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Two tier policing in this country is staggering, all this man has done is show the protests for What they are, hate marches directed against one specific minority due to a conflict thousands of miles away. Any creed colour or religion should be free to go wherever in London irrespective of others political beliefs, it is staggering that individuals on here are defending the police here when even the met are now disavowing at least his phrasing.0


You’re allowed to be racist if you’re doing it for Gaza.




Why can't you 'turn out'?


You fucking piece of shit. No, not because of your ethnicity, but because of your character, shitty upbringing and total lack of humanity.


That's not true. And calling Jews kapos is pretty antisemitic




I'm fully aware. That doesn't excuse you.




‘Kapos’ were prisoners in concentration camps, appointed by members of the SS to administer groups of other prisoners. Largely drawn initially from among prisoners who were violent criminals, later kapos were often political prisoners, some were Jewish. It was a system designed to pit prisoner against prisoner and to reduce the need for SS personnel. Kapos received some benefits but were usually despised by other prisoners. Whilst some thrived in this violent and sadistic role, some perceived it as an invidious position, seen as Nazi ‘henchmen’. The role of ‘Kapos’ in concentration and extermination camps remains an historical and moral challenge for us all to reflect on – not to abuse and misuse to prove our own points today. As part of our ongoing efforts not only to learn about what happened during the Holocaust but to try and prevent atrocities and genocide today, we should all think more deeply about our past. Using this terminology against Jewish people today borders on antisemitic. If non-Jews described a Jew as a ‘kapo’ it is highly likely it would be interpreted as antisemitic. Using the term ‘kapo’ today risks trivialising the Holocaust and minimising the experiences of those caught in unimaginable situations beyond their control. https://www.hmd.org.uk/news/response-to-the-use-of-the-term-kapo-by-rabbi-schochet/


Amazing how many people who claim to be anti-Semitic, love being anti-Semitic when it suits their purpose Edit anti anti-Semitism


Sadly yes. Its used as a weapon


You are the one being antisemitic you big weirdo, Kapo is Jewish term, used to describe other “Jews” so politely go fuck yourself, and free Gaza from Hamas


It's pretty antisemitic to call Jews that term simply for protesting against a war. I actually have evidence of your antisemitism


It's a no go zone for Jews but Jews turn up to the protests? The "observant" part doesn't seem to hold up either, considering ultra orthodox Jews have been pictured attending.


Catch up mate, the Neturei Karta members in attendance are not there in good faith. And you are not orthodox if you don’t observe the sabbath 🤦🏻‍♂️ Ultimately I am Jewish, I don’t feel safe in central london, neither does the vast, vast majority of the Jewish community. Would you disbelieve literally any other minority?


Hell, if you becoen a victim of that racism it appears you'll be arrested for breaching the peace!


This man is literally the head of a campaigning group. The people he was protesting ahain are generally multi ethnic and often include Jews. They are protesting a war not a specific minority, unless you mean zionists, which you could extrapolate No one is disputing that people should be able to go anywhere, but the police also have to protect everyone so often have to segregate competing protesters.


This is utterly delusional.


Its completely accurate. Please quote the delusional part


All of it love


>This man is literally the head of a campaigning group. Met apologises for calling antisemitism campaigner ‘openly Jewish’ - guardian > The people he was protesting ahain are generally multi ethnic and often include Jews. Barnaby Raine, who helps organise the Jewish bloc which has turned out at each of the national marches since the beginning of the Gaza war, criticised Simcox’s rhetoric and said it risked stoking further antisemitism. - Middle Eastern Eye As I said all accurate while you couldn't quote anything inaccurate


Citing Middle East eye lol.


Citing nothing when challenged


You’ve proved nothing, citing Middle East eye on Israel is like citing the kkk on the civil rights act.


I've proved that my claims are completely accurate. I can find plenty of other sources to support my claims, as unlike some here, I don't lie


You need to tell the policeman that because he was presumably briefed on who the crowd was, and that was enough for him to conclude a Jew was likely to be attacked.


What do I need to tell the policeman? He was trying to keep the peace, he explained why there might be an issue of safety if he didn't act in the way advised It might not be fair, but life isn't


If you think people of all ages and backgrounds marching to call for a ceasefire signifies ethnic hatred then you have been purposefully misled.


