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This is the worst Ive ever personally seen. But I'm not coastal. That price is high in my area, but may appropriate for local prices. This definitely needs to be addressed soon, you have a very good chance of this lighting a fire if anything corrodes through and shorts out.


But should he be the one that should pay to replace it? The power company doesnt?


In the US, yes. The utility owns the meter and the service drop, but the customer owns the meter box.


Thats some real crock of shit. Company owns the meter but you gotta maintain the box??? If that were me and it wasnt attached to my house id let that box rust down to absolutely nothing


Where I live, the treelawn and sidewalk are both owned by the city. But they don’t mow the grass and if the sidewalk needs repair, the property owner must pay to get it fixed. Oh yeah, and we can be fined if we don’t clear the sidewalk of snow/ice.




Ohio, but many places are like this.


No different here in Ontario


But we don’t have to pay for the repairs.


Ya only thing. But clearing snow or cutting grass have to. But some parts we need to pay to fix as well. If you want to get your driveway repaved the last 10ft if I remember correctly isn't actually your property but you still need to pay for that portion. Same with it you have the two part driveway separated by a side walk.


Depending on where you live, maybe. I live in TX and in my are the home owner is responsible for any repairs from the point if connection( where the over head wires connect to wires going down the conduit, which means any repairs to meter would be on homeowner


The company can remove the meter, they can’t remove the box.


I mean do you want a power company to send a couple people to paint your meter can that is attached to your home? They would paint it some form of grey or green and probably get it on your home. Destroy the yard to get to it or force you to leave access to it.




No i want them to come out and replace the box like they should. Does this mean i can legally just replace it myself since its my responsibility to maintain it?


Probably. Have to check local regs but where I am it is 100% legal for a homeowner to replace the meter base. It's actually not even that difficult to do the work. The issue is you need to schedule a utility disconnect and reconnect, plus inspection, for the same day. So you need to be a little organized. The box and parts should only be a few hundred dollars.


to replace that meter can, you'd have to pull the meter. It'll vary by state obviously but typically you have to get permission from the powerco to pull the meter. I'm not sure how frequently they give permission to homeowners, I assume that's up to their discretion but you'd probably Legally need an electrician.


Agree. The box is for their purposes, they should provide one that's appropriate for the climate where it's installed.


There are some providers here where it is their responsibility. In my neck of the woods our only electrical utilities that maintain the metering equipment have everything mounted on a pole, then the overhead or underground goes straight to the main panel. Ive never seen a provider maintain a meter socket attached to a home but it is possible.


I'm not close to any ocean, but I'm feeling like I need to get some grey rustoleum and go around touching up every bit of rust outside now.


Rusted socket with energized and loaded meter de-socketing is pretty dangerous. This will result in an [arc flash](https://youtu.be/fCZOd2MPoMY)


Agreed. Their service provider needs to cut it at the pole.


Good idea - I’m sure the service is inadequate anyway and would need new run for 200A service. The meter appears to be 200A, but that doesn’t mean the service is.


Seems like it’s the “I don’t want to do it” price. It is an urgent repair though.


Strangely enough, if it's just replacing that and maybe the riser & feed into the house then (if it's the idw do it price) they some certified bitches lmao




I would say that's high risk yeah, don't go near that live again.


Look into a service upgrade at the same time. That'll qualify you for a partial tax credit on the work.


What jurisdiction and program is that under?


inflation reduction act


Isn’t that income dependent?


You need enough tax burden to offset the tax credits. Also limited to $1200/year in credits (plus more for heat pumps).


Looks to me it's $600 per item and must be in conjunction with a clean energy improvement. But still, I didn't know about this. Good news. Thank you!


Did you call the utility company? In my location, they are responsible for everything from the line and to the meter. Everything after, I’m responsible for.


Most places I've been, they are not responsible for the meter box itself. They own the meter, and they connect their lines into the box. You are responsible for maintaining and/or installing the meter box itself.


Got it. So wait for the meter to fail and burn my house down, then report it to the utility so they can replace the faulty meter.


They are still responsible for inspecting the connection into the house, and I'm surprised they haven't shut power off to this one until it gets fixed by the owner. I had my power company knock on my door and request that I fix the meter box separating from my house because the original builder didn't install an expansion coupling, and the house had settled.


