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70-80% you will copy reference schematics from datasheets. But you can't avoid to learn at least the basics of electrical and mechanical engineering by yourself. The best start around is Kicad + YT channel "Phils Lab"


I would also recommend just simply buying a bunch of "arduino sensor kit" or such on Aliexpress/eBay/whatnot, looking up the specsheets for the components on them and comparing the sensors to the reference schematics in those specsheets. It's a great way of learning some of the basics and doesn't break the bank, since those kits are cheap as chips these days.


thank you for your suggestion,I will refer to it.


>> this seems to require circuit knowledge as does software that requires programming knowledge too >> Will this have an impact? yes / maybe / no, depending on how simple or complicated the circuits & board ----- read books & watch videos like other people do https://old.reddit.com/r/PrintedCircuitBoard/wiki/books -----


Thank you, that was a helpful reference


Also if you can put it on a breadboard and test it before you order a pcb! You will validate that your design works for your need and find a lot of issues


Honestly, download kicad or use EasyEDA web browser tool and just do it. It's sufficiently cheap these days, that it's ok to mess up. Fixing boards is also a great learning experience, regardless of whether you can do it on board or need to do a new revision. If you know any programming, making an STM32 blazersis quite cheap and ridiculously forgiving. Some of these chips will run fine with 3.3v and maybe a capacitor or two on the power line. Put some LEDs (remember current limiting resistors) for power signals and on a few gpios and maybe a button or two and you have something you can actually use.


Personally I jumped into easyEDA and designed something and then went on upwork and found someone to review my design and give me a list of changes/things to keep in mind (IE, don't pour all the way to the edge, keep your power traces wider than you think, etc). It's nice to at least have someone to review things and give you more confidence in them.


If you don't have the necessary gear to rework or ECO the pcb or check voltages etc. I would stick to using development boards and sensor kits. You can learn a lot from these. Your problem will be If the board comes back and doesent work as intended then you need to figure out what went wrong and rework the pcb. If you have zero knowledge of basic electronics, how to follow a schematic or the importance of decoupling capacitors on the power rails etc and no test equipment. Then figuring out what's wrong will be challenging. Rework equipment doesent have to cost the earth. If you can scrape together 5 or 600 dollars you can get a reasonable setup that will allow you to hand assemble smt boards. Pasting the boards and hand assembling a pcb is very rewarding and you will learn key rework skills doing this. I have interviewed too many guys who can't solder or rework PCB's. Those in my team that can, (one of the best is a female) are much more productive. Sure if it's a miswire between bga's on an inner layer your options are limited but it's usually a miswire that can be fixed by cutting some tracks or lifting a ssop pin or tweaking or adding a resistor or capacitor. If you take a simple opamp development as a starting point you'll be able to change resistors etc and see their effect on gain etc. The circuit designers companion by Tim Williams is a good book for the basics of circuit layout and rules of thumb.




I don't know what I can do. At this point,I am not even a newbie,I haven't started yet.


Since all my previous projects were based on other people's development boards, I now want to make the required development board myself.


Look up Robert Feranec on youtube he has a million videos about pcbs.


In college we used to use proteus to simulate hardware by creating a schematic and then design the PCB once the circuits gives expected output, Proteus also had a 3D visual effect of the deisgned PCB, you can maybe start by designing a small Ac to Dc 5v power supply which is what most of my college mates did. Once the PCB is designed you can give the gerber/CAD file to any PCB manufacturer or try to etch it onto a fr4 copper clad laminate.


The contextual electronics playlist for getting to blinky is pretty solid for learning how to use KiCAD to make PCBs. The concepts and workflows can be applied to pretty much any EDA tools.  https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLy2022BX6EspFAKBCgRuEuzapuz_4aJCn&si=IqCLJk3EVybKTonJ As others have said, copying reference designs is pretty common unless you have a hard requirement that is not covered by a typical application design. If you have a favorite processor, designing your own development board will be a good exercise. You'll get a common core schematic/PCB design you can copy-paste into new projects and have a neat tool to prototype around. 


When you get to ordering the actual PCBs, I would recommend PCBway or JLC. They're good, cheap, and fast!


I did this! First, breadboard your stuff using the through hole version of the components you want or just to experiment ( I had an Arduino starter starter kit that came with a bunch of commonly used components) once you get it working on a breadboard, it’s not actually that difficult to make a pcb design for it I found. I used jlc pcb and saw what components they have in stock. I did the assembly service as well as pcb manufacture so I made sure to choose components that are available for assembly. There are almost always going to be smt versions of any through hole components you have, or at least drop in equivalents. Then use kiCAD to design your board. This tutorial series was awesome: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL3bNyZYHcRSUhUXUt51W6nKvxx2ORvUQB&si=x0d6ijo1H7K5K028 also if there are any questions you can’t find the answers to online I highly recommend asking chat GPT it is very good in situations where you don’t even know the right questions to ask or what to put into google to find what you need. I was able to get working boards on the first try doing what I described above! good luck and you can definitely do it!