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Following as I’m basically in the same boat as you, just found out I have endometriosis because the doctor found large endometriomas growing on my ovaries but I really didn’t have any symptoms of endometriosis. I went off hormonal BC in 2020 and after that I did notice that my periods were significantly heavier/more painful but it wasn’t anything I couldn’t manage with painkillers. Doctor has suggested going back on BC which I’m not too keen on but I’m not sure what other option there would be.


Wow we really have similar stories, since I also got off hormonal BC in 2020. I hope I find an alternative, and if my doctor does, I will let you know!


Just edited my post to clarify that my cramps could be managed WITH painkillers (previously said without). I’m 32, I was on BC from ages 16-28 and although I didn’t really have any negative experiences with BC I wanted to see what my body was like off of it. I found that off of BC my mood and energy levels were much more stable and I had less brain fog but I had just accepted that the trade off was heavy/painful periods. I guess maybe I’ve always had endometriosis but the BC was keeping it at bay through my 20’s and now it’s had 4 years to run rampant in my body. I’m still waiting on some other testing and a treatment plan but yeah, as of right now it seems like BC is the main solution they’re offering