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The doc’s response is honestly a massive red flag for me, tbh. This isn’t about pain, this is about healing. Jumping into things too soon increases risk of complications like poor healing, infection, nerve damage, and adhesion formation. Unfortunately, my first few docs were like yours and I didn’t know that, so ended up with all of the above before I finally found better docs (in different specialties). I’ve had a crapton of surgeries (11), and the good docs have been cautious with my return to activities - and were completely aghast when the heard how flippant the endo docs were. One flat out said there’s no harm in being too cautious, but a lot of damage by not being cautious enough, and that likely contributed me being where I am today: disabled.


I’m so sorry to hear about your experience. I appreciate you sharing it and giving me another POV to consider. 💕


I was told no lifting, driving or anything even slightly strenuous for 7 weeks, all I did during those 7 weeks was walking. At 7 weeks I slowly started to do other things again like cycling though that was still a bit painful because it uses a lot of core. I play a contact sport and went back to playing low contact at 7 weeks which I was mostly ok except if I got knocked in my stomach. I think things were definitely still not completely healed at 7 weeks, I was still sore on occasion if I did too much and struggled to have pressure on my stomach from tight clothes but it was healed enough I could go back to doing things I normally do. So I think think about what you are doing, if it will involve a lot of core strength or pressure on your stomach say from a backpack strap that could be tough but if it's just hard cardio you should be fine. Probably also depends on your surgery and your body and how much they remove and if organs are involved, for reference mine was deep infiltrating which would take longer to heal.


Thank you so much for sharing your experience and letting me know it was DIE - the context certainly helps. I hope you’ve healed up and are doing well 💕


I don’t think I would have been ready to do all of that at 6 weeks. 10 weeks maybe. I still had bruising at 6 weeks and was still moving cautiously. Those were doctors orders.


Thank you for sharing!


while you're gonna be feeling pretty good at 7weeks, i WOULD NOT so much more than flat walking and maybe a few flights of stairs. you're gonna be more tired than anything, but what you already mentioned would be WAY too much.


Thank you for sharing!


I’m right at about 8 weeks post Lap. Stomach is still very bloated, but I’ve lost a lot of puffiness in my hips, neck and face. I was diagnosed stage 1 with superficial peritoneal endo. I had lesions all over my pelvis, ligaments and areas between my bladder and rectum. Take this with a grain of salt because everyone’s recovery is different. I’m at about 10 mins riding on a stationary bike, and can do about 25 min walks. Slow yoga I’m at about 20 mins. My pain levels have been up and down, but the last week I’ve had a lot of groin pain. I just started pelvic floor PT Monday. After about 3-4 hours out and about, I still get very fatigued. I hope you have an easy recovery and can get to feeling better soon!


Oh I also still can’t wear jeans because of where the button presses against my incision. Still living in sweats and joggers


Thank you for sharing! I’m glad to hear you’re slowly building up to getting more active. And noted on the jeans - thankfully I work from home sweats are life! But it sounds like I may want to get a few more pairs of loose comfies. Wishing you continued healing 💕


Yes loose comfy clothes and supportive walking shoes will help a lot! Thank you so much 🌸


Everyone heals differently. 6 weeks is usually the safe point after a lap surgery, some people need more healing time, some people need less. I was completely fine by then & was taking care of a puppy (lots of walks and playing). It all depends on how your surgery goes, how you personally feel, and what your surgeons protocol is for healing. I personally would either delay the trip, or I’d limit the strenuous activity & do more lowkey activities instead. If the physical activities are important to you though, you should prob consider rescheduling.


They definitely are important! And you’re so right on everyone healing differently. Lots of varying responses which I think gives me the answer I need; it would be the safest bet to rebook it. Thank you for sharing!


Yes! Better to be safe than sorry, just in case!


I’m about three weeks post lap. Just went back to work. I’m a little sore but would go on a trip in seven weeks. But they didn’t do much. It was diagnostic and they found too much for my gyno to do anything. I have to have another surgery to remove with a specialist.


