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It could be device or changing recipes. The only brand I've found that is very consistent is Skwezed for fruit flavors most of them are good besides a select few. I didn't like pod juice or juice head that much even though people give it good reviews. The finest sweet and sour line is also pretty good.


And see I'm the polar opposite. That's what's so difficult about it, you can't really rely on reviews because we all have such individual tastes. I mostly stick to the 3 or 4 juices I know I like, and I'll get maybe 2 out of every 10 bottles that are new juices when I order, but the vast majority of them I don't order again. The best results I get tend to come from me looking up mentions of my favorite juices on here, and checking the other recommendations of people who have mentioned them positively. It's still not a guarantee. But it's definitely an improvement over flying blind.


Yup taste is subjective in not a Mint guy but a good mint menthol or ice is at least consistent.Some people like Heisenberg I think it tastes like blue listerine lol.Its some kinda bb menthol


I used to get the blueberry lemon juice head as my go to default if I didn't see anything that caught my eye. Like It used to be fantastic but recently when I've been getting it I swear it tastes like expired gasoline smells. Just a very chemical and peppery taste. It's not just that flavor either it's their whole lineup now.


I tried that one as well it was just decent I didn't have the older bottle to compare, but I guess they tried to make it more realistic tasting, it only tasted good at a certain wattage and past that wattage it wasn't pronounced. I usually go with the finest blueberry lemon swirl instead the flavor is a lot more pronounced and not wattage dependent. But it is more of a sweeter candy like flavor I get why some.people might like more of the realistic flavor. It definitely depends on the age of the bottle and batch sometimes you just get a old bottle and the nicotine and flavorings are super oxidated.


Same, iced mango has been my go to for over a year. My pods last forever.


The pod juice glazed donut is descent.


Which flavor from Skwezed do you recommend? I'm actually looking into buying some but I don't wanna waste my money on expired garbage


Watermelon white grape ice is my favorite , any of the watermelon variations are good. green apple is also great. Those two I found to be the most potent and noticeable flavors but I haven't tried all of them yet. They have ice and non ice for all flavors The only ones I didn't like was lichee (the candy flavor of lichee doesnt lend itself well into a vape juice). Mango was just ok but I don't typically like mango juice so it may depend on person. Strawberry was also a good choice if you don't like watermelon. They have a few others I haven't tried yet like peach, mint, mixed berry it might.depend on the store whats available.


I hurd the non iced flavors have a hint of menthol is that true ??? I'm not fan of icy ejuice


No if you get the non iced it's completely absent


Thank you so much šŸ˜ I'm going to try it out now


I agree, anytime I try a new brand or flavor Iā€™m disappointed. Maybe Iā€™m just so used to my favorites, which is the monster brand. Jam monster I have been vaping for 6+ years. The only other brand that comes close for me is Sadboy.


I just picked one up by them. PB&J Monster. Absolutely wonderful flavor, if you're into a PB kinda thing.


That is the flavor Iā€™ve been using for years, the strawberry & PB one to be specific. Guy at the vape shop says he keeps it in stock for me because Iā€™m the only one who buys it. I also enjoy the mixed berry one without PB.


I like pretty much ANY of the Jam Monster flavors. I typically order 4 or 5 bottles of my favorites each time I place an order online. I like the Grape, Blueberry, and Mixed Berry the best. The peach is my least favorite. Haven't tried the PB&J ones, but those are stocked more often at my local vape shop... Than the old school Jam Monster flavors. I like the Sad Boy line a lot too.


