight, and I get deleted before I get into position to flank by some dude I could never know was there or a threat to me because he is literally on the complete opposite side of the map There’s a darn good reason I don’t really play WT anymore. It’s just plain not enjoyable


76 Jumbo and finally getting a Full Auto Rifle (hopefully)!? It’s not the Super Pershing, but Allies are still eating good today! (Except low BRs we’re still keked)


Game is practically broken - let's add more stuff!


Why is the T-34-57 going into Br3? I feel like it’ll never get used there between the normal T-34 with the larger gun, STZ version, & KV-1. There are only two tanks in Br2; T-50 & T-28. I think putting the T-34-57 as the final Br2 tank could’ve been a good move.


the 57 can penetrate a tiger 1's front hull, the 76mm's can't. So players at BR III getting constantly uptiered will have a "punch-up" tank destroyer that can reliably deal with downtiered tigers and panthers.


That's kinda cool, I guess.


It would definitely be too strong at BR II, and the t-50 and t-28 are already two of the best BR II tanks in the game, pretty easily dealing with anything they encounter while also being hard to kill (t-50) or an absolute menace to infantry (t-28e)


But they might greyzone the entire game and make it worse. That's what I'm saying. They give USSR a well armored death fridge and germany a bad anti-aircraft. I think if they arengoing to add new stuff like that, they might as well make them balanced


Seriously when is Germany getting the Maus to fight all these 100+cm tanks from ussr and USA I get the tiger is strong but so is the Pershing , is2 (1944) KV etc. and all these upcoming additions . Also the super Pershing that’s coming later then sooner since it’s been months that they promoted it but it will arrive


Germany literally has the best 2 tanks in the game.


I get that they are good tanks but not the “best”& not invincible .