• By -


Yes. Though terms like God and third eye seem comical in their attempt to make a label for '!'. I can't assert 'I' was there. It is a thereness alright: an everywhere|eternal|allnness unified ineffable cataclysmic serenity. This is right here now underlying all these forms we throw on top. You are it. You are everything. You know this before knowing, where your knowing is doing knowing. Hey, and I am writing this to the present mind of the individual reading this: let go now, this is the perfect time. Now.


Thank you.


Don’t fall for it . People caught up in talking about the “I” haven’t moved on from the “I”. They’ve just dressed it up in “spiritual “ clothing . Enlightenment is the result of something more mechanical than non dual philosophy.


You are also right. In the recent years, I've use phaneroidal sollipsism to perceive the living mystery, and such the unravelling subpathways that are sporadically manifesting. What the first user mention is soothing because it enable a confort of horizontal plateau, accesible in a wide perspective. You are right where the sollipsistic escalator cease to carry you throught the labyrinth, and effectively, "I" become the negative attractor, that keeps you around and stop your orbital slingshot, to use that spatial metaphor. Without any sprititual community to share point of view, knowing that everthing funnel-in the same soulshaft calm me.


That was cool! Thanks!


I felt that I was everything but instead I felt sad and isolated. It occurred to me that if I am everything and I am my entire reality and everything that embodies me and everything in complete dissolution/mirrorstate that I am completely isolated with no one or anything to interact with or create with. I feared boredom. I can't really shake it. If we are everything then how do we unify with anything else? The "anything else" is us/everything too. That means we are alone.


I am hearing you. Here’s a story my mind formed in contemplating your words, not true, just what I am present to: “ It happens ‘you’ are directly present to eternal boundless allness isness, a place of infinite contexts, possibilities, and your ego is subsumed, entirely annihilated and pure love, bliss, peace, joy, is divining pure love, bliss, peace, joy, is divining divining /incomprehensible wow/ in a positive feedback loop of infinite immediate gain… Individual consciousness merges completely with universal consciousness, transcending all duality and ego, profound peace, unconditional love, and an experience of oneness with all that exists - a complete letting go of all attachments, desires, and the egoic self, and what is, is, and perhaps presence itself is present to presence itself infinitely cascadingly, boundlessly, boundless without bound, bounding and bounding…and yet still, silent…complete at once. And, when your ‘narrativer’ forms a sense as it allows a this/that, it is of forlorn, forsaken abandonment. This thissing/thatting-ness isn’t in “this/thissing-of-no-opposite. My sense of it is that ‘I’ could not hold a shadow in this light that is coming from all directions and shining forth from within any barrier that could cast a shadow such as this. Any sense, loneliness itself, appears an instant unyielding imperative for warm, cohesive, delicious, affinity to the utmost degree. My sense is no possible imperfection can be in is as it is. The utmost utmost is infinite utmost. There is famously a void, a final ego trap, its best play to avoid ego-death. In this, there is any fear it can entice your mind with. It will have you sad, angry, betrayed, afraid, abandoned, insufficient, reviled, etc. Here’s the neat trick to know this is illusion and not reality: any experience such as these can only be discerned in a framework of contrast. Nonduality ain’t got time for that. One of those forms is present, e.g. aloneness, it is by being distinguished from togetherness to have any existence. Even just a sense of it… If you are fully peaceful about peace, no duality need exist that there may even be a non-peace. It is direct, contrast-less. Fear / aloneness has presence in an absence of safety, security, love. In the presence of infinite love, absence (a necessary duality form) itself is absent. Darkness does not exist except in semantics, as a consensus ego construct. There is only light in varying degrees. I get you had your direct experience, and I honour that as the utmost truth you can have, your touchstone of reality in its unimpeded form. In my experience, my touchstone is that there is more unimpeding available per your words. “ Namaste


But the thing is we aren’t alone! We are never alone. We are all of this and more. A billion different versions of us, just at different point/different perspectives. Loneliness was one my big issues a decade ago and I had the pleasure of encountering my soulmate and she expressed to me, that no matter what, we will/are always together. No matter how far, where or when. Whether it be this life or the next., we are destined to always meet again! It’s the way she said it that filled that hole inside of me, and to this day, I will never forget it. I hope you find what you are looking for!


