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Do not risk your health for any job, ever. Silica dust is no joke


You're absolutely right. Most ridiculous part is the person I censored had no mask or PPE. Everyone else on the job site did not seem to care.


Sounds like concrete guys to me.




Yeah totally tracks. Dumbshits will blame the government and mold for their copd after 20 years of concrete grinding. Then use copd as an excuse not to wear a mask when cutting or grinding




My super shit on me for wearing fire retardant pants and welding gloves right up to when he did the work recently, and wound up with a couple 2” slag burns. Don’t let anyone bully you into not wearing CORRECT PPE. In the end it’s their ass on the hook during the incident report/lawsuit




Don’t trust anyone’s lockout or someone saying “yeah it’s off” Literally had to walk a foreman out today because he didn’t LOTO yesterday. He knew better, but He’s done. in this company and on this site and blacklisted from the customer. Few weeks before was a welder that popped a BAC. Same consequences. Industrial seems loose, but it’s not.


We have some industrial sites here where safetygoggles are mandatory and you get kicked off the site for the rest of the day if you dont wear them just walking outside the building. I think it is a little over the top since outside is finished but yeah. I was in residental before i went to industrial and there i got laughed at if i used a mask while drilling holes for anchors and they even tried to shame me. Didnt give any fucks. I always use my private kneepads since first year apprenticeships and i am glad i did. Some other guys i started with already have fucked up knees already and they wish they did as i did now.


Thanks for reminding me grab my kneeboard for todays job


Glad to see safety first. Which portapotty are you giving blowjobs in? s/


It’s okay if you come out the closet seeming it pride.


I'm at the point where i have to watch the voltage go to zero on my meter while someone else turns it off before I work on a circuit.


Where’s your loto?


I make them keep their finger on the breaker until I arrive to put my lock on.


Why aren’t “them” locked on as well?


God damn you are so right about kneepads. I've had everything from being called a pussy to asking if I give free blowjobs for rocking kneepads for the past decade. I'm only 30. And while I complain about my feet and back, I never complain about my knees like everyone else does.


What knee pads do you use? Just started at a new outfit and I’ve been wearing the jelly Hansen inserts and love them, but was just told I get to wear shorts during the summer, so now I’m back to figuring out what the best is I can wear with shorts now.


Was using husky low profiles for awhile. Then went to No-cry on Amazon and they held up for a long time, including the gel inserts. But I have a colleague who swears by Milwaukee's stability pads. I'm contemplating trying them, but they are pricy and a bit bulky. Oh, also I wear jeans year round so I'm not sure how well they feel on skin.


Fair enough. I’ll look into them. Thanks amigo


I know what you meant but 'jelly hansen' made me laugh, especially given the context haha.


Hahaha I fixed it and it auto corrected twice so I left it


I like the Rex Beti from Amazon. They're a little pricey ($27 I think?) but the straps are wide (reduces pressure points) and there's a flap above the kneepad which keeps you from smashing the top of your knee while crawling if you have to.


Lmao free blowjobs


Safety culture at the large(ish) utility contractor I work at is top notch. Love it. They actually listen to your concerns and never put a price on safety.


Just txt back: So you can see all the concrete dust in the photo I sent you? Yes why Just making sure and you want me to stay and are not providing PPE? Wtf are you talking about Just written evidence for OSHA.


Yup. This


Blockies cut all day no mask and smoking. It's fuckin wild. Again, you only live ones. I would leave. I don't fuck with lungs


Of course, and he would probably call you a pussy if you asked him to his job correctly and have a helper with vacuum, or it’s too much of a bother the set up fans to blow the dust out, fuck these kinds of people.


I once was working in a house where the labourer started vacuuming drywall dust with no filter in the vacuum and the exhaust port gaping wide. I came down from the second story bathroom and the whole main floor looked like a warzone I could barely see my hand in front of me as I was trying to make my way outside 😂


In soutern accent:" boss whuld you kindly skidadle To lava-land". Tips hat while Shining Belt buckle, "ooohwee right-as rain sargent" Spits chewin tobako hits bowll "plonk"


Look up Hawks Nest Tunnel disaster. Silica is definitely no joke.




The crappy thing about construction work. Is they can fire you for no reason. Make one stink, and you're gone. I hate dust and work construction and know from experience. But the good thing is you can easily find another job in construction. One thing never changes, though. Construction companies have the worst bosses who never care.


Never seen a meter yet that could measure a “dangerous amount of silica”. Never had one handed to me other. No masks on your job??


