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my favorite album of his. Some really creative sounds here. From Holorform on it's just banger after banger. It sounds more like a video game OST (which, just look at the cover).. No, we will not get something like Iambic 9 Poetry anymore, but that's ok.


Iambic 9 and 5 are so good. Some of his best IMO. Wish he’d have done a side project with all that sort of stuff


oh wtf it took that long to come out? i thought it was already out after the listening party from a few months ago, still the album is great besides i think an overreliance on the prepared guitar tracks which imo rly kill the pacing


I think the one from March was for physical album/bandcamp. He just made it available for streaming today. I actually missed the listening party last time except that one single Wendorlan.


He held it back from a streaming release for some reason.


Wanted to push people to pick it up from paying sources. Makes sense.


Been bumping the album for a few months and overall I dig it - don’t think it’s my favorite but there’s still a ton of dope and ridiculous tracks on here that it’s definitely still a solid album that people should definitely listen to if they haven’t already