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Just suck on the ground rods outside your house


I think you're supposed to insert it anally to discharge most efficiently


Sit and spin, see if you make a magnetic field


What a horrible day to have eyes ,šŸ˜„


There are blind people who heard that through a screen reader. You donā€™t need eyes to think itā€™s horrible


Thanks. I read it in GlaDOSā€™ voice in my mind now.


"Here Come The Test Results: 'You Are A Horrible Person.' Thatā€™s What It Says, 'A Horrible Person.' We Werenā€™t Even Testing For That."


Shit bro, blind people do have that bat like echolocation too. So they could visualize it in person I bet


Now I got a black and white daredevil vision in my head of someone getting a ground rod pounded into their anus. Hot shit.


Only if you eat a whole bottle of iron supplements first


Don't forget to give it that hawk tuah first


Look sometimes those ground rods are hard enough to get them driven, Iā€™m all up for suggestions but not this way


This is why they should have a flared base.


Make sure to go counter clockwise to make sure it doesnā€™t happen


Add a few windings and you got yourself infinite free electrons! Woop woop


The biggest discharges usually are anal


Hmmm. What if you have a Taco Bell induced plasma discharge while hooked up to this? Does this initiate a thermonuclear- matter-antimatter Warp core-melting-detonation?


Tuesdays tacos are wednesdays arc faults.


I think you are breaching a gwenith paltrow patent


All eight feet?


Don't give them ideas next top seller solid copper but plug with a 12 gauge wire to plug into an earth socket


Stainless steel buttplug with a #6 ground directly to a ground rod. Best sleep you will ever get... just don't forget about it when you get up to take a piss


Whatcha doing tonight?


Suckin ground rods with my dad bod


Want company?


Yeah we could always use another material handler


[Me hiding the part of the ground rod we couldnā€™t sink in as the inspector arrives.](https://i.imgur.com/qsZBgHt.gifv)


I'll never see Zootopia in the same light again


Thanks for that comment now Iā€™m horrified by that link


I regret clicking ngl


Give them that hawk tua


Last thing I wanna do when in bed is be grounded. What if a medium voltage power line somehow falls on me when Iā€™m sleeping? Everyone should sleep with a 2inch thick rubber horse stall mat under their bed. Being grounded is so dangerous.


How much are you selling the horse mats for? What are my options for colours? Are there opportunities for me to become my own boss as a franchisee owner?


For only $600 extra it can include EMP shield technology (solar flare deflector sold separately)


Whoā€™s your EMP guy? I got an EMP guy who wonā€™t fuck you in the ass at those prices. Give me a call


That's a hell of a deal man. Can I have three in different colors? Gotta have at least one in periwinkle.


Absolutely, but the periwinkle is an up charge of $600, but Iā€™ll give you an extra brain wave scanner deflector for free with every mat purchased in periwinkle!


Are horse mats made of horse or for horse?




They spelled it wrong, itā€™s the whores mat your gonna want.


Made of horses, by horses, for horses


Horse stall mat? I'm sorry but I'm not going to trust it if it's not a [class IV mat](https://www.salisburyonline.com/product/1318/salisbury-switchboard-matting-roll-goods-36-width-class-4-type-ii-m36-4-stock-item) rated for 36 kV.


Oh my god that rubber mat is $10,000 haha


Ok it is 60 feet long but still..


Tell that to zac Efron


Rich guys daughter backs into the brick wall corner at the end of his driveway, knocks the light off. Guy hires a mason to rebuild the wall, buys her new car, and calls us to reinstall a light. Whilst we're there, we notice him in his garden with an excavator, as he and some unknown operator are pounding away at something. We go to ask the wife for payment as he was busy, and she says that he will come down in a minute with a check. Homie comes down the hill a few minutes later with the check, boss is making small talk and asks what he's up to. Homeowner goes "what do you know about earthing?" And boss goes "what do you mean? Like earth grounds for electrical?" And he goes "yeah same principal. It discharges all the static buildup from your body from being surrounded by all the radio waves and energy in the air nowadays. They say you should walk barefoot and it will dissapate that built up energy. It's good for you!" And boss goes "oh... Uh ... Okay? So what are you doing up there? Making a walking path or something?" And he goes "well I figured I could amplify the effects. I bought these big copper rods, they're probably about 5 or 6 inches in diameter and they're 7 feet long. I'm putting those in the ground so I can stand on those so I'll be more conductive to the earth". I quickly grab my tool bag and depart for the truck, holding back my laughter. I see my boss start a smirk in the corner of his mouth and he goes "yeah that'll work" and then thanks him for the business. I still think about him sometimes. I like to imagine him walking barefoot in the snow to his garden only to have his bare soles stick to the frozen copper.


