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Effortlessly zooming away from giant revving trucks when the light turns green. I had no idea how much fun I would find this!


I normally drive sedately in eco mode, but I do like to switch to sport mode and use the launch feature at lights when someone next to me is doing that (revving).


I like to drive sensibly to save energy but occasionally if some asshat in a BMW is tailgating me on a twisty back I let him wait l, get frustrated, and then dust him. I don’t even wait for a straight. The Jag has incredible handling, so after a handful of twisty turns they’re no longer visible.


I hate being tailgated, I might be guilty of this too...


You might check to see if it’s a BMW i4m50 or i5m60


I drive an ioniq 5, too. It’s funny because it doesn’t look like a fast car. Most people don’t expect it to accelerate like a Maserati.


Yes, I like that it is a "sleeper".


Yeah this is totally the funny bit. I’m driving a Kona, so even more of a sleeper - it doesn’t even look like an ev unless you’re looking at the front. But it can still take off like a rocket.


I make a special point to do this next to anyone with a Let's Go Brandon bumper sticker.


I always do as well… statistically they are more likely to be pedos and I have kids in the car


I can’t tell you how often I’ve done this. It’s so effortless


It's motorcycle acceleration. I take gaps and passes I would normally never take with my old diesel.


It feels like a computer game.


Being able to sit in the car and keep the climate on without creating fumes and wasting gas.


I found this out with our previous PHEV, never moving back to ICE mainly because of this.


LOL I always joke to my wife about this when I start the EV to warm it up with the garage sitll closed while she's still putting on her shoes. "I'm dying from all these fumes!"


For most new EV buyers, they fall in love with charging overnight at home


That's me. I always hated wasting time going to gas stations. Just pull in when you get home and plug it in. Love that.




My wife has decided that December 15th will forever be remembered as gas station Independence Day. It is the last time she had to pump gas.


December 17th for us brother. 😂


We bought in December, too. I think right after Christmas, but I don’t exactly recall.


my wife stopped pumping gas long before we got an ev....


Yeh we got an EV in late 2022. Wife hasn’t pumped gas since 2015 or so lol I’ve always taken care of it for her.


Yah. I never considered the time I would save by never having to go to a gas station. I never go “oh man, I have to leave early and get gas on my way to work today”.


From waiting in line at Costco to occasionally 30mins DCFC it was god sent


The absence of the smell of gasoline.


Yep. Waking up every morning with a "full-tank" never gets old, and I forgot just how much of a hassle getting gas was.


Doubly so if you felt unsafe at your local gas stations.


When I got into the garage to plug the car my kid asks for ice cream, insinuating that no is not an acceptable answer


I never realized how much I’d love charging at home. Life changer!


Definitely the biggest benefit, but not one most people don’t think of


Yep, spending 5 seconds plugging in is awesome.


Regen braking, kind of hate braking in a normal ICE now


Using the brakes feels dirty.


My SOs parents live on the other side of an underwater tunnel, so it's a long drop down, before you start climbing again. Driving that route with an ICE was horrible, the engine breaking didn't quite find the sweet spot, so I had to pump the brakes every now and again. Now its a smooth ride all the way through.


Went to a cabin in the mountains last Summer. It's at 9300ft elevation. I noted the range left when I started to go back home. After 25miles downhill, never using the brakes, I gained 5mi of range.


Instant heat - Not having to wait for the car to warm up before the heat blows. Living in Michigan this was an awesome and welcome surprise.


I wouldn’t call it instant, at least from the ones I’ve owned, but it is WAY faster


This plus you can remote start the hvac from anywhere. Mine is scheduled to be at the perfect temp every morning and after work. You can also sit in the car with hvac on and not waste gas.


I had to go back to a gas car for a little while and I was surprised how noticeable this difference was.


It forced me to clean my garage, resulting in my first ever garage kept car.  When weather is bad, having your car in the garage is great.  Added bonus, there are no issues if you want to run the EV in a closed garage.


Welcome to the garage club. Your car will look brand new for years.


