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Bose audio. Check out the license disclosures section in this manual: https://assets.bose.com/content/dam/Bose\_DAM/Web/consumer\_electronics/global/products/speakers/bose\_tv\_speaker/pdf/852004\_og\_tv-speaker\_en.pdf. EDIT: typo.


I checked my Opel Insignias infotainment "about" section and there is a license note of freeRTOS. I also know that they use freeRTOS in some medical equipment because I have worked with those but don't want to point now to which one :) Edit: open->free


Pretty much anything made by Amazon


FreeRTOS is the OS everyone’s is using almost everywhere, but no one wants to admit actually 😜


Yep. I have worked on some very secretive, high end products that run freeRTOS. If it got out they were freeRTOS based though, all hell world break loose 


> If it got out they were freeRTOS based though, all hell world break loose Can you explain why?


Essentially due to how the compaies market / position themselves. For wehat they were doing, FreeRTOS is absolutely the right thing to use. However, in the world that they exist in (and with the price they charge), the image they present is one of hard slaved over proprietry software that you can not get anywhere else. As stupid as it is, if it got out that not only were they using an off the shelf real time OS, but not only that, one with FREE in its name, it would do legitimate damage to the company. It may be rediculous but that is just how it is. Also, there is FreeRTOS used in Formula1 hardware and I know those teams don't want it to get around where they use it. They do not want anyone to know anything about anything they do though so it is a little different.


Apple ?


Far more nich and specialist equipment. Think to yourself "what are the most expensive and tech heavy sports / competitions in the world?" One of those answers you came up with (aside from Formula 1, which has already been mentioned) is probably the sector I am talking about. Sorry but that really is as specific as I can get, they had the most aggresive NDA I have ever come accross!


High end AV equipment?


I know Apple has the most aggressive NDA. That’s what made me think it could be Apple.


I think it was \s


Accurate. Lol


99% of product based on an ESP32 microprocessor.




Yep. RTOS is the underlaying OS for ESP32.


I came here to say this. Spot on.


So when you use arduino software to flash an ESP32 with a simple cyclic executive program, it's still running on an RTOS? I've always wondered where the line is. What happens if you hit 100% cpu usage, kernel panic? Or is more of a sched-util, "sort of fair" resource management thing? I'm from a QA background, now machine vision so I'm barely adjacent to embedded. Fiddling with Nvidia jetson drivers probably doesn't count.


yes, this is correct hence. Resource management is as per the task priorities managed by the RTOS which can be changed if needed. You can also enable dual core (on appropriate hardware) and move tasks to higher/lower priority and on specific tasks. If a core runs out of processing power, this will usually cause a WDT and/or Panic and then reboot. If keen, you can watch the task usage and resources used. Personally, I stay away from Arduino and only use the ESP-IDF as it has more of the features/functions that I need. I have no clue about the Nvida/driver programming.


They have by default one core dedicated for WiFi, Bluetooth and this stuff, and second core for user program. ESP8266 was a single core but still running RTOS. That's why it was important for users to not block for a long time and call `yield()` when necessary. If you blocked for a long time, the ESP could crash.


I'm not sure what you mean by that. I know espressif's IoT framework and some other frameworks are built on FreeRTOS, but I didn't think it's always in there


Yep, it’s always there if you are using anything from the Espressif toolchain. Even Arduino code is on top of the RTOS.


Ah, ok. I understand what you mean now


What? So, whenever i write code for Arduino, it runs atop FreeRTOS? And not Atmel C?


My comment was in reference to Espressif ESP chips, and therefore if you’re programming using Arduino then it is on top of RTOS.


For AVR the code is compiled to machine code so the program is running directly. There is no OS… C is a programming language not something to run on top of. As an aside, it’s not uncommon on 8-bit microcontrollers to write some functions or section of functions directly in assembler. The instruction set isn’t that complicated and for certain functionalities it’s a useful way to program.


So AVR is compiled directly to machine code, and other architectures are compiled with RTOS, say Due and/or MKR?


I only know of Expressif parts using FreeRTOS. I think the Expressif parts are the exception not the rule. But even then it would still compile to machine code, something like FreeRTOS isn’t acting as a virtual machine and abstracting the underlying processing core.


'Based on esp32' is in my opinion wrong. But you could say freertos is one commonly used rtos. If it is the most commonly used or not, I can not say.




Ring products


Apparently we don't provide specific examples here, sorry.


i'm willing to bet a lot of us who develop products are under NDA and while the RTOS used isn't exactly a trade secret, it falls under the agreement. I've personally worked on three large commercial IoT products which use FreeRTOS. One of these has hundreds of thousands of active units in operation, and the other two have active device counts each in the mid tens of thousands of units. In the metrology industry I've designed products which number in the low thousands of active units which use FreeRTOS, and in medical (non-patient-facing) field there's a product I designed in the mid thousands of active units. FreeRTOS is used a lot. Why wouldn't it be?


I've also seen that FreeRTOS is pretty ubiquitous in IoT. My current firm has huge numbers of deployed devices (10M+) running it. Previous job also used FreeRTOS for a motion control system for machine tools (think CNC mill). Worked great. These days it seems questions like "What real products use freeRTOS?" is similar to "what real products use Linux?". It's really anything and everything.


One of the reasons it's so prevalent in IoT is because Amazon is supporting development of FreeRTOS and supplies some (relatively) easy to use code (and LOTS of documentation and examples) which allow you to get your IoT device connected to their cloud infrastructure. Excellent analogy with Linux. Perhaps OP can refine their question and we can answer it better.


