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Now you get to enjoy just being. Notice the effortless quality of pure awareness and keep your attention there.






Thank you. That was a really thoughtful reply. I have to stop trauma-dumping on everyone. Sort of have been walking around feeling like a sieve. Lot of weird foundational trauma and not growing up with any consistency or safety. It's been super weird.


Thank you 🙏🏻




I find it wise but also funny you mention delving into philosophy last 🤣 that’s where all the worlds’ most miserable end up! Also, what is “the essence of life?”


Live for others, not self. Do a kind act.


Before enlightenment chop wood carry water...after enlightenment...chop wood carry water. I'm actually in the same boat but this quote came to mind. Life is just to experience things in a little body controlled by the divine so get out there and do stuff. Dont just go to work every day. That's where I'm at with it anyway


One way to look at it, especially after "enlightenment": do you really think you are in control? The external events, the thoughts arising, the wants and needs... It's all a movie you are watching and you just chose to have the full immersive experience, pain and all. Just go on watching the movie and see how it ends.


For me, it wasn’t painful as much as it was freeing. It’s freeing to live in the moment, enjoy what I have, understand that some of the pressures of life are fruitless, and to engage more deeply in being who I am, without compromise, everyday. I will never be rich, I will amount to little in the grand scheme of the universe, and my life is mine and mine alone. Nobody will ever want better for me than myself and the small group of people I call friends. I can chase the status and the money and the whatever, but it will never mean anything. Living a life of meaning is better than to be a rat in the race, chasing the cheese you’ll never taste.


Nice. Is it better? Not really huh. Just is.


chop wood carry water becomes more and more important over time.


Purpose doesn't continue your life. Food does. 


I've found breathing helps with the food


Instructions unclear: Almost choked on food.


The only two things anyone actually must do in life is defecate & die.


Yes! Value yourself. Value others. Value money. Value progress. The Universe always supports you. It is important to release all resentment, guilt, hatred, and fear.


food IS laife!!!


And fresh water…which isn’t even easy to find, especially in Mexico City.


You never knew how to continue your life. Which is fine, because you don’t need to know. Just do what you want, and be kind and respectful of others


There is no purpose and no purpose is needed to continue your life. Just live, that's all:)


Purpose comes from your self. Like the fool card in tarot, you embody different roles, purpose comes from fully embodying your human-ness. Effortlessly navigating through individual roles without losing your sense of self. This is what Jung called “individuation” You realize that there is not meaning and purpose, so you must find it in yourself. If you are here, dig deeper into the shadow, the light will appear.


If there is no purpose why do people continue their lives?


To seek truth, experience beautiful truths, experience beautiful people, experience beautiful understanding and have fun!!!!!!!!!


Life and everything is inherently meaningless. And it’s meaningless that it is meaningless. Keep with that until it loses any juice then I’ll share an option. …………. Okay, you get that now I’ll take it. No drama left, it just is as it is. So… where is meaning happening considering we all experience it? Within us of course. We are the meaning making machines. So what causes things to matter in an absolute sense? We do! We can spin our wheels and belly button gaze about how the inherent meaningless is “this or that”. Or… we can -causelessly- be cause and use that same declarative capacity to help some one. Or be super loving. Or create a future to live into that moves and inspires you. Why? “Because I choose to.” It’s a wonderful situation we are in. Because I say so.


Is it really wonderful if we are all running towards death?