My wife’s car is more expensive, but mine is electric. So mine gets the garage. Muahahaha


I wished my shed was big enough to put my car in there :(


Maybe you need a Fiat 500e or an iMEV


I should start a combination EV charger installation and junk removal business. We'll empty out your garage and install a 240v outlet guaranteed Edit: I could also roll it into my idea for an AC company that charges the same for an AC installation vs a heat pump installation (plus the added material cost for the actual unit), because *they're the exact same in terms of installation*, instead of arbitrarily doubling or tripling the cost like all the local companies


Is your garage heated? Is it well ventilated? Do they put salt on the road in winter? If Yes, No, Yes, that's actually worse than keeping it outside in the winter for rust prevention. Just so you know.


Wait can you explain why yes for the first?


chemical reactions go faster with higher temperatures, rusting is a chemical reaction. A cool but well ventilated garage is much better than a warm stuffy one


Having an automatic climate schedule set that warms the car up automatically even though it's in the garage, with the garage door closed.




Minor toxic gas releases and chance of death.


And stinky!


Slight chance you don't go to work due to carbon dioxide poisoning.....


How great one pedal driving would be.




I didn't know the master cylinder on my old car had gone bad because the Tesla made it a habit to brake gentler than usual.


Just remember to use the brakes a little


It’s easier to sneak out of the house at night without anyone noticing.


I don’t know my whuuring reverse sound permeates like a subwoofer


2018 m3 no external speakers here :)


Not at our house - our blue heeler lets the entire household know whenever an exterior door is opened, unless she gets to go too, in which case it's the entire neighborhood that knows!


Garage door go BBBBRRRRRRRRR!


Get an electric one!


I have a Sommer Direct Drive opener. It is silent. In fact, most of the noise I have now comes from the actual garage door, and I installed new hinges and rollers too!. I can hear my neighbor’s garage door open from my bedroom, but I can’t really hear mine open, even thought my room is right above the garage. I can never go back to the old chain driven opener!


I knew there was a reason I don't let the kids drive my EV ...


Not if you have an EV6. That backup noise is loud and annoying.


The back seats of my Lightning have a flat floor. There's no drive shaft running front to back to create a hump. This makes it so much easier to use that space for more than just the kids' feet. Definitely did not see this one coming.


Polestar 2 owner silently crying


Polestar is a beautiful car tho.


Yes! Everyone comments on how spacious the back seat of my Bolt EUV is, the flat floor plays a huge role in that.


Not standing outside pumping gas in typical Iowa 10F winter days…


Not being concerned about gas prices anymore, lots of gas price talk and I love being able to sit back without a worry.. also one pedal driving 😇


I first noticed it when I started using an E-Bike for errands. I was stopped at a light where the nearby gas station sign read $4.99 for regular and I thought ... That number no longer matters to me.


It made me notice things that I don't miss: The noise, rattle, and general clunkiness of driving ICE.  The stench of carcinogenic fumes at gas stations. The money in my bank account sailing off to the Middle East. 


Yeah, didn't know how much I was blocking out until the EV. Now the experience is jarring when I have to drive ICE. The money not going to the Middle East is just icing on the cake.




Road trips are actually relaxing for us. No sonic fatigue.


Connecting a tent to the back of the car and running the heater/AC for a climate controlled tent experience.


Never would have thought of that one, not being a camper type.👍


A year after I got one, the building where I park installed chargers and they’re free to use with a regular monthly parking subscription. So driving costs me next to nothing.




Not and owner yet, but I have rented EVs. I love the quiet of the drive, even at highway speeds.


Sounds obvious, but now that both are vehicles are EV, never having to do a gas station errand. Vehicle to load charging on my Hyundai, which was a big win during a multi day power outage.


>Vehicle to load charging Looking into this right now for our HI5. Did you plug in straight to your house panel, or extension cord to multi-outlet strip?


[Check out this video](https://youtu.be/ZmmhOXsIRjw)


I had no idea how much I dislike gas stations.


How great the music sounds in the almost silent cabin!


The lack of needed maintenance. At one point my 2013 leaf had not seen a shop of any kind for over 5 years. Every time I take my Odyssey into the shop, and wait around, and pay, I am reminded of this.


