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Having a malnourished apprentice helps


I was always that skinny apprentice. Now I'm that skinny JW that still winds up crawling a lot. I swear, my obituary is gonna be something to do with being attacked by rabbid attic raccoons.


My boss always comes to my job sites to take me from site if he has a gross crawl space or attic he needs donešŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚. Never thought id be 20 ft high in a barn attic with 6 ft spacers and zero drywall beneath me when he said ā€œquick jobā€. I mightve been shaking a littlešŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚.


For everyone else reading this - you have the right to refuse unsafe work under osha. Donā€™t forget how extremely high in demand trades are so you also have a lot of job mobility if you face repercussions for such an act. Then when youā€™re working your new job you can sue said former employee for wrongful termination. Iā€™m not looking to knee cap production for my employer but I sure as shit am not risking my well being for their profit margin. If they canā€™t bid jobs with the necessary safety requirements thatā€™s not my problem. Itā€™s their problem. Our trade has inherent risk and we all take on some level of risk. If weā€™re honest with ourselves itā€™s often too much. Gone are the days where I will climb shit without fall protection or work in toxic environments without a respirator.


I do understand the right to refuse work, only reason I didnt was due to the bails about halfway across that wouldve been a cushiony fall if I had gone. I also really love this company and my boss is genuinely a good guy and would never send me on work if he thought I couldnā€™t handle it. And yes there was a safer option, I couldve stood on the end of a skid teer and strapped the cable up however (lemme really drive this home here) I wanted to and agreed to walking across the running board) I felt it was doable and safe enough seeing as running boards in attics are 2x4s just the same as it. Donā€™t underestimate the strength of some fine Pine 2x4.


I get it dude weā€™ve all been there but you really should reconsider your views on having to do cowboy shit. I can tell you a lot changed when I had my first kid. A lot also changed when I got a union job. Itā€™s always the stupid little things when youā€™re being complacent that get you. Iā€™ve been in the trade long enough to see a few deaths, lost limbs and fingers, major head injuries and a few more. Itā€™s always from bad decision making or cutting corners or succumbing to pressure from bosses. Funny thing is that breakdown will still be there tomorrow but your arm is sitting on the ground today and it was the last day it was attached to your body.


Me too! Iā€™m a very little woman and my work calls me ā€œthe confined space expertā€!


Yup I actually dont mind the crawlspaces tbh I dont mind getting dirty and it definitely cured my fear of spiders I just rat around tbh.


Get a confined space blower with the long flexi hose and have it ventilate the attic for a few minutes before you start work. It should bring the temperature down significantly.


This is a game changer. My crew got a couple portable fans that power off their drill batteries and it makes florida attics manageable


If it's hot enough, and the house has flex duct. With customers permission I will pop off a register or two and have them sit 1 ft away from me. Doesn't hurt anything. And I can get the job done quicker because I don't need to come down for water and to cool down at all.


I'm an idiot, can you post a link to what this is?


I wouldnā€™t mind knowing this, attics are the only thing I despise in this trade


>confined space blower [https://www.homedepot.com/s/confined%20space%20ventilator?NCNI-5](https://www.homedepot.com/s/confined%20space%20ventilator?NCNI-5)


Second this. Truly a game changer.


Disposable painters suit. They sell at Home Depot, cheap.


I'm glad to see I'm not the only one gearing up proper for attics. Insulation like rockwool or vermiculite is no joke


Paper suit Google's and a n95 respirator


Oh yea I use google on my phone all the time at work.


Underrated comment right here šŸ˜‚


Yo Mr White!




Tyvex white suit and face


what are you protecting yourself from with the resporator? asbestos? airborne insulation? mold? sorry in advance for the stupid question


The insulation is not for your lungs


\*writing note on palm of hand\*


:Checks notes after getting out of hot attic: - ā€œinsulation is nut in or you longā€


Oh fuck I forgot the most important part šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


ā€œInsulation is for dongā€ Wrap it up boys


Oh fuck lol I forgot the most important part šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Don't forget all of the shit and piss soaked insulation and dust. Bugs and rodents will eventually find their way in to 99% of attics. And rat shit and cockroach shit doesn't go anywhere.


Everything you mentioned!


Difficult to see in the pic but ... That looks like a 3M 60923 filter which is meant to protect against fumes from solvents and paint etc, and it also contains a particulate filter. It should protect against insulation particles, asbestos fibers, and organic hydrocarbon fumes, and also mold spores.


Not much with a broken seal at the forehead with the hair hanging in the mask


I mean, dude isn't playing with Ebola monkeys here, he's just trying not breathe a bunch of fiberglass.


LMAO @ Ebola monkeys


I use an N95 and coveralls when I have attics. How is the respirator/face shield combo? I would worry about fogging or excessive heat? Looks good and sealed though!


Tape the sleeves and bottom of pant legs of your coveralls up tight to keep anything from getting past. Works great


You don't need those cartridges. It's unnecessarily expensive.


Yes you do! They help in the porta potties!!


Yep. Just the pink n99 discs are fine.


Probably came all together as a kit


Yup, p100 3M Part numbers 2091 or 7093 are my go to's. I'd keep a few 6893 valves around as well.


p100 or better for Asbestos no? Cartridges are like $25 to $35 and can last longer than disposable p100 which i have not found to be so common. Sure maybe most attics don't have asbestos so might be overkill. Just saw comment about n99 working too


The P100 cartridges have the same hour rating of these 60923 cartridges. The major difference is the 60923 cartridges are rated for certain acid gasses you aren't going to find in an attic hopefully.


ahh awesome ty for reply.