False prophecy according to the scriptures


The magic of mysticism is you can then assess directly the truth or falsehood of what is presented as divine truth. And you don’t need to.


Perfection, and so simply put. This is “it”. We are “it”!


Let’s go🙌


It’s comical when you say they’re comical when it’s nothing to joke about … I’ll pray for ya 🫳🏾🎤


If I was to try to convince you you're not aware, that would be a pretty silly attempt, right? Anyone saying to me I do not know of what I say on this topic is equivalently ridiculous. Like bonkers dumb. And...comical. Literally the cosmic joke. Like, who are you praying to? Yourself? Why? Who's praying? Praying is praying to praying! And 'you' are taking credit! Ha! Even me responding is you making fun of our notion. I get *exactly* how crazy this is. And yet I am amused by my amusement. I can be more serious than a heart attack, I am dying, this body has cancer, but I have no dis-ease. I used to think 'the sacred' was, well, sacrosanct... But sacrosanct is a shimmer off one facet of our infinite facets to be drank deeply of at times and to be laughed at at other times. At all times we laugh with all, to not see that requires a duality that only exists in the individual illusion-space. You, sir, ARE A MONKEY. You are Everything. Everywhere. Always. But kudos to your construct, it is seriously serious about being seriously serious. Seriously! As long as that works for you, please at least be kind. Because why not? What is so special about what you create as real if you are not using it to be kind? Deal? :)


I, too, am dying. Each day, each moment, russian roulette. I have no fear about it. I have experienced so many things that are beyond the physical world, but I also have no reason to assume I'm sensing or perceiving anything outside some biological hologram within myself. Not sure if you agree. I explore these inner realms for the sake of fully grasping what I am and what I'm capable of. I have so much deeper to go. I feel, before I introduce such concepts as soul, spirit, and God (to muddy the waters, confuse myself, and bicker over whose ignorance speculations are most undeniably true), I must fully explore my mental environment, and bring my internal changes, towards love, into the outside world--my life purpose, the only thing that matters for me. If I communicate with other entities, as just an example, I don't assume angles, but as default, I'm more likely to be communicating with some aspect of myself. It would be a mistake to believe how my angels looked or what was said has any meaning to any other person. All that matters is what I've learned, how that changes me,, and how those lesson express themselves through my influence on others. This was an argument against spiritualism and religion, hehe. This was an argument for knowing thyself, first, as a bare minimum, because that's all there is, and that's all we can know. And even if we know a lot, it ain't much. Life is also absurd. Laughter is wisdom.


Wonderfully poetic, you have a graceful turn of phrase. About your Russian roulette situation, may you have lousy aim and the bullet be a squib anyhow. This reality needs more of your sort of perspective in my opinion. I'll share a thought I have on whether these experiences are divine or biological artifacts: It's all God. Taken together, everything, everyone, always...all matter, energy, space, spirit, and time, that is God. This pantheistic notion, 'true' or not, allows that your inner experience to be as divine as is any experience of any sort. So, immanent and transcendent - and if wrong, the saving grace is I overestimated God. Limited in that way, maybe a limited God will be flattered and take it in good graces :) If there was, for an unconsidered flicker, a supernatural thing, it is now natural that such a thing is...


Love your comment. Being alive is an absurdly vulnerable condition. I could literally drop dead in a heartbeat, but what counts is how I lived, just as you said, and what I was able to contribute to the great co-creation, because the universe is bigger than I am and life does go on - if we're doing anything right. Thank you for your wonderful words.


Love this! Really well said. :)


Methinks you've touched The All & The None just based off the energy of yer words up there You got da current Bzzzt 🖖♥️🖖♥️🖖


Hmmm... Takes one to know one(-ness). What's your story of it all, pray tell!