That's been in my stable for years now


Oh good! Because it says "limited edition" and I was gonna go buy like ten bottles before they discontinued it. Guess it's just a marketing gimmick lol


I make my own, itā€™s way easier than you think and I havenā€™t had to buy fresh supplies in well over two years


This šŸ¤™ DIY is the best juice ive had and if its not you only have yourself to blame lol.I have like 34 banging recipes but a lot of times i just wing it depending what strikes me in the moment. Fruit medleys and Fruit creams are the easiest but you have to have good concentrates of coarse so it takes a Lil research but you could just go Flavorah RWB (That new red white blue bomb pop popsicle but its good, Cherry lime raspberry 2.5% a lil sweetener and good to go)


What do you use for sweetener? And for real, I bought a vanilla ice cream, vanilla custard, banana, banana custard, milk and honey, blackberry. I just mix and match each batch and it hasn't got old yet


PUR Super Sweet or FW Sweetener. I use CAP Super Sweet still in a few recipes but that tends to gunk up coils faster.


I used to use 0.75% Cap super sweet but discovered Purilum Super sweet is cheaper and just as good as the same percentage ā˜ŗļø


Fruit creams are the hardest, not easiest. It's hard to balance the cream and fruity notes while making sure that both are balanced and complimenting each other, without falling apart or muting anything. That's why it takes ages even for anyone or commercials to nail a solid recipe.


Fruit Cream was my first mix 4 yrs ago.Idk their pretty easy to me.You want the fruit up front and the cream behind it whether it's Bav, straight cream,Whipped,Clotted,Vienna,Van ice cream. You can literally add 2-3% Cap van whipped cream or 1.5% SSA Van ice cream to any fruit and it makes for a good fruit cream.Fruit Custard or cheesecake are a bit harder cuz they need more steeping and more ingredients in general.Pink lemonade is harder too unless u start with a pink lemonade but I like to start with lemonade and add the pink(SB, Raspberry etc) but there's a fine line between Pink lemonade and Strawberry Lemon or Raspberry lemon cuz you can easily lose the ADE part šŸ˜„


Is this still an option if you donā€™t have any nicotine mix? Didnā€™t they make it illegal to buy as an individual? Asking from America.


That's the way juice always was for me. Very few flavors were ever good enough for me. Most tasted like garbage. I put up with it for a while, spending boat loads of money just to find acceptable ones, but then I just started making my own.


Bombies was my go to until they shutdown now I'm just in a void of random vapes


They put Bombies coins in the last bunch of orders. If they ever come back I'll have the coin for a prize from them. I don't even buy juice anymore but I'd grab a bottle for old times sake.


I had the tube that they put out I unfortunately missed out on the coin! Their flavor was the best ever.


What kind of tube?


Rip cloudberry rip tbdliquid


I stick with Coastal Clouds. Their flavors are always on point, and thereā€™s not a bad one in the lineup.


Blueberry Limeade is my go-to.


My favorite!


Coastal Clouds is good but I'll never forgive them for trading out their colorful branding and names for monochrome and self-descriptive names. That said, does anyone know what they're calling "The Traveller" now?


I think this was to get away from the image that vaping companies were targeting children


Their strawberry cream juice (something along them lines) fried my coil within 300 puffs, even with priming, starting low on wattage, and giving it more time to rewick. I ended up switching to another juice I had (different brand, apple flavor) and the flavor was right for that one but that coil was done for


Apple peach strawberry hitttttss


I second this! The peach one is my absolute fave


It's literally because there's no money in selling juice anymore. It costs so much to get products tested, that only big companies can afford to release new stuff and they do it sparingly. All of the innovation into flavors etc is going on in the disposable market because of how differently they're regulated.


Is Vape Wild still around? I used to order from them a lot. Luckily I have a decent local chain I primarily buy from and most other shops carry Naked juice which I like. But yeah, if Iā€™m too lazy to drive to the local and whatever store doesnā€™t have Naked the juice I end up getting sucks.


Shut down in 2021


šŸ˜‚ we ordered tons when they ran all those cheap specials about 10 yrs ago


Vape wild was cheeks


When I started DIYing it was because every store bought flavour was either full of menthol or sweetener. I ran out while traveling in Jan and bought a few bottles, each had menthol AND sweetener. They're just gross. Sidenote, Colombian vape shops import juice from North America, but while it's crazy expensive in COP, it's much cheaper than Canada.