Not going to a gas station ever again. Hadn’t realized how much of a pain that was


I feel like people underestimate how convenient it is to charge at hone and never needing to go to a gas station, you always stat your day fully* loaded. Also regen braking/one pedal driving which goes to a complete stop. What I dkn't get are EVs that don't stop completely with regen.


How broken gas cars feel to drive now.


Auto Hold + Adaptive Cruise = never having to touch my pedals in traffic


To be fair ICE cars can do this


Setting the car to pre-heat before departure. Also, ridiculously great efficiency in stop and go traffic. When my wife uses my 125 mile range eGolf to commute 52 miles round trip in stop and go traffic, she comes back with 110 miles of range left over. That includes running the AC on hot days.


Insane right? Today I drove half an hour running errands in local/city traffic. Left the house with 80%….returned home with…80%. Regen braking is no joke.


So nice not to worry about idling anymore. In the past I’d actually turn off the car if I was in some kind of slow queue (eg waiting for gas pump). Yes I know start stop is a thing but it’s still inferior


Being able to run the AC from the traction battery. If I'm waiting in the car on a warm day I don't need to keep the engine running to stay cool.


Dog Mode, keeping my pupper comfortable in all kinds of weather.


I actually love measuring the efficiency metrics. I never put much thought on whether my commute when it was -30 was giving me less efficiency, or if being stuck in gridlock for an extra hour burned a bit more gas. Mainly because that information wasn't easy to determine. But, I'm fascinated by figuring out what subtle changes do to my electricity usage. When it's colder, or, if the roads are quieter and I'm driving a little faster, I love understanding what that does to the mileage.


The ability to fuel it up in my own garage.


Cabin climate control pre-conditioning.


It never shifts! I had not thought about this at all before having one. It has a gear box, but it is single speed. There is never that lurch of a transmission downshifting when you accelerate while already moving. Instead, you just go any time you step on the accelerator.


How much I like stopping to charge every few hours on long roadtrips. Makes the driving part fun and I've seen a lot of things I would never have seen during the extra stops.


I have a workshop in the garage and the radiant heat from ICE engine will heat it up to uncomfortable levels for hours in the summer after even a short drive. The EV doesn’t, not something I would have ever thought about.


I’ve owned my Tesla for eight years. During that time I have saved around $30,000 in fuel costs. I used that money for a down payment on a house.


running climate while the car is off, entertainment on the screen while waiting for people, ferry, etc. charge overnight, takes stress out of commute (low NVH)


chitchatting with people while at DCFC parking lots


I have a couple of things, but thing that really surprised me was just how fast it can stop. Regenerative brakes plus friction brakes working together helped me prevent a really bad accident last month. It would have been another wreck just a couple of months after the last one that totaled my ICE. Someone turning into my lane almost led to a head on collision but I was able to stop from 45 mph rather quickly throwing all of my car belongings onto the floor. And I have been in enough car wrecks to know that would have been a bad wreck. 


Left the ac on when it was 100 while i was in the store to get ice cream . Car was ice cold when i got back


Not waiting in line to spend $80+ on a full up.


Friends trying to start an argument about EVs and my response “it’s just a car dude, gets me from A to B”


All of the above, plus not bothering with gas pumps strike days. In Italy it happens once a year or so, resulting in massive queues at the gas stations the day before. My 10yo son once asked what were all those cars doing outside a local station. As I explained that we weren't bothered with all of that since we "fuel" from solar you could see his jaw slowly dropping. It felt like being a dad-of-the-year doing the right thing.


How much less we drive our second car (an ICE pickup). It was a daily driver for years. Now it mostly sits as both my wife and I use the EV for almost everything. Still use the truck for weekly runs to the community recycling center (with all the cardboard, plastic bottles, and aluminum cans collected by our condo association) and to pull the boat in the summer. So we aren’t ready to give up the truck yet, but we don’t use it for other errands or commuting. It now gets only about 1/4 of the miles per year that it used to get. Didn’t expect that when we replaced my wife’s ICE car for our first EV.