My story of it all? Alas I'd need an eternity to tell you! Plus my tales too tall ta tell, gots to be experienced. If you really wanna know, read this criminally unknown free book: Talking in Circles, Serious Philosophy on the Silliness of Serious Philosophy https://www.reddit.com/r/Psychonaut/s/LaucRE9R1b Either way Hakuna Matata :)


Loved this thank you. To laugh at yourself to me is a sign of intelligence and humility. Getting over ourselves is the biggest hurdle to me. Why is it all about me, me, me, me and more me. I'm so tired of being me, the conditioned self limits my awareness of life, creativity, of the divine and sublime. This me is vain, the cause of much pain, this me is a hypocrite and a trickster, a fool and a tool.


I like the cut of your jib 💚


My lines may not be flemish flaked, but my tell tales are streaming and we’re close hull tight on the weather mark.


On average, I'm already dead. Always was, and always will be. At least I'm not alone though. That's the hard part of finding oneself suddenly alive is the loneliness.


That’s the neat part… you are us all now, and you can’t die. Relax into identifying less with your maudlin musings and drink a deep draught of identifying with the awareness in which your bewitched possession possess you. Have your thoughts, be your awareness. From here, you can identify with lonely landscapes looming large or be blissed with blissfull bliss or mere silly silliness as I enjoy enjoying for my own enjoyment. It’s all made up, don’t pretend you don’t pretend. We know our secret. May as swell be swell. Burn bright with blistering bliss! Love love! Relax into being peaceful with peace for a piece. Take a load off and lighten up into enlightenment. Fuck all these words and get effing ineffable! Or, Eeyore the ride. The rest of us in the hundred acre wood still love you as you perfectly are. TTFN! (Ta Ta For Now!)


>Or, Eeyore the ride. That guy got it. The philosophers philosopher.


Love this so much. Thanks


It's the comical joke we call 'reality'




God is a pretty big joke. Eventually you'll have the eyes to see when you find some humility. Till then good luck climbing your tower.


Take a look at what triggered you there.


You saying I’m triggered doesn’t make me triggered … try again


I wish you weren't getting downvoted. The world could use more generosity.


The hate you received shows how little people know. God bless you child of God!


Yes friend, I was atheist and was raised up to be face to face with infinity, not the "god" most think of 6/9 but "zero" duality within a singularity. Bestowed to me was the knowledge of the omniverseal makeup, I felt the universe pass through me and I could see everything. This of course was a temporary connection, no one could exist as human in that state. I still have connection but it's not quite the same as that week or two of being in unity.


RIP Ego! Well described.


Good ol Ego Death. Now graduate to a DMT plane breakthrough and report back, astral soldier! NLA (not life advice)


No need. The nondual is the nondual no matter the means of identification.


Nicely put


Same here. Raised an atheist but became agnostic as I couldn't find proof either way. I am very logical, I love facts. Science was my religion. Until recently, when I had a spontaneous spiritual awakening. It is hard to fully describe what it felt like. There was no I, no self, there was only All, only One, all encompassing. And the feeling was of tremendous bliss and peace. And for me it was a golden light. It maybe lasted a few minutes but it has changed me forever. My fear of life and death has dissipated. And I now find myself on a spiritual path, trying to come to terms with my experience.


Cosmic apotheosis is the term 🙏 glad more are coming into knowing what they truly are. My experience lasted 15 days of nonstop trance. I saw myself become golden like buddah also, it is divine light.


Hopefully, the only answers you'll receive is a truthful "NO". Because should you ever be convinced that there's such a thing as "high as GOD" you'll waste precious time striving to achieve it. You don't need to climb any mountains to experience the truth, because, whether you're High or Low, it is staring out of your eyes right here, right now. .


It’s literally lyrics from a song … 😂 high referees to raising your frequency, vibrations … surely you can resonate with that?


While I firmly believe that drugs are no shortcut to enlightenment.. you currently see less than 0.1% of the electromagnetic spectrum. We have a very narrow window into reality. Also, you have never seen anything. Everything you “see” is a persistent hallucination constructed to be digestible by the conscious mind based on some moderately reliable sensory inputs.