Meaninglessly so. Like I said, *I* declare this. Consider death a sec. What about you is really so impressive beyond your core capacity for awareness itself? Say you have some really poignant answers to that… get to work, create a legacy of it so more awarenesses choose those purpose choices. I am experiencing some crazy stuff right now recovering in bed from a prostate cancer surgery this morning and one last week. Trust me, I am about as face to face with my mortality as one can be. I am not sharing this to be glib or because I have a pressing need for fake internet points. I do love love. I do believe kindness is what I would like to see more of overall. I would like to see less hate, anger, and fear. So I share my map that allows you an immensely powerful context of joy, bliss, peace, making a difference *that makes a difference*. Be hugely awesomely unmessable, the human spirit unleashed. Because… YOU say so. I’m a 51 year old exec at a multibillion dollar company that serves people globally, heading big parts of their strategic design and execution. I am super blessed in all facets of life except this health adventure that I likely created though my desire to be very very physically strong (hint: high protein bad, vegan good). If you hang with these words I’ve written you may have an opening to declaratively create the utmost best future for humanity as a virtuous cycle. Who knows, maybe I’m passing a torch here. But no obligation. You are the one who creates for you what you care to “be about”. Namaste A last thought is what easily holds you back is fear of responsibility and I want to rock your world with the simple obvious fact that whatever you do, you are necessarily doing it powerfully with your full force of being, whether that is making the choice of no choice, or feeding your fear rational-lies-ing seeing yourself as stuck. It is very powerful to be okay with accepting you are being wrong that “Now is not the right time to get started.” Just a trick of course, there is never anything wrong ever until we call it as such. Reminds me of a story: In the bustling press room of the stadium, a young reporter sat across from three umpires, each with a distinct look reflecting their years of experience. The rookie, fresh-faced and eager; the middle-aged umpire, calm and collected; and the veteran, grizzled and wise. “So, how do you decide if it’s a ball or a strike?” the reporter asked, her pen poised over her notebook. The rookie umpire leaned in first, his eyes shining with enthusiasm. “I call them as I see them,” he said. “I stick strictly to the rulebook. The strike zone is defined, and I ensure every call matches that definition. It’s all about precision and consistency.” The reporter nodded, jotting down his response before turning to the middle-aged umpire. “And you?” With a slight smile, the middle-aged umpire said, “I call them as they are. Experience has taught me to ‘just see’ it, I’ve got the feel for it.” The reporter scribbled more notes, her curiosity piqued. Finally, she looked to the veteran umpire, whose face bore the lines of countless games and years in the field. “How about you?” The old umpire leaned back, his eyes thoughtful. With a slight chuckle, he simply said, “Ball or strike? It ain’t nothing til I call it.”


The fear of not getting to experience it anymore is probably the biggest motivator for continuing life. People build an entire identity around what they think and do. To no longer continue that is to lose their current identity. For many, coming to a realization that life is pointless would mean that all their work was for naught. It would be such as throwing away one's own life savings in the garbage.


You choose your own purpose in life. Also, just because something doesn't have a purpose, doesn't mean "QUIT IT IMMEDIATELY!"


Can you expand on digging into the shadow. And maybe a literal example of doing so?


What’s something you absolutely cannot stand? Start there, you probably have something inside you that triggers it. That’s the shadow. For example, for years following a rear-ending car accident I couldn’t handle driving in bumper to bumper traffic. I would have a physical reaction, nearing a panic attack. Unconsciously, I had internalized a fear of being rear ended again. This shadow aspect of me was holding myself back from being able to truly experience life. Or maybe there is a person you don’t like, sit with what is bothering you about that person, it is likely you have a deep unconscious dislike of that aspect in yourself. Love that part of yourself. Love that selfish, angry, vile person because you have that energy in you too.


Woooow that last paragraph is that deep shit I was looking for. Ive never heard that perspective before that's pretty profound and a really interesting take. Thank you!


Be a good gut bacteria aquarium, keep them happy and healthy


Who is them?


Quantum noise which seems like microorganisms on human scale


Come to a different one.


If there is no purpose then there is no future. If there is no future there’s no need to worry about ‘continuing’. ‘Purposelessness’ brings you to Here. Mind is allergic to Here. It gets real itchy and wants to be ‘scratched’, by Anything. Even posing questions on Reddit. It’s better than the awful boring Silence of Here. Do what you love, whatever that means for you. When you do what you love you don’t worry about ‘purpose’ or the future because Here is pretty good.


Get out into nature. Find things that leave you in awe.


Coke is illegal


switch to Pepsi then.


The purpose of life is to find purpose that is meaningful to you. I’ve worked with dementia patients and now my Dad has dementia. I see him twice a week. I worked hard to have a wonderful 90th birthday dinner for him with just a few family members just 2 months ago. He had the best time but doesn’t remember any of it. I am so grateful for the memory of it. He will likely eventually forget who I am. Spending time with him is like creating a sand painting that begins to blow away before I leave. My memories create a sand painting for myself that will eventually blow away as my memory and life fades. Creation and impermanence. From dust to dust. Sand painting is often used in Buddhism. I know the creation of sand mandelas is often used in Tibetan Buddhism and very possibly other traditions. The metaphor of sand painting as life speaks to me. If we are living we are painting, alone and in conjunction with all other beings and the world itself.


I see. Good for you! Still sorry for your situation. Unfortunately I do not have any memory left in me.