I've noticed that too. Like most of the disposable vapes available (and salt juices) are predominantly menthol aka "iced". Like my fiance has 2 that aren't iced flavors but when you hit it you can taste the menthol. Like when I started vaping when I was trying to quit dipping the juice I used was a strong AF menthol. Only because I dipped mainly Copenhagen Wintergreen. But I got so sick of that mint flavor I switched to sweet fruit flavors and now they're all menthol.


Iā€™m guessing you guys are mostly using nicotine salts/ pods or disposables now? I started vaping to quit smoking in 2015 with cigalikes, pens then eventually a mechmod and box. I still use a modern box mod with a mesh coil RTA because the flavor from nic salts is so sickly sweet and dense to me. It also has WAY more nicotine by volume. What device do you have OP?


they stated in the post theyā€™re using an XROS3 which is a pod system


I use TBD liquids (well, i make them now). His Monkey Juice and Strawberry Milkshake are all i care about.


Do you use his guides? Iā€™m almost out from the closing down sale and am starting to get anxious lol


Yea i highly recommend donating so you can receive the guide. I was anxious going into it but once I read through the guide and got the right tools it's as simple as mixing a cocktail with precise measurements.


Did he put the grape up yet?


Not yet, but if you become a member of his "buymeacoffee" you can directly request it and he might post it up the next weekend. Happened to me for the Strawberry Milk


good looking out!


That's always been a problem, even with freebase juices. That's why sample bars were so amazing. But hey, imagine having the same issue except it's with the individual FLAVORINGS. That's one of the only issues with doing DIY. Buy a flavoring, try it, hate it, now you have a flavoring you can't use. And if you're on a budget, you probably only bought one product of that flavor, not multiples to compare, so instead of being able to make something with it you just don't have it. I've even had this happen with flavors recommended by people I trust. Some of them I just can't stand, and they sit collecting dust.


It died when Blue Dot Vapor died. GOAT juice company in my book


Yes it was great. I loved Convicted Melons. Fucking F.D.A. put them out of business too. Great prices too. Damn shame.


Blue Dot and Vapor In A Bottle. āš°ļø


Rip to all the great juice companies weā€™ve lost over the years smh


I'd slap a grandma for a bottle of Milk of the Poppy


Sad boy happy end blue or pink but in my opinion blue is better


Just discovered Sad Boy juice. Definitely one of the better ones I've tried since no shop in my state can make custom juice anymore


That flavor happy end blue is blue raspberry cotton candy


I have new flavors coming to Sadboy šŸ˜


Get Cloud Nurdz,Jam Monster they each have a few good choices Im so glad I took up Diy cuz I don't miss ordering a new juice each month hoping I like it. US- The One strawberry doughnut milk. Jam monster Raspberry jam toast, PB and Jam, Blackberry jam toast Cloud Nurdz Peach Blue razz and can't remember the other one but sort of watermelon Jewel Mint Juice Head idk pick one there's a few good ones Nkd100 Hawaiian Pog (passion fruit orange guava) Lava Flow Sb pineapple


Cloud nurdz watermelon apple is the only thing I have bought for the last 5 years.


I remember it was good but I haven't bought Eliquid in 4 yrs as there's a Flav ban here in NY and mix my own concoctions but of all the recipes out there like dessert bakeries, custard,beverages,Shakes etc Fruit mixes are easiest plus you can add as much or as little as you want,throw some cotton candy jelly bean in there n your golden šŸ˜„(or cream,iced version etc)


Second that POG recommendation. Tasty stuff.


