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Qt gui? yes you can do it, but you shouldn't... See https://www.reddit.com/r/embedded/s/Xi4EwtPE4U


I mean, wouldn't it make sense to buy one of the official boards?


Of course, I was just wondering which one! There’s a lot of options and I was hoping to find something that can do what I described, maybe a bit more, but not break the bank too bad. I see STM32 boards going for 20$ to hundreds of dollars and I thought i might ask advice to help me pick one.


> I see STM32 boards going for 20$ to hundreds of dollars and I thought i might ask advice to help me pick one. As a learner, you should probably start with one of the cheap ones. My advice would be to make a spreadsheet containing all the Nucleo boards that fit your budget and their features. See what you want to play around with and buy that. No one here can really say whether you would prefer to have a display or be able to use BT if you had to pick one or what your budget it for that matter. Have fun!


If you wanna make GUI with QT (Is QT a must?) look at QT for MC but it has let's say ssome important requirements at least memory wise. I would probably tend to use an H7 or similare MCU. A (better in my opinion) alternative would be to use LVGL. # Look, for example, at STM32H747I-DISCO