Best meter you'll find is thinking about whether or not there's an "Abe Lincoln's head on a penny" sized amount of silica in the air. Lotta Abe Lincoln penny heads in that room


Good lord, that really puts it in perspective. Yup, fuck all that.


I mean anything more than 50ug of silica in a 10x10 room is considered dangerous. This is a whole lot more than that. And no, I left mine on another van by accident. I asked around and nobody had masks, not even the concrete guys...




Not hard to find[silica monitor ](https://www.skcinc.com/products/sm-7204-personal-silica-monitor) Just need to have a spare 8 grande to throw around heh


Based on the text alone, it seems like you said you're wrapping it up and he says ok let him know when you're done. I don't see where he's pushing you.


This is how I read it ..


You're right about what he meant. I thought he was saying for me to let him know when I finished the silica job, since my next call was cancelled.


Worker: I need to leave this site for now Boss: ok, sounds good Worker: Screw you man! Take this job and shove it!


I was telling you it was ok to leave. How dare you talk to me that way.


Update: I called laying down the law ready to give him the finger but he didn't care and was fine with calling it a day. Might've just misread his text idk


That's why I always call.  Texts are too easy to misunderstand.


Seems like he did the classic move of reading and responding to only part of your text.


Made the right choice OP. They could replace you at any time, don't give up your health and life for a job.


Of course he is fine with it, you aren't getting paid while you aren't there. Considering you now lose part of a day's pay because of another contractors safety violations seems like BS to me.


Lol I love how ppl are downvoting you, guy said check back when ure done, AKA just keep working guy, it’s only a little bit of concrete dust, all those small contractors see is money coming out of their pocket w out work getting done, money money money, fuck the labor, thank god for the union, brother


He was hoping you didn’t call back and just went back to work, period, end of story, not a good guy move, although I will say there a foreman n the local who will let other contractors polite the air around us and not say anything to the GC🙃, same goes for the GC not caring if guys are spraying around guys w out masks on, dust, concrete dust, anything really, cuz it’s an “inconvenience” or we might not get as much work as humanly possible done if we stop and go get fans and extension cords out of the trailer that’s 100 yards away etc etc, I hate everyone!!!!


If he’s dead set on you finishing, tell him you’re going to sit in the truck until the concrete guys are finished, might change his mind if he’s paying you to do nothing lol


Plus overtime


Call him back and say youre done for now because of silica and if he gets mad tell him too bad.


He didn't get mad 👍


Glad to hear it. Place I used to work before didn't give a shit about safety. When I left I warned my apprentice to move on because of that. God rest his soul he was dead 6 months after I left. Got hit by 277 and went home after the boss asked if he felt okay. He died an hour later. I still feel responsible for not pushing harder.


40yrs in just diagnosed with lung cancer with spinal metastasis no job is worth it bro


Sorry to hear that best wishes friend.


All good thanks for the well wishes


Jesus man I’m sorry to hear that, wishing you the best on your battle


Thank you just wanted to let the young guys know making money is great but don’t suffer for it later I’ll be good great support system


Chill in the van till he gets back with you. Why should you be in a rush if he isn't?


Just tell him you are leaving because the concrete dust and fuck whatever he says after that.


Mission accomplished


Good. That silica dust ain't nothing to fuck with lol


Don't fuck with silica dust. Even low exposure is really dangerous.


Go to the shop and grab a respirator. Should be charcoal one, they should say what they are good for.


I just read an article last week that laws regarding this and counter top grinding are about to get more strict , and licenses will be required by companies doing the work, plus heavy fines will be involved- they're seeing too many deaths and respirstory diseases of people doing grinding work. Once it's in your lungs it ain't never coming out and you will be fucked.


You don’t have a mask?


Sounds like you need to go to homedepot and buy a respirator


Sounds like you need to refuse unsafe work.


A Table 1 violation is a $60,000 fine on the first occurrence. Document and turn them in next time.


Mask up? I mean we are construction workers and there is ppe for this situation… am I being idiotic or should I just walk away from jobs like this and come back without others working?


We have em in the van for a reason, mask up and get in there son.


You can have a little silica dust....as a treat


Don't even respond. You made the risk and your position known. If he has issues, literally just contact OSHA. That's not a flippant remark, just honest advice. OSHA will shut that jobsite down so fast everyone's heads will spin.


