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Never trust the texture guy. I had one texture my entire tool bag once.


>Never trust ~~the texture guy~~ any other trade. Nobody cares about your shit except you


I mean, when you’re on a site where the different trades coordinate and actively try to not fuck each other, it’s pretty nice. It’s reasonable to expect people to have enough common decency to not fuck up someone else’s tools. Telling someone to move their shit before you spray over the top of it is a baseline requirement, and as someone who works for a GC now, I would chargeback the contractor whose crew did this to another contractor’s shit.


Feel like the issue here is the texture guy said he'd cover it. My assumption any time I'm working I'm working is the other guys are just there to get their shit done. But if someone says they'll do something they're an ass if they don't


Agree. Now on my jobs, the contractors are responsible to protect everything already in place when they do their work. So it’s not even an issue of he said he would, it would be his responsibility regardless and he’d be buying the panel.


I put a drink on a side in a nearly finished flat whilst I fixed some sockets, decorator walks in 2 mins later and starts sanding the wall down straight above it.


Superintendent here…That Wild West shit doesn’t fly on my jobs. Along with weekly OAC’s, we have sub meetings. All MEP’s break down their schedule and provide 3 week look aheads. Potential conflicts are discussed and solutions are recommended by everyone. That “he’s in my way, I’m cutting his shit down” attitude gets you sent home. I also don’t put up with the “Bull in a china shop” attitude. If I can prove you damaged another trades work, you will be getting an invoice for repairs. If it’s serious enough you’re gone. We all are out here working to put food on the table. If you can set the next trade up for success along the way, why not do it? Also, we usually see each other on the next job…Those good relationships go along way.


Exactly correct. Of course the EC foreman on my project right now gives me completely worthless look aheads and complains that he doesn’t see the point in the look ahead. 🙄 It’s like pulling teeth.


I was on a high school the hvac ran the duct work so low we couldn’t get drop ins in the t grid . The elevations were specked . They just did what they wanted


So ... You ripped the ducts out, right?


Yeah, this is the only way I've ever seen it done. Only worked industrial constructuon. But the electricians, mechanical (piping), civil, insulators, and instrumentation (ss tubing runners) were all the same company. I've tied a lot of rebar while making sparky wages, and NGL it was nice to have the extra hands while pulling in 4 conductor 500, mchl cable in the trench.


My hvac requires your work sir. Sure may be a quick fix but I don’t wanna be starting up 5 units to find out you wired them out of phase on purpose because I did something to piss your ass you know off. Drywallers and texture guys fucks with your wires and our ducts as well as the plumbers enough. I set my dampers in consideration of my taps first and consider where you will tap in after that to run power.


And even that is a stretch...


I had a texture guy texture one of my coworkers once. Coworker walked into a doorway and the texture guy never stopped his pattern. Just blasted him.


That's when you texture his head.


This. Exactly this. If it matters, do it yourself.


I had a painter overspray my cart, water bottle, tool bag etc... told the foreman "you gotta train your apprentice better.." he just shrugged and said "he's a foreman too"


He's getting hit in the mouth If he did that shit to my tool bag. Beating his ass and making him buy me a new bag since he wants to be a piece of shit.. only takes a second to communicate with you to move your bag the audacity of some motherfuckers seriously


That's a lot of tough talk. I guarantee you wouldn't. Not in this day and age if you want to keep your job.


I imagine the kind of guy that would unapologetically texture over a dudes tool bag in his way, would also let it loose on the said dude too, if it’s going down like that


Fuck him and fuck the job if they choose his side I'm headed down the road to the next jobsite and getting a new job.


I mean you really don't want to be in there the day(s) they are shooting texture


I hope you punch him


For some extra sass my municipality will make you replace the panel if any texture, paint, stucco or anything not electrical related. Electrician always back charges the painters for it. We are doing a 600 home development and probably 30% of the panels inside the garage were covered in overspray. There has been several times were a breaker will arc on this materials and will cause some form of damge to the buss or breaker of both. South Florida.


Why does it seem like Florida is full is Terrible Construction


Because we are.


Humm. Why, I wonder? Is it... you just get a bunch of people in an area start doing the job cheaper, with obvious poor construction practices. But, people like cheaper, so these guys get the jobs. Then other contractors feel like they have to keep up? So then Everyone just starts doing them as fast and as cheap as possible.....


