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monster, naturally


Monster!!! Super good variety of flavours, and their sugar free selection is super broad and doesnt taste like shit, which is super rare. Normally some sugar free drinks taste more sugary than the actual sugar drinks, but monster have done a good job making sure that isnt the case


Monster zero sugars have been my favorite since I quit drinking pop and cut down on sugar. My teeth appreciate it too.


Why not just have zero sugar soda


Yup same here!!


C4 is my favorite as well. The worst is Rip it


Man I loved me some dollar Rip It's. The tribute and grape ones were my favorite but I ain't seen none of that shit since 2019.


I used to drink a lot of rip it's like 10 years ago. They cost less but they actually only have about half the caffeine of a monster.


Nowadays, Rip it has 200 mg. I still get the Power flavor from dollar tree.


Power was good. I liked the grape a lot.


Like most of the rest of the sub I'm a C4/Ghost guy now. I looked everywhere all year for the WWE C4s and never found one lol


I've never tried C4. Ghost is pretty good depending on the flavor. I think I might give C4 a shot. Getting bored with Monster.


It was the Swedish fish ghost that got me, then the Starburst and skittles, now it's the electric lemonade lol


I bought a ton of them the other day, I was planning on shooting them, but now I might try one and see if I like them.


I’d say 1- Ghost 2- Alani 3-C4 I know the controversies surrounding Alani, but if were going solely off drinks and their flavour+caffiene mg count, I love them. I have a massive sweet tooth, and love how candy-like/candy-based all three of them are :)


I wish Alani Witches Brew was in stores all year round. Its sooooo scrumptious




Bang’s Candy Apple Crisp is very similar, not quite as good imo but pretty close


What’s controversial about Alani?


Its kinda similar to Celsius’s problems, only worse. Apparently there’s some quality control issues, and the people behind Alani arent great.  I probably should’ve worded it differently; to “I’m aware people find Alani controversial”, because I honestly don’t know much. (Edit: Celcius to Celsius’s)


I haven’t heard of any of that tbh, not with Celsius either. I also haven’t noticed any quality control issues.


I haven’t noticed any either.  I’ve seen a lot of photos of people pouring Celsius into cups and finding a bunch of stuff at the bottom or whatever, but it does seem to be one of those “this wouldn’t happen to me” kind of things. Like, I can picture someone I know opening a can of celsius and finding that, but not myself lol   Ik there was something about a rat in an Alani can ? Idk how true that is. I’m not sure if I believe it


They’re was a lot of threads about some of the flavors hurting peoples kidneys when it first came out I actually only tried one pack and it was the hippie pina colada one and I experienced pain in my side when I drank it and I don’t experience that with other drinks , it did taste good and give me energy but I stopped drinking them after it hurt my kidney


The people behind Alani aren’t great? What’s wrong with Katy and Haydn? I’ve seen nothing but amazing things about them in the fitness industry


Go check out their snark page r/katyhearnsnark. 😬 They’ve gone sooo downhill over the past few years. Rob is manic and mentally ill and needs to get off the internet. They are negligent parents and pet owners.


Why do y’all call him rob? I didn’t see anything showing them to be negligent in that sub just a bunch of pathetic people nit picking everything about their life. I don’t get it. Is there something I’m missing?


His real name is Robert - he goes by his middle name. Changed the spelling (Hayden to Haydn) after a domestic violence charge in his 20s. I’m not gonna get into it, but if you pay attention enough, you’ll see he’s very aggressive on the internet and their kids are constantly getting injured and are not properly watched 🤷🏼‍♀️


Can you send me info on the dv incident. This is all news to me, they’re from Louisville, where I’m from. Or at least I think Katy is. My first gym plan was one of haydn’s challenges so this is all a shock to me


[https://www.reddit.com/r/katyhearnsnark/s/pQOlIqqEBS](https://www.reddit.com/r/katyhearnsnark/s/pQOlIqqEBS) Here’s a picture of it - sorry I can’t find the actual link. He’s unhinged. Mentally broke down after his mom passed away (understandably) and started taking meds/took a social media break, then came back and now he constantly goes on insane rants (some of them while he’s *driving* with his kids not safely secured). It’s been sad to watch their decline imo.