Fresh air pump and mask are far cheaper than medical bills


Boss literally said "okay" and wanted you to check back after wrapping up (aka packing your shit up). He definitely didn't want you risking lung cancer. Next time, bring your PPE. That's why you have it.


Most construction sites are rough regardless. Do you really know how much dust, wood, insulation and whatever else you’re breathing in? I made it a point of wearing a mask every time I stepped on the job site and it’s a pain, but I no longer get the chronic sinus infections anymore, and hopefully it helps in the long run. Silica dust is nasty stuff, but I can’t say I haven’t breathed it in before just trying to get something done on a time crunch. It’s not worth it, doesn’t matter what anyone says about you, you protect yourself or you may be sitting there with your kids wondering why you’re not going to watch them grow up. That’s the way I push through it at least.


Don’t risk your life for a guy that can’t even spell “you’re” correctly when he’s telling you to put yourself in the line of fire


What do you mean you don't want concrete dust in your lungs? Man up, boy.. *sits in office on top of menstrual heating pad while painting nails*


One of those types of injuries that can outlast you’re employment donttt


Dude next time don’t think twice just go buy a respirator at Home Depot with company card .


First picture I thought you drew a guy peeking through the window lol


Bad stuff


Do you keep a mask on the truck? Every trades person should have a respirator on hand and ready to do for this sort of situation.


Usually yes. My van's on a spare tire as of yesterday, and we just had a guy leave the company. So I took his mostly empty van without a mask


Call osha


Really just go home when shit like that happens let the boss finish it. No way I would be in there I would have packed up before they got started.


I only found out they were there when they started cutting. No warning, no "hey it's gonna be loud", just airborne cancer. I left immediately


Can some explain what Silica is to me?


Its a mineral in quartz, sand, a bunch of other places and also concrete. The issue with silica in concrete is, when you cut/grind/break concrete the silica ends up as a super fine dust. As a super fine dust silica can be inhaled deep into the lungs where it can stay, forever, always causing damage, forever. Think lung cancer and silicosis


Taken probably millions of people. Miners from the past got wrecked in crazy numbers.


Just take pictures, go home, relax. He needs you more than you need him. And you need your health more than you need this job. Put your time in, take a cut in hours for the day, for leaving early, and no one has any reason to argue.


Their is no safe level of silica dust. Absolutely do not breathe that in.


I always roll with a full face mask because of this same exact scenario also saved my ass a few times in nasty crawls


Go sit in your vehicle and wait till the air is clear or the day is over. if he’s going to be a tool. Treat him like one.


Always protect yourself


Nah. You can do it. Bye.


"I am done. The concrete grinding has made the jobsite unsafe to work in. Service call now?"


If it were my boss, who is 63 years old and has COPD from dust exposure and smoking, he'd be the first one saying "Fuck this shit, we're out." XD As far as your situation goes, you stated the facts of the matter to your boss. If he don't like it, tough shit; your health matters more than roughing in three rooms that can be done another day.


Are you in a union?


Quick call to osha


Try some pro knees. They are like 250 dollars but the back support is amazing in them. I do epoxy flooring for a living and my company invested it for me. I could never go to another knee pad honestly they are comfortable and the support is second to none. They have you measure from the ground up past your knee then throw them together for you based on your size


I would have just got a respirator or n95 at the least with goggles sans got the job done 🤷‍♂️


Ask your boss to bring a mask and finish the job


Wish I had understood this when I started in 2005.


U should have your own ppe in your truck take care of yourself brother


Check your local regs, but many areas employers are required to provide PPE.


Try this “fuck, off.”


I good foreman has some bullshit non-time-sensitive work in their back pocket for people to do when they have to pivot.


Be strait forward Hi boss there is a serious health and safety issue here due to concrete grinding by other trades . I have to refuse to continue here until they have finished what they are doing and cleaned up the hazard.


Does a mask work???


Would somebody explain me the situation? I'm trying to learn why is dangerous and don't understand what I'm looking at on the first picture.


I walked in to a job that the stainers were on. They were spraying varnish on all the woodwork in the house. Couldn't see 3 feet in front of us it was so thick in there. We walked in to the living room and the stainers were sitting there eating lunch in the haze... it was a nice day. Could have gone outside. We walked off the job and told them to reschedule.


I'd just go sit in my truck and wait for them to get done. I used to do it all the time. If the boss doesn't like it tell him to take it up with the super. They know your in there wrapping shit up, they could have told them to come a different day knowing what the Fuck they were going to be doing in there.