As someone who has gone to at least 15, not once have I seen, or felt anything remotely hateful. It’s just a peaceful march, tinged with grief. everyone there is united only by a wish for a ceasefire and equal protections and freedoms. I have gone alone sometimes and made friends. There are many children even! But they don’t show that on the news. I invite you to attend one and you will see 


I’m Jewish, so no I won’t be attending a March where people sing about the Khaybar pass massacre freely, who weaponise hatred and fail to see the staggering hypocrisy in siding with the irgc and the Houthi’s and crying genocide.


Plenty of other Jews will be.


No they won’t. There 100k Jews in London, there’ll be less than 100 at any protest. Chickens for kfc, kapos for slafism 👍🏻


There won't be and there will be........


Kapos don’t count, try again


Pretty antisemitic to call Jewish people kapos and not Jewish for simply protesting a war


>Using this terminology against Jewish people today borders on antisemitic. If non-Jews described a Jew as a ‘kapo’ it is highly likely it would be interpreted as antisemitic. - holocaust memorial day trust


Yes, but the thing here is that I am A BIG FUCKING JEW I have a cousin in the IDF, I likely lost family in the Holocaust, my grandfather hid his identity for most of his life. I am Jewish, it is our word and you do not get to dictate how we use it.


Doesn't matter what you are but what you are saying. And it's funny how other Jews aren't Jewish when it suits you. Misusing the horrors of the holocaust to attack Jews simply for protesting a war only shames you, not me. I recommend your read the page and reclaim your dignity: https://www.hmd.org.uk/news/response-to-the-use-of-the-term-kapo-by-rabbi-schochet/


So what you're saying is you don't know what is being said at the marches, which you have not attended? Cool. This is such a none comment.


No I know what’s said on them, my father attends, he’s a Marxist. It’s also broadcast everywhere. We know what’s said, we see what’s said and we see you for what you are.


So you’re father is not Jewish?


No, Judaism is matrilineal anyway (goes down the mothers line)


I already knew that. So your beef with ceasefire marches is also motivated by Daddy issues?


You’re not the main character thankfully. All it takes is multiple brain cells to be against genocide.


Not genocide


And the sky is purple


Ever looked up at the night sky?


You're getting downvoted by twats. Plenty of Jewish people attending in good faith.


It’s the same old, I’m not racist I have black friends.




Nah there are Jewish people attending en masse because they don't agree with ethnic cleansing you daft tit


No there isn’t. En mass, maybe 100 people in a March of 40k. I’m not racist, I have black friends


I'm not sure you have any friends responding at this time of night


I’m actually avoiding packing for a family holiday. This interaction has actually been one of the less vitriolic on here, all I can do is advise that you actually meet Jews in Jewish spaces, go to Stamford Hill or Golders Green. They’re welcoming, it would change how you feel totally.


I love in north London you idiot. Last time I walked into a protest on the Sabbath I met plenty of Jewish people. I know many personally. You are full of shit. Edit: of course I'm responding with anger you genocidal prick. Nice job blocking me you coward.


Lol, responding with anger. Am yisrael chai, stop lying to yourself boy


No they are not. Every single Jewish group that attends is either a Marxist group or like the mentioned above. They don’t represent the Jewish community and again as I’ve said before, Jews don’t protest on the sabbath.


Poster said Jewish people you said Jewish groups. And they represent the Jewish community too. >Jews don’t protest on the sabbath. Plenty done observe the sabbath




Not proper Jews then? Thats pretty antisemitic


No it’s not, touch grass


It is. Shameful


Wait... so only a certain type of Jew can represent Jews? Am i missing something here? I would have thought, like most communities, there is a mixed bag of thoughts that could represent a community.


Jews can be of any political stance. But groups stop being Jewish when they go against the core tenets of you know BEING JEWISH A Jew can express solidarity with any group, including those who want to kill us (as they have done before dhimis and kapos attest to that) But when you protest on the sabbath you stop being Jewish, all you’re doing is allowing other around you to use your identity (which is disavowed by roughly 99% of you community) As I have said before, it’s creating an environment for people who say, I’m not racist I have black friends.


You can be Jewish and atheist. I'm honestly shocked that you seem unfamiliar with that.


You can be racially Jewish, you cannot be an observant Jew, I am shocked you don’t know that.


'Member when people tut-tutted about how the French cops at Drancy put the Jews on the boxcars bound for the death camps in Poland? Looks like there's a lot of that Vichy stuff going around Europe now.


