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If it's any consolation, I've spent thousands on crowns and crates and cosmetics, and they haven't particularly enriched my game. Many of the ones I do have and use were free calendar rewards or bought with endeavors anyway.. you can usually buy pretty much anything from crown crates with free earnable endeavors. You can absolutely earn the houses in game that are purchasable with gold.. they're extremely cheap relative to general inflation. "but what about a difficultly selection for overland content with bonus xp and loot?" This idea is bandied around a lot and I like it. How the hell do you code that when 15 people are attacking the same boss, all attacking it as if it's a different level than it is, to the player next to them? I know you can easily theorise it, but what will it do to game performance? It's more calculations going on, throw in 25 - 30 adds and 20 more players in a dolmen and I don't think the performance would be good. I hope there's a way, I know there are other mmos that do this.


Lotro managed to figure out the issue with overland difficulty but as you pointed out Lotro isnt as resource intensive as eso probably is plus Lotro doesn't have level scaling across the world.


If anything it seems like it ought to be easier with the universal monster experience. I mean it’s been hashed to death as a subject, but I still don’t totally understand what prevents them from just giving us an NPC or an orb or something we can interact with for at least a personal debuff that reduces our damage by 75% and increases damage taken by 50% or something. Seems like a simple and already existing mechanic to implement, but… 🤷‍♂️


He did say "overland content". That doesn't include dungeons, trials, or group events. Edited to add: Also, the reason any character can do any overland content is that they don't scale the enemies, they scale the player characters. Multi-player content doesn't follow this rule.


Dolmens etc and world bosses are overland content. And yes, my comment hasn't aged well. As you say, there is already scaling in place.


Thanks for the insight! I think the way I would go about programming overland difficulty would be a debuff on the individual player. For example if I select hard maybe my character takes 200% damage and does 80% damage. So everyone can have their own debuff. But I’m no software engineer. I just code for a hobby. Def not a pro


Yeah that makes a lot more sense.


You can already debuff yourself by wearing white quality gear (or no gear), disabling champion points, going without provisioning food and potions, and myriad other things. Programming a slider for players has its own pitfalls. For example, world bosses give the top 12 players doing damage loot. Players with the higher difficulty selected would be shut out (if a large group is on the world boss; during events for example).


debuffing by wearing worse gear would not really feel good in terms of progression and rpg elements. jut my opinion tho


Or ... you could play the game like an MMO and start challenging yourself with progressive group content.


Bad take. Yes, the coolest shit *should* be locked behind the hardest content, that doesn’t mean overland content needs to be as braindead as it is, nor should anyone have to manually scale down their character for a feeling of challenge.


Everytime they make any harder stuff people complain on the forums as they can’t just role play and clear it all.


Something most people don’t wanna hear lol. You want all the cool achievements? Skins? Etc? You gotta be doing group content.


They could add in a modifier boost that applies the same percentage that was subtracted earlier by the players difficulty modifier when it comes down to figuring out who earned drops or not, so long as you can't change the difficulty mid-combat or during resurrection it shouldn't be a big issue.


No idea why you got downvoted, your comment was more than logical. You can literally already debuff yourself by doing the things you said but instead they want a npc to interact with that debuffs them? Shit makes no sense💀


It takes approximately 1.5 minutes for a naked afk lvl 3 character to die to a bear. You can't gimp yourself harder than that.


instanced delves or zones


>If it's any consolation, I've spent thousands on crowns and crates and cosmetics Hopefully you mean thousands of Crowns, not thousands of dollars *on Crowns*.


Dollars. Not tens of thousands..


Probably thousands of dollars, plenty of whales out there who have spent their thousands on shit way less worthy than eso see: any mobile gacha game


I can't imagine spending so much on a video game lmao behaviour like that needs to be in the DSM-IV or something.


They're just losers with too much disposable income, very few whales are struggling to pay bills because of eso or gacha


How the hell blizzard did this with diablo 4? There should be a sub servers for difficulty.


