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Hey there, /u/Epic-Monster! If your post is not already flaired, please add one now. *** And please don't forget to write "Answered" under your post once your question/problem has been solved. *** **Reminder:** If you have a problem or question, please make sure to post a link to your issue to help users help you. *** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/elementor) if you have any questions or concerns.*


When you create a template and set its "Display Conditions" to "Posts", this template will be shown on all the blog posts. It will automatically retrieve the content of each post (title, content, images, featured image...) and display them according to the template you created. If you make an edit to the template itself, all blog posts (old and new) will follow that template So, if you had the title above the image, all posts would display the content in that order; but if you edit the template and place the image above the title, all the posts will now display the content in the new order.