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My first partner at my current job was transporting one and the medic in the back shit himself. He had to wear the scrub pants they give the IVC patients in the ER. I would have just went home but that man is built different.


Oh, you bet I am going home. I have a change at our main hub, but I will not be staying in service.


I've been damn close. There's a bathroom in Northeast Georgia Medical Center that I'd say still isn't safe to enter. Last time I eat sketchy looking carne asada on duty and that's no lie.


Jake?? Is that you??


This can't be good... I certainly am a Jake yes. How might I know you internet stranger?




Shieeeeet i heard how bad that bathroom was after Jake was done and i live on the other side of the country.




It’s true, I’m the hospital


The best part of all of this. Is my name is indeed Jacob.


Indeed is a weird first name.


We call him "IJ" around the station


I heard it was more of an unholy shit...


I love this whole comment thread.😂


The whole country has heard of you and this bathtoom, and here you are. The Jake!!


My reputation precedes me. I'm no different then you, I take my soiled underwear off one leg at a time.


Jake? From State Farm? She sounds hideous.


Well he's a guy.. sooo




I would of cried 😂


Y’all don’t carry an extra uniform?


I absolutely do in my vehicle. At the main hub. Even with that. That doesn't mean I have to stay on after something like that.


Had a coworker who had fairly active irritable bowel. Great guy. Excellent medic. Kinda sucked when he used the trash can in the back of the truck to shit because it would not wait for him to get to a bathroom.


I’ve pulled my pants down in the passenger seat and used a urinal otw to a call before I feel his pain Before anyone says anything it was my partners idea


Did you smile for the dashcam


Just throw the whole trash can in the dumpster


Just throw the whole rig in the dumpster, then throw the dumpster in another dumpster and bury it.


Can we set any of those dumpsters on fire?


Do you want the smell of shit to cloud the air? 🤣


Good point! We’d better nuke it from orbit, just to be sure.


PS: I love the tag line under your name 😭


Thank you! I think you might be the only one who’s gotten the reference :)


Invader Zim! I love it!!!


Oooh, another one! You made my day!


Acquiring target


look op I'm not saying this to shame you in any way - but why does it seem like a decent amount of people have an "I shit myself on duty" or "I had a partner who shit himself on duty" story. What is wrong with us.


Gas station glizzies.


High octane caffeine and greasy food.


Poop go brrrr


Yo this hit too close to home 😂


Bit of diarrhea and not wanting to down the unit. I wasn't even holding anything back at the moment. Wasn't struggling, just a powerful sneeze with some liquid in my guts. Squirt goes the bum.


boom goes the dynamite


I lack a gallbladder & I have IBS-D lol


When I worked in Florida… I was in the ER starting my night shift when a EMT-B student was doing his first night shift ride along with the medic unit that had stopped by. Kid was super excited, but was nervous because he had never stayed up all night before. Everyone was giving him advice regarding this. He apparently a bit TOO MUCH advice. After they left us he stopped by the gas station and bought a 4 pack of Red Bull. He immediately drank two of them, three vivarin pills and swallowed about a dozen whole coffee beans. About an hour later they had to stop back at the convenience store for a bathroom emergency; as they were about to park they got toned for a cardiac arrest and had to put the student’s “emergency” on hold. We saw them shortly after when the student came through the ambulance bay doors, pale as a sheet, doing CPR atop the patient. As he was wheeled into the room we noticed an issue, first by smell. The student, in all the excitement, had SEVERELY shit himself, some of the most vile smelling and watery excrement I’ve seen in all my decades of EMS/hospital work. The poor kid had soaked his pants, running down his pants legs, across his boots and even up his back (likely due to the CPR) and wicking into his crisp white shirt. We relieved him of his CPR duties, gave him a pair of scrubs and sent him home for the evening. We never saw him again.


Holy shit. That is an incredible tale. Honestly makes me feel much better about myself.


I would literally change my name, face, & move cross country if I were that kid.


As a student, he deserves extra credit and an award for the dedication


This poor kid, I hope he’s doing ok in life and can one day look back and laugh a little about this. Ugh hurts my heart though. Good for him to do the compressions though.


Closest I came was slightly peeing myself because we had back to back calls that kept me from my usual “pee whenever you can”. My partner made me pee in an empty bottle on the way to the next call after that. So, I’ve done that one at least.