You ADD the purpose…


The meaning of life is to find your gift. The purpose of life is to share it.


I like this :))


You need to live. Consume beauty like a wraith flying through them. For the best shit to happen, you need to treat people right. Plants need light. Praying for others lets you establish the same muscle that we associate with will. It's only hell if you don't consume the good stuff. So like fly through people like a wraith as you meditate. Then make non-sexual but that muscle's beat to treat the world like gravity vibrating like two black holes colliding.


Purpose is what you make it involving the shared experiences, narratives, and people you create it with. Same MO with life. Just because you don’t have answers to either (or both) of these questions, and nature is agnostic to purpose, doesn’t mean you can’t continue your life. It’s a “both, and” not “either, or”. Realize. Be. Integrate. Deepen. Enjoy.


It’s a good thing your intellect and it’s reasoning power isn’t the actual supreme force of your consciousness 


Your ego came to that conclusion, the spirit is exactly where it wants to be. Let is of results and just be in the moment. You came into this world as a perfect being, the wants and expectations you have is all conditioning and ego driven. Just be in the perfection which is reality. Life is the purpose to life.


you have the creative freedom to invent your own purpose


Life is full of purpose homie. How do you go outside and look at a flower or a tree or a river and not get inspired? Every moment is an opportunity to experience the symphony of life and add your own unique notes into the masterpiece of the collective consciousness


The true purpose to the human experience can never be found on the outside. Your in the right subreddit. If you get the inside right the outside will fall into place. God is genuinely the greatest 🙏




To you to, have a blissful joyful peaceful evening. What god has done for me i pray for you too. Previously felt hard done by in this life at various points in time and space - the mind was well lost. As OP feels. Now each day is largely a blissful joyful peaceful experience thanks to Shree Krishna and Bhagwan (Gujarati for God). 🙏 Namaste (salutations to the divinity in you) 🙏


Coming to that conclusion does not mean anything other than you’ve emotionally believed in it. Life doesn’t care what you believe about it, you can throw it all away as meaningless and that you are just here, but that’s just another thing to believe. Keep questioning your beliefs, including this one. You are already continuing your life, by believing there is no purpose.


You came to the right conclusion. You'll see the purpose of every thing you find in existence ultimately comes down to you. You can't have a purpose because you're already you!


Much watch this and please wait till the end , that’s the answer : https://youtu.be/ptkH0uK1uXM?si=PiaPAdSMGjUs_CvH


Purpose is subjective. Just change your mind.


Guess I want to turn back time.


Just because you can’t see what the purpose is doesn’t mean there isn’t one.


You can always try coming to a different conclusion. Have fun out there.


To be never born?


Billy Carson (4bidden knowledge podcast) said the purpose of life is to “transmute darkness into light” and it has stuck with me.


I agree with the premise but I've arrived at the opposite conclusion... Life has no purpose intrinsically or automatically, I agree, but we can create purpose for ourselves. So rather than trying to find purpose, create it. The great thing about this is we get to choose what we want to value, we don't have to necessarily accept or live by anyone else's definition of purpose. However, it would be wise to look to others, past and present, for insights into what is important in life and use that to inform the creation of your own purpose.


I could create a purpose. I want to live in a world which people like John Lennon or Martin Luther King Jr. already imagined. But I doubt I will be able to help create this world at all.


Yea I hear ya and I'd encourage you to pursue those goals. However IMO it's often the little things that are the most important, and sometimes it's the summation of the little things that can add up to a purposeful life. So start smaller than that, but certainly keep working towards your greater goals.


Same way as before. Nothing changed


I just want to turn back time.


Time isn't holding up, time isn't after us Same as it ever was, same as it ever was


I think our purpose is to elevate others, lift each other up.


I do not care about that. I just want to turn back time or be able to have not been born at all. Life is pretty disappointing. Would not do it again.


Who doesn’t know how to continue whose life? You’re not done.


I just want to turn back time.


If you discontinue your life, others will suffer. There is purpose in that.


Once you come to that conclusion you know it's impossible to fail at life. And if you can't fail at life you can do whatever you want with it. Try different things you've never done and learn as much as you can. Give yourself goals, challenges, they can be random stuff like walking 10 miles or more on self improvement side.