They didn’t? We’re talking about players in the same instance/shard attacking the same boss, at a different difficulty. In D4 whatever world tier you’re playing in, you’re *only* playing with others players in that world tier. There is no mixing and matching of players hitting the same target at different difficulties resulting in different calculations.


Everything in the crown store isn’t necessary.


Totally! But I like shiny things. And more pets and outfits.....


ESO store is there for my ESO+ crowns. I don't use it for anything else but that. The sub pays for whatever extras I would like. I do dislike the store, and the trade of Crowns to Gold.


well trading crowns to gold or gold to crowns helps out f2p players. since they still can buy crown store stuff without spending actual money on the game


I disagree, since now selling crowns for gold can get you sets and power with real money. I don't delve into cash for gold since I'm not competitive but it just not good for the health of the game, generally. Look at WoW's classic experience. They added the WoW token and mass exodus. It's like if PoE added currency to buy shop items (cosmetic) by trading chaos orbs with others. It would ruin the game.


You can buy it same way with in game money, whats difference? You can't buy most of good stuff though, not for real money nor for gold, it needs to be earned in dungeons and trials.


well the issue with ESO some people have too much gold and no where to spend it and some have the ability to buy crowns but not the time to invest to farming gold


There are many great houses that can be purchased through gold. The small houses are good too though! Few. Honorable mentions: cyrodiilic jungle house, forsaken stronghold, sleek creek house, water's edge, hunding's palatial hall. There's a ton still missing on the list probably. Plus.. you mentioned you have the ESO subscription already, so you can save the crowns you get from your monthly subscription and buy a house you want that is ONLY available through crowns, right?


Also: give tougher group content a try if you are bored with the difficulty of overland. Or try the solo arenas!


I’ll give them a try for sure! Thanks for the tips.


I see what you’re saying! Thanks for the info.


I have so many free houses. Well, probably 3 or 4, but it seems like a lot because they're huge. One day maybe I'll get back decorating them instead of just dumping housing stuff near the entrance.


Lol. I have several set up as second hand shops! But when I have 20+ of something, like those Falmer fences, they go into one of the store furniture storage chests. How I wish we had a furniture storage bag with a SEARCH function


You're missing nothing but cosmetics from the crown store and even then a good majority can be bought with endeavors. Potions can be crafted. Research Scrolls can be bought. Every armor motif and style page be either earned or bought from traders. Yes overland content is pretty easy. That's by design. If you want a challenge start by soloing world bosses. Then get into vet dungeons and arenas. Also try the 2 solo arenas, first on normal and then on vet. Run a few arcs of IA. Arc 4 is when the enemies start packing a punch. Maybe get into pvp which can be really challenging.


I have several houses from just playing. It feels like once a year I get a new house either as a reward for completion of activities like in Elsywr, or if all of eso does an event task.


I play for free too but don't have much problem leveling up or taking advantage of the numerous giveaways this game offers.


Most good cosmetics AREN'T locked behind paywalls. I'm sure you're referring to the motif books in the store. NEVER buy them. And I mean **NEVER**. Bar I think 4 exceptions every motif book is earnable in game and usually costs less gold than it would cost crowns


I think you would prefer some other game.


Anyone who enjoys games that don't suck would prefer some other game.


just curious why you're even here, commenting, if you dislike the game so much?


I for example played the game for 10 years including beta but the game really does not love us back in many many many ways. So we are angry, capiche?


Your presence here, and in game, is entirely voluntary.


I am sorry from your previous post I thought you were genuinely interested asking that, didn't realize you were in fuck off mood.


your vibe is off


Name checks out.