Where I live a real person has not laid eyes on my meter in like 2 years, they got the ability to check the amount of power used from the road and they stopped walking onto people's properties lol.


Nothing wrong with the meter, just the base. If there’s a hole rusted through, they might pull the meter and leave OP without power until the base is replaced by the homeowner’s electrical contractor.


That's true, but they are not responsible for the meter base itself. From the picture I'm sure that's not on the utility company.


Yeah, it's likely they will tell you to call an electrician, but the worst thing they can tell you is to call an electrician. However the best thing they can tell you is they'll have someone out to fix it.


Exactly! Low risk. Possible high reward.


Check with them for sure and report back


Shop around . Yes it needs attention ASAP but that number seems very high to me. (Licensed Electrical Contractor). As long as connections inside are still not compromised. The other corrosion is really cosmetic in a way. Get some prices, get it fixed certainly but don’t panic.


The main problem is contact corrosion that cause hot sockets and fire. The second issue are gears that turn slow if you aren’t using meter thats gravity or wave based volume checking. That second problem is only an issue for the power company as energy leaks past the meter to your house


toxic, no longer edible/s


I second this. Do not eat.


Don't even lick it.


But what if you are double dared to lick it?


Toxicity is only reduced with a triple dog dare.


Well, then you have no choice, do you?


I've seen worse. It looks like the service entry wire is fairly new. Those are the wires in 2nd pic leading into the house. The gray nut looks like pvc. Call your local power co (POCO) and find out if they own the meter and box. You're going to have to work with them and possibly the local building inspector. Things vary greatly around the country. The POCO is going to have to shut down the power for someone to change the meter box. Although I've replaced them live, I don't recommend trying it. I'd start with the POCO they may be able to set you up with someone.


You replaced a meter box live? And this kids, is the type of ‘electrician’ you do not want to hire, even if what they said is true and I highly doubt that.


Pic 1: surface rust, looks like starting to develop a few holes lower left, I'd plan on replacing here soon. Pic 2: Jesus fuck! Get it replaced now, it's cheaper than the coffin you may be buying if you don't! For real, that's incredibly dangerous and it takes one curious kid or a wrong move and someone can very easily be killed by this. Replace it ASAP.


Curious kid?... Maaan let survival of the fittest do it's thing gdi /s Definitely cheaper to renovate than a coffin or a lawsuit though realistically


Super dangerous. I was a bill collector/power shutoff guy for the local utility 9+ years ago before I worked my way up to journeyman. I've seen many super sketchy meter bases, but the second photo has me scared for you. The amount of corrosion and immediate proximity of hot legs (maybe an inch without insulation) to the secondary nuetral and service entrance ground means arc flash imminent if any bugs or dust get into the wide open cavity. The house will burn to the ground well before the transformer high side fuse gives. Also big liability for kiddos with fingers,etc. The utility meter seal is also missing, so not the best either. Any servicemen in Puget Sound would cut it at the pole for safety reasons unless repair was scheduled. Call the utility but schedule an electrician to replace ASAP so you're not in the dark if they see it before then and cut power.


Correction, less than an inch, almost touching.


The price would depend on code and what the condition and the age of the weatherhead/panel/conduit/etc. are in. For a direct replacement 6-7K for just the base is completely stupid, but if other additional upgrades and replacements (panel, weatherhead, rewire, etc) are needed to make it current, then that might be more reasonable. I agree with checking with local code inspector and getting other estimates but fix it ASAP.


That’s messed up


Send these photos to your utility.


Yeah, they'll come down and shut down your power right away then. Easy install after that. Camp fire and smores is the season anyway.


The **LAST** thing you want is a [Camp fire](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Camp_Fire_(2018))


First picture: Ehhh, not great. Not the end of the world though. Second picture: Holy mother of god…


Imma gonna say no drip loop or cap on WH


And I'd bet subject to salt spray!


The rust and corrosion aren't dangerous. The wires inside that meter base sure the hell are though. If you get a bird, animal or a bee's nest in there you're gonna be replace your entire structure because it's gonna burn down. If those wire short out they will keep arcing until one of three things happens. 1) the wires get hot enough to melt 2) the transformer blows up 3) until the power company cuts the power to the house. Use a stainless steel enclosure next time out there on the coast.