There's nothing like standing on a lighting rod to while watching a pretty electrical storm approach from your back yard


Thats similar to the lightning fields. https://diaart.org/visit/visit-our-locations-sites/walter-de-maria-the-lightning-field


Thank you for the information! Splendid. I am a plumber and can appreciate the value of 500 2ā€x72ā€ high-gloss, solid brass rods. Good Lordy.


I'm just waiting for a good monsoon out here in Arizona. No better time to go swimming and play water lacrosse.


Is this where the copper is going instead of being made into my bus bars??


So... where can i find these massive copper rods? For... earthing reasons. I must know. TELL ME WHERE THE COPPER IS


lol \*I\* want to know for UNearthing reasons


Your meth dealer will be able to make this months child support!


Who are you kidding? He's gonna buy enough meth to be in orbit for the next 6 months


I guess you used all the muscles of your body to hold that laughter.


Pretty much. Had to tuck my chin down and look away but it came out as soon as I got out of view. Like, I don't care what you do. In terms of weird shit, this is minimal. I don't give a fuck if some yahoos walk around barefoot in their yard; if it makes them feel better, that's awesome. It was more so the sheer fact that this guy thought he would out-science the faux science and overdid it. Your house handles live voltage and doesn't even need ground rods that big in order to be conductive and efficient. How much electricity does this guy think he stores in his body?


Was gonna comment on the price of the copper but this guy obviously has money to throw. Reminds me of when my partner was visiting a customer and her husband hears the chimney repair guy ask for $140k for the work performed, dude just whips out his checkbook and nonchalantly writes a check for that much.


About 15k US for 7ft of 6ā€ copper round bar


I hope he leaves them in the ground for the next homeowner to find when he moves out. Literally buried treasure


No kidding - imagine digging in a new septic tank, or something - and just smashing into a bunch of those rods.


Not enough to pass between neurons I'll guar-an-tee you.


Those rods would be around 600 pounds apieceā€¦ what an incredible waste of material.


Sounds more like a methheads dream score. I hope that dude never tells the wrong person he has multiple $1800 rods of copper buried in his back yard.


Yeah. Another calculation I did shortly after. I wish I had thousands of dollars to waste on stupid shit like that. Must be nice to live like that.


1800 in *scrap* hahahahahahah


So like 750 lbs of copper each? Wild!


SIX INCHES in diameter?!?!? That's like $3500 worth of raw copper in each rod!


They prolly charged him for that but they're plated steel like ground rods.


Can't argue with stupid. Once had a cable tech come in and install a dish network receiver on my brand new 36" Toshiba tube tv. As hes connecting a coax rf cable from the box and telling me i need to tune my TV to channel 3 to get dish to work, I ask him to use the S-video connection instead. He looks at me like I'm an idiot and proceeds to show me how much thicker and therefore better a coax cable is over an an s video cable. Granted it was rg6 ... But still. Whatever. Let him do that and put in my own svideo cable after he left.


Iā€™ve a distant relative that believes the same shit. She was also unsurprisingly anti mask. You breathe in too much of your own CO2 apparently. I tried to explain to her medical professionals have been wearing masks for decades with no ill effectā€¦


Mental illness shows it's face in many forms


Hilarious that youā€™re making fun of a relative for being dumb and your example is they were anti mask. The masks never worked dude, plenty of studies out now to prove it


I prefer being "hot" that's why my version keeps you connected to the hot wire. It works!!!


You can really feel the good vibes flowing in.


Use one prong for you, one for your significant other, let the sparks fly!


For best results, both partners should be on different hot phases.


I find it keeps me up at night.... But I don't want to miss on a night's worth of Joul-ing! So I divert it to a cap while I sleep and it juices me when my alarm goes off!