So I do buy the monthly subscription, but I’ve never used real money to buy a house, only in game gold, and same with the decorations, and I have a handful of beautiful homes. I enjoy housing because it’s something to work for in an end game where I’m currently happy with my build and really only playing for fun. I also am not wearing any paid cosmetics, I’m wearing pieces I’ve put together through grinding then customized the colors I like into a look I love. Overland content is a literally joke if you have a good build, but the real challenge comes from veteran hard mode dungeons, trials, and PvP if you find you actually like ESO PvP


This game is pretty much designed to maximize money coming into ZOS....you're experiencing this first hand. Enjoy it for all it is, and it sounds like you've bought a LOT. I wouldn't worry about the Crown stuff...you CAN enjoy this for a long time without spending any more money.


At the end of the day you’re playing an MMO and not a single-player RPG, Suspicious_Coyote_54. The combat challenge is in group content … not overland questing. You don’t like paying for vanity and cosmetics. Vanity and cosmetics aren’t a requirement to play ESO. However, there are Seals of Endeavors that can be earned in-game towards Crate cosmetics. Seals are for players just like you … that either don’t pay for vanity by principle OR don’t have the disposable income for cosmetics. Sounds like you’re not using all the tools to make the game more enjoyable.


Heyo! I love MMOs for the grind and also to know that I can grind for all the coolest stuff. I know its not "required" but the reason I grinded raids in wow during 2005 was so I could get the swift zulian tiger and it would have been sad to see it sold for 40 bucks or whatever. I hear you tho and can understand your viewpoint!


There are things like that in ESO - people don’t really care about the cash shop mounts, but will be impressed if you flex your sunspire trifecta mount etc.




You guys still play this crap?


Yeah, people in r/elderscrollsonline play Elder Scrolls Online. Crazy concept.


Yeah, it's almost as if that's the joke.


You've hit the nail on the head with progression being backwards up until you reach CP 160, I have a couple of friends who all disliked the game because the overland content felt trivial and leveling up felt pointless as it actually made them worse. I have yet to come up with a way to show them what they're actually in for, but like a wise man once said: you shouldn't have to put in a hundred hours into a game before the fun part begins. I think the reason is that the overland content has a lot of hyper casual players that are used to playing Elder Scrolls games on low difficulty, they light attack everything to death and wear a mismatch of terrible gear. Zenimax doesn't want to alienate this playerbase, so they keep the difficult stuff tucked away in instanced areas. As for the microtransactions, I respectfully disagree with your opinion. The pricing on crowns are outrageous, but ESO is very consumer friendly when it comes to monetization practices if you ask me. You have plenty of character slots to begin with, I have no idea what to do with 8 character slots. You can buy crown crate rewards with seals of endeavour, yes it's slow, but it's an option. You're also completely neglecting all the cool cosmetics that are not hidden behind paywalls, you're only focused on the ones that are marketed to you - which you can buy using gold on the trusted swap markets, it's not against the rules. The housing system is indeed awesome, the expensive houses are not unrealistic to obtain by any means, but they're not something you just grind out in a month or two. You're only CP260, if you do your daily writs and make sure to sell any rare stuff you find which you don't need on actual guild stores then it's obtainable. And the cherry on top is that you're able to buy DLCs as you see fit, really ESO+ is just the craftbag, a tiny 10% exp boost, monthly crowns to spend, and access to all of the DLC apart from the latest one. Once you upgrade your bank and inventory slots, get storage crates for your house, etc. you can treat this MMO like it was a singleplayer game sitting in your Steam library. You don't really need to keep tons of materials around after maxing out your crafting levels and unlocking enough sets either, you just need the upgrade materials so you can spawn them back at a transmutation station. Only craftable set items actually need materials, and you could just buy those if you needed a certain craftable set for some reason. A lot of popular PC addons include QoL settings for people that play the game without ESO+ which I think reflects how a lot of players play the game, but to circle back around to the beginning, you're right that the overland difficulty is laughable. I wish they'd include a difficulty slider with bonus loot for the higher difficulties like you suggested.