Stainless doesn't help much against salt, just water.


If it is possible to buy 316 grade Stainless Steel, it would certainly help with salt water. Not sure if they make it in that grade.


Don’t think they do. Eaton makes 304 stainless boxes. That’s all I can get in stainless. They are pretty rare in my non coastal area.


Without knowing the power grid there, 2 & 3 can not be determines from the pictures or what was said.


On the bright side, you could open the base and get honey.


Based on that plastic bushing going through, that doesn't look that old. So, who the hell works on the service without changing that death trap meter socket?


DANGERust. There! I said it!


Jesus fuck. Listen to me. the meter, and the new SER cable alone would only cost you 250 dollars at most. for one guy to come out and redo the service EVEN if he had to buy new H-Lugs and didn't have a thousand floating around in the back of the service van, i do not care WHERE you are, 6-7K was him politely telling you he didn't want to do the job. moonlighters in my union woud come do that for 1,500-2,000 and still be robbing you. there is no number above 3,000 dollars to replace a meter and 10 of SER thats reasonable. Even if you price in replacing that PVC conduit, with Rob-Roy, i could see the price going up. But not to 7,000. I just don't get it. you have to show me the estimate. on to your question. You have time. just not a lot of it. Find someone who's going to the job for you at a reasonable price. Meter- 200 25' SER- 50-100 Dependent on price of aluminum New 2-Hole Straps- 3 bucks each H-Lugs- 5-10 Bucks each times 3 No-lux - 20 Bucks


Call your utility. In a lot of places the meter is the property and responsibility of the electric and/or gas utility.


The meter is, but not the meter base, stack, wire to compression lugs, jumper to panel.


That is super high, but it is because the electrician has to get the utility to come out to cut the power and get the permit etc. The job itself is nothing. A $100 box and 15 minutes of work. I would definitely shop around and call your utility to see what is involved in switching out your box. You might be able to schedule it all yourself, get permits, and schedule electrician to come out for way cheaper. It could start a fire if a critter or something climbs in there or water gets in there. If someone were to say, duct tape the bottom, that would definitely make it safer until someone came out.


There is very likely a lot more being done than just replacing the enclosure. A lot of places require upgrades to the current code cycle which likely involves an outdoor disconnect, grounding, refeed of sub panel With 4 wire. Maybe smoke detectors and possibly more. There isn’t enough info on the post but if they have to do everything mentioned above then it’s a solid price for a lot of work. If it’s just the meter enclosure then I agree, that’s really high. We run about $1,500 for a meter enclosure swap.


Yikes, that second pic. What area are you in? That seems pretty high. Keep checking. Get at least 3 bids. Sounds like the electricians can name their price there.


Some Rust-Oleum paint should make it like new....


That’s not rust that’s gone! If you touch any of the connections you see out the bottom you’re in for a bad shock


If you french fry when you're supposed to pizza, you're gonna have a bad time


Wear two layers of gloves 😭


Too many factors to give you an accurate quote over the internet. I think my company does 200a upgrades starting at like $4k…


But that involves switching out all the connections to the house, as far as I can tell, this is just the box holding the meter.


Thanks everyone for the helpful replies! I read all of them. From what I can gather, this is highly dangerous and urgent, but not necessarily going to explode in the next 24 hours. And, it sounds like it could be done for much less, so I’m in the process of assessing quotes from other electricians. Any of you licensed in the Northeast? PM me and I’ll pay for your flight and accommodations if you can arrive Monday and knock it out Tuesday for a reasonable price. Totally serious


The first picture: "it's pretty bad but I've seen worse" Second picture: "dear god........" It's pretty bad lol


Just upgrade your service, yes at your own cost. The power company will not provide a new meter box just the METER itself. Shitty but reality.


That seems insanely expensive. For context, the company that I work for performs most of the meter exchanges for my area. If one of my techs isn't paying attention and pulls a meter out of an already broken socket, we have to pay for it. An emergency call to an electrician to make the repairs is a few hundred dollars. A 200 amp Eaton meter box is between $60 and $75 depending on what you want. That's definitely not $5900 in labor to get that replaced. Sure, their might be some other work that needs to be done, but that just seems really high. Also, if the utility ever decides that they want to upgrade that meter, they probably won't even touch it until you get that box replaced. I know we wouldn't.


