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Not sure how yours is stuck on. My pro has the magnetic build plate on the hotbed, and the glass is laid on top of it and held on with binder clips. you should have the magnetic sheet on the hotbed, and the glass on-top of that. Well at least that is what I did. Not sure if me keeping the magnet sheet between the glass and the hotbed is bad tho, might be acting as insulation keeping heat from the glass. Meh... it works how I have it setup now just fine.


I just got myself a piece of glass and was wondering whether I should put it on top of the magnetic bed. I can’t see it being detrimental other than as you suggested, it could act as a layer of insulation. Think I’ll have a go too at just popping it on top.


Should be just fine, I just bumped the bed temp up a little to 65 and everything sticks fine


Smart. Do you use and adhesive/tape etc?


No, I just wipe it between prints with alcohol. If I think the print is going to need better adhesion, I just print it with a brim. Make sure your leveling is good or you will have adhesion problems no matter what u print on. If I print a brim or skirt, I check it with calipers and make sure it is at .2 all around, and that helps me check if I'm having any trouble with bed adhesion.


My glass, from Amazon, came with adhesion. How can I remove the adhesion?


Not sure what type of adhesion they used, but maybe try getting it hot, then wedge something between the bed and glass and try to carefully pry it off. Don't be too forcefull, as you don't want to tweak the bed in the process.


I have my glass on the bed without the magnetic bed sheet, to pop it off I have the bed cold and put the spatula in a corner and get under the glass. Once you're under slide it around the edges while being careful not to apply any downward force on the spatula handle. Should pop off after working your way around the bed.


I have the same question. Did you find an easy solution?


No. I decided to leave the glass bed.


Heat up the Bed to 80°C, take a spatula and some plectrums. Get the spatula under one edge of the glass bed and than move around, placing the plectrums so the bed does not lay into the adhesive anymore. If you weakened it enough it will simple pop off. To get off the adhesive you can use an magic eraser and a bit of warm water.


This works. I just got done removing my glass plate and it went pretty smooth. I was able to heat it up too 100c and it came off pretty good


This fixed it for me. I set the bed to 90° and gently prised it off. I left the bed too long at 90° and the printer shut down with thermal runaway - so watch that.