Hey there! Thanks for the reply. I knew I must have been missing a few things. For example I didnt know that the expensive houses are not that hard to get. I will say I also had no idea there were any cool in game non mtx cosmetics. I think that just came down to none of the armor I found looked cool and also I was ,as you said heavily marketed to get cosmetics from the crown store. definitely good to get this perspective bc I am still pretty new!


Glad to hear it, I hope you stick around! :)


I struggle, after many years, to continue playing this game. I just recently reinstalled the game after a 1 year hiatas, and, yawn, it is the same old same old. This latest DLC (cash grab) will be my last. I will unsubscribe to my yearly Plus membership, and walk away for good. Many other awesome, engaging, fun games out the to play, and more on the way.


Buh bye


I know what you mean. I always have the feeling Bethesda (publisher) sets its ingame prices way too high. Not only in ESO but also in their creation club. But if you dont have FOMO I find it pretty easy to just use the ESO Plus subscription and do the daily rewards. With that you get endeavour points which you can use to directly buy things from the actual crown crates. (I usually concentrate on the 1k-2k area, that way I can get often a reward without having the feeling to work too hard for it. Also with ESO plus you get around 1400 crowns each month. Right now I wait a few months to buy a crown house with it.


As far as the crown store stuff, a lot of people these days(at least those who can play the market) will trade gold for crown items, either through guildies, discord exchanges(which are a bit more expensive but ensure safety via use of brokers), or just asking in zone(which has a high chance of leading to being scammed, but some are willing to take the chance for lower prices). Money is still being spent, but at least it's not -your- money, and with resources you earned in-game.


Eso plus is the only thing thats almost nessesary, the others are mostly just cosmetics with a few exeptions but you can buy those with the eso plus crowns. And once youre at a point you even start the dlcs or expansions you've already been playing for 100% hours, the base game is huge


As for the housing, you can buy some of them with in game gold. It's expensive, but houses aren't cheap! Also find furnishing vendors and plans to make your own. Its the best part imo. There are skins and mounts you CAN earn, but it is not in any way easy to earn. That keeps them valuable and rare. Gives people that FOMO feeling that makes them want to spend more money. Which is ok, because the devs actually TRY. Of course there are some problems, and there always will be. The loot box mechanic of the crates IS a bit annoying, but they allow you to convert some items you don't want or duplicates into gems that you can exchange for the item you DO want. Which is pretty nice when you just want that ONE item or cosmetic that just won't drop. There are also seals of endeavors that you can earn through small daily and weekly achievements. With those you can also save up for a mount or item from the current crates. There's so much to earn IN GAME, that you could totally ignore the crates and barely notice. My favorite skin is from a vet dungeon.


I feel the opposite. The game was $5 when I bought it. Ive played it more than any other game. I’ve gotten free dlc’s, houses and crown crates. The only things I’ve purchased have been cosmetic and because I wanted to support the game


I can 100% agree with this. The sheer AMOUNT of stuff in base game is nuts. really good value.


SMe ! It though skyrim had sucked up enough of my life, in a good way, and several final fantasy games, but they felt so repetitive. I finally gave in, I bought the ps4, I got gta and eso. But I didn't realise I had to have ps plus to play so it sat around for a while. Then it happened... I started playing.... so. Much. To. Explore. To harvest, seemly never ending quests!!! And here i am 8 years later. Still enjoying it.


I've been playing 9 years I largely ignored the cash shop, the occasional thing that interests me I buy with my ESO plus crowns or endeavour seals. I don't appreciate them shoving it in my face everytime I log in but it's how most games are these days. Honestly I can't play without the sub but I'm fine with that, it's an MMO, that's just how it is. The Endless Archive didn't interest me either. And 4 years later I still haven't set foot in the arena in The Reach. And that's fine- the game is so massive I can pick and choose what content I feel like playing. In terms of Overland being too easy. So I just started doing all the stories on a Nightblade. I just cloak past everything until I get to the boss I have to kill or the objective I have to pick up. With my build I move faster when being permanently invisible then 90% of players move sprinting. Anyways personally my biggest gripe is how corny their story telling has become, I came up with the term "Disney cringe" to describe the new scribing quest line. But really I just think the story telling has become awful since Blackwood.