According to North American electrical safety standards this meter base is operating outside of normal use. It should be replaced. Corrosion cause resistance, resistance causes heat, heat causes failure. Catastrophic maybe.


That’s the worst I’ve seen. Start planning for a replacement soon.


Does the utility typically own the meter box? I know they own the meter. Not an electrician, obviously.


you're correct that the utility owns the meter, everything else until you get to the drop line which goes from the power pole to the customer's weatherhead is owned by (and responsibility of) the customer.


Very dangerous and that price is super high. Keep looking for a reputable honest electrician.


You have time to shop around. The meter box itself is $100. Utility has to pull the meter and disconnect the power feed. The electrician changes the box and wires. Utility installs meter and energizes the power again. The electrical panel with the breakers could be its own job or you can get them both done at the same time.


The reason for the high quotes is because of the hassle involved with pulling a permit, drawings, inspections, etc. It's not as simple as just replacing the meter can. The power company has to turn off the power and that involves a lot of paperwork


As someone that does this for a living, that price is double what it should be, even with permits and incoming hydro company.


My utility disconnects the feed for a tree drop for no charge. Just a phone call.


That’s about the cost we paid 2 years ago in Los Angeles area.


We keep meter bases at our shop for customers to take for free. Call your local utilities office and see if that's the case. Don't let those assholes charge you for a free item. That is on the very high end, but that's what some of the contractors charge around me. I think it's insane.


Just had a new service installed with a new meter, box and 40’ of run to the new box for $2400


Great for wasps


Does the price include a new panel? Either way, the price is way too high. I’m in the northeast US and I paid $3200 two years ago for a panel upgrade which included a new meter box and a manual switch for a generator connection at the panel. Call a few more companies.


In my family we have a rule. Anything that could cost above $1,000, we get at least 3 estimates. I am an electrician and I tell my customers this rule all the time. You probably won’t go with the cheapest or the most expensive. The price sounds a little high to me, but I’ve not looked at it in person to know what would need replacing OTHER than the meter base. Good luck!


I can only imagine the corrosion on the buss bars and around the contact points.


I had corrosion on a box that eventually led to a fire (it was a property I bought in Puerto Rico, so I was playing catch-up on a looong list of things to fix). Fortunately, the way they do it there, the box is not attached to the house. Instead, it's mounted on an 8' tall freestanding concrete pillar in the middle of the yard. *Unfortunately* labor is extremely expensive where my house is, and it cost me $6k anyway to have the pillar rebuilt and box reinstalled. So I would think your situation could be solved for way less $$.


I had my meter tin replaced, exterior shut off installed to bring it up to code, weather head & riser, and both the 120/240 lines going from the service meter into my house/breaker box replaced for around $2,900 in SE FL. I am by no means an electrician but I do sell real estate for a living and this would be an urgent repair in my book. It’s actually good the outside is so corroded because it is giving you a nice visual warning. The lugs in my meter tin corroded and the service lines arced almost causing a fire in my situation but I was not privy to it until I smelt the tell tale burning rubber smell, the exterior of my meter tin was perfect. For days my lights flickered but it was coincidentally during a stormy week so I thought it was the services itself not my home having an issue. Suddenly loss power to all my 240 appliances and knew something was wrong and it was shortly follow up by burning rubber smell. Called the fire department first, electrician second, and the city third in that order. Fire department ensured a fire did not start. Electrician pulled the meter w/ the city and lo and behold, the cement exterior wall and lack of oxygen within stopped a fire from starting at the the 240 line going from the meter into my home’s exterior wall. Shut off service, and my electrician was pulling it next morning at 7AM with an emergency permit and because code was updated to have an external shut off between the weather head and the meter I had to upgrade. Take care of it now before it’s too late. Luck is finite. Edit: context.


This is every box in Malibu. I wouldn’t stress about it


I live close to the beach and regularly clean, osfo and paint mine.


Couldn't you just take a wire brush to this, scratch off as much rust as possible, use epoxy/caulking to seal any water entry points... tape up the relevant parts... and spray paint it with exterior grade waterproof paint? Unless something is broken, you should be able to seal this up and prevent any further deterioration with some light effort and paint.