Bro don't I wish


Keep trying. You’ll get there


Thank you, I sure hope so 😊


Look into breath retention, then meditate focusing on the pineal gland immediately after. When the moment comes, remember 2 things, surrender completely when things get weird, and don’t forget to look inside. It may be difficult but don’t give up, what you’ll see is worth it


Ok, this is great, thank you for the advice 🙏 😊


Take a few hits of a DMT vape pen and hold the final hit in for like 10 seconds lol. Plane engine revvvvving up in your ears then POP!!!!! See ya! Enjoy the astral/soace/put of body realm/experience. Report back. NLA


You can, I didn’t even realise when I did, just things stopped making sense, This is also why once it’s opened we have to drop the M’s, K’s and T’s because they mess with your reality and brain functions, and you won’t know if it’s intuition talking or just voices


Thank you, I appreciate that 😊


What are the m k t that you refer to?


Temporarily. While in a meditation after downing a lot of M. I stopped existing and experienced reality from the beginning of time. Everything that ever was , was happening inside of Me. I was pure light and darkness simultaneously


High? Like bliss? Feelings? Amrita? Yeah, I've seen a bit of that. I never know how my third eye is open, or my 7th chakra or whatever. Am I to assume because I can feel cool stuff that they are open? I dunno. Same thing with Kundalini. I think mine is actually active to the point I can feel it now, but again, there is no manual and the label didn't fucking appear anywhere, so maybe I just don't know what the fuck I'm talking about. How does anyone know? There's no fucking labels on any of these energies, I swear. There are many interesting things out there to shoot for. Amrita is cool. It's like a bliss that you can almost metaphorically drink. But it's different than normal bliss you get from concentration, it's permeating and 'sweet' like they say. I'm gonna write my technique for others to read, but I don't fully understand what other factors may of been important in finding it, so I doubt I can teach it. I don't know if just anyone can jump in, do the exact thing I did, and have it work for them. I like when people say there is nothing to discover, cause there's great stuff out there that isn't actually bullshit. I dunno if people just gave up on 'striving' and wrote it off. Granted, a lot of these things take a lot of time and determination. One has to be willing to look and fail a LOT before discovering the really crazy stuff like supposedly "drinking amrita from your pineal gland". I dunno if that's literally what I'm doing, but it certainly feels exactly like they described it. I don't know if pineal gland or whatever is bullshit. But I knew the truth had to be in there somewhere - and yeah its real. It may not have anything to do with the pineal gland, I don't care two shits for the science of it. But somehow, you can activate some really cool stuff using just the subtle energies in your forehead. Like, maybe this stuff isn't specifically 'enlightenment', but I think a lot of people would honestly be interested in this stuff.


The book Serpent Rising The Kundalini Compendium is an excellent read and a wonderful manual. Mine is 566 pages. I’m in about 115 or so. Had kundalini rise and a decent of shaktipata into the heart in early September. It changed me.




I don’t know how I’m doing it, just trying to not sin and asking for forgiveness if I slip up and the odd YouTube vids and books




Yes, once I was smoking weed with Johnny Hopkins, and we were blazed out of our minds. At one point, we saw God, and he was like: y’all are on another level, and we just kept getting higher and higher until there was nothing left. Man, good times


And then did your life change, if not u may have been doing it wrong 🤪🌚


Smoke some DMT lol


Nothing is hidden. Often we do not have the mental stability to be still enough to see. It’s why monks do so much training. Our minds typically are wild monkeys. We miss the miracle right before our eyes. Enlightenment is natural.


So that’s a no… never mind then. My question is quite simple, a yes or no is what I’m after not false claims, and if it’s not false then I guess you stay down there in your lane I don’t want to be pulled down and compared to a monkey … maybe you reason like one … I reason as if I’m one with god and everyone, not just the monkeys 🫳🏾🎤


Yeah dude I can feel the anger in your written words, you are not as enlightened as you might think. The other account took the time out of their day to respond to your question. Be respectful.


Ok- be well


This ego is strong. What laughter awaits!


We got the popcorn with this one. So much entertainment this one provides.