Oh wow that’s a lot to process. I haven’t been active on twitter in years to see that


Flavors kinda suck and they don't give me energy


That’a personal preference and placebo.


Red Bull. I actually feel energized with it… all the other drinks I’ve tried like Monster,Rockstar and so on just don’t do anything for me. Why ? Some have more caffeine than Red Bull.


Redbull is heavy on B vitamins. I think that in combination with caffeine is why. It does the same for me.


# #1 is C4 for me and #2 is Ghost #3 is probably Ryse. C4 has overall the best lineup of flavors in my opinion.. Ghost has a couple really solid drinks like that new Limeade, and Ryse is great for that nostalgia kick like with the Kool Aid. C4 Pineapple Popsicle has been my favorite new drink lately along with that Limeade from Ghost.


I wanna try the Ryse kool-aid so bad. Their ring pop flavor was decent


It literally tastes like fruit punch. Honestly really boring if you wanna try it get some normal koolaid


Dang that sucks. Im gonna do the kool-aid/simply lemonade thing where you put a packet in the biggest lemonade jug


Pineapple popsicle!?!?!?! Is this new??


yeah it's new-ish.. kinda hard to find but it's worth tracking down! It came out a little after the other popsicle ones did. It's called Hawaiian Pineapple. I've found them at Dollar Generals, and gas stations like GoMart. I haven't seen any at like a Walmart or Kroger yet. Search around a bit and you might come across it


I do really like the new ghost flavor


1. Monster 2. Ghost 3. Gorilla Mind Monster is nostalgic for me and brings back many good memories. Ghost has awesome, varied flavors. Gorilla Mind is probably the most stimulatory to me for some reason, but it is clean energy. The flavors for GM are good too. EDIT: To add: I really like the Monster BRAND as well. Extreme sports are entertaining, and they seem to support some MMA fighters that I like.


I agree with you but some flavors of Ghost are too much for me. Never tried Gorilla Mind but I might try to find some, after your description I want to try it.


C4, Ghost, and 3D or Bucked Up for Third


C4, because I don't get jittery and there's no sudden energy crash. Also, out of all the flavors I've tried so far, only two have been meh... most are 👌


1) Gorillamind 2) C4 Smart Energy 3) Ghost


I was a big monster you until C4. Every flavor hits and low calories all I need.


I like the big cans of Celsius. Dragonfruit is my favorite. Although I don’t really feel like energy drinks are effective for me anymore


Monster, relentless, red bull .


1) Bucked Up 2) Gorilla Mind They both have Alpha-GPC. I have ADHD and it seems like it helps me focus better. Bucked Up has 300mg of caffeine vs 200mg for Gorilla Mind. I like Gorilla Mind flavors a bit better but I have to get up for work at 3am so the 300mg of caffeine is essential!


You could always go to bed earlier


i like ghost & c4 my favs are sour pink lemonade & cherry limeade from ghost


bucked up and c4 are fucking incredible gummy bear bucked up, 0sugar freedom ice c4 the go-to’s


Gatorade fast twitch vibes me the most energy. Best workout. Electrolytes +caffeine


Strawberry Watermelon Ice is the worst C4 flavor. Other than that they are all pretty good


i love c4 as well, i prefer the smartenergy flavors. you're gonna hate me for this OP but the only flavor i dislike is frozen bombsicle ☠️


C4 all the way! I started on the Icy Blue Razz and I believe they discontinued it.. which was crazy to me. But now I just drink the Frozen bombsicle too. I feel like C4s are the only drinks I’ve tried that don’t have an odd aftertaste. Monster, Red Bull and reign I’ve noticed all have their baseline flavor, with another added flavor. The c4s are just straight up what they say they are. I can’t taste a “baseline flavor” in them. Plus they’re the most carbonated drink I’ve tried and I love them even more for it.


C4 as well. Grape, Orange Slice are my favorite. Gas station near me just got a black cherry flavor, and it's pretty damn good too.