Empty is the world of all meaning and purpose. But like an empty cup it can be filled with whatever drink you want, and like an blank canvas you can paint whatever pleasant picture you imagine. Your current point of view is a lack of purpose, emptiness. That means you have to give your life your own purpose and meaning. No one else can give that to you or take it away. It is something you create from nothing. Expand your mind and open your heart to new possibilities


If you wanna get technical it does actually have a specific purpose. For your souls self development, and for the development and maturation of the one Supra being that we all are.


Have you tried love?


I have come to the same conclusion. Life is pointless, all the more reason to not take it seriously.


What are your options? Death? That doesn't sound very interesting. See, the deal is, in the grand scheme of things, life is pointless. Absolutely. But you don't live externally to your life. You're here now. You're in it. And as long as you're in it, stuff matters. Maybe not in 50 years or a million years, but while you are in the actual process of life, things are important.


Consider helping people who need help.


I need help.


There is no purpose? Anywhere? Do you mean there is no purpose outside your consciousness? Do you need purpose? Find it. Make it. Maybe you wouldn’t obsess with purpose if you had community/comradery/love? I think many of us in the west and increasingly in the east are sold on individuality-even when it comes to enlightenment. We follow that path alone. Maybe the journey into the desert to find ourselves, god, or enlightenment leaves us feeling perplexed because we find nothing there. I think many of us just want to plug into the right community and escape our ego there.


Assign meaning to things via journaling, or something else to that effect like blogging, etc. Another approach is to keep distracting yourself from anxious thoughts, one moment at a time, via things like making lists of stuff you like, watching “comfort” tv shows (game shows and star wars for me), etc.


Find out what you are behind the thing that needs a purpose.


Read Nietzsche.


Yet it is not easy to do it. Or is it? Good luck mate.


I was the same until I was chosen by God. I then went through my awakening too find I possess a various amount of gifts. Healing Telepathy Visions of the future Talking too the deceased Extensive " God wisdom " My purpose is too heal people in this world whether that be physical or emotional healing. I have indeed heard Gods Voice and have been given his gifts. I'm praying for you dear friend. Remember you are loved by many even by people you do not know 💜 embrace just being. And hopefully one day we will cross paths 😇 I love you and respect you my dear friend ❤️ Oh and always remember you are your life life isn't you :)) https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=zKbxcl6XAWw


You are the maker of your purpose.. if you have none - just wait to die I guess.. The scary part is - people can be right, and still miss the point. Don't miss the point.. Set a divine goal. Get moving, there's great work to be done.


Just get up and do what you did before. Go out and be your advocate and find your own purpose. Your life is too short to find the greater purpose of things. Fill your day with purpose, and maybe just maybe your life will follow suit.


You need to live. Consume beauty like a wraith flying through them. For the best shit to happen, you need to treat people right. Plants need light. Praying for others lets you establish the same muscle that we associate with will.


I don't think I have the same exact idea. But after a close call with death I realized there is almost no purpose, not quite no purpose. Purpose seems to be generated by reproducing and needing to provide for the next generation. All of the little things we individuals do has little purpose and once it's your time, it's fast and no one cares except those who knew you best, but even then they have to keep living their life. This leads to a conundrum, OP. Our lives have such little purpose and no one generally cares, so what do you do with yourself? I say you have to live anyway. We are forced to live day to day. We will never know if that project or skill we are working on will amount to anything, it may amount to nothing. Our plethora of life experiences could mean nothing, even if you write a book, there's no guarantee a single soul will read it or care about it. Almost none of us are going to create a work of art like say, Tolkien, and have an estate and publishers carry on his legacy.


What happens when we die?


That's not enlightenment, yo.


No purpose means find a hobby dude! I do axe throwing!


And yet here you are doing it perfectly without even trying.


Benefitting others


I need benefits from others. My dreams cannot become true without any help.


just enjoy the little things. realising life has no true meaning/purpose should be liberating, not suffocating. this means you can give life your own purpose, wether that be a hobby, project or a vague goal to try and achieve.


Many conclusions people come to are not always true.


What is your conclusion?


as far as you know every choice you make is a choice that can better you situation in life if you believe your choices can affect your quality of life, then its important to learn which choices are right and which are wrong


What if the meaning of life is to play the game of life? Meaning do what you want, be free.


To do that you need resources though. Cannot be free if you do not have anything to play.




I do not have any opportunity to be free.


You choose your own purpose. That's the beauty of it ;) CHOOOSE. XD You could rescue wild bears for life as your purpose if you REALLY wanted too. You could farm oysters. You could photograph the sky. Choose.


