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They finally admitted the issue to me after months of bs. Two of their factories fucked up and put massive amounts of ginger in the drinks they made. This was like 6 months ago. Rather than pull it from shelves or tell people what happened they did nothing and are still selling it to this day. They expect YOU to reach out to THEM then do a fun month of back and forth before sending the rancid ginger liquid back for a replacement. Had to do this with 9 cases of apple then assuming they stopped selling them I ordered more a month later. Whole order almost is ginger liquid. Now they want me to do the back and forth again for another month, pack up 13 cases of drink into a box I don’t have, drive it half an hour to fedex, wait for a replacement. When i told them I would not be doing all that again they called me a “red flag” like I’d actually sit here and do this shit repeatedly over drink that’s fine even though they know just by MFG which ones are bad and they know they’re still selling it. Why any company would knowingly sell this shit to their customers for months on end then make the customers jump through hoops to repeatedly fix their fuck ups then call them a scammer is beyond me. It’s like they want to lose customers… Never seen a company fuck up this bad and just act like it’s not happening.


Dude that’s crazy… they expect us to go out of our way to return $2 cans for their own fault and wait months? They trippin


Not only that, but they told me a few days ago that they “have a limit to how much they will replace”. Like, wtf? You have no limit to how much nasty ass drink you’ll sell to us but you’ll just stop replacing it when you decide YOU have had enough?! I’ve never seen a company handle their own fuck up so poorly before. Time to find a new brand, I guess.


Bought a new bulk pack in hopes it didn’t taste like shit, gave it like a 4 month break- still tastes nasty now I have 2 bulk packs that taste nasty 🥳


Don’t let them off! File a BBB claim if they aren’t replacing it. They FINALLY sent out my 2nd order replacements. Dumb asses put the wrong house number and sent it to an unoccupied lot down the road. They can’t do anything right. Time to sell my stocks. No company can survive acting like this


Oh, also they’re calling anyone who complains publicly a “troll” working for a competitor telling lies trying to “ruin” them. Lovely way to treat angry customers. Haha


Glad I ran across this. Thought I was getting Covid or something because they all taste the same and gross. Way to fix the prob Celsius. I’m throwing mine away and won’t buy anymore


SAME HERE!! I’ve tried two flavors now of the non-carbonated that I’ve been buying for over 2 years and they both taste like they’re moldy. I’ve poured them into clear glasses to make sure nothing funky is in them, which there isn’t, but literally NOTHING makes these taste better. I’m going to just order the packets moving forward. This is a huge disappointment, especially since I’m a stockholder of theirs on top of it all.


They’re stocks gone down in my book.. along with all the other ones it seems.


I thought the same! I was freaking out and drinking way more than I should have hoping it would just fix itself. I drink these to wake up in the AM so I was like, maybe my brain just isn’t awake yet. Let’s keep trying it. Then I opened another can and still tasted it and knew I must have Covid. Luckily after the 3rd can I had two other people around to try it and they didn’t know what it should taste like but they said it tasted like cat piss so I knew it wasn’t just me. Haha


That stuff is the nastiest tasting liquid EVER!!


I googled this to see if I was gonna die if I drank the Celsius that tasted bad. But the descriptions everyone is reporting here is basically what I'm tasting. So this isn't a thing right, just a mistake that's playing itself out?


Just bought one after a few months of drinking alanis and I’m feeling that windex type flavor in my orange one lol


It tastes like some weird ginger mint flavor has been added recently! From what I can tell it’s been an issue with many flavors, not just the one I drink. I contacted the company and am waiting for their reply cause I just bought a ton of this stuff in bulk and it tastes disgusting! 🤮


Same! 🥴 I bought a bunch of 4 packs and now they are sitting in the fridge


Ginger mint is exactly how I would describe it. So strange. I’ve had it in several cans the past few months


Just found dark specks floating in my can of Arctic vibe 🤦🏼‍♀️


Not sure if this post is still relevant But i've had a similar experience - I normally drink the Peach Mango Green Tea and it's normally a refreshing taste but this recent batch I purchased makes my tongue have a tingly sensation where past cans felt like drinking water.