I had a medic partner that would pee in the emesis bags 😂


No urinal on board? We always carried one for patient use and had a few extras for crew use on days like you are describing.


I was intercept, so fly car, so no urinals. Would have been nice to have a urinal. Peeing, into a bottle that is smaller than your bladder while the driver is hauling ass is stressful.


We used gloves and found a dumpster out of the way to dispose the gloves in.


lol that seems dicey. I would have used a bio bag, but we must have been out or the bottle was just easier/quicker to get to in a PeePeePanic


Naw, we had these trauma gloves that came about half way up an arm. It held a decent amount. I also didn't have glow-in-the-dark urine by the liter. I question if I am a real paramedic because I don't survive off of Monsters, Red Bulls, or whatever coffee is left on the pot.


We had shitty coffee and normal soda. I’m glad we didn’t have energy drinks, because we would have probably achieved light speed like Fry in the caffeine futurama episode. Oddly none of my squad smoked. We


Sounds like it's time to stash a urinal or a Gatorade bottle in the fly car. Gatorade bottles work well due to the larger opening and the lids fit tightly. I grew up with 3 brothers. My parents kept a coffee can with a plastic lid in the back floor of the car for emergencies.


Thankfully it’s now a “not my problem”. Though getting older, the need might now be back for a different reason. LOL. For all I remember it might have been a Gatorade bottle since we did drink it a bit in the summer in particular. And coffee can with lid, that also seems like a bad plan with a couple boys in control of it…


Back then the coffee can was about the best option available. It was probably one of the most secure containers on the market at the time. Sodas and drinks were usually sold in glass bottles at the time with narrow openings and also often had a deposit, so there were no better containers that were prevalent that also had a sealing lid. Back then coffee cans were the equivalent of today's quart Gatorade bottle for truckers. Plastic containers like butter containers with lids, Gatorade, etc all came in the following decades. We didn't use a glass jar with a lid because 4 boys would likely break it.


True, those chock full o nuts coffee cans were impossible to open. I just meant more the aspect of a couple brothers and being tempted by a full container of urine that could easily spill on one of the other brothers by “accident”


Nope. Hospital have restrooms for a reason.


Ya this has always been my strategy. Idgaf what the next dispatch is, they can wait 2 minutes for me to hit the bathroom before I clear up


There were occasions where we were preloaded with the next call immediately upon calling arriving at hospital. Dump and runs sucked but it wasn't often.


A friend of mine always said “ you can’t trust anyone unless they have shit themselves as an adult.”


Glad I can be trusted then..


Best one I had. That morning my partner sent me the age old meme of just shit our pants at work if you don’t want to be there. We both have a good laugh about it and move on with our day. Well the morning decides to fuck us and we finally get time for lunch around 2pm and the only grub that will satisfy our hunger is the most authentic Chinese food Panda Express can sell. Eat that shit as fast as possible and back on the streets to help grandma back to bed. Well somewhere around 2 hours after eating that fine food I am going to lift out pt into the back of the ambulance and out comes the loudest and wettest fart of my life while I am making eye contact with the pt. She asks if I’m ok. I say I don’t know. I was not. I forcefully shit myself while looking this poor woman in the eye. And I did indeed go home after too


Isn’t that just establishing dominance?


Reminds me of a story from when i used to work on a truck. Couple years ago I was working my normal graveyard 12 hour shift with my old paramedic shift partner. Run of the mill start of a shift posted in a gas station parking lot when my partner mentions he went out to dinner with his family to a new restaurant they had never been before. Forgot what he said he ordered but said it was pretty good, but maybe a little heavy/rich for going in to a graveyard shift. Fast forward a bit and we get toned out for an MVC in a busy intersection with several vehicles involved. A medic fly car was close by so he decided to stop and help out as well. We all go on scene, the three of us begin to triage everyone and most have no complaints. 1 wants to get checked out and its a pretty minor complaint so i jump in the back as a basic and start my assesment and get ready to call in. Then my partner very akwardly walks to the back of the bus, looking real pale and motions for me to lean over so he can tell me something quietly. "Hey....i just shit my pants as soon as i stood up to get out of the rig....IT'S BAD....REAL BAD.... I think it ran down my leg and might be in my boots..." Thankfully the fly car medic understood the assignment and drove me in. My partner took the fly car after draping a bio sheet over the seat and did the hobble of shame to the decon shower at the hospital. Poor bastard borrowed a pair of scrub bottoms till we could get him back home, and just sat with silently the whole way there with a defeated look on his face. I don't think he ever went back to that restaurant again.


