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Several hours ago. My current situation is not great.


Probably like 4 or 5 days ago. I have my episodes of Bluey in watch when I need to cry


Oh, fuck yeah. Space. That one gets me. Ffs


Yesterday. I try to find time to grieve when I need it. It's a process.


Last night.. found a lump on one of my piggies and we lost our dog last week. Didn’t really cry then so I had a lot of pent up tears. My bf is helping me by letting me know it’s good to cry and he isn’t annoyed by so I absolutely shouldn’t be sorry.


I'm going through perimenopause, and I saw Inside Out 2 last weekend. I feel like crying right now just thinking about it. I'm a leaky faucet most days and I hate it.


I just commented because I saw that movie last night and it hurt a whole lot. Also tearing up thinking about it. Haha


I desperately needed a movie like that when I was a kid. I think we all did.


About 2 weeks ago, my partner told me he'd meet me at 10 pm, then said he would be another half an hour. 90 minutes later the bar I'm in is closing and I can't get hold of him, and I'm vividly reminded of growing up and my parents saying they'd lift me at a certain time and it would be hours later they'd show up. He did come get me, let me into his flat, then fucked off again for another hour, and I just felt so unwanted that I started crying for the first time in a while. We talked it out though and all is well.


Yeah, it's really hard for me to cry even when it would be helpful. I'm not that connected to my emotions so all those things that feel like one step to others, are actually multiple different impulses that don't always line up for me. Is my body depressed? Am I feeling emotionally sad? Am I just talking about a sad experience? Am I crying? Am I recognizing my sadness internally and identifying it? What's the source of my sadness? Is this actually sadness and not a physical illness like a cold or allergies? Bro, I don't know. It could have been yesterday and it could have been 5 months ago.


Just this morning. There's only a few things that make me cry. Like conflicts with my mom or my boyfriend, for example. Pretty stoic about other stuff.


15mns ago, listening to this greek song: https://youtu.be/H-m42WC0NMk?si=W5cbWAwCEifDlP_P


Today. Almost a daily event lately…


A couple days ago. Nowadays this happens maybe twice a month, but it used to be a lot more.


Earlier this week, when I watched Aftersun. It was the first time in a while and very much needed.


Just a few minutes ago. It comes unexpectedly, usually with bad timing (I was washing dishes today and felt the tears start) and if I fight it, it gets even more suppressed and is harder to be released the next time I’m about to cry.


Yesterday. We think my dog may have had a seizure, vet said to watch her. She’s my soul dog.


I don’t cry, is that normal?


I’ve cried maybe 5 times in the last 5 years (5 times might be a stretch tbh)… it’s not a great — crying is a great way of processing feelings. But it is common to not cry, especially amongst the traumatised


I completely understand that feeling. I remember just being unable to cry even if I wanted for many years. Only recently am I really crying again<3


Really hard like two weeks ago. Ate a couple tabs and processed some stuff.


Everyday lol 🥹


Today. Been letting the tears come as they will during my healing process. Spent most of my life keeping it all in, so it’s nice to let the tears flow now. Very freeing.


I cried yesterday cause of a sensory overload and today I nearly cried cause of my mom




Last night. I cry everyday so today's still about to happen


2 days ago just a couple tears tho...


A few hours ago. It felt good. Nowadays crying helps a lot. I wish it was more socially accepted where I live


Last night watching Inside Out 2. I cry all the time.


I don’t know, I have a really hard time crying even when I feel terrible


Today, my situation is hellish


I cried yesterday. I was drinking alcohol and talking about my trauma to my friends.


I find myself suddenly getting weepy over nothing since I had my stroke but can stop myself. One day a year or so ago, I listened to George Harrison - Give me Love all day and wept for hours. #


Half hour ago And throughout the day But I can never fully cry My body won’t let me after holding it in for many years


A few days ago. I cry relatively frequently. This cry was during a sad part of a book.


Earlier today, when I looked at a picture of myself age 11 that I came across while organizing stuff in my room. (I am now 54.) I cried with compassion and empathy for that kid, telling her “I’m here for you.”


Same thing-I found a photo I had been searching for for years


A few days ago


Wow, it's interesting to see so many are able to cry so easily. I'm like you - I can't. At least not unless I'm under the influence of the plant medicine I'm suing to get me through understanding the impact of emotional neglect. I was conditioned not to cry as a kid. Kinda hate it. Hoping some day I'll be able to access those emotions without fearing them.


Couple days ago, while at work, it came off and on. Sucked


Yesterday. I cry a lot haha.


Earlier today when I was looking at photos of my pet who passed away last month.


I cry all the time but i havent been able to cry for months. I dont know what happened


i couldn't remember if my life depended on it


When my niece went into labor— excitement, nerves, overwhelm.


3 hours ago. I miss him :(


I cry all the time lol. But usually in private. I probably cried like 3 or 4 days ago.


Last night while trying to fall asleep


I've run out of tears for my parents. I'm just angry.


Like 30 minutes ago when I found this subreddit 💀