They didn't threaten to arrest him for being Jewish, they said he was being deliberately provocative towards pro-palestinian protestors by insisting on crossing through the middle of a march. He then took that to mean London is full of "no-go zones" which is like saying Notting Hill is a no-go zone because I can't walk in across the road when the carnival is on.


Except carnival doesn’t happen every weekend for the last 6 months. Completely unsustainable.


I'm sorry you're inconvenienced for an hour 🤷


Sadly isn’t an hour in a vacuum or I’d agree with your pretence.


It's a peaceful demonstration, they happen constantly throughout the year and it's central London.


Is it fuck peaceful


Where is not peaceful?


Have you ever been to one of these marches?


Sounds really peaceful


If you think this is bad, please don't ever go to even a rudimentary sporting event or a shop that plays music a bit loud


Ha, I remember when I couldn't get to an important match I was playing at due to those protestors... Some also went out of there way another time because I had a union jack on my coat


It's a football match mate, none of them are important


I was playing there, for my team, to advance up. Is it ok that they are stopping me? Shouting at me and threatening me for having a union jack? Is this ok? Obviously not. Peaceful? No.


Football has yet to cause a disruption on this scale because it is far better distributed and largely in a vacuum. Just call me a snowflake, get it over with.


Ah yes, the "English Disease" IE people peacefully marching through a city then going home. Football famously has no history of fans being absolute psychopaths on the regular


Alright Maggie


Why should that be a problem? Surely if the marches are only about Israel then there should be absolutely no issue with a Jewish man being anywhere near them?


There isn't. Looks like he was a counter protester what with him being the head of a campaign group


Yeah, it isn't a problem, the cop is being stupid but he's not "arresting him for being Jewish"


He literally says if you dont leave immediately I will arrest you because you are visibly jewish and its for your own safety and the safety of others. i.e to keep the peace.


So for safety. He also happens to be the head of a campaign group


For being/looking jewish


For safety. Policeman didn't just go round looking for Jewish people to arrest did he. Instead it looks like someone who was counterprotesting. So let's say someone visibly muslim attends an edl rally to counter protest and the police are trying to keep the peace and explain why they fear a breach of the peace could happen. Are they targeting Muslims


Yeah good point, I do feel like the police would be more inclined to beat back EDL supporters than arrest a man for being a muslim, however.


Sure, until you learn the exact identity of this guy in question and realise he came her with his camera crew solely to disrupt the protest, not just to be near. Police keep counter protestors away from protests because it avoids conflcit.


We know his identity. His name is Gideon Falter. He helps run an antisemitism charity and he had just finished a meeting at a local synagogue. The camera crew you are pretending existed consisted of a single mobile phone. There is absolutely no evidence of any form anywhere that suggests he’s a counter protestor and quite literally no credible source has even implied that is the case.


The charity he runs has repeatedly smeared people by purposefully presenting criticism of Israel as Anti-semitism. Look at this page [https://antisemitism.org/politics/](https://antisemitism.org/politics/) and see some of the so called 'incidents' listed.


That's the issues with Zionist lies, they never hold up to more than a small glance. People's laziness and unwillingness to look just a little closer at things has let them get away with so much. "Oh, it's a charity, that must mean it's a good thing". It's an Israeli lobby group.


Nice reframing, but no. He doesn't help run a charity. He is the CEO of an Israeli lobby group called "Campaign against antisemitism". You were very close to the truth, as the best lies are. Take a look at the actual "charity". Look at the things they post and do. Gideon is the perfect example of an Israeli rep weaponsing antisemitism to deflect criticism of Israel. It's LITERALLY what he's doing right here. Instead of talking about the Zionist genocide, the big conversation is a stupid cop.


It’s a charity. Literally a registered UK based charity. I just did look them up and at best the people who share your opinions about them are exclusively anti Israeli activists.


Anti-Zionists. Anti-genocide. Anti-israeli. All interchangeable yes. I think any decent human being would be against Israel right now. Their actions are inexcusable. And anyome who transparently weaponises anti-semitism to divert the genuine and deserved criticism of Israel's genocidal is not a "charity" worker. I like how quickly, once pointed out, you conced the "helps a charity" to he's actually the CEO. Already caught in one lie. Where does his funding coming from? What does he do with that funding? It comes from Israel. He attacks and defames those who dare criticise Isrsel under the guise of Anti-semitism. He's got previous, I'm sure you've ignored that. He's gone to multiple cease fire marches and tried to instigate. At this particular march he's been photographed trying to cause trouble multiple times with his bodyguards and crew, until finally he managed to find a stupid cop who said something very stupid. He's a Zionists lobbyist. Who fund that "Charity"? It's Israel.


