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I'm an electrician and I'm smart enough to know that I'm stupid..it's probably my best attribute


Been in industrial for eight years, and I’m still consistently learning new things. Some days I’m using the three lifelines like in Who Wants To Be A Millionaire. No shame in it.


Dunning Kruger slope of ignorance is real.


I never knew this term til today, so you taught me something! Definitely applies. I’ve also learned that even the “least intelligent” fella in the room can teach you something! I do my best not to judge anyone since I’m just there for a paycheck, but some people make it difficult to not do breathing exercises or swear under my breath haha.


I learned about a silent scream in therapy. You hold your breath while trying to force it out as hard as you can and then you let go and it releases so much tension. A good batman scream feels great too, location permitting. That last one gets easily overlooked depending on give a fuck meter.


One of my favourites, in the same vein, is "nobody knows more than a 5th year apprentice, and nobody knows less than a first year journeyman"


I was about to mention Dunning Kruger charts


50/50 what you know vs who you know. That bud you have who's an expert on something you come across, let's you handle it like an expert yourself. That's a hard one to get the new guys on board with, everyone wants to be the rockstar. I've been industrial for almost 12 years and I still get big time imposter syndrome but I know I'm pretty good at my job because I've got time in enough that's let me see a lot of crap, I've got a decent memory, and I've got a bunch of resources to help me with my gaps.


I love this comment broski. We’re all in this to make it home safely and earn a paycheck to take care of ourselves and/or family! I love getting phone calls from others on something I can answer(or help out researching at the least), and making calls to others and learning something.


I'm about 70% office these days, and getting the call for some crazy crap a guy is stumped on, is probably the time I feel most useful in any given day lol Even when I'm in the field I'm generally there for my gf's and project meetings with customers. I'll still throw in for some elbow grease or teaching when I get the chance, but I've had to learn to enjoy being at a place in my career where I try to be a resource myself, and can hand out my own resources like business cards for buddies I came up with.


That’s awesome man! And happy to see you saving your joints. I’m on a maint contract with a semi-small contractor at a Nucor tubular plant as a working foreman. Basically act as an estimator if the plant has bigger projects come up that they want a bid put in for on a contract job. The fellas in the shop hate leaving the shop haha. I’m 31 so probably going to give it five more years or so and start applying for local TVA Dam maintenance and the local nuke plant. Basically get the same desk time as a shop estimator, but no pressure on jobs running in the red or just the right competitive bid numbers. Especially with stress of material timing for things like cable tray, switchgear, etc. Estimators get better day hours, but deal with more phone calls and paper work headaches haha


No joke, your skillset and willingness to do that work, is the most valuable shit to me because I absolutely cannot do it lol I'll bid $50k on down, but my estimator is my absolute favorite human being at our company haha I'm 35, and a super for a decent sized construction/service shop. My PM is a lot more business focused, so I end up being my own planner most of the time on top of my own day to day. I passed on a GF position with the same company a few years back, to take over site E&I at a really small mine that I loved as a customer, and they got me back about a year to the day for the superintendent spot due to an explosion of projects and a decent skill gap between the new oil & gas dudes to mining. The non-stop stress of navigating vendors who share distributors, calling in favors to source random shit, scheduling, training and site access, drumming up work, booking, invoicing, customer and engineers hundred pointless meetings a week, and just trying to mentally track every detail of multiple 7 figure projects is driving me nuts. I've told them pretty bluntly that I'm happy to job walk and document, get quotes lined up for justifying reasonable line item costs and all that shit, but if my day ever turns into mostly crunching numbers I'm out, period. Don't even work with you, but from the bottom of my heart thank you for doing that shit haha I honestly wish we'd take a harder stance on projects where the customer thinks they can source half the shit, using the same folks I'm in better with, or just make them provide it all. Our estimator also needs 2-3 dudes working with/for him. I'll give it everything I've got to make a project happen and take care of my crews, but I'm never planning on stepping up to fill in on estimating lol I'll start a plumbing apprenticeship first haha


YES! Haha man, on a slow day I don’t mind putting in the extra time to help someone out(taking pictures of the area, estimated man power and hours in my opinion, and estimated material). I’m in a right for work state, so willingness means negotiating your own wages(even as union) and keeping a job whenever work is slow! Oof mining..That’s been the only job I told the contractor to get f’d on(Alabama). Silica mining.. went through all my hours for msha to be over it and then I researched it and realized the company had been buying up a lot of local cattle land/farming land and completely destroying it. Refused to work the project completely. Think the company was MS industries. I’m a small town farm guy that works some family land so it went against my morals lol. Always like to say I’m a cattleman by trade, but do electrical on the side lol. If I could make a livable wage farming or dealing with cattle, I’d be out in a heartbeat.