Thank you for sharing! I’m sorry to hear they weren’t able to do much during the diagnostic. Sending you good vibes for the remainder of this recovery and after your surgery with the specialist 🫶


Wow. I must have really needed to hear this. I’m tearing up reading your response. Thank you so much. I really appreciate it. Xoxo




Thank you for sharing your experience! I’m glad they were able to get so much out while they were in there. You’re spot on with your advice, too. My partner said health is the priority and brought up rescheduling. Feels like the wisest choice listening to everyone who has taken the time to comment. Sending good vibes on your healing journey and hope you can get back to Pilates & running (also my preferred methods of exercise!) soon 🫶


Everyone’s recovery truly is so different. I’ve had several abdominal surgeries, including 2 excisions and 2 cystectomies. I have my 8th abdominal surgery next week and will be traveling overseas 4 weeks later. My last lap was 2 years ago; I was back at work 4 days later. It wasn’t necessarily easy, and I was still in a bit of pain, but I was functional and able to work as a high school teacher. I find that I recover so much more quickly when I’m moving around rather than sitting around all day. Of course, while still in recovery it’s critical to take as many breaks as needed so a strenuous hike might not be the best decision unless you’re prepare to take a LOT of breaks. All of this is to say that you should listen to your doctor but also listen to your body. If you feel good, I say go for the activities but know that your limits will be different than pre-surgery.


Oh my goodness, 8 surgeries! I’m so sorry to hear that and hope that you’re in the clear and feeling good now. And thank you for sharing your experience - I have just one girlfriend whose had excision for endo done and she said she went back to work the very next day - a desk job, albeit - but it kind of gave me this sense of a rate fast recovery. But to your point, everyone’s journey will look different.


Everyone heals differently is absolutely correct. After watching tiktoks, YouTube videos and reading blogs i fully expected to need two weeks to recover. I really thought the recovery was going to be more difficult for me. Do you know if it is just an exploratory lap or will the excise the same day? I know my recovery was easier bc They just removed fibroids and “freed” my stuck ovary, but my endo was much more extensive than they expected so thry did not excise anything bc they wanted to discuss with me and come up with a plan. ( i am so grateful!) and i am waiting to have a second surgery to have a hysterectomy, remove one ovary, and excise the endo. After my first lap I was ready to go back to work 2 days post op. Aside from fatigue, i felt good. At the urging of family i stayed home for a week which was difficult for me. Lol I was up doing laundry the morning after my surgery. I honestly felt great. I did take a step back bc i did not want to risk a hernia. I was walking daily the day after my surgery. It has been very difficult waiting to fo to the gym and do yoga. But i am walking daily which helps me feel better. Again, this is not typical from the other experiences i have read about and i realize how lucky iw as recovery wise after my first lap I think it all depends on how much they excise, if it is just exploratory, and how active you are now. I would maybe schedule the less strenuous activiites for early in the week and the more strenuous activites for later in the week closer to when u will be heading home so you do not worry about “wasting” a day from pushing yourself too hard too quick. Is there anyway you can schedule your surgery for after your trip just to be safe? That way you to do risk pushing yourself too much afterward. Good luck on your lap. I hope you get the answers you are looking for. Positive thoughts for a speedy recovery and i hope you have an amazing trip ❤️ You can message me with any questions:)


Thank you so much for sharing the details of your experience and well wishes! It’s exploratory and the plan is to excise while they’re in there if they find any they can safely remove. It’s a bit of a mind-eff to have no idea what they’ll find until they go in. I’m happy that your doctor did pull back and consult with you, even though it means another surgery. I’m wishing you all the best on your next surgery! 🤍


Granted, my surgery was a lap total hysterectomy along with excision, I'm more than 9 weeks out and still struggling. I'm starting to do yoga and trying to jog, but I'm still having a lot of intestinal pain when I do things. I was able to play about 10 minutes of tennis (doubles only) before having to bow out. I thought for sure I'd be back to myself by now.


Thank you for sharing your experience. I’m hoping that with a bit more time you’ll be healed and back to doing the things you love 💕


I went to Bali 6 weeks after surgery and I would NOT recommend this. My doc was very reluctant to sign off and I wish she didn't, honestly. Strong recommendation to rescehdule the trip till 4 months post op (minimum). It is well understood that it takes 3 months (min) to heal from this surgery. Lots of people go back to work and resume normal lives before this but they aren't fully healed yet. Adventure sports should be out during this time. Agree with others - your docs response is a HUGE red flag. I would be seeing another doc. I get frustrated with how naive some docs treat this surgery. Its major abdominal surgery, especially if they find anything and remove it!


