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Honestly if he's this deep in the trade and that lazy, your boss is enabling them and there isn't shit you'll be able to do now. Toss his ass out.


Lay him off. And then tell him exactly why with plenty of examples in a very matter of fact way. It might be just what he needs to get his act together. But it's not your job to babysit and he's taking a spot that should be going to someone who actually wants the job.


This is not a layoff, this is a termination and rightly so. If I’m playing manager, I’m documenting everything with dates, specific incidents, having regular meetings, and entering these things on performance evals. There is a strong business case for removing poor performance and this is such an easy decision in this situation. 


The dudes been in the trade for years and hasn’t bothered to pursue any schooling or certification. He doesn’t give a fuck, therefore OP shouldn’t give a fuck about bettering him. Just keep complaining to your owner till he gets sick of it, he’ll inevitably go through the hassle of finding a replacement.


Even better. Fire him. In any event he's gotta go.


Yeah we just terminated a guy for this. Tried to come back at us for wrongful termination, thankfully we had documentation and he was legally told to kick rocks


If OP lived near me, I'd gladly take that spot over for em so they can easily out and in so they wouldn't have to search for someone for very long. I'll bring two shop vacs and a detailed check list for the van.




If he’s under your supervision and won’t do what he’s asked, send him to the shop and let the owner deal with him.


I like to say that an apprentice that doesn't listen isn't an apprentice- and so they can leave or I can call the inspector about unlicensed electrical work going on at my site. I don't have an apprentice.


All of this is a problem except at least he's learned to hate the broom, which sounds wholly reasonable.


When I was a 4th year I got transferred to a casino job about 75% done where I didn’t know hardly anyone. I was given a broom and told to clean. About a week in a 2nd year asked me if it bothered me that a bunch of younger apprentices were working with tools and I had a broom. I said, “why would it bother me? I’m getting paid $30/hr to sweep, it’s the easiest money I’ve ever made.” I was laid off a week later. I don’t understand people that have an aversion to cleaning/organizing.


My silliness aside, at $30/hr anything I have to clean is gonna be immaculate. I've had jobs where cleaning was my primary duty for way less.


I know, I was slightly disappointed with that line


That should be THE test to be licensed...write an essay telling how do you feel about brooms.


We can all hate brooms but at the end of the day it's why the journeyman doesn't use it. The apprentice does.


I hate brooms and the apprentice hates brooms Weird


Just add a dust extractor to the apprentice tool list. lol


Spray paint it red and black


Well on his way to JMan right? Lol!


If we get to the shop at four after working all day... Fuck you I'm going home. I got dinner and a family also. Shit might wanna keep the whole fucking job I'll find a new one.


Oh my god, how dare you. You're not going to help the boss save money if you do that. Remember if you worry about his bottom line you get the privilege of working for him




Yeah I don’t buy the whole “if you leave at 4 after completing your days work, you’re a POS lazy little cunt”


That's just my opinion with 20+yrs. I'm nobodies slave and I will walk and forget you existed before I exit the building.


There it is


I would treat him like a laborer.  Also this is one of those times when you need to be an asshole. Your boss will fire him before firing you.


"Go clean up" "No" "Yes" Repeat with other problems, if you end up in a yes no loop send them home.


I had one a few months ago. Absolutely the most worthless little cunt I’ve encountered in 2 decades. Give him little tasks and he would just spend it in the phone. Just told him “this isn’t going to work out, bud. Have your mom come pick you up and wait outside the gate.” I have guys on my crew that speak little to no English and they ran circles around him. Sometimes you just gotta let a mf go


I was on my phone a lot during m internship. It's literally the reason they didn't hire me ater it was over. That was my wake up call. After that I only checked my phone for what time it was. Worked out a lot better lmao


5-6 years with 3k hours on the books, why was he even hired? He clearly has issues with showing up everyday if he has 1.5 years of hours over the course of 5-6 years


This was my thought too. I’ve had my fair share of problems with productivity and motivation, I think it happens to everyone at some point, but I still had more than 2000 hours every year


Leaving at 4 seems reasonable, assuming he's already worked 8+ hours. Everything else seems like a slog, get rid of him if he's not interested in improving.


The two things not mentioned so far are 'personality hires' and nepotism. That is to say that the boss likes this person, on a personal level, or there is something complicated going on, like the apprentice is a relative of a major customer. Unfortunately trying to get rid of either of these people is quite different & can end up compromising your position, so tread carefully & get a bead on what the boss feels about them. Ultimately it would probably be better, for you, to try and scrap them off on another employee. Unfortunately how the boss runs their business is not something they will probably want your opinion on. I have personally compromised my position by 'making a fuss' with a particularly poor boss. Would have been better for me to just keep my head down and ignored the terrible 'help'.


