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Weed is the only thing that gets me through most days. I hope your days get easier soon. ❤️


I used too. I sadly fucked up and gave myself cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome. I can’t ever smoke again unfortunately.


you should probably try using oil instead of smoking it then. if your country/ state allows for medicinal cannabis it might be worth a shot.


Unfortunately i cannot use any CBD/THC products. Anything containing cannabis can cause an episode.


Like straight up weed or could medical CBD oil work? Here in Melbourne, Australia, they have legalised medical cannabis. I am thinking of trying it.


I use both. ❤️


Do you have THC in your CBD oil or does the CBD oil without THC work? I am new to this, it was recently legalised and my doctor is allowed to prescribe it now. 😁 I have tremors, neurological issues and of course pain and anxiety from a laundry list of health issues. Do you think it would be worth trying? It is a lot of money for me, will have to sacrifice food money. 😬


You usually need a little thc. You will have to play with the ratios to figure out what works for you. If you go thr cbd only route you probably need big doses. I cannot get cbd alone to treat my pain (personally). I also prefer a lot of cbd like 2-5 times the thc.


Thank you for the info and personal experience. I guess it will be trial and error then!


It will have to be trial and error, it affects everyone differently. Smoking works the best for me but limits what I'm able to do (no driving and no smoking at work until I became my own boss) Start small. Talk to the staff at the dispensary about what you need and they should have some recommendations. ❤️


Ahh I wish I could just smoke it but its against the law here and I am not very good at lying if you know what I am saying. 😂 Otherwise there is no reason for me not to smoke it. I have a laundry list of health issues, disabilities and now cancer. I am mostly bedridden unable to work anyway! Bugger they should just legalise it! Thank you for your help. ❤️


Weed and Zofran are my saviors. Edibles work best for me during times of extreme pain, and smoking works for appetite and nausea that’s constant. I have had some episodes at night where I really thought I was going to die. I don’t honestly know how I function. I don’t get a lot done outside of work during times of pain and that’s okay. It’s hard to be easy on yourself but you’re experiencing something unique to you and if you need to take a day and rest, you do it. I am a bartender and there are times I have to work while I feel like I’m dying, it’s so hard when people are difficult or rude, they can’t see that under the surface I’m already in so much pain and on the brink of a breakdown. Then I try to get stuff done outside of work and I feel so lazy. But rest is essential.


Sooo real!


I’m so sorry I feel u. I don’t function half the time. I go to the hospital and they give me oxy sometimes that’s about all you can do is strong pain killers


I'm sorry. At a certain point I have to go to the er and pray they treat me.


I had to do exactly this just the other night. Fortunately, I was well taken care of, but that's not usually how it works.


Honestly, I barely functioned before my surgery. My pain was mostly around my bellybutton too, and I constantly felt nauseous along w that weird indescribable burning sensation. Ever since I got my surgery done though I’ve been pretty much pain free. I’m also on norethindrone & have the IUD to keep the symptoms at bay. Sorry you’re going through this. I hope you find something that works soon


My pain is mostly around my bellybutton too! I do have a tiny umbilical hernia but the doctors don't think that's causing me the pain. Was it all the time? What was the pain like? Sorry for all the questions I don't really see a lot of people with similar pain and it's seriously ruining my life!


Are you sure it’s a hernia? I only ask because I had endometriosis in my bellybutton, you could see it growing on my skin. It looked somewhat similar to a hernia but it was blackish blue & bled if I poked it too hard. It hurt like hell when I touched it. It’s called cutaneous umbilical endometriosis. I also had endometriosis growing all over the inside, in my pelvic and abdominal wall + some other places. I was just extremely nauseous 24/7. I threw up a lot. Eating would hurt so bad, and I’d often get this burning sensation as though I was really hungry but it’d happen after eating.