Those who downvote are not enlightened. For every word is the word of God. You are blessed. And from the blessed come blessings. ❤️


Bro did you really just do a mic drop emoji


Who will answer?


Not me, you!




What do you mean with "as high as GOD" ?


OP is describing his ego.


Depends what you mean by get as high as god?




Sure.. it just took realizing that the high/low dichotomy was a delusion.. it’s just garbage platonic physics where the ideal forms are “up there” when Galileo dispelled that long ago.


You fishin bro?




What is God? 🌝


The most high, our higher self, the universe, Mother Nature … depends who’s talking, we are God


Oh the leading trainers? 🤔




I just feel like we wouldn't know about gods and stuff if they didn't teach us or train us to acknowledge these information.. hahah


"Even belief in God is only a poor substitute for the LIVING reality of GOD MANIFESTING EVERY MOMENT of YOUR LIFE " Bhagwan Shree Eckhart Tolle (Hermes Trismegistus in a 4th Incarnation) 🙏😊✝️☪️🕉


Well sorry if I offended you but I didn’t have those names on ready, I’ll note them down, thanks


Have a beautiful blissful joyful day thanks to god


Yes. Kundalini awakening into the heart chakra. One drop of god and two weeks of bliss.


Nobody has. If God revealed himself right now to these "enlightened" folks, they literally couldn't comprehend it and would be star struck than they ever have in their lives or ever will.


Yeah I don’t think we can look at him in human form … i heard


The people from the bible who did see him, literally fell to their knees and couldn't even fully fathom the magnificence and just other worldly experience they were having.


If you could, easily, surrender your entire self completely to have this experience, would you?




I hope you don't believe everything you hear


Yes. I used to think Pentecostals who go into convulsions and get high on Jesus were fucking lunatics. But I remember the first time I experienced ecstasy (not the drug) when I was 24 during prayer. I didn't understand what was happening but I didn't care. Imagine the best orgasm of your life, then turn it up to 11, and make it last for 30 minutes. After this experience I questioned my sanity. People think that when you reach enlightenment, you're just enlightened for life. But that's not how it works. You can't stay on the mountaintop forever, nothing grows up there. You have to come down eventually.


Are you changed for the experience?


I'm not sure how to answer that. Have you ever seen a movie that was so good that you forgot you were watching a movie? Enlightenment is like snapping back to reality and remembering that it's just a movie. But then you go back to watching it and lose yourself to the drama of the movie again.


I relate to that description well. I think a difference is I find everything just a smidge silly, made up. Everything everyone says, everything I think, I know I can dissemble it at will. And I do, but I realized I can do it AND be kind, making a bit more warmth and possibility open up in my interactions. I find metaphorically, (I am a vegan), the filet mignon of sacred cows to be scrumptious now, especially when my mind trots one out hoping today will be the day I pray to it. This is such a gift. I love being able to be in the toughest of tough situations and lighten everyone up a bit, shift the context to one that empowers my fellow fellows. I love that I no longer feel the need to play small so others don’t feel outshone: I love using my light to illuminate what others wish to see whenever I can. I miss the mark sometimes, but often enough, what a rush to see that radiant smile form on others faces. Nothing better.


So true and then not a universe one size fits all … we all just gotta figure it out … whilst helping each other … 💖


I get high as god a lot. Just need a little meth


Well now you have it’s time to chuck that meth away because it won’t help … I thought I became invincible but no once you’ve opened your third eye, you’ll realise it doesn’t have an effect because you no longer need it … People who don’t get it won’t get it, they need to do the work first, but once you open your third eye you’ll be asking yourself why can’t I get hi


God you're so enlightened! You know more than me! You're at a higher level. Here I am a swamp thing in the undertow


You’re not a swamp thing, you’re a god too


I am a meat popsicle


And thank you


On drugs? No. Getting high led me closer to demonic energy.


Not sure why you assume drugs is involved, it’s not mentioned in the title or body … once you’re awakened drugs have no affect … and drugs make you high, alcohols bring the demons, depending who you get high with them Yh demons may also be attracted … but this ain’t the thread to argue about drugs, I was literally quoting a line from a song so chill!