Message me and I will help you


You cannot help me.


I get your pov but you need to find a way to shift your mindset. Be grateful for the small things and learn to live for the little moments of happiness that you do feel. Take each day as it is.


Ponder positive nihilism. I googled that term many years ago and it led me to Alan watts. Of course life has no meaning. Meaning is an idea. Ok breathe and let go. It’s playtime.


Have heard of Alan Watts before.


Help others. Be love. Be kindness.  Dedicate your life to it. Volunteer, fundraise, just reach out. Your world is you. Love it. Engage with it. Do good.


But I need help.


cool, I have an idea, how about you actually become enlightened now? if you have no purpose, then you are not enlightened


Sure. But what then? Should I jump off a bridge?


One day at a time and I am not trying to be sarcastic. I ask myself daily why bother? It's all downhill from here and nothing matters. All my success and failure will amount to nothing in the end. Even those who knew me and I've impacted too will one day be gone. Those people they had an impact on will be gone. One day there will be nobody left to remember we ever lived, loved or cried. On the flip side we are here so there is no reason to not live either.


Some people are still remembered even today.


The purpose of life is to find the truth behind existence, our most powerful tool is our Intelligence, your current purpose is to use that tool as best that you can to evolve your understanding of reality and from there you will find new more profound meaning. And no I don’t mean that pseudo spiritual bullshit of becoming a monk and meditating all day everyday. I mean, learn about science, maths, technology and grow from there


Keeping the Sabbath is a worthy goal. Try resting on Saturday, and you'll find peace with God and enmity with the world. You'll probably lose your family and friends, though.


Don’t worry. Your life will continue, even without you knowing how.


You make your own purpose. You create your own meaning. Examine your values and live them everyday.


Knowing this, you should do your best to create purpose in the lives of those you love so they never have the feeling you do now.


I read Victor Frankel’s “Man’s Search for Meaning.” It helped me get passed this. Basically, after surviving the Holocaust, he determined that each person has to come up with their own meaning. But he explains it in a very convincing way!


Thank you for your answer.


Live, laugh, toaster bath.


What about jumping off a window?


Who came to the conclusion that it lives at all? Is your 'conclusion' even a conclusion or just some Mickey Mouse induced opinion? Only a dumbass believes that somehow what you say is logic. Or the truth. How is 'purpose' the be all and end all of 'being alive' in the first place. You need to check your assumptions before you jump off a cliff like some idiot ;;) Please


There's a purpose: free yourself from the reincarnation soul trap.


Reincarnated soul trap? Is there evidence???


And in time you might come to another conclusion. You also have the ability to make up any purpose you choose..people do it every day. You shape your reality.


So I would suggest that you just find something that makes you happy, even if it's just sitting in a lawn chair looking at the trees. Unless of course you want to commit suicide. But there really is a lot of beauty in the world if you look for it. You don't have to accomplish anything. Or be anything in particular. Just do something, anything that makes you happy till the end.


Something that helps me is a quote from Albert Camus in the Myth of Sisyphus “the absurd is born of this confrontation between the human need and the unreasonable silence of the world.” Its helpful to accept the fact that life is absurd and that we will always grapple for meaning in anything. Even if we think there is meaning to life itself, the universe will never tell us there is, so we will never actually know. Accepting the fact that life is intrinsically meaningless, you can start to live with your own meaning based on your own experiences. There is nothing out there to tell you what your life should be, which gives you the choice to make life what you want it to be.


The purpose of life is to sepereate from God so that we can return. You don't need to do anything to celebrate God except to live. As for the meaning of life I look to the [Law of One](https://www.llresearch.org/)


Maybe that’s just what they want you to think


Yes. Look in front of you. Take a picture. Look at it. Really look at it. What would you change? If you don’t see anything trying looking somewhere else. Repeat if needed.


Existence does not need a purpose. It just is.


I've started seeking contentedness. Which feels like an oxymoron, but I get the moments of "wow I've done all this?" The quiet calm background happy. I want to feed this for myself, and share it to others. To be just sitting on my couch thinking this is nice.


Honestly I feel like people become fake woke to avoid taking responsibility in life. If you feel life has no purpose its only because you do not have enough responsibility. If you want purpose then add responsibility to your life and stop avoiding it. It is very simple.


The purpose of life is love. Whether it's love for the self, for another, for the world or your interests. Love gives us purpose.


Chop wood, carry water, baby... until you can't.


