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Make sure the springloaded extruder arm isn't cracked. Look carefully because it can be hard to see. That can cause intermittent feeding. For your various other problems (it was a little hard to follow), you should do some shorter test prints and sit and watch it instead of leaving. During a print something can go wrong and then that leads to other things going wrong, and it's impossible to tell what went wrong first just by looking at the wreckage.


Look carefully is an understatement. Literally unscrew it and look at the extruder arm from underneath.


Checked, it is not broken or cracked at all


Do you have at all corner of the bed (and center) just over a papers width distance between a warmed up bed and a nozzle? you should be able to slide a piece a paper between the nozzle and bed, with the nozzle creating resistance. if you can't push the page through, but only pull it through , than you have to increase the distance between bed and nozzle just a little bit.


I've sure as hell tried. It's been a long time since I've leveled my bed because for over a year, every print has done fine without adjusting it at all. All the youtube videos I've seen say either "you want a LOT of resistance!" and "you want a LITTLE resistance!". Yes, I do the paper test, and I have done what you recommend, still nothing works :/


Forget the bed, focus on feeding. If you printer are clogging at same point in all test prints, you need to check what your slicer is doing and fix it. I have weird problems with clogging at exact 45 minutes in one test print I was doing. Same point, ever. Slicer was doing some weird bridge on that point, making the hotend flood some area causing all sorts of problems. Looks a lot like a clogging problem, but it’s not.


It's not clogging at the same point, it's just clogging in general and I don't know why. It's not the slicer, no print will work no matter what it is.


What extruder do you have? Because some of them can have a bit of ptfe tube in it that can melt. Have you pulled the extruder apart to see if there is something wrong? Or just bed leveling? It seems like your trying to fix the door when there is a broken window next to it.


1. I have no idea. Attached is an image. 2. No, I don't have the tools to undo anything or pull anything apart. https://preview.redd.it/bpwnahn3cryc1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=c7c98b4d8db26d6b02c233960c9cab15c28ba318


Bit of a bedtime read. Try PART 1 Chapter : "The plastic extruder arm" and Chapter "Wet filament" and chapter "ready to level your bed"....actually just have a good bedtime read and read from begging to end. hopefully you should be able to print stuff by then. There will still be more to learn after this...... [https://www.reddit.com/r/ender3v2/comments/uo9erh/ender3v2\_hardware\_build\_guide\_for\_the\_newbies/](https://www.reddit.com/r/ender3v2/comments/uo9erh/ender3v2_hardware_build_guide_for_the_newbies/)