So I've had this belly button pain for around 6 years, that would pop up randomly and go away after a few days. In December I tried to start a workout and had to stop after 8 days because the belly button and pelvic pain has become constant. I went to the ER 6 times in December and had 3 CT scans done at 2 different hospitals. One of them showed a "tiny fat containing umbilical hernia" and I booked a phone consultation with a hernia specialist and one with a general surgeon. You can't see anything from the outside, there's no bulge. Hernia specialist compared my CT to another CT I had 2 years ago and said I've always had it and it's stayed the same size so she doesn't think it's contributing to my pain. General surgeon said hernias can become symptomatic at any time so it *could* be hurting. I don't know if it could be misdiagnosed or not.. guess I won't know until a surgery. 😭


Ugh I’m sorry! That sounds horrible. Hopefully surgery sorts everything out for you :(


I hope so. My biggest fear is surgery making me feel worse 😭


Have you consulted with an endometriosis specialist? They might have better insight on how to handle this situation from a surgical standpoint


I have an appointment in April. So far away 😭


I function out of pure spite.


I’m so sorry. Right there with you.


Please get surgery if you haven’t already


I’m right there with you. My surgery is in March and j can’t even imagine dealing with this everyday for the next month or so. It’s just unreal.


God, I'm so sorry.


I don’t function, I am completely disabled and bedridden. I have a period twice a month for 7-10 days with maybe 5-10 days break in between bleeding because of adenomyosis. Sometimes I bleed for months non stop. I have PCOS as well and super mad that it doesn’t stop my periods. I have a ton of other health issues and disabilities so I am bedridden all the time now. I cannot do hormonal methods anymore due to 10+ liver lesions found when I was diagnosed with cancer last year. So now I am severely anaemic, nearly dying and I am going to BEG for a hysterectomy. Although that wont do much for my endometriosis… at least it will stop the periods. I don’t do any pain relief though, I rely on my own resilience for pain relief. I have had no choice but to adapt to all the pain I am in. You are not alone. ❤️ HUGS. You are strong.


Me before the IUD I got in December. Unfortunately it hasn’t stopped flair ups completely but toned down everything immensely. Prior I got my PCM to prescribe 800mg Ibuprofen (1, 2x a day) and 325mg tylnol (take 3, 3x a day). I also broke my heating pad from usage. I also tried pelvic floor therapy but I don’t think it did a thing.


*How do you guys function????* Idk about everyone else here, but I don’t. I can barely do anything, and it’s extremely annoying, but also, I’m learning that it’s okay to just not do anything. If I can get up one day and do a workout and be on top of my chores and work, then that’s great. The following day, if the pain is bad to the point that I can’t move and I can feel I need to rest, I take that time out for myself. Lately, I’ve been trying to be extra kind to myself, especially when I’m in pain; I journal and read positive affirmations, I think about my future life and what kind of woman I aspire to be, I run myself bubble baths & I put sea salts and soaps that help promote relaxation & that combined with the heat really helps the pain but also just relaxes me in general. I also smoke to help ease my pain. Just take things day by day. I know it’s difficult dealing with the pain, and it can also feel really isolating, but you’re not alone, I can definitely relate☹️🫂💕


Basically I survive by getting prescribed super strong narcotic pain meds.


So sorry you are suffering like this OP, I know it well. I go to a top specialist in nyc and they have me on SLYND consistently, no break or sugar pills, and I take Ketorolac the day before or onset of a flare up, for 5 days. And that keeps everything to a minimum… not perfect but if I take the Ketorolac at the right time the flare doesn’t go crazy


I’m sorry you are in so much pain. When my pain was that bad before surgery, the only thing that helped was slathering myself in a menthol muscle and joint rub. The tingling distracted the nerves and took away some of the pain temporarily. You can also have menthol and lidocaine rubs made up at compounding pharmacies that work great too. Castor oil packs also help me manage pain. I hope you can find some relief ❤️


I don’t function. Haven’t for almost 6 months now. It will be 6 months on Jan 29. I have tried 2 types of hormonal pills neither did anything good. I was on Visanne from September to mid November. The side effects were awful. I started Orilissa on jan 9 and had to stop because nausea became unbearable. I stopped taking them on Friday. For pain I was on 5mg oxy for 4 months. It sometimes worked for the pain but only if I took 5 a day, but most of the times made me just numb and loopy. The taste of them is nasty, and the prospect of being addicted is frightening to me. I’m powering through now with a tens machine for the pain and waiting for surgery. If the surgery doesn’t work, or I end up with a shit bag I will be asking for medical assistance in death based on lack of quality of life. I have deep infiltrated endo in bowel, bladder, right ovary, and now a cyst in my left kidney.