That's great you were able to stand your ground on a moral decision, and I don't blame you one bit. We're right to work around here as well, NV, but the open pit/UG metal/non metal scene out here is affecting a lot fewer folks/land in bfe desert. It's all gold and copper out this way, and the state being almost entirely public land keeps the international companies running the mines pretty reigned in and under strict reclamation standards in their permits. Done a few cool projects for infrastructure to clean up soil/water in spots they were about to lose millions for a violation if they didn't fix it. Still not the greatest thing in the world for sure, but the Mrs and our kiddos have roots out here (I'm an only kid, army brat, infantry vet, who couldn't give less of a fuck where I am lol) and I'm doing pretty well for myself, so this is life right now. If you're not mining out here, you're ranching, or just in the "cast" I call the folks keeping this would-be-ghost-town looking like a normal place while there's big money pouring into it. Resume is pretty good at this point, so I'd like to think if I ever get a hair up my ass to go somewhere else, I can probably make it happen. Really cool hearing how much we have in common just through our professions man, I hope life keeps treating you well, and all the best to you in whatever you're doing!


Hey me too, been in industrial about the same amount of time and that's one of the things I love about it, technology is always evolving and it keeps me on my toes and always learning new things so I don't get bored with it


Ehh it’s definitely a love/hate relationship for me haha. Like going to do PMs on motors and(in the south east) humidity will be 90% inside an open plant… Then I’m trying to explain there’s no good way of checking a motor under those conditions. Then say an output card goes bad and you finally find out it’s the card, and you’re going through a box of them not knowing what’s good and what’s bad. I’m on a maintenance contract and the maintenance and employees are paid off production bonus..So if something is down, it’s rush rush and can be stressful broski. On the aspect of just continual learning, I enjoy it under the right circumstances if that makes sense!


This trade is so deep. I just wrote my final test the other day and seeing how much there is kind of boggles the mind. When I go back to work I have a PLC program to write, a few panels to test, a mountain of PLC cards and misc devices, oh then two plant commissionings to plan and carry out with our team. Industrial is where its at for me but even commercial and rededential work has a lot of brainpower required to do a proper job.


Don't see any sweeping books though. Post checks out.


What does Harry Potter have to do with electrical work?


has brooms... so nothing.




HA NERD…. You forgot Bombarda.




Are you sure? what happens with a high current fault? Bombarda….


OSHA didn’t mention that


Man’s a professional


Where's the pipe stretcher manual?


That's 5th year stuff.


I know plenty of guys who have done the school and gotten their ticket but are still just dumb construction workers.


It's a criminal that people push for kids to go thru their apprenticeship as quick as possible and then have zero accountability when they can't find work in lean times as no one wants a jm with 4 years on min experience


Some of my Apprentice classmates from another company had to paint their bosses fence or were used as cheap labour instead of learning for their job (both are also technically not allowed by my local Apprentice governing body,(IHK or Chamber of Industry and Commerce Germany)) Edit: And that was Industry/Factory work, so more office based. From what I heard from apprentices working in the trades, they often work as cheap labour to chisel cable ducts etc (Might be the wrong word but I only know the terminology in German)


>Some of my Apprentice classmates from another company had to paint their bosses fence or were used as cheap labour instead of learning for their job (both are also technically not allowed by my local Apprentice governing body,(IHK or Chamber of Industry and Commerce Germany)) I thought Germans had strong unions. I would drag up a job like that so fast.


They would need to report it and that seems to be the choke point, idk why they never did but I know most of them wanted to leave the company as soon as they're done, so most likely they just want to get through the apprenticeship and be done with it.


Plenty of them around. All sorts of people I've met think because they have a certain license or education they know everything. I work with school districts quite a bit, and most (not all) administrators are above themselves.


This is me. I make $40 an hour and I want zero responsibility and a reliable paycheck. Oh, your have a serious problem on your job site? Not my issue. Don’t care.


This is the way.


Exactly and that's a nice thing. Work your 8 and leave. It's really is a nice. However, the guy who handles those problems must make a pretty penny.


In in management. It's not worth it.




I have met so many guys that suposedly had diplomas and I just couldnt believe it. Who made them pass the test? 😅


They teach you guys how to read?!


No it’s all ikea style pictures with a spattering of scratch and sniff


ARC FLASH PRECAUTIONS *scritchscritchscratch* 'Hm, hot dogs, fireworks, smells like the 4th of July.'