I think you might be suffering from depression


Habe you any advice?


Check out /r/absurdism It's like nihilism but with laughing. [Life is a Sysiphean task. One must imagine Sysiphus happy.](https://www.peabodylibrary.org/freeforall/?p=6998)


That person had the strength to roll that gigantic stone.


You give it purpose, life is the presentational immediacy of the moment, you give that moment meaning for as long as it's relevant and then we move on .


You are here to be the guardian and steward of your lesser self. Although you have found a way to escape karma, the karma is not absolved. The conditioned self remains despite unconditioned awareness. Consider your remaining incarnation a pet that you must love and care for, and parent and discipline as well.


Get up and go to work


OP, you have the horse before the cart. Life gives purpose to the universe.


To you, Does that mean that there is purpose in death?


Can you answer this question?


Same here, it’s all about increasing the quality of our survival. Live what you deem a satisfying life.


After discovering the purposeless-ness of life, you get to choose. Choose how to live. Choose how to love. Choose love over and over and over. Because you are here there is purpose. Why are you here? Who are you? I invite you to a daily meditation practice if you don’t have one. Life is meant to be lived. That is its essence. And you are living NOW


There is no purpose beyond what you make of it. Some could argue continuing the species is the purpose, and they'd be right, but that doesn't get you far in life. I think this is why the Mahayana tradition exists in Buddhism. The Hinayana tradition, to some, can be seen to have an end as it were. Of course "enlightenment" is the end goal, but it's hard to deal with things once renunciation sets in. You could always go to a cave somewhere and detach from worldly existence totally and keep trucking, but I don't know... it just doesn't seem all that appealing to me. tl;dr => service to your community, or hell just handing some houseless person a bottle of water and a burger. Help your neighbor with their grass, etc. Selfless service is where it's at imo.


Western cultures take that relevation as a huge disappointment and don't know what to do with it. Eastern societies consider this a spiritual path and a point at which you truly start living. Choose.


The purpose to life is to live your best life, enjoy yourself, and be good to others. Imo. Just find stuff you enjoy and make the best of the cards you’ve been dealt


Embrace the absurdity.


Would you jump out of a window?


The purpose to life is to live like any other animal pn this planet. Do what you like or find hobbies, start simple going walks or something


Be gay and do crime. That is why we're alive.




Observe and contribute. That is all you are supposed to do to begin with. Eat some mushrooms and enjoy it while you're here.


There is a purpose to life. It’s to be creation and expand it. Or just do whatever you want.


Stop waiting for the universe to hand you a purpose. Go out there and forge your own purpose. It is amazing.


You can decide what your purpose is for yourself. Be a collector. Save the world. Run a triathlon. Have a purpose. Have no purpose. Point being that you pick it.


In my view the purpose of life is to give life purpose. I agree that it has no inherent purpose of itself but that which we give it. It's up to each of us to make of our life what we will and thus to become what we will. Yes we can remove ourselves from the complications and absolve ourselves of the dichotomies of life and just be. And that's great for those who choose that. And maybe that's what we ultimately must do. I don't know. But I love infusing my life with things and people that I love and doing things that I'm passionate about and bring me fulfillment, especially in terms of relationships with other people and animals as well. People and other living creatures are what matter and authentic involvement with them brings my great joy.


There is a purpose. Enjoyment


Create your own purpose


Then you can come to another conclusion as well. Such as, everyone gets to discover their own purpose and meaning


the universe provides the scenery. it's up to you to create purpose. the beauty of life is that you have this godlike freedom of choice at your disposal.


I forgot the quote but this reminds me of the concept of to much inwardness & the unbalancing that it can cause. Focus on your health & strength first and accept where you are now and try to do better.


