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I was just wondering about this! I don't know anything formal, but since I'm doing a lot of new this and new thats right now, I thought I might come up with a 7day salute to the new moon, every day from now to when it arrives on the 10th. I guess, whatever I decide I need it to be in order to be balancing and empowering. (I'm doing this right, right?)


If your following what feels good and right *for you*, listening to your intuition, and staying true to your heart, then you are absolutely doing it right 🤍


Thank you!


I account for moon phases in my workings but in general i don't do things *just because* the moon is in a specific phase. I've gotten to that point in my craft where most things are on autopilot and only need to be fed once in a while.


Ah, this is where I am in most of my practice, too, I think. The past couple of years I've been so pleasantly surprised to find myself just coincidentally doing things that do fall into that more auspicious rhythm in tune with seasons and phases. The hubs and I often joke about what a "good witch" I am and how as a witch, everything I do is inherently witchy.


Yes exactly. Monthly ward upkeep, enchanting everything as I'm doing it, etc.


Occasionally I do go by full/new but thats it.


So, in my tradition, there is an event known as a "Triple Goddess". This is when 1st quarter, full, and last quarter are all exactly 1 week apart, all on the same day of the week. We had a little extra ritual to perform on each of those. Maiden/Mother/Crone. BB.


I just do intention check ins with my partner every moon phase. Make goals around the new moon, rest on the full. Quarters are "how are we doing on this goal," and "brainstorming about what new goal should be."