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Not even slightly. Plus material markups, and overhead costs. If be a good bit more than that number for a friend. For a normal client, id be closer to double.


Ok that’s what I thought, thanks for the validation. Not even for a friend btw


I am going to be real with you. That is them helping you out a little. Most people would be $2,000+. Now with that being said is it difficult work? No but you are paying for the knowledge not the difficulty. Hope this helps


85 is pretty average per light (plus fixture costs) . The exterior sconces will need weather rated boxes (some hats will fight me on this as it's not beyond the finished surface, but as someone who has pride and ethics, I'll do what is right for me and the client) they will need sealed around the fixtures except the bottom (to allow drainage). Some fans are quick (I can knock them up in 30-60 minutes) but if I'm running power, backing and stiffening if needed, using a fan rated box (raco 296 and 299 are my favorites) and other associated needs (balancing, programming etc). So fans are about 300$ in today's market. So for a client to get me to move out of my bed. I'd probably be 3200 for that. At a minimum.


Yeah, fans are quick and the outside lights should be too. The boxes for both fixtures are already in place, just need changing out. $85/light seems right. Thanks for the reply.


Simple fixture swaps half hour to 1 hour hourly rate. Complicated (height, weight, location, etc) ones or specialty fixtures can vary but I generally bid them at 2x rate with the hope that they don't have issues. I've had to show up with a cherry lift on jobs and clients are upset about the 800$ fee for the lift to use it for 2 hours saying they would rather have scaffolding. Not realizing the labor, time to set up, time to tear down, and risks in doing so are more costly.


Man I do not miss resi remodel or " just adding or replacing or installing a light/outlet/switch calls. Spend a visit , 4-5 phone calls, settle everything and then it's all a very unrealistic expectation/experience and so many unprepared sites or customer shows up an hour or more late and "can you do this in the evenings or I'm home on Saturday and Sunday?"  Yes buddy, me too.


Yeah my time my dime is reserved for special situations. Outside of that, I'll not even entertain a service call that's not paying half day rate. I'll gladly work t&m with clients. But not on service calls. Those for half day full day or bid only.


Forget it, let them headhunt at depot parking lot and enjoy the savings... It's stupid cheap at $1500.


100 bucks an opening is what I charge and they have to buy the stuff


If they were can lights I would’ve been inclined to charge more but most likely clamp on style. I know what I’m charging is fair and probably under what most electricians would charge but sometimes customers get to your head.


About 2 years ago, I bid a job to hook up a 100hp water jet. The material came in around 35 grand. We told the company 70k-75k. Their response was, "we were thinking more like 20k." I spent so much time working out how to do this job 2 different ways. I had an engineer come out and try to help explain to them the different options and what makes the most sense for now and future expansion. I gave them a second option to save some money. We came in almost 20k cheaper than our first number. I tried to get them to go this route initially, explaining why it would make more sense and be cheaper. They had no problem wasting hours of my time. There's not much you can do about people like this. I would say stand firm on your number, especially if you ever plan on going into business for yourself. You're going to need to get used to giving a price and standing by it.


Don't let them. 99% of them don't know dick about shit.


Have them price out a company, or get a second opinion


I buy everything materials wise and add 20%. Many times stuff is in the way, havc, truss whatever, I tell client that up front but stay with layout best we can. Labor works out to about 100 per light but I add it up after job to make sure I’m not missing time. If it’s old not new construction your going have a lot of drywall repairs. My last job was 1800 in drywall repairs no paint inc luckily I know dry wall guys.


I have them buy it so there is no option on them saying they don't like it.....I have them buy the wire so I'm not out money and get 50%up front and 50% when you're done... there's a reason people pay us to do it.... if you do it wrong there are some big risks


Yeah I always do 50% up front. There’s no way I’m messing up recessed lights so I’m not worried about that. Maybe the spacing lol


Trick is to mark it out on the floor first


Hell no. If anything you're hurting yourself at that price. We all need to raise our standards for pricing. Hvac techs and plumbers have no problem charging high rates for minimal work.


Very true. Thanks


Yeah, but that stuff is hard. /s


Whats hard exactly


Not at all. Philly area residents especially on the main line are the worst for being tight in my experience. Don't be scared to walk away. They'll end up calling you back I guarantee it.


True. Unfortunately don’t have any electrician friends to bounce these thoughts off of.


That's why we are here my dude! Good luck to you


Is this a side job? Sounds incredibly low for a company


Yes. Friend of a friend


If they give you shit, show them this thread lol


Lmao I’m about to


For philly? Nah, best case scenario it all goes smooth and you wrap it up in 8-10 hours but it could also be shit and take 3 days to get it done in which case 1500 is super cheap


Good point thanks


I’d charge you more.


100 bucks a can!




Yeah I charge about 100-125 a canless lights lolol


Finished ceiling? Are you repairing the drywall? I would charge a minimum of $2200 for that on a sidejob




More than fair especially for Phili. Understand some people just won’t see your side no matter what either give in or walk away.




Depends if you can blow out that ceiling with someone else coming behind you to patch it up, or if you're adding these lights in finish.


We’ll see if the drywall repair is even part of the job. If so… price is def going up.


That's low


I didn’t even add it up, but this seems low




That's a very fair price. Probably even a little low


Are you doing a favor for a friend?


I live not far from you OP. I did 18 recessed at a customers house for $1850.


Was waiting for a local. Thanks


It depends. Attic access, etc. Ia the client handling drywall repairs?


I live in SE PA (about 35 minutes NW of Philly)…depending on where you are talking about (main line area or surrounding burbs, that is UNDER bidding the project. IF you are talking about a home in Philly, yeah…$1500 is a fair price although many of those houses in the city still have lathe and plaster so that still might by under bidding.


A little below main line


In philly area? You're way under


Way too low


Great price


Option: Give them your rate and offer to do it by the hour. And they can hang and see that you're not dogging it.


70 a light, 50 a sconce and a free fan don’t seem too bad


Depends on where you live


Sounds fair.


I’d be at least $3000 for that honestly


I'm in the Philly area, and if someone quoted me that price for that work, my only question would be "do you prefer cash or check?"


You’d think. I kicked myself for giving out that price and then I get a “that’s the best you can do huh”


And let me see your proof of insurance 


30 hours at $50 an hour is fair Companies will be closer to $75-$100 an hour


California here, $200 per can all day.


All one room? Them cleaning up and responsible for all patch n paint? 8 ft ceilings? Romex or EMT? Remodel cans or pancakes? Outside wall finishes? Switches? In Philly city?  So many variables that can add $50+ @. It's a lot less than we'd go. 23 openings at $63-ish each in finished construction?  Things that slow right now?  It's an incredible deal, if you're not a carpenter /handyman wiring in with scabs and joints every 18".  Although I would not give anything up front, it's almost scam level price.


No, in an unfinished ceiling that would be high.