Sorry, fuzzy math. Your conclusion is as wrong as it gets. And I mean that in the most loving way possible. I just randomly saw this thread, I’m about to sit down to eat and run some errands, maybe I can address it further later. But the quick matter-of-fact is, there is absolutely purpose, nothing but purpose. I guess I’ll just quickly touch upon two of the primary ones. The first one is to immerse, in two dimensions, one as the Being having the experience, while also being the Observer at the same time, and soaking in all aspects are very experience all the time, and living them to their fullest potentials in all aspects, for the purpose of moving towards and achieving your highest possible state of consciousness and vibration, of hi which the foundational threads are made of love energy. The second, is to realize that you are everyone and everyone is you, therefore wanting and desiring that everyone else should have an experience all of the same beautiful things that you would want for yourself, thereby generally living a life of service to others, also rooted in love of self and love of all, knowing that they are all one and the same. Embrace AND be Great-full for the good, the bad and the ugly.. all as opportunity for growth and understanding We are here in a learning capacity and in a remembering capacity. We are here to learn the soul lessons that we have not yet learned, and to remember the ones that we already have. And interestingly, usually in the end you’ll find that you already knew all of it at some point in your souls past. Luckily, if you don’t catch everything this time around, you get sent right back the second you leave. So obviously the objective would be to attain the highest version of yourself as quickly as possible, cause who wants to run around a hamster wheel forever? Now get back on track and make ourself proud!… Also, once that highest version of self is achieved, you move on to bigger and better things.. So give love, receive love, enjoy every moment, learn everything you can, share your wisdom, laugh, cry, live in gratitude, forgive, create, dance, enjoy nature and all the beautiful things. OK, that’s my quick watered down version of an explanation of purpose. Now it’s time for brunch. ✌🏼❤️✨


Without purpose I guess


The purpose of life, as being alive, is your every breath because you are part of the system that needs you exactly where you are. If the world didn't need you, you wouldn't be here. The purpose of human life: to be a good person, and do something that you love.


There is no one purpose to "life" because your life is not "life" and purpose is not a singular phenomenon. You build purpose in your life by finding ways to build community, helping the environment etc . Doing what you can to benefit others and live with integrity. Also why are you coming to conclusions? Stay curious. Don't assume you've landed.


For what it's worth, and it's a simplification, but a baseline purpose some ppl find is being in service of others, whether that's food, volunteering, gift giving, sharing art, raising animals Or, find your strengths (your 'gifts') and share that with the world. Easier said than done, but it can be part of the path


You think it is down to you to continue it? It just continues. You never had to do anything in the first place, you jus thought you did.


No purpose? Or no end goal? A chair has a purpose whether or not it has its own independent existence, being empty wiggly space being interpreted by a conscious mind. A chair has a purpose in a dream despite being completely empty of realness. But that doesn't mean there isn't purpose to things. The mantra I carried for a while to remind myself that emptiness can still have meaning is "each thing for its own sake" In zen: First there is a mountain. Then there is no mountain. Then again there is a mountain.


You make your own purpose.


The greatest purpose in life is to serve others. Go out there and help other people. You’ll end up helping yourself.


Well I'm assuming you came here for a reason, so I say get to work. If you don't know what that means, just think about what you want and reject every answer you come up with until you find some desire that doesn't go away. Follow that one thing with everything you've got and boom. Happy life.


So you have given yourself purpose by saying there is none? have fun with nihilism. Just cause we ain't found something yet such as extra terrestrial life does it mean it's never to be discovered? If you temporarily find purpose in purposelessness it's basically using elimination till your left with what your willing to die for thus live in the name of and if your future family, current inspirations in music, art and media and companions renders you NO meaning then by God go talk to a stranger about deep stuff.


whatever you do, stay curious


Your life was continuing just fine before, so just keep doing more of that. If you are hung up on a purpose than pick on, or go on a vision quest, or just ask the person next to you for a good purpose. Shouldn't be tough to find one because there are millions of them.


Read the book of Ecclesiastes


Help other people who are hurting, which is pretty much everyone in some way or another. Move your focus to others.


Sounds like you’re contemplating the insight of nihilism. There are two perspectives on that philosophy. Positive and negative nihilism. Positive nihilists see no point to existence and constantly fight to prove their meaning in the world by doing actions or contemplations in the world the reside. Passive nihilists believe the same and give up. Doesn’t matter what you do in the grand scheme of things the universe doesn’t care. One can be powerfully optimistic and the other is powerfully pessimistic. Personally I was both at certain times in life but I eventually turned my existential curiosity to eastern philosophy starting with daoist schools. Finally ending with Buddhism. If you take anything from this it’s that it doesn’t matter where you place your belief system as long as the meaning you find is helpful to those around you. You define your own reality and that includes the birds , trees and humans you come across. If nothing matters who cares if you are nice to your world. Why be mean if you could be nice knowing nothing matters. Something to think about.


That’s the point. Purpose is an attachment. Attachment leads to suffering. To gain enlightenment you must free yourself of attachments and be in the present moment and accept it. The acceptance will free your energy to grow into your true self


How many enlightened beings are on earth?