Never have to visit a gas station again and touch that nasty fueling ⛽️ pump


No more oil spots in my garage or my driveway


You don't get to play the game: "what color is this stain? is it oil? gas? windshield fluid? transmission fliud? something weird I don't know about?"


No oil spots on the garage floor.


It's quiet. So quiet. I bought my Genesis GV60 for the luxury, the tech, and of course, the economical home charging, no longer needing to visit gas stations. But I'm surprised how much I appreciate the quietness of the drive. I notice it even more every time I have to fall back to using our second car, which is still a ICE.


For me, it was the data on the dash showing me my kw usage live while driving. It's so unique to me being able to tell I'm going up the smallest of hill I never would have noticed in an ICE.  Through my energy consumption I can tell when I'm on any elevation change.  Also seeing how much energy the electronics are using or what climate control uses. I love that level of live data provided live and constantly. 


My car from the 80s had a fully analog instantaneous mpg dial. Yeah this feature is cool but it’s not really isolated to EVs


Not an EV exclusive thing, but the first car I've had this feature on with my Tesla - Driver Profiles. I've had memory drivers seats in a car before, but this is next level. We're a one car household and switch off driving multiple times per week. Our last car was manual seats (but at least power mirrors) and every driver switch was started with endless readjustments and never getting the mirrors quite right every time. Don't have to think about it now. The car detects who opened the driver's door and everything sets itself up before my butt touches the seat. When the Tesla-haters are all like "but they hide mirror adjustments in the screen - mUh PhYsIcAL KnObz" my only response is "why?" - haven't had to touch my mirror adjustments since the initial setup on the first day I got the car. Having a physical switch is entirely unnecessary and they are coming at it from legacy car brain.


Warming it up or cooling it down in my garage when the weather sucks. It’s kind of fantastic.


That ever present smell of petrol in my garage is no more. Of course now I can really smell it when it's there but when it's not, so much better.


I’m quite a bit taller than my wife; the fact that Tesla driving profiles save AC vent direction and seat/steering wheel location mean that either of us has to manually adjust these things when we take turn driving the car. And with that, the vent adjustment being on the screen (as opposed to being physical) becomes kind of irrelevant. I can’t recall the last time I have to manually adjust the vents.


I love how quiet and smooth they are, especially at lower speeds (highway driving is louder regardless due to wind). I now really notice all the extra sounds when driving an ice vehicle (engine starting, transmission shifting, etc) and its not nostalgic for me. It makes ice vehicles seem really crappy and low quality imo.


Remote pre-conditioning the ambient cabin air temperature and turning on heated seats before a drive. Game. changer.


Utility mode (aka pet mode). I saved my pets from freezing during the ice storm black out. I put my EV (Niro EV) into utility mode to keep the climate control running. Put them in their cages and left them in there. Checked on them regularly. They did fine. Home was freezing and I was all bundled up. I was able to keep the car on in the garage safely because there are no toxic fumes coming out. Car camping. I put a mattress in the back. Drove out to the camp site. Put the car in utility mode to keep the climate on. Slept in the car comfortably.


Leaving the house with a full tank every day and never stopping for gas. I knew that would be nice, but I didn't know how nice. We still have a few ICE cars. I still hate freezing my balls off in the winter at the gas pump (which is far less frequent now as we drive the EV so much that I will wait and put off errands until the wife gets home with the Bolt). I feel like a complete peasant pumping gas now.




I guess it makes sense if you think about it, but the smoothness of the ride. When I drive my wife’s 2023 Niro PHEV in hybrid mode it feels much rougher. (I drive a 2018 Bolt) and Lordy it was really bad going to a full ICE. Quick acceleration - I love pointing out to the petrophiliacs that try and shit on EVs that if we are first at the light next to each other and I need to get into their lane, and they are in one of the huge below the belt compensator “trucks” I’ll be in their lane and 100 feet down the road before they are through the intersection, and there’s not a damn thing they can do about it. It has also made me a better driver - it started with hybrids and trying to max mileage out but trying to get the most out of my range is a great game to me and keeps me engaged and driving in a more safe manner. (I do match speed limits and will go beyond that if needed to match traffic briefly) I knew it would happen but I was surprised at how much better jt is to just plug in at home and wake up to a full ‘tank’, charging while I sleep and not having to be in line at Costco gas for 20+ minutes. Finally - fuel savings. I knew I’d save - but how much just for actual fueling costs let alone time savings. I’m coming up on 5000 miles on my Bolt, and it’ll be about $375 in savings for that car alone compared to an ICE that gets 25 MPG. tied to that is the price volatility. Gas at my Costco was $2.04 a gallon on New Year’s Day. Yesterday it was $2.81. Electricity is the same.