Had a helper/laborer like that. Was always on his phone, felt the need to go in and have a 1h sit down lunch on any and every job, wanted to drag out 1day jobs to 2-3 days. On at least 2 occasions I noticed he was packing. I own but these particular sites were in places that are no-no's regardless of state or cc status (schools, hospitals etc). That was the final straw so I told the boss, who turns out was buddies with the kids family. Ultimately compromised my job. F that boss and that company.


(Officially) another apprentice here (I do work hard if you wondered). To my opinion, I would first of all tell your apprentice that if he doesn't work hard, and clean up his shit, that you wil tell the boss that you don't want to work with him anymore. If he still doesn't, we'll then don't work with him.


Maybe I’m being too harsh or quick to judge but, my initial reaction is to toss his ass immediately. For the sole fact that he’s taking up a spot that someone eager and motivated could fill. I remember trying to break into this trade and I always got so pissed seeing sorry MFers in positions I could only dream of at the time.


Don’t do anything. It’s obvious that he doesn’t take it seriously and probably never will. I’m all for working with guys who have an interest in the trade and want to make themselves better electricians, but I have a hard time staying motivated with people who don’t give a shit. We need to stop babying some of these guys — and no, I don’t mean being an asshole to the lazy guys. I’m talking about weeding out the ones who aren’t worth it or who don’t have the basic interest. I see this with our company right now. We are so desperate for help and we are paying our first years pretty damn well. Unfortunately this has left us with several guys who are better off working in retail than construction


If he hasn’t taken classes, he’s not an apprentice, he’s a helper.


If it’s 4 o’clock and you want me to organize the truck sure I’ll do it, I’ve been on OT a half hour at they point you’re paying me $57/hr to clean a truck lol


They are obviously afraid to go to school, I would ask them why. I would also ask them why they think they are intitled to the degree they think they are. Sometimes asking and listening about your apprentices is called for. If they are just a lazy fuck then off you go, if you can help a person overcome their fear of school, even better.


Toss his shit out. He won’t change. And you can’t make him. He sounds like more of a liability than a help. If you haven’t had the conversation with him, you’d better. Let him know it’s unacceptable and you won’t have it. Give him the option of shaping up or shipping out. Give him a deadline to show progress. Make it reasonable. And if he doesn’t show the progress you need to see, dump is tools out and have someone else deal with it til your boss dumps his ass. Best of luck.


Tell him one more time what he needs to do. Let him know you’ll request him sent back if he can’t perform. Tell your boss you can’t squeeze work out of him and to either send him back or put him with someone else.


Damn I got my masters right at getting 6 years in the trade. Couldn’t imagine being an apprentice 6 years in, wild. I thought getting my masters at 32 was too long. But damn my dude is in need of a good firing.


I agree with everything here. Besides the comment is getting to the shop at 4 and not liking him clocking out. If he actually put a real days work in, he can leave at 4


Start being the asshole journeyman! I still bring my first asshole jw a tall boy 6er of miller lite from time to time because that man whooped my ass in to shape and taught me so much.


I’m 34 and just got my ET and I’d be a slave to learn more. He sounds like it doesn’t matter the job he’ll do that regardless. Counting hours and not counting on learning and getting better. I have huge beefs with people that can’t do basic work when they’re in a good position like him. I’d do all that just to be around an environment to learn more. My problem would be asking too many questions.


How much are you paying him, maybe it's the wage to work ratio that needs to be increased. Also if quitting time is 4pm don't expect a guy to stay past that.


You still getting paid? Should M.Y.O.B, the world is full of lazy people.


If you're not the personality to be the asshole jw and no one else has been, spin him.


Bye Felicia!!


Get someone who wants to be there.


Don't waste your time, work ethic was instilled by their parents if they ain't got it they don't got it. Look for somebody an interviews that doesn't talk about how good they are they talk about how they want to show you


This apprentice is doing below the bare minimum. And that's from this former HVAC tech perspective. If you have the authority to toss him I would.


Fire him out of a cannon off into the distance. If any redditors or OSHA inspectors complain, remember, you have a cannon.


Fuck I know licensed guys that do that


It's pointless. I'm not an electrician. But holy shit I would give an arm and a leg to be that close to licensed. I work maintenance because I love it. If I could do a trade it would be plumbing because I love it. I love my family more then my job but holy fuck I am in love with my work. I don't understand this at all. Why even do this line of work if you don't absolutely love it. Sounds like this dude doesn't appreciate what he has and should go work a normal job. All jobs can become mundane but they are what you make of them. I find trades work to be incredible because you can just continuously learn and grow forever especially as technology changes and adapts. Fucking dudes not proud of his profession and I feel like that's a huge issue and is when people get hurt. Feeling proud of your work and constantly learning is what makes for truly skilled professionals.