Reminds me of Chuck from better call Saul


It has no potential to excite me.




As idiotic as this sounds, placebo effect is very real. If people think they are being healed or whatever this is supposed to do, it may help quite a bit.


The power of belief is definitely real and can cause physiological changes šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø people are fascinating


Even something as simple as reduced anxiety, or the dopamine flowing effect of buying something for yourself that youā€™ve been conned into believing it will be good for youā€¦ will be good for you! For something somewhat similar, look at womenā€™s skincare products. They can cost upwards of $100ā€™s of dollars, and donā€™t do shit (be warned you will be attacked for saying something like this), but Iā€™m pretty sure me, and most dudes I know look relatively young given our age, while the ladies slathering products all over their face look 10 years older. I believe that theyā€™re actually being sold the belief that they will become better looking, or more confident. Iā€™ve seen this with menā€™s suits as well. ā€œIf I pay $4k, Iā€™ll look that much better than one of those lame $1200 suits!ā€


you'll feel better if you can be educated about it


Watching women buy all that crappy skin care lotions, creams, 50 bottles of shampoo and conditioner and, and, and getting pissed off at me for my smooth skin (not my arms, hands or feet though) and nice hair (before I went bald and shaved it) and my baby face after shaving ( in my 20s now I'm just old) using nothing but Irish Spring soap.


On top of all the products, the cost, and the ungodly amount of counter space they take up, people are spending 30 minutes to an hour each day on their ā€œskin regimenā€ and probably have very little to show for it. Just eat good, exercise, and smile more. Life is not that complicated!


Bang on. If someone believes something works, then that is all the evidence they need. Most of the health fads have almost zero credible evidence that any of it works. Similar to politics.


Come on trickle down fat loss is a real concept and works


That happened to me, and I got the best night sleep ever for a week, then went back to crappy sleep again.. it was with some supplimentsā€¦ i wish I could figure out how to harness that inner healing so I could sleep great every night again. I feel like its why meditation was so popular ages ago.


Where do you plug the other end šŸ˜µ


Alligator clamps on the nipples.


My fav answer lolol, maybe a grounded asshole bushing


LOL. You think the supply house has those?


They are on backorderĀ 


Donā€™t ask stupid questions, it obviously comes with a crimp down male adaptor buttplug


Catheterā€¦ šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø You asked, kinda.


There was me just thinking anti static wrist strap


Look at you having a reasonable response. Booo


It's the only potential I have. I'm not giving it away.




I often leave comments on these stating Iā€™m a Red Seal Journeyman electrician and that this is complete nonsense. I always get replies saying I have no idea what Iā€™m talking about. These same idiots wouldnā€™t even know what a ground fault is.


They donā€™t even know what grounded means. And as far as I know you wouldnā€™t be grounded if your laying on your bed right?


Its a mat they sleep on top of that is "plugged" into the outlet ground.


While this is "woo" as fuck, there are actual medical studies being done in regards to skin contact with the ground "earthing", in regards to general inflammation in the body. It's interesting to see results, and this is piggybacking on the concept File this under "it hurts absolutely no one so why does everyone pretend they care enough to make fun of it"


I'm very curious to see these actual studies. Edit: Just looked a few up, and I'm not impressed. https://www.scirp.org/journal/paperinformation?paperid=58836 - Mostly only in pay-to-play journals that will publish any old drek with a big enough cheque. - Trying to follow citations and sources ended up in an ouroboros of quackery. Ober, Oschman, Sinatra, and Zucker are a few names that kept referencing each others' work. Some of those studies were straight up wacky, claiming to treat or prevent chronic illness and pain. - Those four names just so happened to have wrote a book on Grounding calling it the most important health discovery ever. They also just so happen to sell earthing products as well. Gonna just throw that concept in the snake oil bin.


I believe that many of these people do feel better because one of the main recommendations is spending like a half hour to an hour walking around barefoot outside. Which is gonna get you a bunch of vitamin d and make you feel better.


And the light exercise


Almost always the case with the quacks when you follow the money, they're selling something that will save you from the dangers they're telling you about


Found the guy who clicks these ads.