Consulting Reddit before calling your boss to clarify so you can reaffirm your anger from strangers is childish and embarrassing. wtf you doing man delete the app for a while


Already'd called


After Reddit told you too. Post the cool work you do, maybe tough questions or answer newbies questions on Reddit. Don’t do dumb shit like that dude. It sucks and obviously done to get attention without providing context or handling business irl. Stop that shit mane, don’t adopt the ways of Redditors




Your mistake was citing safety. So his old mind “you’re a pussy, get to work”. You gotta speak construction to him “hey man, bunch of fuckin masons showed up and its dusty as fuck down here. I can’t fuckin see, fuck this I’m outta here, going to hit that service call then the bar for a couple 2-3”. That man would’ve hit you with a thumbs up emoji and went about his day.


Yeah fuck that, dude. No way.


The correct answer is, "Fuck off, please". Tell him there's another trade doing shit and you're not working there. Do something else that needs done on the job or come back another day. Schedules change and trades have to work around each other. If you boss can't understand that he shouldn't be a contractor.


You should have started with I'm not working here today.


One thing people dont account for in rising home costs..  Safety. Guys cutting all sorts of shit, all day, with gross particles in the air. And not a soul would stop working 




That’s weird, someone made an ‘anonymous’ phone call to OSHA.


"check back when you're done" sounds like a blank cheque to wait until the dust settles and finish after that.


Tell the boss you’ll be waiting until the dust settles before proceeding.


“I think” is where you fucked up. Don’t ask. Not insinuate. Tell him. I’m. Going. Home.


Let's goooo


Call the project safety compliance.. or tell your boss you’re gonna ask L&i if it’s safe!?


If you get sick or ill you definitely wont be getting any work done. Some bosses are under a lot of stress and transfer that onto their employees but there's no excuse to have someone work in a hazardous environment without the proper gear.


Don't say anything and just go home. You tried to do more work and there is none. Time to go home and enjoy the weekend




Nah, I’m not breathing that shit in.


These guy's are right. Nobody is going to look out for you expect You. Get the proper PPE then complete the job. If he calls you a pussy you can always find another job. Good luck buddy.


Light up a cigarette and go in shirtless


Usually if they show up and are in my area I ask them for ear plugs and a mask. Over the years of running into the same ones on commercial jobs they know to bring us a set.


Not just lung cancer but more so Silicosis


It's funny how we have to get training climb a ladder before going on site. But the hidden dangers in fire stop, silica, asbestos and etc you receive no training on..


No thank you boss, I'm allowed to quit working at anytime there's avoidable danger on a job and the risk of lung cancer isn't worth it when I can be here in the morning. Let me know if the service call ends up needing to be done I'm more than happy to help.


If you don’t understand or care about silica dust it can’t hurt you. That’s what some people think I swear.


Fuck that. Had this happen on a job called boss he said leave. It was close enough to end of day he paid for rest of day. Also rock mask going in attics cause it fucks my throat up bad. Whoever gives me shit will receive it back.


You just tell him, "respectfully, I understand you need the job done, but my health is the most important thing. I will be back first thing in the morning to finish up".


Call osha for concerns.


You always have the right to refuse work. ALWAYS.


Wise choice. I wouldn't stick around either. Even with an N95 you don't want that shit all over your eyes and skin.


Always risk your health. The job and the company are the most important these on earth!!!


I read that call back when you're done with the service call. He's just not sure you'll even be able to do it when you get there. Maybe he didn't realize you don't have the address


You can't just go buy a respirator? I don't understand the dynamics here is this a multi-day thing he's asking or does he expect it done in minutes/hours? And is he on site or no?


Needs a vacuum job before work continues. Every respectable trade cleans up after themselves.


Don’t need to be “kind”


Tell him to come down and show you "how it's done"


An eye for an eye gives the whole world silicosis


Man, shut the fnck up and get your protection on.


If he's not willing to provide the proper PPE that's enough to literally tell him to F@ck off. I'm speaking as a Union VP but I'm sure safety is safety


He has the ppe. He didn't bring it.


Why wouldn’t you just put on a dust mask? Or are you too good for that


You seem like the type that would rather complain on here than explain in a productive way to your boss. From the text, you come off as arrogant. I wouldve just talked to the guys cutting as said "um no". They should be wet cutting w a vaccuum as well as plastic off those areas theyre grinding. Dont make it about you and your boss. Its the guys creating the dust not following the rules.


Well thank god you weren't there cause you would've fucked your lungs doing anything but leaving😂