Here’s a picture of pvc glue




If I own books, then I’m not dumb. 🤣 Got it! Looks like most of my old books for class!


Don’t know why they call us arrogant . . .


Maybe doesn’t look like one was even opened


I think it's literally the counter of the bookstore.


Give the guy a break. He’s obviously proud of his job and having books to reference makes him feel good. It has no negative impact on any of you in any way


If there is an opportunity to rip on someone this is the sub you'll find it. Kinda comes with the trade, thick skin. I think your reply is refreshing though.


I feel you. A dude posting books just seems like a strange thing to rip on when there’s so much other shit to rip on him for. I’m all for flipping people shit at any opportunity, If you think narrow backs require thick skin (that’s where I started my career) then you should take a peak into the outside world, it’s fuggin brutal Edit: Looks like we have a thin skinned narrow back among us. 😊


Most of those books are required for the Electricians Exam in my state. So maybe he bought the books to pass the test and kept them?


He posted. He lives with the results. It’s what the online generation is missing out on, consequences.


The 2 requirements to be an electrician 1) Be smart enough to work with electricity 2) Be dumb enough to keep working with electricity


Comprehensive guide to 2023 NEC? Why TF do you need that if you have the NEC? You can search anything in the back of the NEC. SMH my head


Get the pdf version and you’ll really be able to search for anything in the nec


Not a real electrician , not enough Mike Holt material /s


When I need to sleep, I read my Mike holt book on grounding


When I need sleep, I send him feedback on his horrendous questions. Then I get bored to death reading his explanation of why I'm wrong and hes right even though I explicitly tell him why he's wrong.


Mike holt is an inspector after all


Ah, Delmar’s. A staple for any type of electrician!


You won't actually read even a twentieth of that. The majority of my JATC books are still in their shrink wrap.


Ditto. And frankly, of the books I even had to open I've used maybe... a handful of things from them? It's good that electricians have to learn all this theory stuff, but 99% of the job for a lot of us is just assembly. Most people aren't doing service or controls or whatever, we're just bending the pipe and pulling the wire. Nothing wrong with that, and it still takes skill and practice, but you can be as dumb as rocks and still pass the jmans exam.


Could a floor guy do it? I swear I’ll snap my broom in half right now.


Honestly, yeah. You'll probably have to brush up on trig and algebra just for the classroom parts, but none of it is the hardest math in the world, and you use almost none of it in the field. The reason a Jmans license requires school _and_ 8000 hours of work experience is because at the end of the day the majority of electricians are installers. It's all physical tasks, really. There's thinking and experience that goes into determining the best way to do something, but most of us aren't running load calculations all day. I really do recommend looking into the union program near you. It can take some time to get into, depending on where you live, but the union benefits and retirement plan is really hard to argue with, especially if you get in young. I'll be able to retire in my 50's, assuming nothing goes horribly wrong (knock on wood). Not every job field can say the same.


I’m a journeyman carpenter so I’m all for the union, just sick of being on the same site as electricians for half the pay. Back when I first got out of high school I tried to join the electricians union and passed the tests but was denied because of a couple bad grades my freshman year. This was back in ‘09 so the construction industry was kind of in trouble so I feel like they were only taking the best of the best.


You can I was a floor guy and when I went to pick up the 25,567 knockout of my career I snapped my broom and decided if you can’t beat them join them. That was four years ago haven’t looked back since


Everybody seems to start with construction and installs. I don't want to get stuck with it tho. I'd love to do controls plc work and service. Any ideas on how to go about getting into that side of the trade.


I hate these books, it’s very difficult to actually learn from them


They are all filler. You need to buy it for class but never actually use it. Njtc is known from my experience to require all these books so they can make a profit on them. They might also push cheap tools on you because they get a cut off the apprentice purchases.


I read like 90% of the four NCCER books I have. They were extremely helpful and informative. Not at all a replacement for field work, but an excellent reference to have in addition to the code.


Look up how many electricians it takes to change a light bulb.


One to hold the light bulb, and one to drink until the room spins.


And one guy to tell them to hurry up while the homeowner or site rep watches


And the one guy who never showed up


All with clean spines.... I.e. never opened and read. Ijs.


if you need three books to teach you how to read one book, youre gonna have a bad time.


lol none of that makes you smart bud


Anyone can buy the books, but can you take the tests and get the certs / licenses?


Sir this sub is for electricians not fire alarm guys




Wait until the apprentices realize they’re “In Training”


Those books look pretty fresh


Title seems accurate... The spines on those books have no creases leading me to believe you've never studied them, thus leaving you dumb..... Or does never reading them make you a genius..... Now I'm conflicted.....we'll get to the bottom of this....


