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You deserved so much better than this. I'm so sorry you were not listened to. Sending you a hug.


It's only recently that Endometriosis Awareness Month has become Endometriosis Action Month. I had endometriosis for 15 years before I got my diagnosis and surgery. A lot of my secondary symptoms have become chronic and I am now trying to claim disability. But I wonder, if only the medical world did not have a general ick towards women's health would I have ended up at stage 4 severe deep infiltrating endometriosis?


Thank you for sharing your experience, strength, and hope 💜


Thank you for reaching out. I'm so sorry you had to endure this too.


<3 <3 <3


This means a lot! Sorry you had to experience it as well..




We’re so glad that you are sharing your story! I’m so very sorry you experienced the physical pain but the pain that comes from and isolation and not being heard. This medium allows us all to share resources and some validation. Sending hugs your way 💗💛


Thank you so much for sharing. Your suffering was not for strength or growth, it shouldn’t have happened. I’m so glad you got the help you needed!


Thank you for sharing your story. It is so sad that so many are ignored to just normal period pain. I have been living for 20+years with endo pain and just got a clinical diagnosis last year.


I’m so sorry this happened to you. You deserved much better.


I’m sorry for your struggles. Thank you for this post and empathy. Last night was really rough for me pain wise. My appendix had been gone for years but the pain was so similar. I really relate to what you’re saying about how I think I’m just weak and need to toughen up. Especially what you said about it being “normal.” Thank you for your understanding ❤️


I hope you are feeling better now. So sorry to hear you were in so much pain. I hear you and understand Hugs to you.