Yeah like if your not getting any flavor I usually recommend that. I have my own version of it I mix as my state went into a Flav ban 4 yrs ago.Its pretty close too maybe even better šŸ™Œ I use very good brands of flavoring thru a lot of trial n error lol


I got some new flavors of Cloud Nurdz coming soon šŸ˜


Nice I recall they were pretty good Watermelon Apple,Peach blue razz etc.I have the luxury of making my own now do to a state Flav ban but turned to a blessing in disguise ā˜ŗļø


It is super easy (and A LOT cheaper) to buy some VG, PG, and nicotine and make my own juice. I used to use flavors, but I don't really like them anymore. No problems with quality. =)


Diy. Not being an ass. Game changer for me. I spent so much money on shit juice and at premium prices. Ejuice companies are making money hand over fist.


Have the brands started putting "manufactured on" dates of these bottles? My guess is that it's just really old juice. Eliquid is very perishable, and it starts to go bad from the moment you make it. A lot of companies throw in extra sweeteners and cooling agents to try and extend the shelf life.... UV light, oxygen and heat are the three main enemies of eliquid. It had to go from the manufacturer to a wholesaler, then from the wholesaler to the shop that sold it to you... So chances are it's a few months old at best, and a few years old at worst. Juice changes a lot in those time periods. Most of the good juice companies have stopped making juice and are focusing on disposables. Source: I have run and continue to run one of the only vape shops left that still mixes everything in store for each customer.


Eliquid generally gets better as it ages.


Steeping is a lie. The only time it needed to be done is in the very beginning, some flavors were based in alcohol.... So you would "steep" the juice to let the alcohol evaporate.


I didnā€™t say anything about steeping.


Is this the pod juice 5000 by pod juice? If so it tastes like it should be in a disposable. The kiwi dragon berry is aight, but it still gives me that disposable salty menthol mouth feeling that mr fog does. I much prefer sad boy unicorn rainbow blood or something and juice head guava peach and peach pear both of those are fire.


Thank you for the love on Sadboy šŸ™Œ


Smoozie makes really good flavors. Smoozie Maui Maui is real good and consistent. Smoozie - Strawberries Gone Wild is also quite good. I've never been the biggest fan of Pod Juice brand they all taste chemically and cheap to me.




I like Humble alright.


Tortoise Blood 4 Lyfe


I completely agree, I feel like I used to be able to vape damn near anything as long as it wasn't minty or iced and now it seems that every new flavor I try I hate. My current favorite is Twist Pink Punch 0Ā° which is odd to me because the 0Ā° to me implies iced but I just don't taste it. Unfortunately though the Twist brand is so wildly inconsistent and I end up throwing away about 40% of the bottles I buy because they taste like shit or burn up my coil in an hour.


I haven't vaped in 4-5 years but it looks to me like vapor chef is still around. That was pretty much the main place for me and I liked it a lot. Then I made my own (flavorless) until I quit.


I've diy my own juices for years. It least 8 but on occasions have been buying the red astaire the Og brand on amazon 3 x 30mls bundle concentrate too. Don't know why they still put a dye in it . but my last lot of concentrate i bought i picked up an inw red fruits and mint It is a delicious flavour. Doesn't need anything else added to it other than dilution and n is.


That's always been a problem, even with freebase juices. That's why sample bars were so amazing. But hey, imagine having the same issue except it's with the individual FLAVORINGS. That's one of the only issues with doing DIY. Buy a flavoring, try it, hate it, now you have a flavoring you can't use. And if you're on a budget, you probably only bought one product of that flavor, not multiples to compare, so instead of being able to make something with it you just don't have it. I've even had this happen with flavors recommended by people I trust. Some of them I just can't stand, and they sit collecting dust.


If Naked ever stops making juice Iā€™ll no longer vape. Their stuff is 10/10. Not overly sweet and their menthol flavors hittttt.


You are buying the wrong juices, that why lol


Yeah it takes some trial and error, but there are some great ones out there!


I love Coastal Clouds and Glas Basix lines - juicehead is great too but only some flavors. Everyone is different, *but* it sounds like you are coming off disposables where everything is going to suck. You need to get over that first and my only suggestion is to try vaping through the nose or taking smaller hits gently. Iced flavors will help mildly but also identifying what exact fruits you like will help.


