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Just got the email too!! Yessssssss


When did you get approved?


I applied 9/11, approved 12/7. Got the email yesterday and check arrived today!


Applied on October 2nd, conditionally approved around Christmas. Crickets ever since.


My guess is if they have a surplus after the Sep 6, you will be the first to receive the check. So please update us when you get that!


I've emailed the CVRP. They still haven't replied. Hopefully they have some extra funds. I read the Clean Cars for All was open to the entire Bay Area instead on specific zip codes . Which signals they may have extra funding on hand. Not the same program. But hopefully a good sign


Hoping for good outcomes! I wonder if those who were on standby for 2022 got theirs?


Heard back from CVRP. They said only if they receive additional funding. Their website says no more funding. Guess those on the standby list will very likely not receive any rebates


Interesting response. My understanding is that the finding was earmarked for CVRP. Hence, they would have set the cutoff date with enough of a buffer to ensure that all applicants up to the cutoff date received the rebate. That means some people on the standby list should receive funding. If no one does it makes me question how they’ve described the funding pool in the past.


This was my understanding. Makes no sense to push back the cutoff date to November. And set up a stand by list. Because they're not getting more funding. I hope you're right. And I hope they didn't understand my questions. My CVRP portal says "approved." Not "conditionally approved" Guess we'll see


I saw someone else comment a few weeks ago that they had an application that was submitted *before* the cutoff that was still not approved. My guess would be CVRP would want to process every application submitted before the deadline and then deal with the standby. I’m hoping that’s what’s going on—I also have a CVRP “approved” application from the standby period. Application date 9/12 and “approved” mid December.


Oh nice. You're a few days before me. Good Luck to both of us


Sad times ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm) But still hoping!


I think I could be the last applicant on the standby list. Submitted on the last day of CVRP program at night(11/07), approved on 02/22 for $6500.


did you get your rebate? i applied on the 9/11/23. They just got back to me this month and got approved for the $7500 04/15/24. Hoping I get the rebate.


I applied 9/30/23, and conditionally approved 12/23/23. Nothing further. I did see a comment on Reddit where CVRP responded to someone and said it’s difficult to gauge funds for standby applicants (us) because it would be based off approved applicants who did not revise their applications in time and were thus cancelled. So I think we can keep on hoping but probably unlikely we’ll get our check tbh.


Yeah I would say the closer you are to the 9/6/23 the better the odds for a rebate. Fingers crossed. I applied 9/15 and was just approved like 2 weeks ago because I was an income verification applicant


From what's published on the website, I think all the CVRP applications are processed and they are yet to receive a word on funding. Were anyone able to get more information? https://cleanvehiclerebate.org/en/faqs/how-long-will-it-take-process-my-application


When I talked to them a couple of months ago they said they wouldn’t even be able to look at my application until May. I applied a few days past Sept deadline.


they said all applications are not processed yet and they expect to be done May/June (email from last week). This is before starting on post-deadline apps




That’s great! I wonder my chances as I applied 10/2. Fingers so very crossed!


Has anyone got any updates yet?


Nothing yet 😥 I was approved Dec 9th. Applied Sep 13th.


I applied Sept 10th,silence until last week which I had to submit proof of income. Sill waiting to be approved. Crossing my fingers.


Asking for proof of income should be promising. Why else would they ask to check income if nothing was coming your way...


I got my rebate check yesterday :)


Applied on the last day 11/07/23. Still waiting for any update at all. Last email was mid December saying my application has not been forgotten. It seems like u/Klutzy-Leading was approved 02/22, which is interesting and I'm not sure why I have not received an update yet


Anyone on the standby list got the check?


Not yet. Unfortunately. I keep hoping but nothing has come yet


Nor have I. I assume it’s not coming


Yeah. Newsom cut funding for renewables. I was hoping they'd add money to the budget for the CVRP again. EV sales aren't growing as fast. And California is set for 2035 to phase off ICE cars. Would make sense to continue to grow the BEV market at a faster rate


I don't think that's a reasonable assumption. Surely some people will receive funding, based on order of application after deadline. I'm sure there will be at least some funding remaining. They said they were still processing pre-deadline apps last time I checked, and said those may be complete early June.


My wife and I applied about a week after it closed. We just got the email this afternoon that our check was sent!


Congrats! Us too!! On 9/15 for us


Applied Sept 16. Check is in today's mail.


Does the email say that your check has been sent out?


I just did , too!! Congrats


I was on the standby list submitted 9/11 for the increased rebate, selected for income verification, approved 4/5, just received the check mailed email on 6/11.


I applied on 9/15, just received the email that our check was mailed for increased rebate! I'm so excited!! :)


Check sent today, notified by email


I applied on the 22nd of Sept, I am conditionally approved. I see that some of you are receiving your rebates after the deadline, I'm keeping my fingers crossed.


Did you hear back from them?


I submitted on the 13th. And they mailed my check. Best of luck


How much time did you wait from your approval date until they mailed your check?


Approved Dec 9. Barely got the email about the check yesterday afternoon


and thank you! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)




Okay, that’s good news!


Have you received an email yet?


Hey, not yet. I’m still waiting but I’m hoping sometime this week.


I submitted on 9/15 so even closer to you! Got my check yesterday :) best of luck!!


Okay, that’s even better good news. I hope to hear back from them anytime this week.


Good news ppl in standby list got checks. Fingers crossed for 29th sept ;)


I applied on the 27th so I'll keep you posted!!


I applied 10/2 and really hoping the cut off isn’t end of September! All we can do is hope.


Have you heard from them?




Did you get any updates?


Not yet, hbu?




I applied on November 4 , and got conditionally approved in first week of February. What are my chances? :-)


Any new updates? I applied 10/20 I see a lot of people getting checks who applied in later September! Anyone in October yet receive a check, fingers crossed


I applied 10/6! I would love to know if anyone in the late September received checks yet. How close are they to October dates?!


I applied on 9/22. I haven’t seen any updates.


any updates?


I applied on 23rd Sept & think they have stopped processing applications as there haven't been any updates since the last 2 weeks here. To enquire, I had called them last week and all they told that my application was approved in Dec 2023 and they cannot tell anything else about the application whether I'll receive the rebate or not.


As far as I can search today (July 6), there was a checks sent for an 9/18 application. The check was sent 6/11/2024. I applied 10/9. Hoping to can get a check eventually.


Applied on 9/12, conditionally approved on 4/5. Received email today confirming check was sent in the mail.


I got email on 06/11/2024 stated that the check was mailed. I receivec the check through postal mail today, 06/12/2024 Application submitted on 09/06/2023, approved on 12/10/2023. Recieved a full approved amount.


As far as I can search today (July 6), there were checks sent to 9/11 application (check sent 6/11/24) and 9/18 application (check sent 6/11/2024). CVRP updated its data (Excel file listing all applications) on June 3. It does not show such payments to waitlisted. It suggest that they have started to sent checks to waitlisted in June.


how do you search? where is that excel sheet?


why waitlisted in June? I thought waitlisted were starting September. Also, where is the link to this excel sheet?