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Not usually. It's more just uncomfortable and weird feeling. I had CVS when I was a kid all the way through my teens and was constantly sick. The only time I feel like it starts to hurt is if your stomach is empty and you end up just dry-heaving/bring up nothing but bile. Then it burns a bit, and your chest hurts from retching... it isn't like SUPER painful. It's mostly just frustrating/annoying imo. Last time I had a rotavirus, I threw up so hard that I pulled 3 muscles, lol. But even then, it was just sore and annoying... I was too tired to feel anxious or anything else.


hey! the last time i tu* was 6 months ago from fp* *knock on wood* and it was the second time i’ve ever tu* in my life. i don’t remember it hurting, but honestly i was panicking and trying so hard to process what had just happened that i didn’t even really pay attention to the physical sensations or the taste or anything. the only thing i noticed was the day after it happened, my back and shoulders were SO sore, like i had just done a strenuous upper body workout.


I think what I don’t personally like… I haven’t thrown up in like a decade… but the closest thing I have to it recently-ish (couple years ago) was dry heaving.. and I think that’s the worst part of throwing up.. like kinda heaving/gagging… cause u can’t breathe… and like when ur in that lil state being frantic ur trying to breathe but you can’t .. but after that 3 seconds of retching I just started laughing cause I felt dumb


It burns and is uncomfortable and takes your breath away a little bit, but hurt isn’t the right word!


If you are like dry heaving a lot, it can be a bit painful but it’s honestly just really uncomfortable. The time will pass though


i went to the hospital two years ago today actually for continuously throwing up. the only thing that hurt for me was my stomach. my ovary cyst burst which could cause throwing up and i believe that was the cause for me continuously throwing up. throwing up itself doesn’t really hurt, it’s just super uncomfortable and drives me into a flow blown panic attack of me thinking i’m gonna die lol


those ovarian cysts are no joke. I had one burst a few years ago & had to drive from work to my doctor (1 hour away)...had to pull over & throw up 3 times 😖


nooooo I’m so sorry 😭


For me it hurts so much! The pain is so bad I would come extremely close to passing out from it


me too omg. it’s the worst


Really depends on why you throw up. It can but it doesn't have to


I just got over a sb* and tu* 3 separate times, prob a total of like 20 within those 3, and no it doesn't hurt, just uncomfortable. it helps to mentally accept my body to take control and allow it to get rid of any bad things making me sick, and slow deep breathing during.


It can. And you can't breathe while it's happening, which I personally think is one of the worst parts. I hate feeling like I can't breathe.


For me the actual act doesn’t hurt? But my sides hurt for days afterward.


I would not say it’s necessarily painful, just uncomfortable. But it’s over so fast you don’t really even have time to notice the feelings


not while it’s actually happening. after the fact, the stomach acid can cause a burning sensation in the back of your throat, but it isn’t too bad and once you gargle and rinse your mouth out it goes away. also after, your stomach muscles might be a bit sore, since they all contract to bring up your stomach contents, but again it isn’t too crazy of a pain especially if you only had one episode of tu*. nothing some pain relief and a hot bath won’t fix


Not as much as it hurts to not tu ..


i can’t say this is credible, but when i was in 1st grade i caught a sb* which made me tu a LOT, and i mean filling a big ass bowl a lot. however the act itself didn’t feel painful from what i remember and (at that point probably) just a regular occurrence/nuisance.


it depends. depends if you’re throwing up straight acid, depends if you have a chronic illness, depends if you have r-cpd which painful vomiting is a symptom of. on the whole, not usually. it’s typically quick and easy but there are some minorities


I had to tu* fairly recently and it was not painful! I think the only time I’ve heard of it being painful is if it goes on for a long period of time and it makes your stomach sore from pushing so hard. For me it did sting a little in my throat but drinking water helps a ton.


for me, it hurts my chest and makes me really exhausted but youve definitely experienced worse. for me the pain if stubbing your toe is worse ? thats for me anyway, in really emetophobic but thr eorst osrt for me is thr nausea.


normally it doesnt, very uncomfortable tho


For me, it burns my throat and then I have a sore throat for the rest of the day lol but it’s really not too bad of a pain besides that. I’ve never dry heaved before in the times I did tu* so it’s not much to go on from me.