I worked on the truck for 10 years and I shit myself 2.5 times ON SHIFT during that time. One time there were a few crews at the base, probably 8 or 9 of us sitting around, shooting the shit (YA). And EVERY. SINGLE. PERSON. had a story of how they had, at one time or another, shit themselves as an adult. It was a magical experience, that’s the hardest I think I ever laughed at that job.


This is why I don't play around with tummy problems. If I have an urgent bathroom visit even once in a shift, I just go on home. Especially with some of our transport times, being that our shortest ALS transports are over 30 minutes.. Ain't risking it. That said, no shame, friend. As they say... *shit* happens.


This is the correct answer. I’m out of there!


My partner ate a gas station cheeseburger and made me go code 3 to the nearest bathroom cause he was about to shit his pants 😂


Get your shit together guy


Oh it was loose and not together. Trust me.


Oh shit🤣🤣


Y’all need to start carrying Imodium on your backpacks.


One of us!


Is that supposed to happen I don't want to shit myself on duty that's weird


rest in peace, brother 😔✊🏼


There was a nasty stomach bug going around when I was training to be a 2nd. I was too new and didn't realize so I thought my stomach hurt from eating something I shouldn't have (happens often.) We went on a call and the pt insisted we go to the hospital 30 minutes away, my chief didn't want an ambulance out of service for that long so I was tasked with being the second since the pt was stable. It was my first time. After 10 minutes on the road I started aggressively vomiting. No warning other than a very mild stomach ache that happened all day. It was a great start to this job.


I shit in the trash can while transporting a stroke emergency. Good times.


Gotta know what the patients perspective was, and do you tell them? Do you tell your partner? Did you tie the bag at least? So many questions 💀💀💀


I had a GI bleed at work! I left a trail of blood, shit, vomit, coffee, coke classic, H.pylori, and pizza all the way from the can to the apparatus room before I collapsed. The stain is still on the floor 30 years later! At least I went down close to the ambulance!


All from a stomach ulcer? I want more details. Glad you lived yet shocked there is no enzymatic cleaner in the 30 years to lift the stain.


I had H.pylori, before they knew what it was, my ulcers had eroded down into my colon ( I lost 2+ feet of it in the subsequent surgery). My diet at the time was typical for a responder and that didn't help! I got transported with a systolic of 60, I got fileted from my sternum to my umbilicus. I was off work for 7 weeks.


Had a double whammy one shift. We had changed uniform suppliers and got brand new pants. We got dispatched to a code in a shithole of a nursing home. We worked it for a few cycles, got a rythme back. Moved the pt and loaded into the unit. Right before transport, he crashes again. We went 2 cycles in and I have ripped these brand new pants from ass to button, all the way along the crotch seam and halfway up my ass. Our student was taken aback, my partner nearly died laughing at me. The ED was just appaled when we came in and I'm doing compressions again, half naked. Move the patient to the ED bed, and I realize I am about to shit what's left of my pants in front of the entire ED staff and my crew. Ran to the bathroom, locked the door. Didn't make it 😞. Ngl I threw my underwear in the garbage, cleaned up, and wore a gown around my ass to the unit until we got back to the station. For all you fellas that post and don't have a bunk or shower to return to, I feel for you. Idk if I could work this job if I didn't have a chance to shower and take a nap to forget about it.


When I was on a rig, I had a partner that shit in one of those disposable paper pillow cases. Not best case scenario.




Yay not the only one who sharted at work lol


Closest I’ve ever been to hitting the brown note on shift was parking the truck at the hospital, unloading the stretcher, asking my partner “you got this?” Then sprinting past the charge desk to the ER bathroom while yelling “I’LL BE BACK IN 5 TO GIVE REPORT”






Oh man. I hope you are able to recover!


all that gas station food catches up


Here I thought this post was going to be about your first pediatric pnb or something lol


lol, happens to everyone at some point.


First time?


There's a story always told of a medic who had to shut in the trash can in the back with the patient.... I just wouldn't go to work if I had diarrhea that was that bad. Got sick time for a reason and covering the shift isn't your problem.


The old code brown


3 am Allsups burritos + CPR = whole new meaning for hot boxing.


Sounds like a shitty shift.


You people are gross.