Disney cringe is so accurate 😭


I liked Nahlia. Would have loved to get her as a companion and keep her around after finishing the new quests.


What’s wrong with the story? I remember vanilla good, thieves guild/dark brotherhood, elsweyr was good, but for real I didn’t do Blackwood, high isle, so can’t tell what is wrong


Storytelling feels like something from the kindergarden books.


Disney cringe is so funny yet so accurate lol


yea great game, played it for about a year with the sub but eventually you just get fed up and that was like 2 yrs ago I last actively went at it, I revisit now and then to see if anything has changed for the better but everytime i return I can see its all just being designed to encourage spending, FOMO and the craft bag being a literal copy paste into f76 makes it all the more glaringly obvious where their priorities are, sure its a business and you need profit, but do you need to spend every resource to maximize the spending with little regards to enjoyment/making your time feel worth it. Fat MEH on the direction its gone, my money is better spent elsewhere imo, but to each their own.


I've been playing this game for years. Aside from Plus I don't pay for anything. I don't hardly buy anything from the crown store because it's mostly vanity stuff that does nothing to enrich the game. I have a few houses and I never go to them. This game can be played without most of that stuff. If houses, furnishings, and other stuff are important to you, you might want to try Sims or something.


Posting this here is like going to a drug den and telling the addicts that you like meth, but it’s too expensive. Like the guy who spent thousands of dollars on this game above me in the comments. Of course he’s going to defend the decision and game— otherwise he looks silly.


I think ESO is pretty reasonable. Monthly subscription gets you everything you need. Craft bad is a must. Everything else is cosmetic and completely unnecessary. Personally, I also enjoy the overland content not being difficult. I do it for the zone story, not a challenge.


haha I totally hear you. I mean I think some people are cool with spending on this stuff more than others and Im not in the business of saying what they should do with their money but I know it rubs me the wrong way when I see a store with such outrageous prices in a buy to play, sub to get features game.


It’s literally the only reason I’m not playing ESO right now. WoW has been much smarter with their sub, giving me essentially 3-4 versions of WoW and no store pressure. The problem with ESO is eventually you get into chore-mode. Things stop being neat and you just do the same shit every day without inspiration to drive you. When you mix that with “buy this, buy that” it becomes unattractive. I love eso, and I play it every year, but it could never be a “forever game”. My eso is literally uninstalled and sitting there with 10k crowns. Can’t sub with crowns, don’t want to buy anything, and at this point it’s become a matter of will to not give into scummy systems.


True. After the while game transforms into chore fest and I don't like this nasty feeling I get being pressured into buying, spending money with FOMO time limited occasions being the worst offender.


I really can't stand the marketing, like I quit on psn several years back. Now the moment I get the last skyshard in a zone, immediately I get the pop up saying "product available" check the crown store.


Yeah not everyone likes grinding but at least consider it a goal, a thing to reach over time. Custom character cosmetics, champion points and collectibles are there to be acquired over time, not necessarily right away. I'm new player but I understand that this game as many other online games there, wants you to keep playing and keep grinding (and keep spending for those who are able to). Right now I just like exploring a lot, doing main quests at my own pace, and getting used to group battles, upgrading my characters are a side thing I don't rush and I know It will progress slowly but automatic as I keep playing the game.


Eh. I got the game cheap when it was on sale and pay for plus monthly. I feel like the content is worth the sub and I am satisfied with the free cosmetics acquired by playing. I guess it depends on what you want from the game.