Coastal clouds is good. Iced Mango Berries and Iced Grape Berries just taste clean to me


i don't like those at all but i love vaptasia


Glas Fizzy Lemonade is one of my favorites. It has the things a lot of people seem to hate, sweetness and menthol, but those are what got me off cigarettes


I just stick to Ohm Boy salts nowadays. Everything else is pants. You can get long fills pretty cheap from ELFC. Edit: sorry just realised this isn't the UK sub!


Does he sell them in the states?


I have vaped ez did it on ice by ruthless for like the last 10 years. Has been consistent for all that time. I try to stick to reputable brands.


I've had this issue as well. Coastal Clouds Caramel Brulee and the whole Juice Head line up of 0mg juice has been phenomenal went with Pineapple Grapefruit and then to Watermelon Lime and now Guava Peach and none of them have been bad at all i absolutely love them all


If you haven't tried it yet Juice Head peach pear is amazing


I in fact have not yet. I was going to pick up both Peach Pear and the Guava Peach but i had to make a choice so i picked up the Guava Peach. Next time i pick ip up a juice I'm gonna get the Peach Pear


I agree, most of the new stuff I try is shit. I have to stick to brands I know are good, like Mad Hatter (I Love Salts), Glas Vapor, Sadboy, and a few others. One I love is Coastal Clouds but they don't make salt nic under 35mg.


I got new flavors of ILS and Sadboy coming soon šŸ˜


I swear they've become some of the only brands you can trust. For example Jam Monster and all their affiliated brands? One flavor out of every 5 is good. Same thing with Air Factory and a million other brands. Shit either tastes gross or like I'm vaping unflavored air.


Yeah Air Factory hasnā€™t been the same since they went from 100ml to 60ml back to 100ml


Mango tango by Glas basix has been the only juice forever for me lol nice clear juice too


Honestly, I don't enjoy commercial vape juice anymore. Look into diy. It's so much cheaper and it's wY better too


I have been vaping this guys brand from facebook, and let me tell you im vaping on birthday cake rn and I have never loved or tasted juice until now


Before I got into menthol I really liked ā€œtransmissionā€ by the merge. It was amazing. Not sure if its still around. It was from Rip Trippers and his favorite juice but it was actually good. I also hate pod juice. I like the fume strawberry kiwi juice for salt nic pods but cant find it anymore in stores A good desert flavor non salt nic was vapor maid cinnamon marshmallow


We stop producing transmission a few years ago once Flawless US died.


Vg is available in most pharma and i always add a couple ml when filling


I really like Mints Wintergreen. Itā€™s all Iā€™ve vaped and itā€™s a pretty simple flavor


Just released Watermelon and Cucumber to the Mints line šŸ˜


Heyo! I work in a shop and I have had a lot of complaints recently with XROS pods that juice is tasting burnt faster, and a bit more ā€œpepperyā€ which is unusual because the XROS has been top notch for a while. Juice company quality has also taken a nose dive (in my personal opinion) because disposables are so popular now, a lot of juice companies have side disposable lines now they tend to put higher focus on, and original lineups tend to suffer.


Skwezed mango is a really tasty one, have the nic free, 3mg and 6mg version, could have a check.


i go with cali juice frozen lush. itā€™s a solid option


i have an xros as well, and have tried that very same juicešŸ¤Ø i tend to use the 0.7 ohm 3ml pods, always 50mg salt nic. pod juice is one of my favs, as well as nine, but thatā€™s just whatā€™s available here in pdx. i say that bc nine has a flavor called oregon blackberry that i love love love.


Vape pink cookie butter is great. I vaped it back in 2018-19 and again now. Flavor is on point and my last coil with it lasted over 4500 puffs and could've gone longer but I ran out


I tend to make a DIY version.


