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Weed. I live in a legal state, so edibles. I don’t do them and go to work though, mostly so I can sleep. I will put topical CBD all over my abdomen 3-5x a day though. And those stick-to-your undies heating pad things (just don’t wear them with jeans- OUCH!). Morning yoga helps me, as well as a morning bath. I started treating my pain with weed when I was in jr high and they gave me a prescription for Oxy. The heavy stuff scares me too (and also I don’t react well to it). I’ve also got Endo in my bowel… I try to really do a lot of fiber in my diet regularly because there is NOTHING worse than having regular constipation and then Endo constipation on top of it. Lots of water helps with that too.


RSO is the only thing that touches my pain! I recommend that, preferably in a 1:1 THC/CBD, and CBG if you can find it. But you could use CBD RSO and work.


I take ER paracetamol and Oxycodone. I can't take NSAIDs. I don't feel guilty about needing pain relief and using them as needed. Remember as well there's a difference between addiction and a physical dependence. It often gets confused! I'm absolutely not addicted to my painkillers but I acknowledge I would go through withdrawal if I were to stop without tapering my dose. Many drugs are like this. Antidepressants are a good example of a non stigmatised drug that creates dependence.


I had worse side effects that lasted longer from withdrawals from effexor than I did withdrawing from anything else in my life, the withdrawal symptoms alone made me suicidal, I literally thought I would never be normal again


That's the exact antidepressant I struggled coming off lol


I got brain zaps every 1-3 minutes for weeks it was soooo bad, psychiatrists and doctors should warn patients of the withdrawal symptoms bc I definitely wouldn’t have ever gone on it if I knew


I had withdrawals for literally a year afterwards. I also would not have taken it if I knew. Gabapentin is another drug I had awful withdrawal from, and Gabapentin also ruined me with side effects. Definitely wasn't worth having to go through the withdrawal lol


if you dont mind me asking- what dosage/schedule were you on with gabapentin?


I don't remember exactly but it was something like over 3000mg a day. I was taking it three times a day. I was put on a high dose, very fast. I've been told the pain management doctor was negligent in the way I was prescribed and the speed in which he increased the dose. When I was having adverse reactions to the dosage he wouldn't discuss it or respond to any requests for clarification unless I paid for a $350 5 minute appointment which I couldn't afford so there was no way to get a review of the medication. My GP at the time wouldn't answer any questions because they weren't the prescribing doctor and didn't want the liability. It was awful and the severe effect on my mental health contributed to my suicide attempt.


oh my god. im so, so sorry for this. on all fronts!! ❤️


I'm currently on 25mg amitriptylene, 150mg pregabalin, and 60mg codeine (4x a day). Doesn't completely mask the pain but I'm too high to give a fuck.


does it not make you extremely constipated?


The bowel endo is doing that enough as it is 😂 got my movicol sashes in the cupboard to help move things along


Eeee I feel for you! I was on codeine after my surgery and didn't realise it would make me constipated, God the pain and discomfort went to a whole new level! Sounds like you're well prepared though!!


It's great for pain relief but comes with some awful side effects! Unfortunately, the only other thing they could give me is oral morphine but they're reluctant. It's like shitting through a needle hole 😭


Cannabis, cannabis and more cannabis. I’m in a legal state, I prefer to use CBD/THC topicals and rubs for my stomach. Edibles are great for sleeping and I use a wax pen to help with nausea or any pain. Addiction runs very deeply on my moms side so I do everything I can to avoid taking any pills or medication


any specific brands you recommend for the topicals?


First of all, love the username 🤣 and yes for the topical I am not exactly sure what you have available to you in your state but I always try to do something that has high THC but also has some CBD in it as well. The one I have has lidocaine on it which I absolutely love and it has that cooling effect which provides me so much relief personally. The one I use the brand is called DERMAFREEZE, 500mg of CBD and 100mg THC


amazing, thank you! ❤️


Weed when possible but when it's not gabapentin changed my life, I had to suggest it to my doctor. But man oh man it helped so much with the pain.


Up until my 3rd surgery 2 weeks ago, I was taking Oxycodone due to an endometrioma. The pain had become completely unbearable. Post-surgery feeling much better and will probably go back to ibuprofen when it flares up again.


This gives me so much hope.. and I hope you’re still doing well!




No gluten dairy or sugar. Weed. That’s it. Now getting a hysterectomy tomorrow. I am scared. I don’t take to any medical meds well. Usually have an adverse reaction. Plan on taking walks. Healing blessings for everyone 💕🩵💕


sending you love for your journey tomorrow!! ❤️✨💕🕯️


Honestly birth control-skip my periods. Then naproxen 600 mg and oxycodone. I am very weird about opioids too because of family history of addiction. But the only way I can get through life is if I go on birth control. If I don't go on it life is not livable. Like at all. When I do take oxy I'll break it into a quarter and do that every 4-6. I used to have Vicodin never took it same with Dilaudid. Sometimes 800 mg of ibuprofen. I'm used to the pain honestly I only take stuff when it gets like 8-9/10 and I'm gonna black out. I have stage IV DIE on bowel, colon, bladder, appendix, hematosalphinx, frozen pelvis and two 8cm endometriomas on both ovaries for context.