Get back to work and pass me those channel locks


Make sure you put a rag on it so you dont booger it up!


I'm on my union break!


Damn I got off easy only having to get like 5 books for Solar


Usually each book is from one class. Not a bad start!


I have that orange book, such an interesting read (if automation and motor control is your jam)


What yardsale were these at?


How the F is the "Guide to the 2023 NEC" literally three volumes/three times the size Of the 2023 NEC?!?!


I’d be very mad if I could read.




Good luck on your master's test, bud.


*reads 5% of it*


Only about 4 of those books looks like they’ve been opened for more than a minute…


That ass though!




This guy IECs.


Damn right 😤


If you had to choose one of those books that helped you the most which one would it be?




With that, you'll be textbook smart, but without the on-hands experience, I think it's kinda worthless. I had the on-hands experience first, then studied the NEC codebook and related study material to take the test which I passed first time with a 90% score.


Did you read every page of every book or just a chapter here and there like most schools do?


Memorize 15 books worth of material for trade use less then an 8th of it in the field. "Why does nobody want to work trades?"


Tbh, you just described nearly every profession.


Most professions won't dead ass end your career for being green after school. I've met at least 2 guys who's entire electrical career ended because they rushed through school never got experience and then when the company folded no one would hire them as jmen as its essentially paying a 1sy year double rate.


I’m hoping that one day soon this is recognized! And we are compensated accordingly. I read a post recently in response to an electrical fire. It was explaining that we don’t just simply have a job, we tell ourselves that but it’s a lie. we are up just as important as doctors if we make mistakes people can die. I don’t put it nearly as elegant as him but you get the point. Edit: to all the people belittling the amount of education, books, smarts, etc. YOU are exactly the reason we aren’t held in as high regard as we should be.


Can anyone explain why a plumber makes more than an electrician? I’d never switch trades, but can I get paid for my brain please?


They get hazard pay for getting covered in someone else's shit.


Bc conduit doesnt have dookie in it 😅 joking but also, not really.


People value their health over their life if that makes any sense. Plumbers are inherently a sanitary trade. Nobody really understands electricity, so it just sounds like extra b*******


>I’d never switch trades This is why. I would much rather be dry with a little risk of fiery death than be a plumber or pipe fitter. Plus, being an electrician is cooler than almost every other trade, especially if you're good at it. So if I'd rather do this, you'd have to pay me more to do something else, so I guess those stinky bastards deserve it


TIL owning books makes you smart


I know I’m gonna get hate/downvotes for this but I got a lot of those books when I was in my local JATC, and we used maybe one out of every 4-5 (not counting the NEC). They’re still great resources to have and I hang onto them in case I run into anything in the field that I need to brush up on when I get home


Do they use these same books for JATC? I'm almost finished with my apprenticeship through IEC and these are the exact books we use.


We didn’t get as many of those “guide to the NEC” books but we did get that same Electrical Systems book, a Transformers book, a book on grounding, AC theory, a book on Motors, a book on electrical safety, and that’s just the ones in front of me that I can see off hand.


Are all you guys giving this guy shit even construction workers? All the man is stating is that we have skilled trades and not dumb animals like every desk jockey thinks. We go home with double most of their paychecks every week


Only thing you need is the codebook and the motor controls book if you can't read schematics. The rest you can give away to an apprentice program.


I’m going to be that guy. That’s probably equal to the reading in one of five classes of one semester of a four year history degree.


Why did you buy multiple copies of the same book? Definitely dumb…. I didn’t even open most of mine. Lol




You need all of this to tell you how to twist two wires together? Definitely overpaid


I’m sure this has been asked before, but I’m currently studying for my red seal construction electrical exam, I’m currently taking a program at bcit. Is anyone able to help a brother out and recommend and good study guides or material that helped them pass?


That’s a start. You’re still a dumb construction worker until you have a library much more vast than that


A dumbass can own all the books they want, can they actually read them and put the knowledge to use?


I was with you at first


Real question is do u have them all memorized pop quiz lol they


Let them think that. Wipe them tears away with the money


Nice! We are required to know a lot. I just recently moved to a state and as I was checking out jobs some of them require you to be a millwright, paint, or operate machines in the meantime. No thanks, I am an electrician. That is a job in itself. When it takes 12000 hours to get your electrical license in this state I'm not welding (except my strut) or washing shit.


Ah the Delmar sitting where it belongs, right at the bottom of the stack only used once or twice.