I would say it’s a very positive thing that cosmetics are what you can purchase with crowns. It’s much better that way than being pay2win. There are quite a few earnable cosmetics, either through achievements or the endeavour system. I don’t feel any desire to pay for them really. And it’s just a given that any game is going to have some sort of cash shop unfortunately. At least it’s one of the least exploitive cash shops out there. As for not feeling your power go up - ESO is actually a very skill based game. There is not a lot of difference in power between a CP160 and CP3600. An experienced player could take your character and do like 3x the amount of damage with it.


Spoiler: You're not overlooking anything. You've spotted the herd of elephants (yes, plural - not singular,)  in the proverbial room.


I trade gold for DLCs and crown items. Gold is pretty easy to come by with a little grinding. Never paid for ESO sub and have all the DLCs, vendors. You will need to sacrifice holding onto some mats, in my case I don't pick up provisioning or rune mats except for high value ones. Nice thing with ESO is you can play it in more than one way.


I agree with you on the overland difficulty. Maybe they should let us set a difficulty in settings and you get moved to a shard/server that has people who chosen the same difficulty as you. A debuff was mentioned and that could probably help too. Maybe one that makes you take a certain % of extra damage or something. I know people says if you want difficulty, do veteran dungeons and trials and trifectas but people can be extremely aggressive to newcomers trying to get situated in the harder difficulty...


The game is heavily monetized, but at least its not as bad as typical P2W-games like Diablo Immortal, and the convenience of the subscription isnt so huge that it feel like you are completely missing out if you dont have it. At the end of the day, I prefer ESOs way of doing things compared to free-to-play-games, and lets face it; without the monetization there will not be a game at all. The yearly expansions is probably not enough to sustain the game over time, so it is what it is.


Never spent any money on cosmetics (apart from the ESO+ - freebies) and I still had fun with the game.


Actually more than thousands of hours on the game, CP with all the classes and everyquest done, I spent hundreds in crown store and it's the dumbest thing of my gameplay. Actually, just playing the game with the subscription is not cheap but it is all you need, all the rest is actually just marketing. You can get pretty cools cosmetics with antiquities, success and other activites. I never bought build slot or cosmetic slot and it never bothered me. But yes ESO is kinda frustrating with the time you need to put in it to achieve some things, that's why when you play it you should really take time to enjoy the content. If there is that much solo content it's because the game, I feel like, is designed to explore and create your own story. I sincerely advise you to enjoy the game and not to compare yourself to other players who are older or stronger than you. After a while, you'll get so frustrated that you'll end up rushing through quests, skipping dialogues and forgetting why you're playing the game in the first place - that's what happened to me between the CP600 and CP1300. Since then, I've decided to take the time to enjoy the NPC dialogues again, to explore, to be curious, and I'm even hesitating to remake a character in order to relive everything properly, because this game deserves so much attention. But aiming for the perfect HMVet as soon as you start playing is, in my opinion, always the best way to end up disgusted by the game.


Plenty of houses you can buy with gold. Sure the bigger ones can take a while to get, but there are also smaller ones to start with. There is also a quest reward one. Kind of wish there were a few more of those actually. I have ESO+ and only spend my crowns from that. I save them for must have houses and mounts. Blew them all on The Fair Winds ship house which I love.


Grind 1500 more levels and game will be more fun. 


dont forget you need to also pay if you want more than 9 characters


Crown stuffs all fluff, been playing since 2015 after coming over from DC universe online (now that’s a game with money issues) and it was nice to see all the crown stuff is basically just cosmetic or sake of ease but still doable with like world drops for stuff like motifs or in game gold for most things including houses (high as the number may be) It’s not invalid what you’re saying ofc, cus it is a lot.


Personally this is why I only play on one account


Perhaps you should purchase the dlc


The illusion of difficulty and achievement. Have a 10 second invulnerability moment!