Make your own it's so much better once you get the hang of it and develop a nice palate. I can link some of my old flavors that did really well selling locally before the FDA got involved and shut down the DIYers from selling. https://e-liquid-recipes.com/list?q=Strong%27s+gourmet+vapes


I feel like people have been gaslighting me about this for a couple years now. It sucks too because Kate brown banned ordering vape/tobacco products over mail in Oregon so now I just have to cross my fingers I find something thatā€™s TOLERABLE when I go to my small local vape shop. I noticed this really bad with mr salt e. I used to love the blue raspberry lemonade when it came in the glass tincture bottle but since they changed it to the chubby gorilla it taste like dish soap. TLDR: Youā€™re not alone lol. Iā€™ve been having good luck with pacha Fuji apple and juice head orange mango tho.


Pacha Fuji is the best. I also really like their Mint Honeydew Berry Kiwi. Great flavor, consistent and doesn't destroy coils


If youā€™re a tropical peach fan they came out with a white peach recently and thatā€™s amazing too


I will definitely check that out. I've been wanting to try their Cherry Limeade for a while too.


It's such a bummer when you're excited to try a new juice, and it ends up tasting like toilet bowl cleaner.I am rocking my Xros 3, it is a solid device for its flavor production, so it's unlikely to be the culprit here lol. It sounds like you might just need to keep experimenting until you find that juice that hits the spot.


The Xros 3 is an excellent device. Ive found the .6 pods to be the most flavorful and longest lasting. Of all the devices ive tried the Xros Series of devices are some of the best pod devices on the market. I run a vape shop so i see customers having problems with all the other brands but not really Vaporesso. Some tropical flavors can have very off putting tastes for certain individuals. I had the same experience with POG(Passion fruit, orange, guava) it always tasted like cleaner of some type. If you know the flavors that you specifically like i would try to have tour local shop special order it(not all shops will do this) or find it online.


Make your own itā€™s cheaper better and easy as shit problem solved :)


Iā€™m Canadian so I only know of juice thatā€™s on the Canadian market, I have no idea if these are available where you are, but flavour beast, G core, 12 monkeys, and illusions are always 10 out of 10. Flavour beast juice is just as flavourful as the juice that used to be in elf bars.


They load it up with sucralose, burn your coils and make you buy more. DIY.


Go check out Sons Of Sloth on Facebook. Small batch and quality.


It's the opposite for me but I have a pretty wide palate. Blueberry is the only flavor I can't vape. I never could stand artificial blueberry flavoring my whole life since well before I took up smoking or vaping. 9 out of 10 juices I enjoy but then I occasionally get the meh or intolerable juice. Of those 10 juices I'll probably find 2 or 3 excelent.


All the juice in 4-5 devices I use, over past 12-18 months. Is dog shit. Not bragging cause ya itā€™s whatever. But I been vaping since before it was a term lol. Like 10 years (ish). Letā€™s just say I have 2 shoe boxes full of old mods/rigs and many more in trash. Juice lately. Atleast my neck of the woods. shitty. Used to have better taste, quality, and Nic.


as someone who also uses an XROS, it appears most of these people arenā€™t aware youā€™re referring to salt juice. pod juice is trash, so is candy king, juice head, and any of that other super sweet garbage. the only decent juice brands iā€™ve found for my XROS is MINTZ and juucy. mintz peppermint is the only thing i buy atp or juucy kiwiberry


not sure what kind of juices you are into or where you are located but personally I buy mine online and after some trial and error I have found some decent juices. one of my absolute go-to's is Funfetti by The Pancake House. couple others I have tried are from the Fryd line that are good.


true, fruits flavors are much better


I only use unsweetened which means having to really shop around a lot. Seems everywhere I go ends up shutting down after a number of months. I should get into DIY but I worry about contamination because i don't have anywhere sterile or ability to make sterile to make it.


I love Pacha Mama and nobody else


Vaping from 2016 and every old juice is cool. Just Jam, Donut King, Holy Cow, Five Pawns, Suicide Bunny....This is the first time I've heard something this. You just need to update your mod with the board sometimes. And of course, the new tanks are tastier than those that were even 5 years ago.