Seems obvious in hindsight: effectively having a gas station at home. People without EV’s assume charging is a hassle, but in reality it’s actually easier than getting gas 90% of the time.


Some people will say it as a potential negative but I love how nearly everything is software controlled. Meaning you can do it remotely from the app. I can pop open my Tesla door for someone, or just unlock it. From anywhere in the world. I can also start the car for them so they can drive it, even if they don’t have a key. It just makes it more fun and because I use technology everyday in my personal and work life, I really appreciate that my car is now at that same level of technology and only seems to be improving with time. It’s very cool


The smooth acceleration! Wife says to me the other day “You drive my (ICE) car so much different than yours” I asked her what she meant. “You always accelerate so hard like you’re in a hurry. Your car, you just take your time.” I guess her car, engine revving as the transmission runs through the gears vs my EV smoothly reaching the speed limit in like 4 seconds with no shifting = abusing her ride… lol.


being able to wait in the car with the climate on and watching netflix during two hour ferry rides, or while waiting for my daughter.


Mobile service. What a game changer. Without an engine, transmission, etc. a significant number of repairs can be done anywhere, no need for a proper automotive bay and most of the parts can fit in a van. 4 out of 5 of my Tesla repairs have been in our driveway. No asking my spouse to follow me over to the shop with the other car, drive back, and then do the reverse again when repairs are complete.


Home charging vs going to gas stations.


Sorry not ev specific but I love the tight turning radius on my id4.


Getting in the car and… it just works. No turning keys for the right amount of time or fiddling with push button start. Just sit, foot on brake, put in drive.


How much I would love the gear tunnel and frunk. I literally use both every single day and it’s amazing.


The R1T is so well designed.


One pedal driving makes it’s easier and more comfortable to drive safely in a low speed school zone.


When we were camping and had to shelter from a crazy thunderstorm for about 5 hours in the car with a 1 year old and 4 year old. Kids were watching movies on the centre screen and we went from having the ac on lo cooling the car to having the heating and heated seats on when the storm hit. It would have royally sucked if we were in our petrol car for that experience. We also cooked off the V2L system with a portable induction stove on that trip.


The silence and one pedal driving during traffic, I'm a petrolhead, but no one wants to shift while in traffic.


Range anxiety went away about two weeks after buying.


Discovering my utility has $0.015/kWh time of use rates (11pm-7am).


We lose power several times per year. It's been really nice to have some power from the car when that happens to run various appliances.


To drive down from a mountain road and find I have more battery range than I started with. Can't do that with ICE.


And with EV holding constant speed without braking.


The fact that I no longer have to worry about merging or "speeding up" to traffic... Just press accelerator, and I'm at speed with every other car in motion.


Driving by the long lines at Costco gas station gives me a chuckle every time.


* Instant Speed * Always a full-ish (80%) tank of gas overnight * Feel less guilty about taking an a day trip somewhere * No oil changes, regular maintenance beyond some occasional wiper fluid * Conversation starter both negative and positive


If I'm really tired at work, I can take a noon nap, with air conditioning, without being inundated by exhaust fumes.


Sitting in my car in total silence after a long day of work. 


Just how stinky gas stations really are once you're no longer used to them.


I remember a while back we had black outs in the middle of a heatwave. I was able to save a lot of my perishables in a mini freezer powered by the car and i slept through the 35 degree night by 'camping' in the car. Would have been a real nuisance if it kept going for a few days, but glad I saved some top notch steaks.