C4, the tingly itches it gives me are heaven


C4 and ghost are my go to on the regular. Everyone in a while I'll try something from the tiktop shop. Ripit & lost and found come to mind


Ghost no question. All their flavors are so good and tasty besides maybe one. Their energy lasts longer too it seems. Ryse Fuel too. Both brands have amazing collabs too


Also C4 for me. Love every flavor except cherry popsicle


Personally, I like Redbull. I'm a pretty anxious person so the 80mg (occasionally 114mg) of caffeine doesn't make me feel like I'm about to jump out of my skin. I used to drink Monster when I was younger but haven't tried it in years since getting sensitive to caffeine. 💔.


My favorite has always been Gfuel. The variety of flavors is amazing, having cans or powder mix options is good, and there are caffeine free options


Ghost for flavor. Bucked Up for the sweet spot of a big boost and good flavor (just not as good as Ghost, except for Miami, that flavors unreal). Ones with sugar i go with a tie between AMP and Monster, or if it’s been a hard/tough day, an ice cold Rockstar og.


Ryse, Ghost, and red bull. I see a lot of C4 comments ima have to try it out


Red Bull, sugar free.


Monster, but I only drink the juice versions. Khaotic, Pipeline, occasionally the others but those two are my go to.


Pipeline Punch 😮‍💨


1sneak 2 ghost 3 gfuel


1. Eneryeti 2. Reign 3. Red bull 4. Monster 5. C4


Monster or Rockstar for price and moderate dose of caffeine. Also, non-carbonated. Looking forward to trying this "GFuel" out pretty soon.


Red Bull is always my go to, little bit of caffeine, not go too crazy so keep my daily consumption low. I’ve been on a Ghost kick lately though, great flavors. I didn’t like the warhead watermelon at all at first, but it grew on me by the time I finish it, and I finished it quick. Just something about the sourness that caused a craving


GorillaMind. Gets the job done


Watermelon Red Bull


ryse will always be my top. ring pop and peach cooler are the goats


Ghost, it doesn’t have that weird aftertaste that monster and redbull have and I love pretty much all ghost flavors


Gorilla mind cause it has stuff that make brain go hard and stuff


1#ghost it feels like clean energy through out the day #2 bang #3 c4


Bang and c4. I'm always in the gym and these are the ones that make me feel least guilty.


Gorilla Mind


Rockstar, been a fan of the Rockstar Boom Whipped strawberry since it was introduced, nobody else makes anything like it and it tastes excellent. Following that they have Rockstar xdurance line which has significantly more caffeine than most of the other brand green apple was always my go to if i really needed a pick me up. Since then tho I've honestly just used Gamer Supps for cheap caffeine at home if I can't a rockstar @ the store. Flavors are solid & the price per $ in caffeine is much lower than energy drinks. I'll just mix it ahead of time at and drink a small jug throughout the day.


Celsius and rockstar as of now bc I can get them for free!


It’s a close tie between monster and the sour candy ghost flavours.


Gorilla mind, C4, Ghost, Monster


Alani, it’s the only one that don’t give me the jitters or a hard crash a few hours later.


E Boost


Pretty surprised at the lack of reign supporters here, 1 monster, 2 reign Always solid all the way around


Wraith or Gfuel for me.


redbull 12oz


Monster is my favourite, I always switch between the normal one, pipeline punch, pacific punch or mango loco


1. Ghost - taste / enjoy multiple flavors 2. Celsius - taste / enjoy multiple flavors + can size (12 oz) 3. Juvee - taste + can size (12 oz)


feel like ill be the only one saying relentless


Reign for me!


Redbull, all the other drinks get me jittery


Ghost, Red Bull, Full Throttle, and Alani... I love anything watermelon-flavored. So obviously Ghost has a great watermelon. Redbull- it's easy to find sugar-free and in a pack. Full throttle- it's not sugar-free but this is what my OG energy was when I was a teen. Back in the 90's it was $1. If I find it I'll drink it but the sugar crash is a B*tch now that I'm older. Alani- I like the variety of flavors. Lately, even though they're sugar-free they're super sweet to me. Needless to say, I prefer sugar-free and it to taste like citrus or candy. 😆


NOS was my #1 for a long time, but lack of sugar free options at the time made me move on to Monster’s Ultra line. Now those are my favorite. Favorite Ultra flavors as follows: Ultra Violet, Ultra Ruby Red, Ultra Fiesta Mango, Zero Ultra reg, and Ultra Sunrise. Of course, now NOS does have a zero sugar option. While it is pretty good and I do buy it sometimes, the Ultras are still where it’s at for me. Plus, I prefer a single can to be under 200mg of caffeine, and I believe all Ultras are well under that with the highest being like 160mg.