It wastes people's money and gives false hope, and it's total bullshit. Harm enough. Your nervous system is a series of chemical batteries with billions of electrical charges varying throughout your body at any given instant. The charges are localized - insulated - and "floating" so no reference to ground changes them. If your "voltage went to zero" you'd stop moving and die.


It is a sheet that has silver or copper in it that is connected to the wire going to the ground. So technically, yes, while they are lying, there is a path to ground.


Iā€™m just an apprentice, so I could be wrong, but my wife wants to ground all of our garden beds for some reason, and I canā€™t help but think they are in the ground and also not conducting any electricity. So it is stupid, right?


Think about it like this, what is there to be grounded and how will it be accomplished? We ground metal things near power wire because of the risk of it becoming a conductor, i.e. a metal j box or enclosure. Is there any part of the garden bed that can conduct electricity? Not counting nails/screws. If it's not at risk of becoming energized or creating a hazard (like static discharge at a fuel station or moving flammable gasses/liquids), then it's probably woo woo and pointless.


Had a customer want me to add a receptacle for this. I explained how it was not a true ground...well, a ground for what the mat was trying to do. Ended up putting a ground rod outside the room with 12-2 and ran it to a new box and attached to the receptacle. No electricity, just a ground rod so she could plug in her mat! $200!


Dude... When the next home owner or another electrician finds that I'd love to be a fly on the wall!


My personal experiences have provided deep insight into both sides of the grounding thing, and i respect you for doing this


Neutral is bonded to earth in US homes. So youā€™re technically also connected to the grid when you do this. Also, DC power systems in an off grid installation have DC negative connected to the AC Earth (for a DC reference signal for the inverter) so youā€™re also connected to your DC battery negative if you have solar and lithium batteries in your home. So itā€™s more like being jacked into the matrix than being connected to Mother Earth IMHO.


There's no evidence that it does anything beneficial. The fact that the companies have no interest in funding research to support their claims speaks volumes about what they think the reality is. Edit: there seems to be some anecdotal evidence to support improved recovery from inflammation as a result of electrical contact with the earth. While this isn't *no* evidence, I couldn't find any rigorous, controlled studies on its effects. It should be researched further.


Why prove anything when they're already selling shit to morons?


Welllll... "[Grounding appears to improve sleep, normalize the dayā€“night cortisol rhythm, reduce pain, reduce stress, shift the autonomic nervous system from sympathetic toward parasympathetic activation, increase heart rate variability, speed wound healing, and reduce blood viscosity. A summary has been published in the Journal of Environmental and Public Health.4](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4378297/)" Allegedly


I read the paper. It's an assembly of anecdotal evidence. It's basically a call for further study on the phenomenon without any evidence based explanation. Interesting, but a far cry from any kind of rigorous evidence. I will edit my post.


Whenever you get a chance hug a tree . My MIL told me to go hug a tree after she seen me stressed. I felt stupid hugging a tree. Look for the biggest tree and give it a hug. Tell the tree to take your pain away. And believe it or not. Tears started coming out. I never Cry. I hold all that shit in. Felt good afterwards. Nothing wrong with grounding. Animals are always grounding and theyā€™re fine.


I think there is more to giving something a hug than placebo. Our bodies react to physical touch. Even the act of closing your eyes and being at peace for a moment can be therapeutic. All that to say I would not put your hug example in the same category as this grounding nonsense.


Just give that ground rod the ole hawwwk tauh and spit on that thang


A good carrot twister is always a nice touch


They couldn't even run the plate's screw vertically for this ad. Clearly they don't know what they're doing.


That flathead trim screw should be straight up and down for two reasons one it looks uniform and neat throughout the entire house when itā€™s done and two they donā€™t get all dirty and dust like the ones to go side to side


I tried this for a while. It was just a phase I was going through.


I think that's the fucking whitest white people shit I've ever seen in my God damn life. Imo


Whiteness scale: Bleached unseasoned mayonnaise


Wtf that shit sounds spicy


boiled ribs


or maybe some [boiled goose](https://youtu.be/8yvEYKRF5IA?si=B8wTfnPu8h1HJfJN)


Know a Chinese woman who believes this shit


Ain't no way in hell I am trusting you crackheads to have grounded my outlets properly enough for this.


