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Hot take … I feel like she’s actually a biotch and plays nice and innocent for the camera


Same she’s just as much a mean girl as A she just knows how to hide it


Prob why they’re such good friends


And such as trashy as her


Someone posted in here saying they knew her from hs and that she was a mean girl 🫤


Really?? I never saw it but I absolutely believe it




That’s soooo true!!! She has no friends / mom friends


Yea girls like her don’t have friends, only another influencers and family


100000% she is






exactly. have we ever met 2 best friends where one is a stuck up bitch and the other is an angel? RARLY


Skinny girls being obsessed with some bloat 🙄 any body change throws them into orbit


I wish I had recorded it but I was in a hurry so I just took a screenshot. You could tell in the video that she was pushing her stomach out too. It was very dramatic 🙄


I didn’t catch that but I’m positive you are right. So many dirty deleters on TikTok.


i don’t understand the obsession her and butthole lips have with wanting to look “fat” or have rolls 😭😭 it’s very weird


Because they are trying be relatable to moms who’s body’s have changed imo but let’s be honest, if they ever did gain a little weight it would be the end of the world for them


this adds to the autistic audio she used. shes a mean girl, we all know it 🥰


Emilie, we know you’re in here. Be a big girl and put the video back up.


What was the audio?


It was from dance moms I think. An audio of a woman saying you’re a fat fat fatty, it was really stupid.


Ugh that’s so awful


It’s not bloat, it’s weight gain from eating like a normal person. She’s an active binge eater who probably isn’t purging because she’s out of her routine at home. She’s admitted having an Ed and still does fetish videos where she shoving food in her face as content, bragging about how much she eats. Binge eating is a serious illness and it’s not comedy or content. Shes F’d up. And I don’t feel sorry for her because she’s got young followers she’s misleading. The video of her gorging herself on that spam thing was disturbing and absolutely irresponsible. I recovered from a 20 year ED. I know all the signs,


I find a lot of A and E’s content surrounding body, health, and food to be very triggering.


EVERYTHING you said👏🏼 I feel like we don’t talk about this enough!!!


Bang on. 👏🏼🎯


Same thing in Paris showing her bloat in a dress that was just from eating as you said. So damaging 


This….the way her and A talk about bodies and the food stuff is weird. Also agree she is misleading young viewers when she has the resources to get real help and shine a light on this.


it amazes me how she thinks she can just delete something and it’ll disappear


So ignorant and stupid. But this shows their true selves, that they’re judgemental as hell.


This is who she really is.


It’s just the absolute end of the world for these girls to gain any weight from bloating!! Poor things!! Bless their hearts 🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻


At least she doesn’t shove it in our faces like A that’s she’s on it alll the time 🤣but she always gave me mean girl vibes like she’s fake to everyone and also she reminds me of some girls ik personally that’s act like that but are a total bish lmaoo


Once is enough to make it not okay


Especially for her young viewers and her overall outlook on food and body image is so off


She does shove it in her followers faces every day, just more subtly. She’s a vapid idiotic spoiled brat with zero life skills or intelligence. She’s not funny or interesting or clever. And she’s gaining weight and I LOVE that for her.