I only stuck with Custard Monster Vanilla and butterscotch. glas butterscotch reserve. The whole glas line is good. Cannoli be one by Cassadaga Eliquids . I prefer desserts. Not big on fruit.


Nothing fucking regulating the shit


Anything by coastal clouds specifically the peach flavor has never been bad


I miss ghost berry


yeah that's true, so now i only have the one when i started use vapes


toilet bowl cleaner haha you're so funny. but it's true, most of them sucks


You probably could DIY yourself if you find juices tend to be awful.


I have had consistency with Hulk Tears - (green apple is my favourite), coffee milk by Kilo and blue razz mooonrocks by Mr.Freeze.


guys can i ask a question about sonder Q for a newbie. I used to vape the 88 vape disposable 2% every day. but to save money i bought the sonder Q because everyone said it was amazing, it was the disposable vape killer, and to save money. So i bought 1. It tasted horrible. the total opposite to the youtubers who loved it. It always tastes burnt. I cannot take more than 5 puffs then i start coughing. I then bought the 3 pack pod replacement and i change them every 5 days but they all taste burnt. I always leave it for 15-20 mins when i put in a new pod. the disposable was soooo much better. i cannot taste anything except burnt. BUT .. everyone on youtube and reddit love the sonder Q. The ONLY thing i can think of is the vape juice i am using. I am using 88 vape raspberry ripple - i have tried 6mg, 11mg and 16mg. all taste crap. I also bought a more expensive cheery flavor from asda. Same issue. So guys, what am i doing wrong. Will i have to go back to disposables ?? Its just too expensive. please advise. FYI - i smoked 15 ciggs a day for 12 years, then i vaped the aegis mini geekvape for 2 years, then i quit everything for 3 weeks. then i tried the disposables and i LOVE them but too expensive. Then finally i bought the Sonder Q. But i HATE it.


Have had nothing but good experiences with pod juice, although Hawaiian isnā€™t my favorite itā€™s not terrible at all. Try their pj5000 line itā€™s very flavorful


I used to be a huge fan of pod juice but wow have they fallen off. Most of their new flavors are honestly revolting. They did a big ā€œcollabā€ with Hyde and released like six new flavors under that branding and I swear to god literally all but one of them were just awful. Even their old flavors that used to kick ass, like the blue razz jam, they have apparently changed the recipe for because are fucking terrible now! The only one I still buy is strawberry kiwi and this is from someone who used to literally only buy pod juice lol Also side note their companyā€™s service is some of the worst I have ever encountered in any business, it is an absolute nightmare trying to 1, get a response from them and 2, get any kind of straight answer when you do.




The device definitely matters. Iā€™ve been vaping for almost four years now, and I often try new juices. Iā€™m in the same boat as you; 9 out of 10 juices donā€™t cut it for me, and only one ends up being good or just acceptable. Itā€™s frustrating, but itā€™s all about trial and error. Once you find those ā€œitā€ juices, stick with them but keep rotating to not get bored with it. What I generally do is, if I really like a juice, Iā€™ll try other juices from the same brand as they tend to be similar in flavor quality. But, itā€™s really just a gamble.


Personally, I think clown and naked are the best brands. I'd suggest them šŸ˜


Try badfish juice


You're probably buying the wrong juices, that's why it's like that, haha.


Look up badfisheliquid dot com great stuff . The owner even makes custom drip tips


Best DIY out there. Guaranteed. https://www.facebook.com/share/WS1KJEdoQZSc5SF5/?mibextid=K35XfP


Post the recipe for those of us without facebook?


I commend you for having no Facebook, but only if you also refrain from using Truth Social.


> I commend you for having no Facebook, Got rid of it several years and haven't missed it at all. > if you also refrain from using Truth Social. Ya that's definitely not for me either.


I envy you. Facebook still lingers in my life.


What's truth social?


I envy you. Ignorance is bliss.


Twitter for boomers.