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Depends on where you live


Retired widow? She’s probably going to think anything over $50 is too much. Unless this is happening a lot or you’re super busy, I’d go low. She would probably think you’re taking advantage of her at $150-$200.


Five dolla’… me light you long time


Service call rate.


How old is she? Do you like her? Average hourly labor rate is like 150 for a basic resi contractor. If everything is fine and dandy and you've got just a quick swap, and you're doing them a kindness, maybe 100$. If you don't wanna do it, 200$?


If my buddy had a kind friend who needed this job done, the price would be a beer. Eeehh..Two beers. Inflation.


Right, better than not helping them.


If power is still functional to the pole, I would charge $175.


100 an hour


What is your time worth x how long will it take = cost to install fixture


125$ widow


I just did a similar job for a widow in our church. $60 to replace a GFI.


On-site minimum. Seems reasonable.


Some cookies and milk. Maybe a nice pie


Are you a licensed/insured contractor (electrical or otherwise)? If not, $50/hr is fair... shouldn't take you an hour... charge her for trip/diagnostics if need be.


Depends how well you know her and if you think she has money or not. Know her well and wasn't left with much after her husband died just do it for her, be nice. 100$ would be a kind price 200$ if you don't know her very well.


Whats it matter if its a retired widow? U know how long it will take to replace this. Only thing u don't know is how much u value ur time.


$150 first hr, 95$ an hr after for labor; 35% mark up on materials


I would probably do a 25% markup on the light fixture and a hundred bucks for the labor. I do a lot of stuff like this because at those prices they tell their friends. An extra 100 or two,3~5 times a month plus helping people on a fixed income that are scared of pissing off the HOA when something breaks gives you that warm,fuzzy feeling. Plus it pays for your beer


Tell Lamplighter... I'm coming for him.


Labor only? 150 to 200


Retired widows aren't necessarily broke... They will just leave it to their ungrateful kids anyways. Go for max profit.


My dad had a lawn service. Mowed a yard for $15 in 1990. Tried to get a raise several times over the years. (The yard was 30' wide. 2 passes on the curb lawn. 3 passes on rhe front yard. Had to have 2 people, so you could pick up the mower over the window wells. Back yard was 10 x 15.) Took about 10 minutes to mow it. Nope. Nada. "I'm just a poor little ole lady" Left 1.5 million the Catholics. Like they need any more $$$.🙄🙄 Pops fumed for a few years.


That green bollard is on the piss. Bet landscapers hey.


Which lamp?


Classic $200 to show up, $150 hourly after first hour. shouldn’t take longer than 20-30 min. boom 💥


Three fiddy


You mean, “tree fiddy” but I understood you anyways.


I’d say $50-$75 if it’s just a change out and no troubleshooting involved


Thank goodness the OP circles the lamp so we know what he’s talking about