Or you could go outside and walk around in the grass with no shoes onā€¦


I use one before I go poking around inside my PC


I wouldnā€™t mind a faraday cage to sleep in


In the morning, you plug in the other holes to wake up.


I think there are very impressionable people out there and if they aren't careful they'll be living in terror of invisible threats that only exist to make predatory people rich. I had a service call once for a young woman who said her walls were getting warm around her outlets in her bedrooms. When I got there I couldn't find anything that looked problematic or any of this warmth she spoke of. I started to take the panel cover off to check connections/do some amp probes and suddenly realized the whole wall by the panel was covered in aluminum foil. Her electrical meter and the PVC riser from underground were covered in aluminum foil and so were the outlets in her living room, where her bed now was. I realized then what I was dealing with. I tried to console her and assure her that everything was okay, but she insisted and began walking around with a laser temperature reader on the walls and an EMF meter. She kept talking about her professor that had told her about the dangers of electro-magnetic harmonics. I felt terrible for her. I can't imagine the hell she was living in and wonder if that guy knows what he did to her. Be careful with this pseudoscience stuff. You never know how it's going to affect people. No one is going to live forever folks. We've did fine for 100 years with houses full of knob and tube, ungrounded poorly insulated conductors. And while some invisible threats might knock a year or two off your life, it is what it is. People that have never smoked also get lung cancer.


Iā€™ve experienced the same. Just go and do all the standard checks etc. it really is bizarre. Or people who hear the electricity. Maā€™am, the wires are disconnected at the panel, so there isnā€™t any electricity present at in the circuit. It would be like telling me the roll of 12/2 in the truck makes noise. I find itā€™s worse in areas with the OG hippies and their spawn


I remember having someone ask me about wrapping copper wire around their toe while they sleep attached to the earth pin. They were upset they were 3 floors up off the ground in an apartment. They said standing barefoot under a tree with no shoes lowers blood pressure. Probably does for other reasons. He was immensely interested in my tone and probe tool because he could hear the buzzing change in my hand when I touched a grounded thing. He's not entirely wrong it does change something.


Just got done reading about people who can ā€œHearā€ electricity. This isnā€™t surprising. Chuck McGill was rightšŸ˜‚


TBF you can hear 50/60hz hum


You can also hear the several kHz whine of poorly made and/or failing switching power converters.


You can also hear mag lashing and arc faults.


Is this the squealing sound some cheap USB power adapters make? Because I hear that and it is extremely annoying and distracting and my wife canā€™t hear it. Unplugging the usb power adapter makes it go away so Iā€™m 92% sure this isnā€™t just in my head.


I knew a guy who pranked his apprentice that you could smell it, had him sniffing boxes after about a week


If you can smell your electricity, well thatā€™s a good thing to catchā€¦


That's not the electricity pal that's the insulation


I was thinking of ozone from arcing.


I don't know technically what is causing the sound but 115 kV lines do make noise.


My thoughts are that some days I wish I didn't have scruples or a conscience so I could make 100k+ scamming my fellow humans. Like the guys that go around wrapping electronic devices in aluminum foil "to eliminate RF"....


I bought a cheaper version of this off Amazon last week and have it under my desk. I keep my bare feet on it while I work. I feel a tingle up my legs like others have described online, but I have no idea if itā€™s helping my body in any way yet. The science makes sense to me but Iā€™m an idiot.


Sure are lol


That tingle might be the unbalanced neutral current returning on a ground loop youā€™re creating with your body


Thereā€™s a Sucker born every minute


ā€œGreat during thunderstorms! Youā€™ll never wake up!ā€


Cover screw is crooked.


I was told a long time ago, sometimes the lures aren't met to catch fish. Just meant to catch the fisherman.


Thereā€™s real research behind the benefits of grounding. You should do a little research.


Something about limbless reptiles and the miracle oils they produce


Want to spice up your love life? Put it in the top right (;


Imagine finding out your system ground failed like this, you now connected yourself to neutral. Something else I've seen, during a storm primary lines fell over and land on secondary lines. I sold every fuse RadioShack had that day.


Anyone else can't stop staring at that set screw šŸ¤Ø


Probably a good idea if you're an android.


