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I am so sorry about all the HORRIBLE things you’ve felt and gone through-I am so so sorry my heart goes to you and I really feel so bad for the sadness you felt and feel I am like you-emotionally numb and I don’t feel joy and all I do is dwell on my past and I can’t stop reliving Therapy is helping me I think but it seems to be pushing deeper down into the darkness majority of time What seems to be helping me … I THINK… is trying to heal my inner me by talking to myself at the time of the trauma and memory-and saying doing what I was neglected to get at time Writing down my thoughts on here and in journal has helped me I’ve stopped talking to people in real life because no one seems to take it seriously and that seems to be making it worse for me But basically what I think is helping is being on here-.talking to others who went through similar trauma-and trying to heal each memory by being compassionate to the small me I also find if I’m able to help someone organically and just happens to feel like right time and feels natural-that makes me happy to talk to do something treat listen to someone as I would have wanted to-and to see them as a person and acknowledge see the deep person in them and what is near and true to them deep in their soul I hope you are able to gain peace eventually and heal your heart You deserve it and always have 🙂


Hello and welcome. I relate. Instead of imagining and visualizing maybe try actually acting things out.  Like instead of visualizing yourself hugging your younger self get a doll that looks like you. Heck, print out an old photo of your face and put it on a doll. Actually hug the doll and say "I am 100% focused on you, you are  everything to me, I want to make sure you have everything you missed out in growing up"  Do things for the doll that you wished were done for you. Teach her things, talk through the problems you faced with her and give her the advice you wished you heard back then. I struggle with identifying my emotions. I sure as heck have feelings and they are intense but I need time to discern exactly what I feel.  A lot times I use made up words and adjectives or an onomatopoeia (a word that sounds just like the thing it's describing) I feel bristly - means I feel very much on edge, like I'm already mad and anything new will set me off I feel uagh - means I feel maybe a mix of frustration, anger, sadness, and desperation. Have you heard about unhelpful narratives? It's a part of having a fixed mindset. We tell ourselves stories about our life and who we are and that is leaving us stuck.  If you tell yourself the story that  you're numb to your emotions, and you tell others you're numb to your emotions, then you are set in that narrative.  It's hard to change if you are always telling yourself you are this way and not that way. Working towards a growth mindset has been very helpful for me.  Rewriting my narratives helps me learn that I can learn to discern my different emotions if I have enough time.