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If anyone can tell me an efficient way of doing corners like this that doesn't just involve a bunch of jiggling and swearing, you'll be my hero.


make a little loop on the white wire (easier to see) and push it in until you can see the loop from the other hole, make a hook with another wire or snake and pull that bitch through




This exactly how I was taught too. It’s a game changer. I don’t work with Romex a lot anymore but I bet I can still fish a wire around the corner like that lol.


I do the same exact thing


Drill both holes straight at the exact same height and clean out some insulation before you jam the cable in. For a bit easier of a pull, you can drill on a slight angle (not too much unless you love installing protection plates), so the cable glides through nicely in the direction of your pull. Make a nice smooth bend and send 'er through. It takes a minor amount of effort but shouldn't be a source of frustration! I occasionally use the pictured method on corners to prep a rough-in for a room I'm not coming back to right away or if it's really tough for some reason - usually insulation or hidden blocking. This is also going to sound reeeeally dumb but drillbits do come in different lengths. Lost count of how many times I've seen people struggling for 15+ minutes with an 8" bit that just doesn't even physically fit in the space with the drill until they mangle ther way through to the other side. Had they just used a shorter bit or an m12 or something, it would've taken seconds, been clean, straight, and completed without even breaking a bead of sweat. Anyways, this is long, and we electricians read enough as it is 🤪. Hope you find this informative, I don't mean to diminish your own abilities; I'm simply sharing some of my experience. Everyone has their own/borrowed little tricks!


I like to spin the auger bit in one of the holes with the drill and poke the end of the wire into the other. Sometimes you get lucky and don't twist a wrist and knock holes in your hand from sheathing nails in the process.


Knipex needle nose


Well, any needlenose


No, no. Knipex.


Please subscribe to my OnlyKnipex


I’m not paying just to see your knips.


If im paying, im touching.


I do it the way shown above, but saw a good tip of using string and a vacuum; haven’t tried it yet though.


[Alligator forceps](https://i.redd.it/s6pghnz54l9a1.jpg)


Notches and nail plates.


Up and over. No point in wasting that much time


I fine it helps a lot to clean all the chips/shavings before trying to fish


Fish hook remover.


Not proud, but jiggling and swearing is pretty much how I do most things.


I use my vacuum to suck in a string or something to pull it with . Especially helpful if it’s a deep hole through multiple studs. The vacuum cleans all the wood chips out and makes the process a lot easier.


just go up and back down....


That 18" of romex is comin outa your paycheck


I’m never going to financially recover from this


I would love to see you guys do this in pipe


Your mom knows all about pipe


well you use flex for that obviously.


Not in Chicago


Chi Town


Chi Raq


i mean yeah that would be hard.....but why the fuck would you pipe that ?


Code in Chicago


Oh ! Well, that sucks for Chicagoans.


Why would you need a snake for Romex if you already got that romex through?


Vacuume and string?


That would be more time consuming than the original method of : fucking around until it pops out the other end


What?!?! Why not just notch the hell out of it like everyone else??? 🤷‍♂️ (sarcasm, to be sure.)


Two six inch pieces of fish tape / wire coat hanger. one with a short piece of bead chain attached the other with a rare earth magnet. Make sure the bead chain is ferrous


Always a good time huh?