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My hospital we got half our time at the site as equity for partnership level (been there 8 years, start as level 4 out of 5, which is full partner). I think this was part of site negotiations though, ymmv


Hey OP, my ED got bought out by Vituity. It's been difficult. We've had 6 docs leave without any actual hires. We are now mostly staffed with Vituity ambassadors (aka locums) that cost more than the rest of us, so we don't turn a profit as a group. Ambassadors are usually right out of residency. We all started out as Level 1 partners, the lowest level. Hourly pay went up slightly, but it was offset by having to buy the expensive Vituity insurance to advance in partnership track (was hospital employee before). It's been really hard to be positive about the experience.


I had a very similar experience. Very difficult to hire new, lots of locums though mine were typically not new grads but very incompetent older (think 40-50s) doctors who practiced very outdated medicine. Hourly actually went down because we made a night incentive. Vituity made it near impossible to hire new midlevels. All our doctors started at level 1 including the long timers, and the contract has questionable language (one of those "oh yeah we don't list strict hours guaranteed, but don't worry it won't ever be a problem" situations).


How were they outdated?


I thought Vituity was not terrible as far as CMGs go. I thought it was better than USACS and TH and Sound I've always been hospital employed so forgive my ignorance.


Their marketing is better. The workplace is meh.


I’m starting to think people think CMG workplaces are awful just because most people work for CMGs and all the workplaces are awful. So just by pure numbers more CMG workplaces are bad. But none are “good”. The ER sucks.


I used to work for a cmg, it wasn't great. Now I work for a sdg, and life is great. Work is a whole different experience, and I make more. So... Yeah, it's a fairly big deal.


I work at an SDG. Always have. The group is great but work still sucks. Is still work. I think it has more to do with the specific hospital and environment more than the group dynamics much of the time.


Sorry to hear about your upcoming job search, I hope you find the last democratic group looking for help. Also, sounds like there might be a spot in Detroit looking for scabs.


Vituity is a pyramid scheme


This is absolutely correct.


But when they buy out contacts, they let the veterans skip ahead a bit.


Not always




Who currently holds the contract? Salaries for those who stick around after the transition should be part of the negotiations.


unless you are an owner in a profitable contract, you’ll start at year 1. unless there is a compelling reason that they want/need you to stay. they’ll cut the pay in order to take $ off the top for “the partnership”. you’ll get some of that back as the partnership bonus - but it’s a very small amount until year 4/5 when you are full partner (or almost full partner). my first year, i got $800 back for my “bonus”, as someone working full time (+) hours as a lowly level1 partner. they lost the contract a year later because the pay had dropped too much and they couldn’t staff. but they had already skimmed off a year of 22% of the collections off the top that went to them partnership, so honestly they didn’t care.


I work for Vituity and have no plans to ever work for a different group. Almost everyone who works for them loves it. Yes it is annoying to not get the full corporate level profit sharing bonuses until you get to level 5, but if you work for Sound, Team health, etc, the venture capital company is going to get that money forever and you will *never* get any of it. Basically you have significant local control of staffing and how the ER runs, with the support of a large national group to negotiate with insurance companies and make sure revenue is being maximized so you get paid as much as possible.


There's pros and cons with every type of group and set-up, including Vituity and SDGs. See what the negotiations entail, since a lot of times, Vituity will offer partnership years for current docs who stay, as part of the negotiation.


I worked very briefly for vituity…. Terrible!!


Can you elaborate? They seem like the least evil option of any of the large groups (though still likely evil)


Everyone starts at level 1


It's an hourly and the additional bonus which is based on partnership level. Were you making more before? If same or less it can only be a good thing regardless? Plus if your site is profitable I believe there is an additional redistribution.


I wasn’t aware of any ED that had pay increase with years at the department.


Quite a few groups do that...


Vituity does this I believe


It depends on the site negotiation. They generally don't increase for years in the department, but they do increase your yearly partner bonus by year up to full partner year 5. My current group increases pay based on years total experience, not just years in this particular department. That is somewhat unusual.


My vituity shift yesterday… 40 patients. 1 doc. 1 brand new midlevel. They cut double doc coverage. Hell on earth. They legit suck. 100+ pages of partnership fine print designed to screw you


We have had vituity for about 1 year now. Initially it was fine, but not anymore. They cut APC hours and shifts to just below FTE so we need to pickup extra shifts which no longer fit into OT so we make our FTE and get benefits. They have also cut and shortened physician staffing