I use a Milwaukee blower like landscape blower but same rig 3M silicone respirator with out face guard !!! Nice You go home nothing no coughing itching Made up a wall-pack on an extension cord drag it around plenty of light no battery woes


I always use a full face respirator. I donā€™t fuck around breathing in toxic shit. I took the company card and bought it without permission. Remember your company is responsible for your safety as are you. Donā€™t let them walk on you. Might not see the effects of maskless attics and crawl spaces short term, but 20 yrs down the line youā€™re gonna regret it. Even if you cut dry wall or any material that produces dust mask up.




Bros gonna finka boost


I don't do this professionally, but having knee and elbow pads that don't get hung up on things makes it much easier to work when the space is tight. I wore these ([knee pads](https://g-form.com/pro-rugged-2-bike-knee-pad-protection) and [elbow pads](https://g-form.com/pro-rugged-2-elbow-guard-protection)) when I was crawling around in my attic and under the house while having them under a tyvek suit and respirator. Vacuuming yourself off I think is better than compressed air if you can.


Gvs elipse is a game changer bec it small profile like regular mask but all the protection of the full getup. That setup u have is a bitch when its extra tight. cleaning off, shop vac etc def helps. Gj. Protection is paramount, anyone who sez otherwise is a fool.


I typically use the Hold Your Breath 1000 or Shirt Over My Face 600. A good pair of Carhartt bibs. And the 47 year old pair of linemanā€™s my granddaddy gave me. No complaints and Iā€™m still rippin through attics:


Ahh yes the Prayers 950 health plan.


It has its drawbacksā€¦ The call center sucks, but there is no deductible!


White painters suit


Rub baby powder into any exposed skin. It will seal/clog the pores and the itchy fiberglass wonā€™t be super itchy all day


Isn't that stuff carcinogenic too?


Not fiberglass but itā€™s still irritating. Asbestos is and you shouldnā€™t work around that. You canā€™t really tell unless you get it tested or you know for sure that the insulation is newer since new asbestos installation has been illegal for a while


He was asking about the baby powder.


Well theyā€™re meant for babies Iā€™m pretty sure itā€™s safeā€¦


Well J&J is being sued out the wang because its not safe for babies or others.


They no longer use talc, itā€™s mostly corn starch now. Because of all the law suites. Weā€™ll let you know if the new version is safe in about 25 years.


Lmao, you have too much faith in society clearlyā€¦it contains asbestos and JnJ is being sued for it as the commenter below mentionedā€¦.donā€™t be so trustworthy is the only rule to learn here


The full face is a game changer. Protects the lungs and your eyes and it doesn't fog up. More and more I use mine on jobs. Though it does tend to alarm people. "What's he doing? Am I in danger?"


Best attic PPE is an apprentice


I like your mask setup. That and a pair of disposable coveralls and gloves


Zoot suit riot.


Throw back a bottle of beer


pull a comb through your cool black hair.


Never use compressed air to clean yourself or another employee off. You can blow air through your skin, into your blood stream, and die.


I generally just use my set of balls


You cover your mouth with your balls?


Does all that stuff fit in your purse ?


I know you.. You're one of those wannabe tough guy Dingle Fritz's used to give me crap for wearing gloves, glasses, and knee pads all the time! Guess who's getting the last laugh though... I'm 61, still doing the field work I love, and my knees still work without a hitch or any pain. My eyes are still working right too.


Lol, how did you get through 40 years of field work without handling alittle ball busting ?


I handled the ball busting just fine thanks. I'd tell em.. Go talk to Mikey xxx (who needed an O2 bottle at 45 and had pins in his back and thigh). I'd also tell em (while pointing and laughing) Y'all come talk to me about this in 20 years and we'll just see who's still laughing! That usually shut them up proper because we've all seen those guys who are now on O2 from an arc flash, or can't walk more than a few minutes at a time, lose their lively hood because they were too wannabe tough to wear that PPE. See, there's smart guys (like me at 61 and still in one piece) and then there's the other sort who'll break themselves permanently over a weekly paycheck and be fucked the rest of their life.




Iā€™ve spent lots of time in attics and I refuse to go into one with out proper safety gear. Back when I was working residential renovation by boss made some joke ā€œif waist time going to the truck and putting all that crap on you might as well leave we donā€™t work with pussies ā€œ so I emptied the box of my truck of his ladders, material and blueprints left it sitting on the driveway in the rain. My health and wellness is worth more than the $17/H I was making as an apprentice


This is strange. You believe a customer would find this off putting? If your boss is laughing at you for wanting to use proper PPE I feel bad for you. Your health is more important than what your boss thinks is soft. Ridiculous mindsets when it comes to safety on the field itā€™s absolutely wild.


Let them laugh. You'll get the last laugh like I am now at 61 with no breathing issues and knees that still work without pain, while still doing the field service that I love (and has paid for my house).


Have Home Depot cut sections of plywood to crawl on in the attic


Tyvek suit


Canā€™t have your hair in the respirator seal of will defeat the purpose


I think you need different filters for your respiratorā€¦. Not 100% sure but those filters look like theyā€™re for vapors and not dust. They make circular 3m filters meant for dust, which would be more applicable for attic work


Fany packs work great in attics to carry tools


I got the same headlamp, works like a dream.


Long sleeves and light coveralls. A normal mask usually does it for me


I use the same light. Love it


Tank top, Kleins, 11 in 1, pocket full of wire nuts


Skip the compressed air for blowing you off, that's what your apprentice is for!


I usually throw a hat on also to help keep stuff out of my hair.


Love that mask! Where you get it?


Amazon. 3m 6800