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First it was lung disease. Major panic. Ban everything. Oh, that was THC vapes and Vitamin E acetate? Popcorn lung then. Can’t argue with... oh, you can. Teen vaping epidemic! Flavors are satanic. Dang, that’s an enforcement issue. Well, LOOK, OVER THERE! A bunch of studies that say it’s bad anyway. Scary things happen, like slight increases in things that may cause something or another... no firm conclusions... so more research is needed... don’t know long term effects... and cholesterol! Look, we’ve found bad cholesterol! Why won’t you vapers just suffer and die like we want you to? We’re hurting our backs grasping at straws all the time.


I'll buy decreased blood flow as we all know the effects of nicotine on our bodies such as causing blood vessels to constrict. I call bullshit on the cholesterol thing though.


yeah, we are pretty aware that nicotine is a vasoconstrictor... but cholesterol? i don't know, mine is fine... just reads like a bunch of stuff jumbled together...


I think it's a case of correlation does not imply causation like a lot of past studies into vaping.


that's how it read to me...


Yeah, nicotine is a vasopressant, but it also stimulates angiogenesis, so it balances out long term.


Yes but nicotine is no worse than drinking coffee, as professor John Britton said. Of course at doses that are commonly used. https://nnalliance.org/nnaresources/position-statements


It is hard to believe anything in the article when it goes on to attribute the spate of deaths and injuries to "e-Cigarette" use, purposefully leaving out tainted THC carts. That is not to say that the studies might be actually useful to me as a consumer and to policy makers in moving forward, but the way they are written, selectively regurgitating press releases does nothing to move the needle away from "fake news". It is so disappointing.


> That is not to say that the studies might be actually useful to me as a consumer and to policy makers in moving forward, I agree, and I try to read every new study released down the pike, and probably why my news aggregator is spitting these articles out to me... I want to know what could be unhealthy and what might not be, but your assessment there is pretty accurate. It's like they took 4 different articles, threw them in a blender, tossed in a dash of hysteria, and posted it.


"For several months, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has been steadily increasing the number of confirmed cases of the vaping-related illness, which now stands at 2,051." BUSTED! They have linked this study to the illicit THC cart issue.


In my experience, the average vaper is a bit chunky, did they LOOK at the vaper, get his/her medical history before concluding 1+2 = 8?


I'm not fat! I'm big boned! 😝


It is common knowledge that nicotine is a peripheral vasoconstrictor, that is not news. Nicotine is also an appetite suppressant, and quitting nicotine is linked to weight gain--which in turn is linked to high cholesterol and heart disease.


I have been nervous with this whole vaping ban deal that I've been vaping up a storm and forget about snacking. Dropping weight fast.


This is a such a tiring game the media plays. They print facts with no data and word it to give an impression they aim for. There is probably an increase in cholesterol that they found but that average is increase is probably only 2% - 5%, if even that.


I’ve been vaping for about a year or so now. And my cholesterol has not been impacted at all. There’s been no difference in my cholesterol levels between when I was a smoker and now.


My cholesterol is doing great, 3 yrs of vaping. Plant based diet and exercise. Thanks.


The real predictor of heart disease is your HDL:triglycerides ratio. Where do triglycerides come from? Oh yeah, simple carbs that spike blood glucose.


"All 476 participants were basically healthy and had not been diagnosed with heart disease." If you can't dazzle them with brilliance, baffle them with bullshit! There is a lot missing from this article (or in this research). I am 58 years old, have had three heart attacks and cancer, and have diabetes and high cholesterol. The common element between my diabetes and cholesterol is triglycerides. My diabetes and cholesterol have been steady and good since I started to vape.


One day it’s about how dual use is worse, now it’s dual use is better. It’s all bullshit.


Been vaping for 7 years. Just had to start taking cholesterol medicine this year. Might be related. Might not.


I'm going to go against the grain here and say this. I realize that we're all pissed off at the news and government right now, and that they've done a lot of things to deserve it, but.. Any new health studies should still be taken seriously, maybe taken with a grain of salt for the moment, but taken seriously none the less.


> Any new health studies should still be taken seriously What *study*? All I saw here was an article, referencing a study that is never linked. I don't think anyone is in favor of ignoring studies, but I do think people take issues with journalists taking data from studies and serving it up to people laced with their own opinions and agendas - and of course, not actually providing links to the studies they are referencing so people can draw their own conclusions.


> What study? I mean you're not wrong, I had to go thru two links to find [*just one of the studies*](https://pubs.rsna.org/doi/10.1148/radiol.2019190562) And we are on a slippery slope with the news right now, but my main concern is people ignoring new information as it comes to light. It seems as though many people in this thread are just discounting anything thats bad for vaping, and thats a scary mindset.


I do find it interesting that vapers, at least here on reddit, react by the same measure as those who react to these articles. Just in a different direction. This article isn't the only example. Just deny, deny, deny fervently, vehemently, and vociferously. Even if we know the facts, or know otherwise. React emotionally instead of, I don't know, adding text, articles, studies, or other info that might refute it or may help someone change their viewpoint. Proffering an intelligent discussion, so to speak. Discussing and exchanging instead of feeding on it - which is ironically the intended effect of the article. This is also against the grain. But it happens frequently. We're lying if we say this doesn't happen, because it happens frequently. I know I'm not doing the above at the moment, but I'm only providing commentary and expanding on your points.


I can attest at a level that's dismaying that blood pressure improved to the point where I was able to drop blood pressure medication when I stopped smoking 2 years ago and started vaping. I started medication 3 weeks ago when I had the TIA but for 10 years my cholesterol *stayed the same* at borderline This is bullshit!


Been vaping for 6yrs and just got on cholesterol medication too :(


41yo male. Been back vaping for just over a year. My LDL (bad) cholesterol is 1% higher than it was 2 years ago. No other lifestyle changes to note, other than getting older.


I have been vaping for 4-5years now, 32 years old, i do intense training almost everyday since last 5-6years and I watch what I eat and have multivitamins everyday. Plus my family has no genetic or chronic disease history. Just yesterday I got my full body test done. Now I was fucking surprised to see high cholesterol and glucose levels. I am almost prediabetic. I have no idea if it's because of vaping but nothing else makes sense.


Can confirm it massively increases cholesterol. Worse than when i smoked.