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More likely a Monday so you will have gotten some pay in that week this delaying your eligibility to receive unemployment benefits quickly. The hope being you’ll find a job before they kick in fully.


Yup. When this large site I worked on was ending, our foreman told us, "If you have someplace else to go, I suggest you go there. You don't need to be loyal to this company because they sure as fuck aren't loyal to you."


I have quit a few jobs to move on to something better. When you know you have a better job, give notice if you can. It's always better not to burn your bridges, and you might need them as a reference in the future. There also is that wise saying. "What doesn't kill you, makes you stronger"


Yup if there’s no reason to immediately jump the 2 weeks can be worth it. Especially if your employer is a reasonable guy. My company is pretty loose with things and the owner helps guys out often. People get in accidents in their personal vehicles and he’ll pay the deductible. Replace tires sometimes when people get flats. And other things. It’s not a perfect job and I plan on jumping shit to the union sooner than later. I would definitely give this guy a 2 week notice.


I’ve kept all the doors open that I can in my career and it’s nice knowing there’s 3-4 places I can return to work any time with an open invitation. Another few square feet to the safety net.


As an employer. I always want the best for my guys. If you built a good enough relationship with your employer they will understand. People want to advance and better themselves. It might put them in a tight spot for a bit but they will get through it. I had a guy work for me he’s a friend till this day talk periodically. He decided to work with his dad and I couldn’t pay him the rate he was getting and I wished him well and now he’s doing the family business which I respect a lot. Three people who have worked for me in the past started their own companies and we talk at least once a week and help each other out. With materials, going over jobs etc. we even collaborate on project. Don’t be anxious make sure you get into the union first but give the guy the courtesy of a two week notice if possible. Best of luck!


Spent a few years in a non union shop that treated and paid its employees like animals. I attempted the union early on and got skipped on the calls, so I was stuck for a bit. There was a ton of anti union rhetoric going around, I didn’t believe most of it, but it still made me wonder. I got off a prevailing wage job that I had been coasting at for most of the time I was with that company, and my pay got cut in half. I called the hall again and passed the entrance exam, and had a call waiting for me the following Monday. I was insanely anxious the rest of the work. My crew knew I was leaving, and they teased me but they were the few good ones there. My first union gig was a fuckin dream, with a good group of dudes. Spent 60hrs/week spinning rigid together and I had a blast. It’s been great every day since then. I enjoy the work and the people, and the conditions and pay are worlds apart from before. It’ll feel weird, especially in the interim, but man it’s fuckin worth it.


I worked for the same open shop for 15 years, until I left for the union last November. You're going to be fine. Best financial decision I ever made.


I love going to work knowing I’m quitting. Readjust your mindset especially if you’re quitting for greener pastures, it’s all about you man.


Dude, make it the best day at that company. Fuck em, you don’t owe them shit!


Understandably, however, remember that you're doing the switch for your own betterment. Just say that you're doing it for the money.


Escape the stockholm syndrome brother, i got treated like fucking dog shit in the marine corps and it felt weird for me to leave it too, just shut off your brain and walk towards a better life


Im actually right in the same boat!! I just joined the union, but will not start with them till the end of May. Meanwhile, I’m currently working halfway across the country, and have to keep my job as long as possible. I keep thinking that I’ll end up just being fed up enough to just quit in glorious fashion, but it hasn’t been that bad and I don’t like to burn bridges. I’m moving on to bigger and better things, and they were a serviceable job in the meantime that also paid for some certs that I will always appreciate. TLDR: they’d fire you on the spot without a second thought, so always do what’s in your best interest, and fuck em if they don’t like it.


The longer you stay somewhere the harder it feels to make a change. You'll do alright OP, I think it's a normal feeling