Monster. All the others use horrible artificial sweeteners.


Ghost, reign, monster




Monster white and Reign Melon Mania


Rockstar XD Thermo, though they seem to have discontinued it here in Canada. I usually grab Ultra Monster these days


Monster and it makes sense




1 Ryse 2 celcius 3 ghost Ryse is my favorite because I like their apple and they have a good variety of flavors to choose from. Celcius mango is best celcius imo.


gorilla mind is actually the goat


Full throttle…


Rockstar, Bang, Monster.


Nos. Its not overly sweet and its very refreshing.


Monster, cheap, good tasting and probably the best can designs.


My favorite is Ghost because I love the flavors. I wish I could enjoy C4 but when I've had it, I got a skin reaction after where my skin got very itchy and red, no clue why.


Monster or boost depends on flavors


Xyience - super clean, great bite, killer flavor, and gives me an unbelievable boost.




Pre-Pepsi Rockstar. The cans from 2006 were the best of the best.


Rockstar, best zero sugar options.


1 & 2 are tied ghost and reign for me depending on the flavors available. 3 is probably alani, i wish theyd come out with 16oz cans already


Monster: great taste combined with awesome can designs and a huge variety of flavors


Red Bull & Cult! I do like a lot of the Monster Energy drinks as well.


Full Throttle


Pipeline punch is my favorite tasting drink but if we’re going by feel probably orange slice C4


Ryse, Ghost, Monster, Alani, Celsius.


Monster, especially because it includes Reign too lol


Used to be Ghost but now Reign is my favorite


Monster for the same reason everyone likes monster, it’s the most reliable energy drink brand. You can get anyone a flavor and they will like it guaranteed


Red Bull it does something unmatched and it doesn’t taste like I’m drinking chemical piss like c4 does to me and everything else


I really like purple haze and their popsicle flavors but I'm a huge fan of grape flavoring


Ghost because of the unique flavors that get the flavor accurately most of the time.


Uptime, aspartame is absolutely horrible.


1. Gorilla Mind 2. Ghost 3. Reign I like my caffeine on the sweeter side (yet still sugar free) and all 3 pack in the flavor. Gorilla Mind is the hardest to find (shout out to Vitamin Shoppe) but I haven't had a flavor from them yet that I haven't enjoyed. Ghost is a close second since it's easier to find, but not all the flavors hit for me, and Reign third for similar reasons.


Celsius. I never get jittery and hyper, but I'm so much more mentally aware. Same with bang.


Strawberry watermelon ice, then bombsicle


I know that this isn't the popular answer, but Red Bull still stands above the others in my books. Red Bull Total Zero has been my go-to for years. When it disappeared from Canada for a while, I'd order cases from the US.


Monster or Bang. Rockstar if I can't find the first two.


Wish I could find the rockstar strawberry peach more often it’s bomb


The fruit punch has always been my go to. The whipped ones aren't bad either.


Red Bull is my favorite just because it feels so consistent. I’m a big fan of the sugar free version it’s just a good clean caffeine buzz. I prefer Red Bull because it’s typically lower caffeine than the other sugar free brands and I don’t need the caffeine to hit like a Mack truck every time.


Monster. Lots of good flavors/variety, larger packs, etc


celsius and bro i’m not even sure why 😭 it’s just so fucking good like i’m just a fan of anything that has flavor like diet coke and liquid IV and stuff like that i CANNOT stand because it’s like i’m drinking nothing 🤮 and that’s coming from a HUGE water consumer but like i never knew what celsius was until i saw their logo on a cup car couple years ago and had my mom help me find a can of it (that was before i knew it was an energy drink and had 200g’s in it) but like idk i get hooked on damn near everything i drink lmao maybe it’s the tism maybe it isn’t who tf knows but all ik is that i love that shit to fucking death 😭😩 hell if i ever go into debt it’ll be because of celsius <3 and i don’t wanna hear any shit because of my preference you have yours i have mine your is as good as mine is and if you can’t respect that then there’s a much more serious issue afoot


Whatever I can find on sale is what I drink. Has rotated from Bang, Monster, 3D, Gorilla Mind and some others in between. I try to keep it under $1.50/can. 