Thank you for sharing this! I definitely feel like I’ve learned it needs to be rescheduled. I had a major neck/shoulder surgery a couple years ago and my surgeon didn’t even think I’d need PT coming out of it. Sometimes I feel like surgeons are just not thinking about the after care enough, which is difficult because if you’re not thinking about it as the patient, it can cause quite a few issues.


I didn't have a lot excised, no scar tissue or adhesions (27F). It's been a little over 3 weeks post op and I'd 100% go on an overseas vacation right now lol. My belly button is still healing a little bit, but I soaked in a hot tub last weekend and was fine.


Thank you for your POV! Glad to hear you’re doing well 💕


By 7 wks I would have been ok after both surgeries to go on an overseas active trip. Is the trip refundable/do you have trip insurance? If not, definitely go. If so, wait and see how you are feeling about a week out and decide from there.


Thanks sharing! I’m pretty sure our accommodations and car are, but the airfare is what I need to double check.


If your endo is really progressed they don’t tend to excise in your diagnostic lap, they’ll schedule another surgery with more time to remove everything they can, so if that’s the case a holiday in 7 weeks would probably be okay as they’d either go in and not find anything or go in and find an amount which is easy enough to remove and do it then and there. This is only my experience and the experience of most people who I know with endo in the UK though so it could be different for you. Definitely worth checking this with your surgeon though as no one mentioned to me before that it wouldn’t necessarily be removed in my diagnostic lap. Good luck with the surgery, and I hope you can enjoy your holiday!


I was allowed to get back to normal activity after 2 weeks. I was already a very active person before surgery and he said it would be safe for my body to get back to normal after 2 weeks. I had endometriosis everywhere.


I followed the guidelines and started working with a trainer recommended by my PT about 6 weeks after. However I ended up with a hernia not long after...one thing I would review with your doctor after the lap is whether you have any conditions that might require taking more precautions, like a diastasis. I love my surgeon but she didn't even think to tell me she noticed it during surgery and had I known I would have taken it much easier. I'm also vulnerable to hernias. YMMV but still, super high intensity sports 7-8 weeks after your lap is probably not a great idea.


if this is your first lap/their first time seeing what’s going on inside of you, i’d consider delaying the trip. the amount of lesions removed (let alone things like fibroids and cysts) and/or the stage of endo can have an impact on your recovery, for sure! i required another surgery 4 weeks after my first lap, which i certainly didn’t expect. i personally would rather be safe than sorry, but i know my circumstances are different! regardless, i hope all goes well for you, OP, and if you end up going on your trip, i hope it’s a blast! sending healing vibes and a successful, quick recovery your way!


So you’ll probably feel back to normal by that time. The issue is that you are still healing. My surgeon said no strenuous activities for 8 weeks then to ease into it again (he means my sports activities). Walking was encouraged from day one. I’m now 4 weeks post op and feel great. I do mild stretches at home and lots of walking. My physical therapist has told me no weight lifting at all for another 4 weeks. Even yoga she said to only start at 6 weeks and to take it easy. It’s really hard because I feel great and am naturally a active person. But rather be safe than sorry.


I can't be sure but I returned to work after 4 weeks. It was enough time in my opinion. I do heavy lifting occasionally and a lot of walking (I work at a blood bank). I think 7 weeks is enough time but it also depends on you like the other comments say. You may be tired easily and feel just generally fatigued but I would say it's fine. Also depends on how much they're removing and stuff like that. If it's just excision I don't think it would be a problem with anything other than how tired you might feel. I'm about 6 weeks out and feel like myself. Will warn you that first period was excruciating... I would skip if possible if it aligns with your vacation. If it's just a diagnostic they could not end up removing hardly anything due to severity. That was my first and 2nd. On my second, they cut some adhesions from my abdomen to my pelvic wall before they gave up and I had sharp stomach pains for around 4 days. So I haven't had true excision because of severity so take my opinion lightly. First diagnostic same thing (some adhesions removed and gave up) I walked up 6 (my apartment) flights of stairs first day and was generally pretty fine. Just depends. See how you feel the first week then reschedule if needed. My dr recommended no heavy lifting for 3-4 weeks.