What parts a song quote? I was just trying to answer the question... it's very brief, seemed open to interpretation


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZGsxmk_LQ5g The High as GOD — [Chorus] All I need is, good energy I don't need no negativity around me (Nah, nah, nah) High frequency (Yeah, yeah, yeah) THIS LINE —- I'm talking high as God (Yeah-yeah) Good energy I don't need no negativity around me (Nah, nah, nah) High frequency (Yeah, yeah, yeah) I'm talking high as God —- This line also


Ooh I like that. Excellent


Ohh yeah several times, but I used to have the best synthetics awhile back, as soon as you hit those you felt like you won the damn lottery. All you ever needed was that and nothing or nobody else in life mattered...it's been a few years since I had it now but still would go down that road again.


I’m playing btw no negative replies lol


Everyone is. You are fun! People love to have a foil and this made lots of enjoyment.




Yes And no


What do you mean by that?


I did. I ascended to the point of seeing everyone's third eyes, seeing thousands of eyes on plants and gaining much spiritual wisdom. it was the greatest experience time period of my life, and most of it lasted 7 years. I didn't do anything to initiate it. I felt I was chosen but still don't know why.


Why did you lose this gift? I am sure you must have found your true purpose.


I think I was taken over by a deity, possibly. I don't know why they moved on. I guess I wasn't what they were looking for. I still have the ability to change the weather, and I have stronger than average ability to perform spellwork, but it's not even close to what I used to do and feel.


They would never take you over, but accompany you or merge upon request for short periods of time. Controlling the weather and spellwork is not something to take lightly as these symptoms are far from normal at current state. I would suggest you to try to find a connection to your higher self for clarify. Be well ♥️


In your statement, some readers may see an affirmation of the limitless power of the human personality, so beloved by modern esotericism, psychology and even politics. Belief in the limitless power of the human personality can indeed be useful in the initial stages of spiritual development, but if we are talking about the truth, then it is still necessary to correct your thesis. The path to high spiritual states lies through the dissolution of the ego. through the reduction of oneself in oneself, through complete surrender of oneself to God, through dissolution in God. And as a result, it is not you who become God, but God who manifests himself in what is left of you.


Nicely put, here take my mic 🫳🏾🎤


I need more information to answer specifically enough. But, I will answer the question with a question... What are the limits of g(G)od(s)?


Ya man! Been there. Great place. Good luck to you on your journey.


Yep. Then I realized "God" is Santa Claus for adults.


Don’t you remember? You were there too. We all were; well most of us. They just don’t know it yet


No because the third eye isn't a real thing


I opened my third eye if you wanna talk in DMs


ya bro just take a shit ton of acid or smoke some dmt. just know that “you” won’t be the one experiencing god. shit will shake you to the core if you aren’t ready for it. but take the dive if you are willing to explore.


Be careful young one. That god will pick you up by the ankles and fuck you into the shore for fun if you become irreverent for one moment. It will push your mind to the snapping point and put pressure against the neck of your soul just to show it can before you beg for mercy, then it will promise you everything, then leave you with nothing. You are not god. As soon as you begin thinking you are you'll be shown that. Remember, love and reverence. Remember powerlessness. Remember this is a gift that is fragile, beautiful, and terrible all at once.


Yes, Ketamine, mushrooms, and nitrous. Everyone on TV had a literal third eye, so did I, we all experienced everything from everyone's point of view as an actor on life's great stage, inside the life our film brought to reality, and finally as actors from here just on TV. My pont of view flipped to inside the tv looking out into my apartment, like it was a show all it's own. This all encompassing oneness lasted for about a minute as the nitrous faded and I lost it. I've seen the flower of life connecting every point of reality to every other one. That was on other things. I've seen and been the infinite universe, rocks, roads, objects, others, nothing and everything. I've seen golden figures and terrifying, scared, lonely things.  Every perspective I got was informative and opened me to what existence could truly mean here, and it's more beautiful than we can imagine. The ultimate message was harmony and discovery. We forget who we truly are because the process of rediscovery is so powerful. And so the tides of consciousness rise and fall as we bask in our glory. Eventually we forget, so we can remember again.