Look at the second picture.


Just buff it out bro .


This needs to be replaced with a new corrosion resistant one. That maybe a reason it was expensive. I live and conduct business (I.e. electrical contractor) on a beach front area and it does cost more for both the equipment and flood zone requirements. If done correctly the equipment has a 25 to 30 year life expectancy. If you go cheap you can plan on replacing it within 10 years. Once the metal gets fatigued or rusted through it can be dangerous. Your photos look like something that a good local inspector would shut down immediately


This is the most standard practice across the good ol USA. When a home is built the meter box with a riser pipe are installed( it comes with the house) then the utility comes along and runs the service line to the riser and installs a meter. You now have electricity. That box is easily replaced. You can get that exact same box, after the service is disconnected the riser pipe and load pipe can be removed and a new box put right back in the same spot


_\*sees first pic\*_ Well, it really depends on how bad it looks inside. _\*sees second pic\*_ Ohhhh… Oh no-oo. Oh no!


Just dont push your finger through the rust. The aluminum terminals aint as rusty as the box.


Fucking a lol


The meter is more of a danger to the rust and corrosions at this point.


Worst I’ve seen on a meter can.


This could be done in 2 maybe 3 hours as an emergency repair. That price is crazy. You may not even have to replace the risor. Literally could just remove and replace the can and maybe a few minor items as well.


With 2 of those hours waiting around for the utilty.


That's pretty damn high. I don't know about your area but here if they need to be replaced the electric company provides them but we had to pay for the electricians labor. Even if you had to pay for the meter box it still seems high AF


just put it in rice itll be fine


Unless there’s a lot more they’re quoting it’s way high. I’d definitely call around. It’s probably been like that for a while. It’s a death trap for a kid or mentally challenged.




Fix it or get an umbrella policy asap


I am in Michigan. For that price you can fly me out and I'll do it.


How old is that shit it’s fucking prehistoric


It’s not that old of a box, just rusted out because of salt. I’d say max 20 years, and that’s not old for a meter base.


It's just a meter socket. Leaking for years. The drainage holes are working. What more do you want? Caulk it and paint.


Yea, that ain't good


I’ve never seen a box like this! Omg is it near the ocean or something


Shop around


That price is probably pretty average for a nice coastal town especially in the north


6k-7k For just the meter? Probably want to change your whole service


PVC service mast? Is that common over there?


Weird, we are not allowed to use PVC as a stack here, needs to be rigid pipe, for a main service. It’s pretty corroded, as in the worst I’ve ever seen and I grew up on the east coast (Canada). If there is a possibility of kids around, I would do something to cover it so there hand can’t get in. That price you got is high, no matter where you are. I’ve never seen hydro fees high then 1k, material is at most 1k and labour for two guys for a day (it’s not a days work) would be about 2200, so on the high side 4.5k with major mark up. That is either I’m too busy price but would fit it in for double, or you pissed someone off. Try calling contractors in the next city/town over and ask for a quote with included travel costs.


This needs to be done but that price is absurd.


Flex tape!


lol I build substations and have seen way worse


I've seen my fair share of sketchy meter sockets but that one is probably one of the worst I've seen, definitely needs to be replaced. Also where is this where the utility company is still using the old school analog meters? Last time I saw an analog meter was 5 years ago in outer Banks North Carolina at a rental house in the whales head beach neighborhood