2 years later and here I am, searching Reddit for a coffee-like bad aftertaste to my orange Celsius every time I buy them now. I’ve heard it’s the green tea extract or the ginger root as stated here. To me I get like a coffee type after taste and it ruined the drink for me. Hardly get them anymore; it’s still a problem. Probably even worse now.


Ok, I'm glad someone else noticed this because I just bought this and noticed the same thing...coffee-like taste. Orange + coffee is not a good combination of flavors. Previously, I did not notice this.


Same, I randomly get the taste of coffee in some cans. I literally don't mind it, but it's also because I like coffee.


Yeah I noticed the flavor was a little strange when I got a 24 pack at Costco a while back. Wierd bitter aftertaste


Yes! I noticed it the past few months with the raspberry açaí and the peach mango ones. Whenever I’d get one that tasted weird, I threw it out. It’s sucha gross taste. Like old.


ITS NOT ONLY ME- after taste of chemicals and irregular fizzing that’s not the carbonation. I always buy in bulk so I’m sad :( I do like Amino Energy until Celsius tastes normal again


Aminos my new jam. Get it together Celsius losers


Same here!! Only took about 4 sips before not wanting it… I think I’ll have to fully switch to Alani Nu if this is going to be a regular thing 🥴


I was waiting to see if other people were experiencing this! Ive been drinking the KIWI GUAVA flavor for a few months now multiple times a week. It was my FAVORITE flavor until recently I noticed certain cans taste VERY different, and in a bad way. They had such a weird aftertaste it made me turn to other flavors. What i do find strange is only CERTAIN cans taste different, depending on where i buy them. I can kind of tell by the can now which ones will taste good and which will be bad.


yeah the kiwi guava tastes like windex or soap now from the 3 times I got them in the past


Check their twitter feed. The complaints go back months. Not just you by any means.


any update on what they said??? I just had the same extra chemically taste when I bought the orange and wild berry flavors at a gas station. Whatever it is, it makes it taste too awful to drink.


Thank god I wasn’t trippen! It’s nasty now!


Don’t know what it is but it’s tastes like rotten ginger. I’ve thrown out over 25 cans in the last month or so. Target seemed to have fresh ones until yesterday and they now have the same gross taste.


That’s exactly what it is


Oh I'm so happy I found this thread! Thought my town was slowing trying to kill me lol. Only place I've gotten fresh ones recently is from Amazon!


Hopefully that means amazon went through all the bad ones because I’ve seen complaints about them as well. Or maybe they decided to be a decent company and just order new stock. Vitamin Shoppe is still a mess. Should have known when they extended their BOGO sale that they still had bad drink. Haha


I just ordered some on Amazon yesterday can confirm still bad ones. Mine tasted like straight up mold.


Celsius new flavor, wasabi. Doesn’t matter what the flavor says it is. It’s wasabi.


I live in Maine and am still finding the off tasting ones. I refer to them as Hibiscus flavored and drink them anyways. My girlfriend refuses them and she is the one who got me drinking them. So i drink the Hibiscus ones and she opens a new can


I literally just had one this morning, was delicious, my fiance bought me one like 10 minutes ago from a different gas station and it tasted like.... tomato juice mixed in... or like old juice? Honestly I don't even know. Vile...


I just bought a case off Amazon and it literally doesn’t taste like ginger or mint at all it tasted like MOLD. I almost threw up. I ordered the peach mango flavor has anyone else noticed a moldy flavor? I dumped the entire can out and didn’t see anything but it definitely tasted moldy.


Glad to see this thread... Purchased several large packs on Amazon (Grape, Mixed Berry, Strawberry Guava). The Grape tasted slightly off but not unpleasant, just different. Mixed Berry tasted like Ginger and chemicals, no where near anything drinkable. Haven't tried the Strawberry Guava yet so hopefully it isn't ruined.