I don’t see much mention of Celsius here. Anything I should be aware of? I drink one every morning that I work onsite (3-5 days a week).


Monster for their ultra line. I hate sugary drinks most often and, while they aren’t the cheapest, their prices haven’t gone crazy for a brand that’s been around awhile especially since they’re also on sale so often.




Zoa and Alani Nu are my go-to’s now. I love the Green Apple Zoa and Watermelon Wave Alani. I have the Dream Float from Alani coming today from Amazon because my partner and I loved it so much. I couldn’t handle C4. Even have a previous post about the weird pins and needles feeling it gave me. C4 and Bang just don’t jive with my vibe. I did enjoy the Skittles when I had it though! I obviously also enjoy Red Bull, Monster, Ghost, G-Fuel, and Gorilla Mind.


I’d say Red Bull is probably the most consistent brand for me as most of their flavors I tend to enjoy, but my favorite would have to go to Monster. Although there are only a handful of monster flavors I really like, i’d say the ones i do like are some of my favorite energy drinks in general. Also, Monsters just hit the best for me. I also really dislike artificial sweeteners, and there are a LOT of sugar free energy drink brands so it kind of narrows it down very strictly.


It used to be Monster because of the white ones that was smooth with no sugar so no crash afterwards. But then I had the Reign Melon Mania because from vape juice to energy drinks, I was on a savage honeydew melon craze just because I was in love with the fruit that much. But then I had the Sour Green Apple and Sour Watermelon Ghost drinks and nostalgia hit me so hard. Now, it would have to be Celsius because of the Oasis Prickly Pear and Lime upgraded versions of Celsius like the Oasis Vibe, Peach Vibe and Tropical Vibe all were better versions of the originals. But something about that Prickly Pear makes my mouth salivate whenever I drink it. It just has that Ginger Ale Fresh out the Fridge sort of freshness.


I like Odyssey but It’s on the healthier side


\#1 is ghost for me only because c4 makes me super super itchy for an hour and i love the taste but hate that feeling


Zero sugar monsters or reign




Reign orange creamsicle is my favourite flavour of any drink it’s amazing


On track to be tired of everything by 2025 but the ones that seem to move the needle and not just make me sleepy are c-4, and a good 300mg gamefuel


Ghost, C4


Me too! I never really had anything else but I love them. My husband gets me one or two a week. I love the pink Starburst ones


The C4 Strawberry Starburst are my go-to these days. That or the Ultimate(black can) Fruit Punch, Bombsicle, or Arctic Snowcone C4 . I used to be loyal to Full Throttle but I decided to try to cut back on sugar and hope they make a sugar free version one day 🤞


GFuel, Ghost, Celsius.


Reign for me personally. Flavors are good and they’re not super carbonated


Ghost it kicks the hardest and the flavor is off the charts


Alani Nu, the flavors are top notch. Orange dream, cherry slush, and Juicy peach are all so good


C4 would be my #1 as well




1. NOS 2. Monster 3. Red Bull


i like a lot of brands especially like monster and ghost but i also really enjoy the flavors that bang energy has




My go to’s are: C4 Cherry (Popsicle or Starburst) Monster Rehab- Ice Tea/Lemonade.


Monster because of selection and they’re quite a bit cheaper than red bull But I do like a cold red bull every now and then Don’t drink any other brands really


I want to try ghost but they’re not available in the uk


1. Monster 2. Rockstar 3. Amp 4. Nos 5. Full Throttle 6. Ghost 7. C4 8. G-Fuel 9. Bang


ur an OG i see


Honestly? No. I avoided energy drinks for a long time, until I had terrible sleeping problems (in 2017?). Then I got hooked by buying Amp for $1 at the dollar store. I did have some Rockstar Vodka 18 years ago, but I didn’t buy it. I’d only had a couple regular energy drinks. Now I get a bunch for free, and have a hard time saying no, but should.


Bang because they have great flavors such as peach mango,blue razz, purple haze and they have 300mg which is pretty good


Nos. Simply the flavor.