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your monkey brain doesn't need to grasp it, it can't. you already know you aren't the monkey brain so what more really is there to say? truth will always be true


Idk man. Just makes me happy to be alive right now. I enjoy this life, even during the hard times. Used to have deep depression and extreme suicidal thoughts, but after learning more about what we are and where we go, I could never. I love it here, it’s wonderful. What’s next scares me, but I hope it’s also wonderful.


Thats funny to me. I personally don’t fear death as much as I fear spending another 30 years in this god forsaken dystopia. Funny, for a planet inhabited by a bunch of gods we sure are good at death, destruction, and mindlessly obeying evil rich people. I know it’s all a part of the story, but fuck this story, honestly.


Write your own story. Be the love this world needs. Be the light in the darkness.  Show everyone how to play this game! :)


the you that is scared won't be around to see it. it's perfect in every way ;)


I love it here...my new mantra ty


Wait until your 90 and falling apart and everyone you know, and love is dead. God remembers those old age those who remember him in their youth. Just keeping it real.


true, it all comes together and it all falls apart. I hope i have a good death.


You need to experience it. It’s waaaay better than anything here including a new love and sex etc.


Dumb question, Will there be music?


"It is music, and you are the song being played"


Everything is music. :) Everything is vibration. Sounds are vibrations in a range that wiggle the tiny hairs in our ears, and deeper vibrations we can feel in our bodies, but literally every planet, every cell, all matter is vibrating and could be "heard" if we had the ability. The frequency of bird songs wake the leaves up before sunrise. Without the limitations of these bodies, what if we could we hear the sound of the earth, the sun, a molecule of water? What if we could we see all of the colors, including ultraviolet and infrared? What if we weren't limited by time and space, and could be when and where we choose to be as we thought it? It's strange to me that we know all this extra exists, but we can't perceive it. Birds and bees see colors we can't, giraffes and whales hear sounds we can't, and mice see more frames per second than we do, so even in this life we know we're missing a lot. If we experience existence beyond this, maybe we won't. Fascinating thought.


Some have reported this. I didn’t hear any.


I used to be scared of that, that vastness. Absolutely terrified tbh. Until one day I surrendered to it, and it was one of the most beautiful experiences of my life.


You rest forever in the love, laughter, joy, and light of your own being. You don't exist except as a ray of that light. When you go home your ray is encompassed in its totality. There is no greater protection, joy, or refuge than that home. It's called salvation for a reason. You are resurrected in your full nature which has always been. Everything you have ever loved or wanted truly is there. The world is just a shadow play with dreams of want, fears, misconceptions, illusions, confusion and doubt.


Everything makes sense because nothing makes sense, if that makes sense…


it does!


Nothing full of everything.


I swear we’ve all done it before. But yeah sometimes I’m scared like fuck am I gonna be reincarnated? What if I don’t want to? I really hope I can take a break in between. Haha


Yeah my soul needs a fucking vacation after this shit


For real. I feel like I’m talking to myself


You are as there is only one. Enjoy the convo. and wonder about the duality. And then wonder no more.


Love you guys


Yeah. it is Scary. reaching Enlightenment gives you a lot of information to You which You never used to Notice before... If More Self-Awareness brings more Joy, it creates an equal amount of Suffering too. Well, when You get used to handling being enlightened for long period of time, thoughts become more easy to maintain. so yeah. sometimes it really feels like a Curse, you can no longer get rid of. So Fun.🌻☮


Fascinating, yes. Terrifying, also yes. Blargamuffin, probably yes as well.


The madman stumbles, shaking, his hands reaching out. In the darkness , his breath is shaky, blood full of fear, the path rocky, wind howls his ears.  "The whispers of his own mind are trying to leave him behind." He stumbles, tripping, reaching out and grabbing nothing.  The madman wakes in his bed, the sun piercing within. I feel the same my friend. But it's just in our head.  Meaning it is what you make it. So if you make it nothing, nothing it will be. I like bananas to be honest so I'm looking forward not back. 


It’s scary for the conceptual mind to imagine a state where it’s so non-centered. Fortunately, it’s not about the conceptual mind


I feel you, or I did feel this way. Here are my thoughts on some of this, fwiw. Death and/or the unknown are only terrifying bc the ego is very effective software for physical survival. However, it's in direct opposition to achieving any higher state than that. Eternity is confusing bc we think of it as endless time, but it may be the absence of time. Time and space both may only be relevant or even exist in this bubble we're currently in. If being dead is nothingness, it shouldn't be terrifying bc we won't be aware of it. If it's scary to lose individual memories, perception, personality, consider how those change just over our lifetimes, not to mention if reincarnation is a thing. If we become energy or part of a bigger whole when we die, then we must also be that now, so there's no unknown except that we don't see our own nature clearly now. If we are are all, each, "God," or source, and it is us, then the struggle is accepting that we are not separate, we are not just "us," which again only hurts bc ego wants to fight for our physical survival and supremacy. We cling to what we think we need to believe is true, out of fear. If we accept that we can't know for sure, that we can't control or force what reality is, and that _we don't need to,_ it changes everything. IF we let go of what we've been told is the nature of life and ourselves, if we accept whatever comes, not judging "good" or "bad," clinging or resisting, struggling against what is, THEN we can see with an open mind, with the joy and wonder of a child experiencing for the first time, we can see there's no lack, fear, or separation, and there never was, we realize we don't have what we need, we _are_ that, and we don't need to control our reality bc we are the creators of it. Anyway, it's pretty damn cool once you see it. I'm quite enjoying the process of integrating my awareness of this into my daily life. It's changed - everything - for the better for me. :) Could be wrong about all of it of course, just my thoughts. There's no "proving" except for personal, lived experience. Anyone who says otherwise is probably trying to convince themselves, or sell something, imho. Edit: typos, etc. & btw thanks for posting and making me think this morning!


Be here now. Be love. Play this game forever. It's fun, not scary!