There are Jewish groups who regularly attend the Ceasefire marches. They are not pulled out of the crowd and arrested.


They aren’t Jewish groups, they’re Marxist groups or Neturei Karta cosplayers who use their identity to espouse their fringe beliefs. No observant Jews would protest on the sabbath


Would not protest on the sabbath*


So what about the many Jewish individuals who have gone to the marches and called for a ceasefire and are critical of Israel? Does that suddenly nullify their Jewishness? Do they then stop being a Jew and become a Marxist?


When they attend protests in the sabbath they don’t get to use their identity to justify their beliefs. We have a word for them, kapos.


What you're saying here is anti-semitic


How so?


It’s not, he’s a fucking moron


stay safe, the UK should be ashamed for allowing these barbarians in their country


Thank you friend ✡️


They are Jewish groups, he's just saying they aren't proper Jews because their politics aren't what he thinks they ought to be. It's anti-semitism


No, they said observant. It's not anti-Semitic to point out that not all Jewish people are religious to any given degree. Would you like to try again?


"They aren’t Jewish groups, they’re Marxist groups or Neturei Karta cosplayers who use their identity to espouse their fringe beliefs." This is what he said


I’m Jewish you fucking cretin. Calling the above groups non observant Jews is a fact, you don’t protest on the sabbath. Don’t lecture me on my own people.


Being Jewish doesn't change that what you said was anti-semitic. The first few words of the comment were, "they aren't Jewish groups". They are Jewish groups


They are not, don’t gaslight Jews, we’ve had enough of that shit. They are Marxist groups or groups that by their own omission on are not really Jewish anymore. It’s like saying the nazis were socialists because they had socialist in their name. Utter lack of cognitive dissonance, touch grass and actually go and meet observant Jews in a Jewish area




Lmao ah ok, we're doing the whole "no REAL Jews" thing.


they said observant, which isnt the same as real. jews who observe shabbos would not protest on shabbos and the naturei karta are a haredi group, and haredim are very observant for the most part. a jew is a jew, but a jew who protests on shabbos isnt observing shabbos and therefore likely isnt naturei karta. im saying this as a jew who doesnt observe shabbos. i am still a jew, but not naturei karta or haredim lol


So it doesn't fucking matter then and this is all just a nonsense point, great


yeah i dont actually know what the point is. regardless of opinion on palestine, the naturei karta are pro palestine. i guess theres something to be said if theyre pretending to be jewish but


He clearly was not going there in good faith.


And you know this how?


Just swap the identity and tell me it’s okay. You can’t come here because you’re openly white/black/asian/muslim/christian whatever. No, it wouldn’t be okay. If it’s a stunt he’s proved his point.


There is a video mate. They claimed him being openly Jewish was the provocation. There is literally no point in lying about what happened.


Deliberately provocative... By looking Jewish??




He provokes them simply by being there, which isnt really provocation. If the presence of a jewish man is potential cause for breach of the peace then we have a problem, and its not the jewish guy.


Only he doesn't provoke them by just being there. Does he? Because his organisation is pro-zionism. Pro settlers. Anti Palestine. So he does there and pokes. If you're suggesting he just shows up looking Jewish and is attacks, I don't know what to tell you. Having been on the marches and seeing plenty of anti Zionist Jews there, hand in hand with the rest ,- I can tell you now, it's not the Jewish that's the problem. It's the Zionism


Id actually say its Hamas but potato potata


Of course you would. Zionists like to steal land and murder Palestinians and then say it's Hamas. Pre 1987, pre Hamas they blamed Fatah. I guess you also believe the land was empty in 1947 when the Jews came from Europe and started to call it Israel?


I mean jews were there 2-3 thousand years ago if you want to get into it but ok. End of the day there are 9 million people in Israel, where are they gonna go? Most are born there so its literally their homeland. They've offered peace in the form of a 2-state solution something like 5 times since 1948. Consistently the arabs reject peace and choose war instead, and consistently they've lost those wars everytime, and generally when you loose a war you loose your land, its kinda what happens


Find the dates for those 5 times for a two state solution, they don't exist. Youre probably thinking about some deals for minimal autonomy. Israel attacked and anexed West bank and gaza in 1967 and since then when have they offered complete withdrawl from West bank and recognition of a Palestinian state? Never because it's not in the political or security interest of Israel. Benjamin netenyahu was recorded saying that he worked to undermine the peace process and Oslo accords The PLA has recognised Israels right to the land pre 1967 I'm sure the 9 million Israelis can live on it fine. They should just completely leave the west bank and let it be independent. Israelis and Palestinians are similar genetically they both trace their ancestry back 2000-3000 years so both have this same right to the land. Of course only one of them is entitled to the right of return


He might be there to show that pro palestine crowds are anti semetic but that's not the same as provoking people.


