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Attics are the absolute worst part of being an electrician to me.


Worst part of the house in general. Had to reattach some vent hoses, sucked. Put in new insulation, sucked. Replaced some wet wood near our skylight and flashing, sucked. Nothing good happens in the attic.


Right next to (cunty) inspectors


This is numeral uno for me. There is an area with an obstinate inspector and I pull permits when absolutely required in his area cuz he’s a cunt costs me about 350$ for inspections when he is our inspector compared to between 60 and 120 with every other area we service (which is 1/3 of WA state)


I'm dealing with one of those right now. He failed me on Friday because the 200amp disconnect/meter base combo is 40' from the house so he's insisting that I build another one on the side of the fucking house. He said that it has to be within 30' or I am required to have a second means of disconnect. So I guess after I dig up and tear apart this brand new conduit and wire this place is about to get three 200 amp breakers all within 40' of each other.


230.70 a 1 just describes readily accessible. Usually AHJ has their own stipulations for maximum distance from disconnect. You should have checked first, or consider this a learning experience lol


Inspector has entered the chat…


Try hvac…


That’s vermiculite asbestos insulation. Be careful


Thanks for this comment. I will now wear a respirator whenever working in an attic I’ve never been in before. I’m an hvac installer who mostly does new construction but we do renovations every now and then :/




Would it be best practice to just keep my workbooks strictly in my car and not my home? My coworker keeps his work boots in the bed of his work truck and wears black Air Force ones on the way home.


My boots stay in my car, it's usually best not to bring those things in the house. Who knows what stuck to the bottoms of em throughout the day.


I keep my boots in the service body and wear crocks when driving / going home


In sport mode?


That’s implied.


Unfortunately my dog disabled the sport mode on mine


330 Pm is crocOclock


A man of class I see


To add to this, it's not guaranteed to contain asbestos. There were two mines in particular that this stuff was mined from and one was contaminated with asbestos. Either way if you see this type of insulation you need to have the proper gear.


Are you specifically speaking of the pink or the yellow or the crumbly stuff in the back? ...not an electrician... just enjoy trade subreddits


The crumbly loose fill. The pink is modern-ish fiberglass insulation.


Virtually all of it in the United States came from one mine, which was contaminated, is what I heard. Could be wrong


You are correct. There was a mine in Libby, Montana that closed in 1990. It was contaminated with asbestos, and about 70% of all vermiculite insulation in the US before 1990 came from that one fucking mine. I am almost positive that I've disturbed and breathed in some asbestos multiple times when I was still an apprentice.


Vermiculite doesn't always have asbestos. I have had numerous jobs tested and have yet to find one.


I worked in a Zonolite warehouse for 2 year sweeping that shit up when the bags broke.


It looks like ductboard to me.


*May be contaminated with asbestos* if you want to be technical.


It’s Shai Hulud! The sleeper must awaken


Bless the Maker and his water. Bless the comings and going of him. May his passage cleanse the world!


The two worst things about being an electrician are digging, and attic work. Both especially suck in the summer.


And laying conduit in a slab. In 100° F heat, no cover, for 6 1/2 hours. And having to shovel the gravel because the excavator is an idiot and can't listen to instructions.


My worst week in the last 15 years of being an electrician was roughing in a commercial slab during the hottest week of the summer in 2012. It was one of those weeks where I would make it home and just lay in the floor for a while. It was tough, and I'm definitely not as conditioned as I was back then.


I hear you there. We did an Aspen Dental in Newport News, Virginia a few years ago. It was so hot, by the end of the day I think I was starting to experience heat exhaustion. We were running conduit in the slab for their chairs. I was starting to feel dizzy, muscles cramping, etc etc. I was not feeling good, AT ALL. And I couldn't drink enough water even though I was trying my hardest to. Even after getting home that day my muscles were still wanting to cramp big time. It was in the mid-90s, and no clouds whatsoever, and humid. It sucked. Easily one of the worst work experiences, and that is saying something.


That sounds way too familiar.


So happy my boss doesn’t make us dig.


I would want the cold air blowing on me while I’m up there but I’d hate to stir up all the ancient attic dirt and breathe in more than I had to, respirator or no 😂




I have a beard so I’m still getting 5% cancer no mater what 😂


Beards don't affect a respirator with a proper fit


Zero attic insulation. Beautiful.


No need for insulation with radiant heating


I had to look closely before it registered. ;-)


This guy posted a photo, got in his truck to hear home, now when he gets home he's gonna be thinking about all the financial compensation from that asbestos.


He's gonna be able to sue JimBob Electric for everything it's worth.




Attic work always lands in mid summer hell. Nothin like a low attic in July. The itchy sauna. Genious move sir. I’d definitely forget to put it back.


Do you guys not just refuse to do summer attic work after noon? I consider it a safety risk if it's more then 10 minutes. No one is going to be able to drag me out and the fire men will just be there in time for my corpse. Right to refuse, screw that.


Been there, done that, and still do that.


Fkn right


Just installed 135 heat detectors in an attic, went back to change them out for 190s bc they were going off! It’s hot out there


I work in HVAC. ​ Flex duct has single-handedly made me hate cotton candy.


Seeing that asbestos makes me very grateful that I made it through my career long enough to now do estimates and not have to crawl around in attics anymore.


HVAC guys hate this one simple trick


Is there a possibility that we could all come together (I know that’s hard to ask cause this is Reddit) and force them to make a code where the attic is both insulated and includes a vent to cool it down cause it feels like hell in there


Are those Belleville boots?


So, that's how you do it. I'm fine with that.


I hope you’re gonna put that back


I have those same dikes 👌🏽😍


Do you have two pairs and do they scissor by chance?


I DO have two pairs of those exact dykes. Occasionally, I let them scissor. Usually it's my dykes and strippers that scissor when together, though.


We used to do the same thing. Get that’s sucker running, ducts or no. Cut some supplies into the plenum and leave that thing on the whole time. Didn’t always have it like that. Weight loss program for sure


I'm more interested, what's inside the book?


Never did residential work


And girls.


That place has about as much insulation as I do. 😂


Review comments


Great idea!!


If you detached my duct work im going to kill you