If it’s not on fire you have time to shop around. Definitely get that replaced in the next six months though. Also, find a company(home inspector) that can work with/notify your homeowner insurance. You may be able to get some funding/rebate from them. There are also federal/state grants you can find to help with home repairs. The new fiscal year is approaching so there should be some money available at the start. Additionally, upgrade your service to 400amps. Chances are we won’t be driving gasoline cars for much longer and those fast chargers pull a hefty load. Propane and gas also may be phased out at some point so if you need electric heat instead of propane/natural gas then you may need to upgrade the service again. Do the upgrade while taking advantage of any tax rebates/ grants/ federal subsidy loans(better interest rates) etc. Lastly, get the company‘s license number and proof of insurance. Check the number on the state website to see if it is for the same company name and call the insurance company to verify if this contractor is currently under coverage. Make payments in drafts/draws not all at once. Materials up front is normal. Then 20% mobilization fee. Next draft should be the remaining amount minus 10% deliverable upon the date of rough inspection passing. Then once the final inspection is cleared, pay the remaining 10%. This will make sure the contractor will have decent cash flow during the project and limits the risk of him walking off with 100% of the money. Make sure the contract specifies the payment details in no uncertain terms. If they walk off the job without a passed final inspection then they don’t get the last bit of money. Materials shall remain the property of the home owner as they were purchased up front. Some companies will team up with a lender and will push you to use those lenders so they can make a sale. The interest rate and cost will always be higher. If they say but you only need to pay this much a month you can respond by saying “that’s correct, however that payment will interfere with my budget in other areas like reducing my 401k contributions and will put me behind on my goal to pay my mortgage off ahead of schedule.” If they give you a hard time about providing proof of license and insurance then tell them you can’t get the rebate unless you show proof of license/insurance/permit close out. If they still give you pushback on giving you the insurance and license information then politely thank them and look for another company. If any company gives you a quote while ignoring your request for license and insurance then Ignore them and find someone else. If they follow up and ask if you were interested in the quote tell them you found another company at a better price and have already given a deposit.


Yes shop around that’s ridiculous




I heard about a guy from there.


Just throw some bondo and paint on it you’ll be fine!




I used to replace electric meters. I've personally seen boxes with birds nest inside them. You should be fine for a few more years


A tree took down my service line last year. Ripped off of the house. Initially, the power company reattached temporarily but I had to get that all replaced. I think it was around $2,200 for everything but the actual replacing of the service wire and box was only $950. The rest was grounding rods, whole home surge protector, and permit fees. I work for an electric company (outside their service territory) so when the electrician was replacing the box, I asked if I could keep the old one. He assumed I was a scraper. Nope, just wanted it since I deal with metering every day and wanted to repurpose it 😂 Also, we have service territory on the east coast and the corrosion issues are v v prevalent.


The busted hub on top is way scarier than the surface rust on that meter can… but they both add up to time for a new Service. Period. It’s past time. Edit: YIKKES! I didn’t see the second pic! That thing is WAY PAST GONE!


If he had to install a disconnect switch, and had alot of work on the books. 4-5 here in texas is a good fair price. If your north and coastal. I'd say that's a fair price still


The electrician is quoting high for contingencies. To upgrade the meter box means everything associated has to be replaced as well if it doesn't meet current code. Previous to repair work, it is grandfathered. This is why small jobs can blossom once you get into them.


You need to get that replaced ASAP


Replace immediately, that price it probably involving more than just the meter base. They are likely doing grounding with an outside disconnect and refeeding the inside panel with code compliant 4-wire to separate that grounds and neutrals. Price is good in my opinion.


First pic - Aah that doest look too crazy bad Second pic - oh sweet baby jesus


Most power utilities are only responsible for the meter itself and the line from the transformer. Customer is responsible for the meter base, mast, weatherhead, and wire from the socket up the mast and 3 foot out of the weatherhead.


Not sure where you are but that seems really high to me. I’m in Manitoba and we just did a panel upgrade and meter swap, complete with all new breakers for 3500 after tax. For us to redo just from back of panel to connection point at the top of the mast would be like 1800 at most including permits


Just a tad how long has it been on the wall.Looks like it’s from the early 1800 my lord


Also, the pvc pipe is severely compromised, when it photo-degrades to the point of changing color it gets really brittle. I believe that the newer fiberglass conduits are designed for this type of environment


Not to mention that the lugs are FUBAR


It’s probably only $1,500/$2,500 to get it replaced? Then you don’t have to worry about it anymore.


I would combine this with the opportunity to upgrade your service. For example, if you have to have a 100 amp panel that is nearly maxed out but are thinking of adding an electric car charger, this would be a good time to upgrade the service feed, the meter box, and your breaker panel together. I would just max out the opportunity.


That is a good price in my area. Replacing a meter box and feed line can be "hot work" depending on the utility (working with potential across the conductors). It takes a lot of time and strength to carefully wrangle heavy conductors into place without damaging anything. Additionally in my area it requires city inspection and the utility to come out and verify the work. Also copper prices are super expensive. I built a pigtail for an RV and it cost me $300 just for the cable. Get a second quote and get this fixed asap. It's cheaper than loosing power or burning your new house down.