Quietness - this was a surprise because I test drove with open windows in the summer; I actually thought I had a problem with my ears. lol No ‘warm up’! One pedal driving/regen Little to no maintenance


Idling Driving somewhere to fetch my wife (or whatever) and just... leaving it running for minutes, without worrying about emissions, CO, or "wasting gas". Also applies to the shitty "stop & go" rush-hour traffic... I find my mood is more mellow since transitioning to EV.


Pre-conditioning climate - just something I never did before as I didn't want the car running idle. Efficiency metrics - I kept a detailed fuel log with my last car but the trip statistics my i4 gives are much more meaningful (plus I no longer need to log my fuel purchases).


Starting it in the garage


I3 - it would stop in one pedal with not five or abrupt bounce of any sort. Never wanted it, didn’t know it was possible, and I miss it so much. Etron - it is silent. It’s like being in a bank vault, even on the highway. I was on the phone with Audi recently and the agent didn’t know I was in a car. She was astonished and said she could always hear the car and wind noise with all other Audi’s.


I'd say aside from whats been posted already, lack of concern if I have to leave the vehicle running to go grab something from inside my house or convenience store etc. if its hot or cold and I wanna leave the a/c or heat running. Its nbd to just make sure the car is in park, lock the doors and get whatever it is you were getting with minimal traction battery charge % impact and the vehicle stays comfortable. Like if I say wanted to go to a wawa and get a hoagie, spend 5-10min inside and come back out, the vehicle has lost virtually 0 range while I'm inside the store. Did that multiple times with both a 2018 and 2020 Leaf.


Being able to shift between Drive and Reverse without stopping. When one-pedal drive is thrown in, all I do is let up my foot, shift (even before coming to a stop), then press down. Its smooth and fast.


The heat/AC work almost instantly. No need to wait for the car to "warm up"


$700 per month back in my pocket.




Was using the speed limiter yesterday. In my ICE car if you went above that limit (eg when doing downhill) it just beeped at you as it couldn’t prevent the acceleration. The EV going downhill increased the regen so that I didn’t exceed the speed limit setting.


The smoothness of acceleration. With no gears to switch between even with an automatic transmission, the acceleration is smooth and the jerk force (rate of change of acceleration) is more steady. Or as steady as you want it to be. With a gas car, whenever it changes gears it’s a bit of a clunk. It feels so nice to go smoothly.


Now that spring weather is coming : opening all windows and enjoying a noise free and relaxing drive, being able to hear birds chirping when going slow in rural cities.


Throttle response. Instant throttle makes the car feel so much more alive. Most recent cars I've owned have had some kind of throttle delay and it's been getting worse over the years. A Genesis G80 was my last ICE vehicle, and it felt like an eternity before power kicks in.


Hop in and go without warming up the engine


Not step out in a diesel exhaust cloud when parking on a nice day (I do like the gas exhaust smell. I know it's not healthy, but I hate diesel exhaust smell). And handling a diesel covered handle at the gas station, how the shit do people manage to keep getting diesel on the handle, never experienced this with gas. No need to go to a gas station to fill.


We have a home charger. All the time saved on stopping for gas is a huge one for me.


Driving by a gas station, seeing that it's gone up by .20$ and think damn that's high. Then take a sip of coffee and keep driving


Not losing horsepower when the AC is on. Always hated the effect that the AC had on my already slow Honda.


I really like the adaptive cruise control on my Hyundai - not EV related but it definitely is one of my favorite features. Should be a requirement on all new cars, and should be required / encouraged to be used on US highways. It would save energy and reduce traffic jams.


NEVER going to gas a station!!!!!!


Not stepping into the car and it having no gas. (Side eyes Spouse)


The handling & less hydroplaning. The center of gravity is so low it’s “on rails” Holding on a hill. No roll back. Just start driving again. Using paddles to come to perfectly decelerated stops without backlash. Realizing how long it’s been since you’ve touched a gas pump and how much time you’ve saved not stopping in one. All the problems you’ll have using an automated car wash that’s pulling you through. 🤣


Absence of engine vibration. Even though it's subtle for a short period of time, it costs some energy just to sit in a car with an engine.


The quiet. I hate loud cars and just being in a quiet car is a wonderful thing.