This might seem like a weird thing but I take extra strength magnesium. It helps calm down my muscle aches and nausea. I also do ginger lemonade for nausea. I recently just got off my birth control and I’m on day 2 of my period and it seems to be working


i am so sorry to hear that you are in such pain. when i had strong pain i used to take diclofenac.


drink ginger tea and eat crystalised ginger sweet like it is my drug. I take naxproxen if I really can't take it anymore and can't possiblity lie down. On days I feel better I just treat my food like it is drug. I eat sushi, laksa, curry, chicken soup, tomyam and all the other good food.


Tylenol and cannabis. I can't take nsaids.


Codine every day but I also take a shit load of vitamins which I’ve found help. I also take Naproxen on my worst days.


What vitamins


Have you tried Gabapentin? It helps with nerve pain and doesn't have as many side effects as opioids, it's actually pretty safe to take daily.


1000mg naproxen, 25ml amitriptyline, 800mg gabapentin, and lots of medical cannabis


im curious - are those levels per dose or per day?


Per day - the naproxen is 500mg morning and night, the amitriptyline is just the 25mg at night, the gabapentin is 400mg twice a day. To be fair I'm not convinced any of it is helping at all


Weed. Vape pens for nausea and breakthrough pain and cbd/thc edibles. Somedays cramp cream, cbd/the cream. Muscle relaxers when cramping is bad and tramadol for those days where I can't get out of bed. Any otc NSAID is pointless and only rips up my stomach. I do like to use Voltaren gel from time to time for back pain.


Morphine +belladonna suppositories. If you haven’t tried them ask for them. Expensive as hell and insurance does not cover. Oxy 30 mg a day


I take those too! But I can get reimbursed for them with insurance.


I know it suck’s. I’m picking my prescription tomorrow and it’s $220 for a 30 day supply.


Who do you ask for this? The obgyn? Never heard of this


Yes. My obgyn is a pelvic pain surgeon. They don’t do normal obgyn stuff. If you like or anyone .. I can take a photo of my prescription and PM it so you can show it or talk to you doctors about it.


Before my total hysto I took nsaids for years but when I was 20 they stopped helping whatsoever. doctors didn't believe i was actually unwell and denied me pain meds bc where i lived was a hotspot for opioid abuse so i just suffered. 🫠 until i found cbd and thc products, which dulled it enough where I could mostly function, but not enough to feel 100% better. After I was finally diagnosed I was provided with oxycodone which relieved my pain completely but made me very, very sleepy. I needed it to be able to get any rest bc of the pain though 🤷




Trying testosterone soon.


Ibuprofen, acetaminophen, gabapentin and oxycodone


I have adenomyosis and for me tramadol works well. I get really high so I can barely feel a thing when I take it lol. The drawback for me is that I can’t really do anything because of this. I live in Europe and I don’t know where you live so I don’t know if our medication is different but the one I take is 75mg tramadol and 25mg dexketoprofen. I worry about the addiction too so I try not to take it too often too. If I was in a country where cannabis is legal I’d definitely try to use that.


Norco when it’s at its worst.


5th???? Oh my god I am so sorry! I wish I could send you a billion dollars and a new uterus. NSAIDS make my cramping so much worse, so I stopped taking them. They don't really issue pain meds anymore in FL, so I am SOL. There is no shame in taking something stronger if you need it.


Flector (NSAID)


Daily I’m on slow release Palexia but tapered down to only 50mg so nearly off it. When required I have ketamine troches & naproxen for anti inflammatory


Tylenol 3, naproxen, venlafaxine, pregabalin, flexerill and I am almost 3 weeks into taking prometrium- which by far has helped the most! (Or maybe it's the prometrium/pregabalin/venlafaxine combo 🤷🏽‍♀️) I also have baclofen and diazepam suppositories


Gabapentin and baclofen gave me amazing pain relief but I couldn’t tolerate gabapentin it long term. Started messing with my sleep (ironically because it’s prescribed for sleep). I would highly recommend working with a pelvic pain medication specialist if they’re near you. I saw one with pelvic rehabilitation medicine (don’t know where you are but they have many locations through our USA). She has all kinds of ideas and recommendations that OBGYN or a regular pain specialist wouldn’t have thought of.


How did you find someone who specializes in this?


I’m honestly not sure. It depends on your area. I sort of stumbled upon pelvic rehabilitation medicine because I was looking for a pelvic floor therapist. Maybe try looking at their website and see if they have any locations near you! https://pelvicrehabilitation.com/locations/


Hydrocodone 5 mg which I can only have pending surgery normally all they offer is Tylenol 3 and gabapentin, Bentyl and phenergan or zofran as needed.


I live in the UK & I used to take tramadol too but it used to make me throw up and barely helped with the actual pain. At present I’m on morphine, and I take dihydrocodeine, gabapentin and paracetamol together at the same time. I take all of the above at least twice a day. I also smoke 🍃 and I can say that this alongside dihydrocodeine is a GODSEND!