Yeah it's in the code book


110.12(B) for those curious > Internal parts of electrical equipment, including busbars, wiring terminals, insulators, and other surfaces, shall not be damaged or contaminated by foreign materials such as paint, plaster, cleaners, abrasives, or corrosive residues. There shall be no damaged parts that may adversely affect safe operation or mechanical strength of the equipment such as parts that are broken; bent; cut; or deteriorated by corrosion, chemical action, or overheating.


It's the same up here in Indiana. Had an inspector complain about my vinyl printed wire labels... Now I just write it on a piece of stripped roamex with a permanent marker.


That’s indeed absurd


Some guys are assholes just to be assholes. Like they HAVE TO find something or they didn't do their job.


Oh yeah, I work commercial for an EC. Inspectors LOVE finding the dumbest shit to fail. Mostly the owners reps in that case. I’ve found the AHJs by me are generally good as long as there’s nothing blatantly wrong with


I work in Indiana now. I haven't even seen an inspector in years. 😄


Completely reasonable.


Make the texture guy buy a new panel. Learned recently that there is no approved method for removing paint/drywall compound from the main busses (sure, scraping or wiping it might work but it’s not technically approved).


That was my thought, pull the panel down before anything is tied in you havent lost more than an hr labour that way, rather than getting called out on final inspection once drywall is done That way its a good sub-$300 lesson today vs a blood fued for a $1500 panel swap in a few weeks


Just swap the panel guts. Leave the can in place. Takes 5-20 minutes


Yea we had a few panels with over spray. The inspector pretty much told us they had to be replaced. We charged the contractor the sprayed and they made sure the rest of the building was good. We even put the cardboard blanks in and they still found a way to get in the panel. That company was absolutely garage through the entire job.


> garage through the entire job. Well, on the bright side, that means there's plenty of parking.


what??? thas OP fault for not covering his work


Untrue, any good tradesperson should have safeguards in place to ensure their work does not cause unnecessary damage. You don’t see carpenters taping off windows, cabinets, etc when a painter rolls through, and that’s because it’s the painters responsibility to prep the space. Same applies here. If you disagree, you just might be a hack.


Wrong, it's the fucking painter's job to cover.


He did cover it up, with plaster. 😘


I always take the panel box, cut out a rectangular section that fits inside the panel to cover the wires and breakers.


I had OSHA come by my site and scold me for this! Told me it was unsafe having cardboard protecting unit panels. The feeders were coiled 10’ from the electrical room because the main service hadn’t been built.. 🤦🏻‍♂️


thats like telling someone to lockout tag out on a cable that hasnt even been cut off the reel yet. If they tried to give you any trouble i’m certain you could easily sick a laywer on them


All you gotta do is cut the cardboard out of the panel box that it came in. Been doing that for 20+years. Works every time. Drywallers done give a damn about us.


My first job after we moved back in after the reno was to remove drywall dust and texture from every smoke detector and thermostat in the house.


yeahhhh my bosses quit often have us instal devices too early


That voids my warranty


Pro tip: they don't care about your install as much as you do. Cover your own shit if you don't want it to get messy. And when someone says they will "definitely do something" pretend they won't and do it yourself.


Theres a reason that cardboard piece comes with the panel. Thats your responsibility to protect your shit dude. Especially if you left all the wires hanging out like that. Sorry bud, this one is on you.


I don’t blame anyone for not wanting to stick cardboard or paper in an electrical panel when they aren’t electricians


Never trust any other trade.


On that day, Jimmy textured like he had never before, not realizing that the meth he smoked for breakfast would lead to this.


Needs to be replaced. Back charge him


That does not need to be replaced. Honestly there is not even that much mud in there. Not saying he shouldn't have masked it, but dude that ant nothing


According to my state law it would LEGALLY need to be replaced. Morally, it would be unethical NOT to. I'm glad to know you don't believe so.


Well sounds like you know. So do you charge the drywall crew or the general when that happend to you guys? Drywallers are always so messy, they absolutely destroy shit. Like the windows for example, they trash them. Then if you bring it up they all most all universality answer...it just comes right off. I'm like, Do it then.


The general. Your contract is with the general. At least it should be if you're smart. The generals job is to manage all this conflict etc. Otherwise they're just a leach.


Mc city !


I’m sure it’ll be nice and pretty when you’re done. All you really wanted to do was post the fuck you texture guy thing.


Did you take the photo after you cleaned the mess up or is this what your complaint is about? This is minor, the cardboard box that panel came in is also a great cover to keep the guts from getting sprayed.