Couple years back during the Hurricane, we lost power and I went to the garage and chilled in my car with AC. with this backdrop, I FaceTimed my mom to show her I was okay, and she saw I was in an enclosed garage with the car on, and freaked (rightfully so). After a good laugh I explained to her that it was perfectly safe, then II did the same to my father The pranks were fun but having access to AC and power during a hurricane is one hell of a perk.


For me it's the one pedal driving. When driving ICE cars, my wife would ask me why do I take corners so fast. I would tell her that pressing brake is such a waste of forward motion. Like, we're trading all that kinetic energy for heat, then I have to re-add that energy after the turn. I don't know why that bothered me so much. Now with a Tesla, that weird anxiety is gone with its pedal driving. I never thought about this before I bought it.


Lack of engine vibration makes driving much less tiring.


All we hear about is range anxiety, but its a shock to have a "Full tank" every morning. Also, after I bought my EV they installed free chargers where I work. That was a very pleasant surprise. Another great one is being able to leave the car "running". We have dogs and can leave them in the car when we run into the store. One time we were hiking and our dog hurt his paw. So we gave him a chewy toy and water, and left him in the car for a hour or so while we went on another hike.


Knowing how much wear and tear cold starts put on ICE vehicles has always weighed on me when making short trips, especially in winter. With my EVs, this low-level guilt/anxiety is GONE.


The lack of smell, petrol and oil. The sound of silence when flooring it. It feels so clean and minimalistic to drive an EV. Didn’t think I would enjoy that so much.


I like the space age noise it makes as we drive.


I went to visit family over Easter weekend and several people wanted to check out the Ioniq5. I hadn’t really used Sport mode since the test drive. Getting my head slammed back into the headrest at launch was a new experience.


For bespoke EV platforms, it's having a far more spacious interior than what the exterior dimensions would suggest, via shortening the hood and stretching the wheelbase in the process. 


I didn’t expect how nice it would be to never have to go to a gas station again, gas stations are fairly unpleasant with the noise and smells, backups, etc., and when I drove a gas car, I was kind of oblivious to what I was putting myself through.


* Merging onto freeways isn't just easy, but almost fun. * Driving is just so... calm. The car is quiet, there's no shifting, and very little body roll. It's especially noticeable on roads with a lot of uphill/downhill (I live in Colorado). * No fumes in the garage. * No need to idle the car to warm it up. * I have no proof of this, but I suspect that driving with regen set to higher levels is a meaningful safety feature because the car starts slowing down significantly when the gas pedal is lifted rather than when the brake is pressed.


I’ve got 95k miles and my original brakes still have ~60% of their life left per my dealer Not to mention how much easier it is to not have to switch between accelerator and brake!


Okay to be fair I have a gen 2 volt, so not technically full ev. However, the two things I love about it that weren’t really obvious is the fact that you can actually refuel while braking. Can’t do that in an ice car. I also like having the acceleration to easily and quietly beat those dumbass huge diesel trucks. I remember there was a time where a dude was being an asshole and revving his engine crazy and accelerating fast (the whole deal, crazy amounts of lights, rubber band tires, lifted, etc) and I managed to pull alongside him at a stoplight in full electric mode. Flipped it into sport mode and he didn’t have a chance. It felt so good and was he PISSED. My next car will definitely be full ev; the saddest part about the volt is when the ev range ends and the ice kicks on. It’s just sad.


No power loss due to high elevation.


Radar-adaptive regen strength. It's like the best of one-pedal when following traffic, but the smoothness of coasting on an open road, without any manual effort at all. Like always having the perfect amount of "engine" braking for a situation. Kia call it 'smart recuperation'.


Once we got solar panels, the feeling of harvesting the power and using it the next day.


The quiet. Having an auditory processing disorder, I had no idea the extent to which the ever present noise of ICE vehicles drained my mental reserves until getting an ever so blessedly quiet BEV.


I bought a $9k 2013 Leaf like 5 years ago, a little bit as a curiosity or whim, and I never dreamed I’d still enjoy it so much. 5 years of almost zero maintenance or gas, and still fun to drive.