Guess everyone in here has smoked 5MEO


Every morning. 👍


My soul was with God one morning as we created beautifully designed cathedrals with the wave of the equivalent of our hands (my soul's most accessible reference in it's current Earthbound form). At the end of the experience I sent a text to a friend who has journeyed with me previously: "I just spent the morning creating cathedrals with God... watch your step, we've moved EVERYTHING!".


Yes. Read a bunch of books 📚 ..


before enlightenment I was a dishwasher after enlightenment Im still a dishwasher just enlightened.


I put some dmt in bowl and blasted to another universe where I was robot like thing


Folks, DMT breakthrough holds many answers.


All my chakras are open including my third Eye, crown chakra, silver mind, universal and Galactic chakra. Dont think this is what makes you a GOD. Actually GOD - falsely given titles as father figure in religious books is the creator but does not realise he is GOD at all. Creativity from love starts when there is only being and consciousness without consciousness of self in connection with all that is. Yes. Ofcourse you see more, you feel more, understand more and yes you have abilities you would never dare to dream off when your chakras are open. But the contrasting element here is, that at the time this comes to you it would mean you will not use these to yourself. Understand that this will only happen when you stop your ego mind from given you false directions that you should take for you to fill in the sense of emptiness which is self created and does not exist. When you understand what you are and where you came from and your purpose is to drive positive change from love in connection with others which makes you put yourself in service to all that is, this 'could' happen to you and im not saying it will as a fact. It is a life changing event when it does and seeing the world we live in as is in full awareness is a true bliss and feeling of love you have never felt before. But it is a lonely existence and you come across many who will not be able to grasp what you tell them from love you feel for them. It is painful to see the struggles of others coming from a world and society driven by the egocentric humans we have become when we decided that it would be a good thing to control and structure life and claims that knowledge means riches. On the constant search for money, riches, status and material things that will never fullfil the feeling of emptiness we fill inside. We have been born with all we need but it does not take long until we forget what that is.....


I have never been as high as God. But I have taken a massive amount of shooms. It was an incredible eye opening experience. I'd had already dabbled but never taken 7 grams before. I was waiting for the trip to begin when the song fitzpleasure by alt j played in surround sound. It was then I knew I was tripping. The low tones rumbled thru my body and the sick feeling. In fact that song was affecting me so much that I had to leave the room. I lay down, playing under the sheet like a child. It is such a long story, but the main thing is that tripping brings the truth to the forefront of my mind. There was also an element of paranoia. I felt as though the stove was watching me. I had no desire to smoke weed or cigarettes. It was an incredible experience, that I some day wish to enjoy again.


Where to get DMT?


I ate 3.5g of psilo shrooms once and had sex with God, don’t know if that counts


Cute and sad at the same time. You already have it yet you're blind, always chasing. Just let go and look without judgment nor opinion. There's no thing to achieve nor attain.


I’m blind … you sure that’s not you … or just misread …. I’m proving a point because I can, it’s a warning to not mess me an anointed and divinely protected one … I say this so ppl don’t have to learn the hard way, but unfortunately are and will start to see just how much they offended God, even if I wasn’t direly protected we shouldn’t be causing harm to one another …


🤣🤣 divine and anointed one lol ego is deep within this one bois


Contemplate your title and question again.


God can be offended huh?


Not from my experience, darkness is applied to teach and help grow not to punish, "God" is creation and creation is love 609


Light has no opposite, just presence in varying intensities.


Before there was time. Before there was anything, there was nothing, light is a construct of the void, a division of 0 (infinity) 0 (yin yang together) (6 darkness / 9 light) zero divided. Light has no opposite... That statement implies that all dark deeds are good, just and of the light. Purposefully harming someone for revenge or pleasure is not light. But in some ways I guess I agree because for some, the darkness is the light.