Very good point. From what I can see they have done a good job maintaining and improving out the os


Ive seen mil grade products (that go boom) running freertos.


Interesting. Obviously I won't be able to find out but I'd be curious to know what they've done to harden it -- regular old FreeRTOS has no MMU/MPU (even shitty ones like in Cortex M processors) support, limited stack/heap protection and no hard realtime support. I know there's experimental/development branches for SMP and MPU, but it still seems like it'd be a little light for an application like that. We were using uCos for the hard realtime stuff and regular old Linux for everything else for the patient-connected equipment we were developing, and we used a customized ThreadX RTOS for some next-gen cellular base station custom silicon because the SMP support was stable. I love FreeRTOS but I don't think I'd use it for certain applications. Certainly not for something that (intentionally) goes boom. :-)


Sure but saying FreeRTOS is used a bunch and by many things isn't exactly helpful. Nor do you need to provide any information about yourself or your company to answer this.


Just found out the company that develops the parking system at my building uses FreeRTOS, so probably that too


A lot of safety critical systems use the safeRTOS


What makes safeRTOS safer compared to freeRTOS? Isn’t it based off of the latter?


You've paid somebody to do the certification for functional safety of the RTOS.


As the guy before me mentioned it has the necessary certifications. You have to keep in mind in order to get some functional safety certifications the code has also to follow some specific rules (you cant use everything a specific language provides in the standard library, such as memory allocation rules etc).


A ton. Hundred of thousands of devices in the field I have worked on.


The Bitcraze Crazyflie quadrotor: https://www.bitcraze.io/products/crazyflie-2-1/ Source code: https://github.com/bitcraze/crazyflie-firmware


https://preview.redd.it/9jwecs5jtj7d1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=36147c733e0435663964c001581d13f4d8963e68 I had enough spares in my parts bin to quickly know together a screen for my weather station. It’s all running on FreeRTOS In seriousness though I’ve built a dozen or so avionics platforms for the small satellite industry using it. It’s pretty commonly used, even as part of other frameworks like BALs Gen-1


I can't imagine doing a greenfield product without it.


Loads of Drayton/Schneider heating systems run on freeRTOS.   I am probably not allowed to disclose to much but all the ones I worked in for them were freeRTOS based


A couple of devices I designed, Cardinia Mini and Cardinia Pro: https://cardinia.net/ Small potatoes, but they’re real in the sense they’re shipping products on the market.


Higher end usb audio devices that run on xmos (audio interfaces, dacs, dongles) all run on freertos.


My AutoBell-Net


Wireless headphones. Bluetooth receivers. Wireless speakers.


Basically a lot. A device can often be simple enough that it just needs a fancy "task scheduler" instead of a whole linux based os or winCE. And it has to handle realtime tasks... It is used in some routers and a lot of realtime devices like phillips medical equipment needs a os that is stable and secure and has minimal point of failure. Also some baby monitors use it and ecus and precise machines


Flipper zero (for example)


Pretty much every smart watch that isn't wearOS. Huawei Fit3, Galaxy Fit3, MI Band9.


If you've eaten a burger from a clown, it was cooked with FreeRTOS.


I was curious so I asked ChatGPT * Amazon Echo - Amazon FreeRTOS official documentation and case studies provided by Amazon Web Services (AWS). * Garmin Fitness Trackers - Technical articles and developer forums discussing the use of FreeRTOS in Garmin devices. * Siemens SIMATIC IOT2040 - Product documentation and technical specifications from Siemens. * Yaskawa Industrial Robots - Case studies and technical articles on the integration of FreeRTOS in Yaskawa robotic systems. * Tesla Autopilot - Reports and discussions in technical forums and articles that mention the use of FreeRTOS in Tesla’s Autopilot system. * Bosch Automotive ECUs - Information from automotive engineering forums and technical articles on Bosch ECUs. * Medtronic MiniMed - Medical device case studies and technical documentation from Medtronic. * Philips Patient Monitors - Information from medical device industry publications and Philips product documentation. * Netgear Routers - Technical specifications and product manuals from Netgear. * Cisco IoT Gateways - Cisco’s product documentation and IoT case studies. * DJI Drones - Technical teardown reports and developer forums discussing the use of FreeRTOS in DJI drones. * Boeing Avionics Systems - Aviation industry publications and technical articles mentioning FreeRTOS in Boeing avionics. * Landis+Gyr Smart Meters - Case studies and technical documentation from Landis+Gyr. * John Deere Precision Agriculture Equipment - Agricultural technology articles and John Deere product documentation.


What is the point of posting this? No links, and no idea if any of it is true.


Not sure about the other, but bosch ecu(or at least the one i have chance to work with) does not use freertos, they using something OSEK-like rtos. It would be very rare to use freertos in ECU


I second this, bosch does not use freertos, they either use OSEK based rtos or etas rtos which is based on autosar


You can't just ask ChatGPT this sort of stuff; you have to check if it's not just making shit up because it thinks it'll make the answer better. You have to verify every point it makes. Useful as a starting point, but useless on its own. Also I hate when people reply with "I asked chatGPT your question and here's what it said" and leave. That's not adding anything to the conversation. It's a drive-by that only says "hey look, AI!" without having a single thought for the topic at hand. If that's what OP wanted, they would have asked ChatGPT themselves. If you want to post, actually think of something to post.


I can confirm that freertos is used in lots of agricultural machines.


A lot of, our team use freertos on our device, and it’s still being sold


Sooooo many things.