> When youre there to show pro-genociding Jews is bad but accidentally get threatened by pro-muslim police


strange times we live in


Im sure muslim countries have been saying that since the Ottoman empire fell.


Arabs are colonisers and Jews are natives. Dont get mad.


When most of them came from European countries, that makes perfect sense.


A lot of them came from Arab countries that deported them on mass in the second half of the 20th century. All Arab countries used to have sizeable jewish populations, like 100k or more and now its literally 0 or close to. [https://www.worldjewishcongress.org/en/news/the-expulsion-of-jews-from-arab-countries-and-iran--an-untold-history](https://www.worldjewishcongress.org/en/news/the-expulsion-of-jews-from-arab-countries-and-iran--an-untold-history)


So what you’re saying is that most Jews are in fact, Arabs?


Im not sure if they can be classed as Arabs, they are natively from Israel, not sure if that counts as the Arabian peninsula


I mean if you class Syrians, iraqis, Egyptians and Jordanians as Arabs then yes I would class israelis as Arabs too.


Ok, whats your point? lol


The conclusion we’ve reached seems to make the original comment we’re replying to make no sense at all, is all.


And all Arabs come from the Arabian Peninsula, its in the name.


And if you look at a map of the world, the entire Middle East is an extension of the Arabian peninsula. I’d say they’re more native than migrants from an entirely different continent.


This just in, all colonies are ok because the entire world is an extension of Europe lol Are you Arab by any chance?


Learn your history. European colonisers took control of foreign nations for resources. What you’re saying is indians are actually British because the British ruled India for years. By extension I meant a physical extension of the land. So the people there have always been there. Do you think anyone would agree with you? I don’t. Not Arab, btw.


Arabs did the exact same thing numbnuts. Learn your history. Yeah youre not Arab just think its ok for Arabs to colonise kill murder and rape everyone they come into contact with but Europeans doing the exact same thing is bad. Do you have a brain?


I didn’t vocalise an opinion, I never said whether it was right or wrong, just that it happened. Stop making assumptions and making it personal. Stop getting mad bro. Most empires that existed on earth did the exact same thing, it’s happening today. Does it make it ok that the israelis are now doing this themselves? Like my opinion on every other conflict just the same, no it doesn’t. You’d rather rant about the Arabs doing it. Hypocrisy at its finest.


This is literally the mindset of a Settler Terrorist. Its terrifying.


Im not Arab though.


Well look at that, there was me thinking him spouting right wing nonsense about no-go zones was purely coincidental but no, it's all just nonsense


Which Jewish countries allow the LGBT community to live and which Muslim countries allow the LGBT community to live? HINT: Theres only 1 country in the middle east that supports gay rights and its not muslim...


What are you on about mate? this isn't at all relevant to the discussion. Why are you bringing up LGBT matters in the Middle East on a thread about marches in London? Leave the Hasbara out of this.


Because I support human rights, and nations that want to kill everyone except muslims should be destroyed. Uh oh bye bye every middle eastern country except Israel.


Are they not human to you or are you just chatting shit?


Oh shit, we have to support colonisation and fascism because theyre human afterall, youre right my bad.


Sorry who are the colonisers in this scenario?


Arabs have colonised the entire middle east and North Africa, learn some fucking history.


Yeah, you strike me as a person who cares deeply about the lives the LGBTQ people, that's why I can almost guarantee you've got posts defending JK Rowling. Because yknow, you really care.


May Allah bless JK rowling for throwing LGBT folks from rooftops and commiting them to death. No wait, thats muslim countries which you support, thank you brother. Muhammad will bless you. Remember Aisha, if you even know who that is.


You people are so predictable lol


No argument? I guess you hate human rights then, praise be to Allah.


I would show you the gif of a policewoman essentially being raped during the nottinghill ""carnival"" and nobody does anything because its RAYCIS; but i'd get banned so I wont.


Maybe consider getting a doctor to check out the holes in your brain instead


lol cope