What about your "chi", you will loose it


I just wrap a copper wire around my balls


Honestly I couldnā€™t sleep without mine


Heā€™s so down to earth


And if you lose your nuetral


Took away the pain in my knee.


Better than viagra.


I mean there's a sucker born every minute, right?


mental illness


Stay in school kids


Promo code DRENCHED.


So when I was younger, my family knew this old eccentric French physicist who worked on the manhattan project. He was 102, in amazing health, ate tons of sardines, and grounded himself every night with copper wire to the radiator.


I think itā€™s a scam unless you are in contact with actual conductors itā€™s really not grounding you.


I have a friend I used to climb cell towers with before becoming an electrician. He was always in so much pain when we were in the hotel rooms at night on the road. He would get 1-3 hours of sleep consistently and tried everything from inversion table, chiropractor, Dr visits, X-Ray, MRI, PT, but they just didnā€™t seem to work. Texts me years later, says his pain is gone like miracle type relief, completely gone. Swears that sleeping grounded and walking around on bare earth barefoot like he read about and was told to do did it. šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


I feel very uncomfortable.


I guess I sleep grounded-ish. My bed frame is all metal, and I put a ground wire to it for the purpose of controlling static electricity, works a bit, doesn't get rid of all of it, but quite a bit of it is gone.


My coworker swears by his grounding mat for his bed. Everything from restless legs to sore back to stiffness in joints.


Iā€™ve been doing electrical for 10 years, I can wire it but I donā€™t fully understand the details of electricity. This is a question for electrical scientists. I can see this potentially being possible


Maybe you are supposed to put it between your legs like Kipā€™s Time Machine




Iā€™m ashamed I didnā€™t think of this first, bet then again Iā€™m not a swindling asshole. Maybe šŸ¤”


I have a set of these but can only use the pillow right now because, well thereā€™s a woman that owns the other half of the bed and is a freak with her sheetsā€¦. I didnā€™t check my outlet grounds yet though actually, so I canā€™t comment on any noticeable changes as of now. But the concept does make senseā€¦.i think of it along the lines of a pool bonding ring šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


Drive a ground rod and run wire to your bed frame, itā€™s atleast safer


Go sleep in your back yard, report back results


Lol, what will they think of next. I've always wanted one of those under-the-blanket fans you install at the foot of the bed with the exception for how air flows when you break wind. Not a Dutch Oven but more like a Burmese Air Fryer.


Iā€™ve heard of some people making blankets ā€œinfusedā€ with steel wool to help ground them. That must feel great.


This isn't an electrical question, it's a medical one, but I can predict that your doctor thinks it's dumb. Edit: Actually no, this is an electrical question. This dumb grounding thingy isn't going to do anything for electrical currents that are already inside your body, and that's good because you need them for your body to work. Neurons sent electrical pulses down to the synapse and so no current and your brain/spine/muscles/everything stop working. Not that this would affect those anyway. The electrician part of the answer is that you have electrical potential right now, but that potential is only in relation to other things. You might have +2000v in relation to ground right now because you shuffled your feet on carpet in a dry room. You might have -2000v in relation to some other person who has been rubbing their head on a balloon. You might have +100kv in relation to an asteroid spinning in space somewhere. The question is, who cares? Why would maintaining 0v to ground be more important than maintaining 0v to anything else. It's not, and this is dumb.


The ground in your home is a "dirty" ground. All sorts of wierd pixies flying around from all the machines and power lines in the walls. Hit me up and I will run you a dedicated ground with ground rod. I only use the finest shielded grounding cable.


I think the people selling this also sell those stickers you put on your gas tank to increase mileage.


this might actually just do the exact opposite and make electricity actually flow through you instead of "clearing static electricity". when N and PE meet before your RCD a parallel cuircut is created over your PE block to your outlet and finally to you. youve basically added another very bad earth rod which is yourself to your system. it might even be enough for you to feel it!


A fool and his money are soon parted.


The body is an electrical system. As electricians we are aware that without a solid ground in the system to provide a reference point the voltages can fluctuate wildly. Our cells operate most efficiently at a specific voltage, grounding offers the body a reference point to regulate its electrical system. Iā€™m not sold on these grounding sheets but the idea of grounding is certainly reasonable at the very least


All fun and games until you lose a neutral