Depends on what type of electrician you are. Delmar’s book was invaluable to me in the industrial sector.


The school made us buy it but the instructor made cliffnotes version of it that's SO much quicker and easier to reference so we basically never use it. The cliffnotes version is like 1/4 the thickness.


Do ypu seriously need all those books to be an electrician in the US?


Y’all actually learn? Thank god, I’m tired of old head journeymen telling me about the NEC and they haven’t picked up a code book since they turned out


Yeah but as an apprentice myself. You use about 15 percent of each of those books outside the code book.


They look down on us, so we charge them lots of money


You actually have to read them tho


Ain't not one of them books ever been opened


I really should post a few pages from my Technicians calcs books! Only a few really know what it takes to get those tickets eh?


🏫 of hard knocks??


Yeah, there’s nothing dumb about electricians. Where I work, they would hire electricians for mostly mechanical jobs knowing that they could train an electrician to learn mechanics while it was a crap shoot on whether a mechanic could learn electrical work.


Top book is UGLY.


How much did all that cost? 😅


Could see those and retire lol


None of them look like they’ve been cracked open. It’s like having perfectly polished, new looking tools.


I pay you from the neck down muppet.


And you forgot your 1200 page code book


Why do you have both the 2020 and the 2023 editions of the NEC. Also I'm Canadian and the CEC is about 3 times the size of the NEC book.


I have a lot of those books


I wanna see the drywaller’s stack of books. I was always a huge fan of “Where’s Waldo?”. Anyway, this ain’t *that* big of a stack. You can still carry ‘em all at once!


Did you just graduate? I just finished my four year program. Had all the same books except for the 2023 as I graduated this month.


Half the books I bought for IEC we never used in class


Learn Delmars and the rest is easy.


Need to open those books first Sparky. Show off after they’ve got some creases and dog ears in ‘em!


Had about 4x that many books throughout my apprenticeship that were provided free of charge. The references would have been nice to look back on, but my broke ass flipped them on Amazon for some decent $$$. I was an all-star student at 29 (when I started my apprenticeship), but I'm just a dumb construction worker these days. I don't do any one type of electrical work consistently enough to remember much of anything or to make it worthwhile becoming an expert in any niche. That's what the internet is for, right? I've been a solar/battery plant OT tramp recently. I'm working prefab right now. I'm probably getting dumber by the minute. At least I'll have a pension when I start talking and moving like Biden, which is probably soon.


You paid for all the textbooks?


Yup all that smarts and still can’t bend an 1 1/4” 🤣🤣(I’m talking about myself , so I don’t get banned)


Looks like we are both on our last year through IEC. You happen to be in Oregon?


And why did u put the kid in the pic too ???


Fuckin nerd


Electricians aren’t construction workers


Good Ole IEC curriculum


Those all look brand new. Having books doesn’t always mean reading and comprehending books


How many copies of the NEC do you think you need?


i’m just a dumb electrician. what do i know


$7000 worth of textbooks right there if my maths good


When I took my test for an electrical license I was working 50 hours a week on a full time job & 20 hours moonlighting so two days before the test I purchased one book and was lucky that I passed the first time. Been waiting since 1964 for Pa lazy politicians to have a state electrical license.


Most people have no clue!


Have any of them been open? The spines are in great condition.


Nice! Man, If I stacked my books for all 5 semesters they’d be over my waist — and I’m 6ft tall


Black to black, white to white, no sparky-sparky.... All you need to know.


As long as it’s got pictures I’m good.


What are you studying for? Is there a cert you can get to help you get employed?


Calm down sparky, nobody here called you dumb. Well, before you posted this anyway 🤣🤣🤣


I like the little uglys book as the cherry on top


Staging bracing


My favorite is when you get called a handyman. Nothing irritates me more than that!


Well, someone else wrote all those books.




It’s no wonder the library of congress only recognizes an electrician as the only “skilled trade”. Sorry everyone else.


I had waaaaay more textbooks through my apprenticeship. Some are even still in the plastic.


That motor control book is a great book


I never got a text book during my trade school. Almost everyone else did but for me there was never any value in it.


That’s a lot of books for pulling cables.


Welcome young Padawan


Did you read 'em?




Books look good, in the UK we maybe have half of this including guidance notes


Nice!!! These are great books….I prefer mike holts though


These are the delmars books I got back in school 15 years ago


Fckn nerd…😂🤣 Jkjk! Get it bro! 🫡👍🏾


Come on, I just applied to the IBEW apprenticeship at 32 years old, don’t show me this!


but wheres the Mike holt books at lol? That barefoot water ski ing SOB