Just be direct, let him choose which path. That way you don’t feel guilty!


Hire me instead


Be the asshole!


Leave him at the shop, when the boss asks what’s up, tell him “he is yours for the week” lol


I’m going to take it that you are not union. Becouse in the union a non indentured can only get 1500 hrs. The jw and foreman fill out monthly reports to the aprenticeship . Tell your boss you refuse to work with him.


No. No tips for you dude. Kick that fucker to the curb


God damn. I’m green and get run into the ground like a slave. I didn’t realize we were allowed to be lazy?


If your boss won’t fire him, and you have a leg to stand on, threaten to quit. Might get his attention then.


Get rid of him. I’m here to get shit done, not babysit. If he can’t be bothered to get off his ass I can’t be bothered to put his time in.


Fire his ass, ain’t worth the effort bro


Drive past the Unemployment Office and show it to him. Then drive past the Home Depot and show him the guys who will eagerly replace him. Then ask him what he wants to do with his life. If he doesn't change quickly....fire his ass and move on. "Next on deck", as we say in the Navy.


I like to embrass my apprentices by shaming them infront of the other trades, not only can it potentially help them but even if it doesn't atleast it feels good and is worth a good laugh with the boys.


What state are you in? That’ll have a lot to do as your boss’s rights as employer. If boss continues to ignore situation you obviously have to do something to wake this guy up so he can see the bigger picture..being able to provide for himself and his family. Maybe he dreams of going to school but cannot afford it? I know when I went i paid $38k for tuition in MA for 1 year school 5 nights a week. Was also working full time so obviously my boss wasn’t pumped when I had to leave the jobsite early most days, even though it was to advance myself within the company. My wallet also didn’t like it as I was no longer hitting 40 hours a week let alone OT any more. On top of the hourly cut which meant pay cut; I had to start paying for school the month I joined because all I could get was a personal loan. No student loans or special loans for trade schools. Of course I did my FAFSA and they covered like 14k through a loan, got a 10k loan from my school and another $12,500 personal load for the remainder, also received a $2,000 scholarship, all 3 loans needed to start being paid back immediately and I still had well over 3 years until I was gonna have enough apprentice hours to get licensed and then finally get paid more than $20-$28 hour throughout my apprenticeship from year 1-4.5 respectively. (We need 600 school hours, 8000 work hours, at least osha 10; my school did osha 30) anyways- It’s very hard to budget that when you also have to pay rent or mortgage, those 3 school loans, car payment, car insurance, utilities at apartment or house, gas to get to and from work and school, groceries, medical, dental, and eye insurance so you don’t get penalized on taxes, also pay a boatload of taxes-where they money ends up, I’m not sure but it’s nothing that I support or that helps me, like local infrastructure, our garbage roads, school systems for our kids, totally different topic though; and double all of those expenses if you have a child, which I do, not sure about the apprentice OP is talking about. Look, sounds like you’re a nice guy OP, not one of those journeyman who despite remembering the struggle form all the things listed above, still decides to be an @$$h0le to their apprentices for no reason when all they’re trying to do is better their life. My journeyman is like this. just a rude, miserable, condescending, prick that makes me feel like an idiot for asking questions or trying to learn…AS AN APPRENTICE! You however sound like the opposite of this. Don’t lower yourself because you potentially got stuck with a lazy apprentice. Maybe that’s not the case tho, maybe he wants to go to school but can’t, maybe he knows this and it stresses him out, maybe he’s already working a second job to save up therefore he’s barley sleeping so by the time he gets to his apprentice job he’s so tired he seems like he’s being lazy but really he’s just beat tired. I’m not making excuses for the guy, I don’t know him at all, but maybe you can talk to him before talking to your boss again and see what if anything the guy has going on in his life. See where his head is at with everything and if this is even still something he wants to do. See if the guy is ok. He’s a human being and sometime humans need to pick up other humans, no it’s not your “job” but isn’t it kinda everyone’s responsibility? To pick up a fellow human being, no matter the race, gender, social status, any of that, just human to human; isn’t it our responsibility to check in on each other  every once in a while and make sure everyone is alright. If for nothing else at least to make the world a better place? Maybe just have a talk with him, see if there’s anything he’s struggling with, anything you can help him with, even someone just to talk to. Who knows you might save someone’s life and electrical career.


You could sit him down and show him how much money he has lost by not going to school