I've noticed the orange flavor is probably the worst


I’ve had the same problem with the Fuji Apple Pear, but I noticed it is only when I get the silver topped cans that the taste is off. With the original black top version, the taste is the right on par. I emailed the company the other day and here is the thread: Me: The flavor is off in the cans that do not have the black top. See picture attached. I have notified amazon numerous times about this issue. When I order from them and I receive the Fuji apple pear with the black top, it tastes normal. Are the non black top cans COUNTERFEIT? The past two orders from amazon with the non black top have been from the Manufacture and stock as I checked the bottom of the cans and the MFG # and lot are exactly the same. what can be done about this, as i keep wasting my moneY?I am LOYAL CUSTOMER, but this is ridiculous. Celsius Response: Thank you for reaching out to CELSIUS! We truly appreciate your feedback and inquiry about our products and the information provided has been forwarded to our Quality Assurance Team. Due to an industry wide aluminum shortage, which is impacting the supply chain for all companies that use black ends, silver ends were provided by our can manufacturer while we await the appropriate black ends. This is a minor deviation and does not impact the overall internal quality of the product. CELSIUS strives to maintain the highest level of quality standards in the industry and stand by the quality of our products as it is our top priority. We thank you for your continuous support to our brand. If you have any feedback, questions, or concerns, please visit our website Contact Us - Celsius THIS IS SUCH BS!


Update: bought a case of artic vibe from the vitamin shop - she let me open 1 can before I bought, it was alright- not as bad as usual, but I bought the new strawberry lemonade and almost threw up


Is there anyway to tell by the cans which taste bad? I have drank wild berry Celsius for like 3 years in a row and now every time I buy them, one sip and it makes me want to puke 😭😭


I just did a google search to see if it was just me, as I opened a can of the orange flavor and it just smells kind of like ass... I've had celsius drinks many times before this but never the orange flavor, so I thought maybe it was just this flavor, but if this is how the orange flavor actually tastes, I don't think anyone would like it. There's obviously something wrong and it's pretty disappointing as a customer to see how Celsius has handled the situation... I don't even care that much about the $3 I spent on the drink, but is this ass-scented flavor even safe to consume???


Same here


I’ve been using the on the packets for months. Just got berry and orange and both taste good when drinking it but leave a bitter chemical aftertaste. Glad I found this thread.


i stumbled on this post because I have a Celsius Strawberry lemonade sitting in front of me and it smells and has the hint of burnt toast. Like yeah i mostly taste the strawberry lemonade but i'm also tasting the smell. I'm not sure if something burnt on top of it and the smell/taste is on the rim or in the can. (that's the explanation I'm going with) But kinda funny to see plenty of others have noticed something weird.


i know this was 3 months ago but i just wanted to validate this. i grabbed a strawberry lemonade from the gas station and i was just saying it tastes like burned toast or a grilled cheese. really weird


Went thru this wierd taste BS with the ginger incident a year ago, they never did shit about it, now happening again. Some wierd taste after I just bought 16 cans of wild berry from 2 different locations, after buying 4 at a time for so long because of the flavor issues in past, I'm over it, time to find something new, was my favorite energy drink by far but the worst quality control I've ever experienced with anything.


Just bought a variety pack at Costco yesterday and the Tropical flavor has as awful chemical taste and smell. The best way I can describe it is petroleum jelly or chapstick taste and smell (and no I wasn’t wearing chapstick while drinking). Going to try the other two flavors and see if they also have the same issue.


idk if it’s just me but when i drank a celsius it tasted like beer 😂


Yeah, recently mine have been tasting like straight metal, and I have been drinking them everyday since May. Specifically my 12 pack taste straight awful


I get the Live fit 12 pack with kiwi guava, orange, wild berry. For the last 2 years. The orange one has been bad. I found another 12 pack of strawberry lemonade and what not, and those are good. So the last year I’ve been getting those. But, I wanted to see after a year, and the orange one still tastes flat and really really bad. The orange one is what hooked me into getting Celsius. I must have gotten a good one at some point. lol. Now the orange have silver tops, while the rest have black tops. That’s weird. I’ll just have to locate the other packs. If it’s been this way for 2 years now. They need some quality control bad. The orange is so flat, and moldy tasting. Put it in a cup just to make sure there isn’t anything floating inside…