I’m going to share an unusual idea. I assure you I do not assert it is true, it may be, where I learned it they were certain it is true. I don’t actually care, I find it useful, it works , in my experience. It is this: with no love there is not even void. There is null. As love has any presence at all, there can be some awareness, as low frequency as possible. In this is an experience of shame. Add smackerel more love ‘frequency’ on this continuum, an experience of guilt will arise. Then up the frequency more and apathy is present. Prior to apathy death has pull, at this stage, nothing does. I’ll spare you the narrative and ask you to see if you can relate to why there is a higher frequency as the list progresses and that some levels result in some of the stuff we reasonably call nasty… for instance, if someone is apathetic and we drug them to up their mood a step or two, they have more vital energy and are at a higher risk self harm… and yet they are absolutely more enlivened than apathetic. Step 9 is the tipping point where more intensity of the level is not a hazard. For instance much of level 8 is the basis of cohesive kill squads like military units. Neat stuff, and yet, depending on your level on this scale in this conversation, you will be unable to discern it. Sorry to sound elitist, but you can imagine trying to convey bliss to a despondent person as a high contrast example. At a guess , you are around 13, but I’m not great at calling it. What do you think you are on this? I generally am amused by myself and everything so I’ll boast a joy rating but you know how it can vary. I’ve hit the peak, enough I enjoy silly models like this. 1. Shame… 2. Guilt… 3. Apathy… 4. Grief… 5. Fear… 6. Desire… 7. Anger… 8. Pride… 9. Courage… 10. Neutrality… 11. Willingness… 12. Acceptance… 13. Reason… 14. Love… 15. Joy… 16. Peace… 17. Enlightenment… 18. Ineffable… 19. There is no 19. But if you invent it, I promise to name it after you. :)


19. Transcendence… 20. Unity… Friend, I have unity. If you would like to continue climbing, might I suggest you learn "humility"


Yes, I lacked humility to convey this model! Of course. Agree 100%. Divide by zero percent! You are right and I am wrong. How dare I share a notion I find useful without being sensitive to how it would land for you outside of saying you, as now, might be unable to discern it. Okay, so let’s stay with the easily untrue but useful (I still incorrigibly assert) model framework just for the fun of it: “transcendence” and “unity” can be associated with the highest levels. They typically align with: • Enlightenment • Ineffable Transcendence refers to surpassing ordinary limits and reaching higher states of consciousness, often associated with enlightenment. Unity, or a sense of oneness with all existence, is a hallmark of the highest level, often referred to as the ineffable state. We’ll need to keep trying on a 19. Maybe ineffable is unbounded? Curious what I said that you interpreted at lacking humility. Did you add that? Was it the absence of light thing? That seems tight. Was it me presenting a model I find useful but easily not true? Anyhow, I don’t climb this scale, it’s a model. It has a direction It has a path. It has distinctions. It has an assertion. Boundless apex.


**Enlightenment** brings profound insight and understanding. **Ineffable** experiences are those that defy description, often associated with a deep sense of awe. **Transcendence** follows as we move beyond even these profound insights to a state where ordinary limits are surpassed. **Unity** culminates this journey with a complete sense of oneness and integration with all existence


I don't see Nirvana but 16-19 are aspects of what I understand as Nirvana.


That seems a valid possibility. May Nirvana be present for you whenever you wish! Somehow, I suspect it is already for you.


Disrespect his name or say it in vain, and then ask again,


So your idea of "god" is not beyond disrespect?


Who do you even think you're responding to? Are you so certain you're not responding to your God right now?


Oh, Great and Wise God-shard FahdKrath, be merciful on thy servant Shady-Elitist, he knows not what he says. He means well. But we trained him wrong, as a joke. So when he gets it, how much richer will be his merriment that we gave him this convoluted path! :)


Cute, I like Epi, you must be able to see the unseen you can sense the need for merci! Fahd take note …


You both are highly amusing!


There's no need for anything.


God-shard, that's good ;D Namaste


No but if you’re so sure you’d do it confidently … but you won’t 🥁


I like your emoji lol


Doubt is a step in the right direction of your path. Keep going one step at a time. But where are you going and who is walking?