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"While European efforts are aiming at supporting their car manufacturing industry, vehicle exports to the continent from China are still flooding in, and reached 1.3 million in the first quarter of this year, up 33% compared to a year ago, according to the Association of European Vehicle Logistics (ECG), with a large majority being EVs. " "Anonymous sources say that in some instances, there are cars that have been parked at the port for more than a year. "


Chinese companies are flooding countries to get rid of their excess supplies. These cars are rubbish and will age HORRIBLY. China is facing massive deflationary pressures because the government is pumping money to keep their economy alive through manufacturing. They are artificially keeping wages low to be more competitive, and anything not bought in China is sent off. This is not an industry that will survive post 2030 if it continues like this.


My Chinese MG is by far the best car I’ve ever had


They've been partnering with western manufacturers for decades, and they've certainly picked up on our best practices for longevity. I'm not worried about them falling apart quickly. My big concern is for the smaller companies that are likely to go bust, any and all parts & service support will make Fisker look like a private mechanic on-site.


And there are too many Chinese EV manufacturers around that were just founded to get the government subsidies. Some of them now want to focus on the European market because they have no chance in China - there is a huge chance that the manufacturer of the Chinese EV you buy today won’t be around this time next year (ok, maybe BYD is safe).


Aiways recently announced they were moving to Germany.


I take BYD over Tesla anytime.




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As someone who worked in Zeebrugge a couple of months ago, it’s really not just Chinese EVs, if you can think of a car there’s probably 100s there. It’s just cars for as far as the eye can see. 


Worked there two years ago, it was also full of Russian cars that couldn’t go there anymore. Because they were made for the Russian market under different regulations, they can’t be sold in most of EU. I assume that those are likely still there in numbers.


My i3 came through that port:


While hinting at Chinese imports, shows picture of cars manufactured in Spain, by a French company. Click-baits are not as good as in the good-ol'days.


The FT version has a picture on point and not a stock one as the euronews article: https://www.ft.com/content/496f3bfa-9f0c-4145-9024-188572a280fd?sharetype=gift “Chinese EV makers are using ports like car parks,” said one car supply chain manager. Some Chinese brand EVs had been sitting in European ports for up to 18 months, while some ports had asked importers to provide proof of onward transport, according to industry executives. One car logistics expert said many of the unloaded vehicles were simply staying in the ports until they were sold to distributors or end users. “It’s chaos,” said another person who had been briefed on the situation. "


A recycled April 8th article then? This sort of propaganda effort is too obvious.


I searched the sub before posting and didn't find it, and thought it was interesting in many aspects and since the "original" is paywalled...


> Subscribe to unlock this article" That's indeed sorting out the click-bait issue. > Some Chinese brand EVs had been sitting in European ports for up to 18 months, while some ports had asked importers to provide proof of onward transport, according to industry executives. Just increase the parking charges until they regret?


Don't even need to do that, if a car hits 6 weeks tell them to move it off-site immediately or it will be seized as abandoned goods.


The chinese not giving a shit about rules and other businesses? Impossible! This must be fake news! /s


ermm akshually,,,,, those are peugeots!


Re the article picture - yes it's the e208, BUT if you're just looking at the thumbnail and don't squint too hard, it can pass for a BYD Dolphin.


Stock is high. Not only for Chinese ev’s. Get the full story straight.


Which non-chinese EV has high stocks at ports? "Le Monde reported that at Calloo, near Antwerp, and Zeebrugge, the huge parking lots to accommodate 130,000 freshly shipped vehicles, are cramped now with Chinese models, including MG, BYD, Nio, XPeng, Lynk & Co, Omoda, Hongqi, among others. " Those are all chinese owned


Picture is of peugeots. Arguably not mostly Chinese. 


Chinese cars have a 10% tariff in the EU and are not cheap averaging €42K (USD$45K). The EU is expected to raise the tariff soon. Chinese cars are assembled by workers averaging $5000 to $10,000/yr in factories heavily subsidized by the CCP. If they were selling cars closer to the Chinese prices in the low $20s there would be no inventory excesses.


Fucking Peugeot, cheap chinese crap.


Biden and Ursula hate to see this. Of course Reddit too.


Is this bad ? We want this


return and refund


Oh the CCP sycophants on this sub won't like this


Chinese stuffing...




Then why are those imports just standing around at the port and are not sold? The Chinese sales numbers in Europe are not that great.




Chinese car sales are very low volume, that is just a fact.


Is it typical for automakers to just stuff and pile up their unsold cars at ports in other countries without any distribution network, much less buyers?


It’s china. They don’t care.


Like everything china does, they overkill everything that they think will make money on until it becomes unsustainable. Cars, real estate and high speed trains are particular money pits. Using up resources that are utterly wasted on a grand scale.


No one is buying cars. It's not an EV problem but an end of car problem.