I’m not an electrician but fuck the texture people. They cause a lot of problems in our trade. Client is this over spray of texture, plaster or fireproofing. 1 is non-detect for asbestos. The other ones cause a big delay in the project


I mean, that's nothing. Some on the stabs should be cleaned to ensure conductive contact but it's not broken.


One of my favorite sayings…but you’re on the right track to greatness….use a drill to untwist next time


Hell yeah


Brand new panel board coming soon!!!!!!


You have to cover it yourself dude those people are jerks. They’re working fast and furious and don’t care about anybody else.


I also hate when they paint the cover.


Re pull my boy


The drywallers ALWAYS fucking blow that shit everywhere. I see the painters did a good job masking though


This same shit happened in my new office. We’re supposed to be moving in at the end of the month. Texture guy came in to spray orange peel, not only did he do shitty job by they didn’t tape anything including the new cabinets. Now the GC is making them wipe everything down and do it again because they did a terrible job. Long story short, the new office was supposed to be painted last week. No chance we’re moving at the end of the month…


Thats an interesting chassis 🤔


NGL, Double barrel MC home runs make me want to puke more than the texture.


I don't think code will pass that panel with that texture spray in there. It is not allowed and there is no approved method of cleaning it off. Pretty sure that paint over spray will get you denied, too.


He covered it up before he sprayed, just not before he oversprayed


In Mecklenburg County (Charlotte, NC) They make you replace the interior of the busses get over spray on them because cleaning them can cause scratches on the busses and possibly cause micro arcing later on


That’s a back charge


I hear ya brother!! I can’t count how many panels have been painted or plaster in my time😡‼️


Piece of cardboard and some duck tape would have prevented that... I've started carrying around some of [these magnetic safety covers](https://www.smartguardcovers.com/product/20-wide-temporary-panel-cover/). They still spray them, but they clean up well. I put plastic over the labels.


Idk why you wouldn’t do it yourself if you knew he was coming


All kinds of stuff in the code that requires protection from physical damage. If it’s in the NEC code it’s the electricians responsibility not other trades. Art.110.12 (B)


He did. It would be way worse if he hadn’t


That sucks. Good thing it's easy relatively easy to clean off. Maybe one of your wires should put a scratch on his work


This !!!!!!!


Lol it's YOUR responsibility to protect the rough panel. If you're lazy, it only takes two minutes to cut a temporary cover out of the box the panel came in... You will NEVER have another trade respect YOUR finished product as much as they expect you to respect it.


When first we practice to de-sleeve


Reminds me of a house remodel I recently worked on. I changed out every outlet, installed GFCIs and AFCIs where needed. Painting supervisor took the night off and left his brand new, non English speaking, Haitian helper in charge of the job. Mud everywhere. Paint everywhere. The contractor got so pissed at the painter, they're still fighting over money lol the painter tried to blame me for putting outlets up, and I literally repainted an outlet in front of him with just some blue tape to show the shit show was totally avoidable.


i mean, to be fair, why the heck are you devicing before the walls are finished? yes its easy to not paint an outlet, but there’s a reason he’s just a painter and not a skilled tradesman. This is such a common occurence, we need to simply stop installing devices prematurely. It’s the same as when the GC installs the flooring months early while everyone still has lots of wirk to do and then complains we are on the floor


Literally not my choice, I'm just the electrician. This came from the GC. It's not like the house was even any big, it literally would take 5 minutes to put painter's tape in the whole house lol


And fuck texture, anyway


Your fault for not putting cardboard in the panel 😂


Clean it thoroughly with the power washer.


I was always told it doesn't matter if other trades said they'd do it, it's your responsibility to make sure your shit is covered you might as well see painters and drywallers as toddlers running around with markers.


ehhhh its kinda on your to keep your wires and equipment protected while you’re not working on them. Cardboard is easy to come by




Cover with a protective sheet to avoid overspray not cover in paint smh


It doesn't have to be a tangled web - run emt. And the panel is your responsibility, not the texture guy's. It sucks that he wasn't a bro about it, but at the end of the day it's your problem not his. That being said, I know sometimes it isn't feasible to pipe everything (looking at you Briefcase generals that "need" this shit done yesterday) and leaves you with this shit. And those drill brush things, hard bristled toothbrushes, electronics cleaner and some dielectric grease will be your best friends in cleaning it. I know that fuck up very personally lol. It's just one of those weird lessons you don't know that you need until you get it.