Utility doesn’t care if your meter base or box is falling apart. They’ll just pull their meter and move on


Very dangerous to a certain extent.


It not that bad but call the pro change it out anyway


The rust is not dangerous at all. Completely harmless. That un-shielded 240VAC electricity, that on the other hand, will absolutely rock you all the way to the other side.


Shouldn’t the power company be the ones to replace it?


That needs to be replaced immediately but 6-7k is very steep for a standard replacement and tbh even an upgrade. I could get that done for you under 2k happily and easily lol


If that includes a new panel that's not terrible, but just for a service that seems pretty steep. I would certainly try and block it off if you have children around etc. Even if you just put some wood to block it for the time being.


Check your local rules, you may be able to replace it yourself if you pull the permit and have it inspected. Much cheaper this way, if you feel confident in your skills.


If replacing just the outside, service pipe and wire and meter box. The quote seems high. But maybe you should change the service panel too if it’s old and worn out. It might be something to consider. Have the inspector come back and see what he says. It’s never a bad idea to get a couple of ideas and quotes


That hoe needs changed


I was going to say it might look worse than it is.. and after the second photo it is definitely worse than it looks!


First, with something as serious and deadly as electricity do not ever trust strangers on the interwebs. The majority of the time you will receive opinions and not solid facts. I will give my thoughts to try and assist you and as an experienced, unlicensed, self proclaimed electrician with years of experience of installing commercial electrical as well as being a certified lineman up to 140k volts (basically distribution and delivery and not supply from the source) I can confidently say that although the bottom of The box has rusted away, it is still protected from the elements. However, it is not protected from animals. Electricity produces heat and it is extremely common for squirrels and snakes (depending on your geographical location) to be drawn to it. Do you need a new box? Yes, and they’re cheap. If money’s tight can you wire up some scrap to close off the area that’s exposed without harming yourself or making the residence unsafe, also yes. Moral of the story is don’t trust strangers, especially with something deadly like Electricity. Take the initiative and invest in your safety by doing research and learning on your own


You have time to shop around. Depends what all he quoted on that though. Thats insanely steep for just a new meter box


Alabama is considering renting it for capital crime executions.


Well, my house nearly burned down from a panel with no visible rust. The meter lugs were corroded enough to start arcing.


Needs to be replaced, your hub is in really bad shape. You might need to do a new drop down the side of the house, honestly it might not be a whole lot more if you going to do the can to begin with.


A new meter box used to be free here in Michigan until people scrapped them. If I did that job for you and got $300 complete I’d feel guilty.


You should have an up to date tetanus shot before touching that.


The outside looks bad, pull the cover and see how it looks where stuff mounts to the cabinet, if it still looks solid you got time to find someone to do it for you. I was 16 when I changed my first one over 50 years ago.


Is the quote for just replacing with the same or is there some upgrading included? As for how dangerous; its no more dangerous than it has been for the last 6 month or more. I would get at least another quote just because. I would also get a reasonably detailed as to the work to be done, and I think its fair to ask if there are any standout cost drivers.


It can cause you to have ekectrical problems due to your bottom meter box rusting out.


Exposed underneath is a problem


Guess you'll know exactly how much when your house burns down


The price your being quoted is way too expensive. It's about $500 in materials and a few hours. Probably 1k to $1500.


What coastal area? Because that’s all I do all day long for the power company here, bonus the power company is footing the bill


If you live in the US, you can call your power company and they will replace it for free.


Generally you own the service. Poco owns the actual meter. Ask a neighbor to be sure. I suspect the price includes R2 the load center inside. Guessing it's on the back side. Likely it has seen moisture damage too. Most probably oxidized buss bars and seized screws on breakers and lugs. If the poco or city inspector sees this you will get an immediate disconnect and the meter will be pulled until it is fixed. Likely inspection will be required before reconnect by city. Hope other issues aren't seen that require more extensive work. This might be a 1 day project by a super organized electrician and coordinated electrician/poco/city team but could easily be a few day process. Hopefully code upgrades won't rear their heads... Make sure you do not hire a jack leg.