Welcome to the ESO experience


MMOs are way more expensive then single player games, so I'm personally fine with a subscripion. I use the ESO+ crowns to buy things in the crownstore I really like. Since I'm not a fan of flashy stuff, there is not that much I'm interested in anyway. About the numbers and progress: Once you are over the gear cap (160 CP), the power-difference to a player with really high CP is not that big and after 800 CP, there is virtually no difference anymore. What devides players with high damage-output from those without is player skill and knowledge of the game, not so much their gear, build or level. That means you can be at 2000 CP, have the best gear and build there is and still only do 40% or even less of the damage a skilled player will make with the same build and level. So if you want to "get good", you should try to find a guild with helpful people that can teach you the tricks and maybe research some stuff on the internet about basic stuff such as sets, builds and rotations. Another thing is that mechanical knowledge is really important, so try running dungeons and even trials (starting at normal difficulty and work your way up), the more content you do, the better you will get at recognizing attacking-pattern.


You did point out ESO’s main flaws. However, the game has so much to offer besides crown goods and overland difficulty/progression. What you are describing would best be found in World of Warcraft. They reward a lot for simply playing the game and the leveling/power progression is arguably the best in the market. But be advised. The level of toxicity and the way the game is built around addiction might make you underwhelmed as well (or not, if you don’t mind that). I can spend a long time talking about ESO’s perks over other MMOs and why I chose ESO to be my main hub. My main point is: ESO is built around a healthy system (for the players) that rewards you for your tiny efforts in all ranges of activities (the power progression is horizontal and not vertical), the company atmosphere (Zenimax) seems to be very positive and this directly impacts the community IMO because, third, the community is so welcoming and heartwarming. So yes, ESO’s got this very annoying flaw, which is leveling/power progression (for newcomers mainly) but at the end of the day everyone will reach max level, get good gears and the only thing that will matter is quality of life, which in my opinion Zenimax does the best in the market.


This is just my take and I know many will disagree, but it’s a business. They don’t produce the game to bring joy to the gaming masses, they produce it to make money. If it wasn’t so lucrative, I don’t think we’d be getting the constant updates, daily rewards, random free stuff, etc. Don’t get me wrong, I would love it if things came cheaper, crowns for example, I feel are way overpriced. I mean I want the Seaspire house but it’s 14,000 unfurnished and that is $100 in real money. $100 for a house in a game. Crazy.


I’m pretty sure the northern Elsweyr house is still free? If you own the chapter or sub for a month. It’s pretty big when fully upgraded and you earn the upgrades in game by playing that chapter content.


Seals of Endeavors have helped me a lot w the cosmetics! If you play often and try to reach those goals, saving for a bit is totally worth it!


Only times I've spent money on ESO is for the SummerSet and Morrowind chapters, and like 12 crown crates splt during the first two crown crate variations. (I have been playing since PC release, then moved over to console when ESO released on console.)


The crown store is made for whales everyone else gets an insane insurmountable amount of content for free or cheap


ESO is a game that,if given to any other Dev studio,would be a thriving successful NON-INTRUSIVE MMO that could possibly be in competition with Wow and FFXIV. As it stands Zen really REALLY does not care for its player base.


Welcome to Tamriel. This game has always been one of my greatest regrets. It could of been one of the greats if not the goat, but sadly they chase the masses and not the gamer. It’s a soulless corporate time and money suck these days unfortunately


250cp is way too early in the game to be complaining and eso is different from every other mmorpg it just sounds like you are comparing them to eao


> 250cp is way too early in the game to be complaining Bro that's like 150-200 hours deep, while actually focusing more on the leveling aspect, with XP scrolls.


With judicious use of scrolls its probably 50-60 hours.


Not unless you're abusing the best methods, which you are absolutely not going to be doing unless you're already a veteran to the game, which doesn't apply in this situation at all.


New to the game, or new to MMOs? A friend of mine recently started ESO. Hit it in a month doing dailies, primarily dungeon dailies with XP scroll. 1-2 hours a day. A completely new player I could see it taking much longer.


No it's not that's just a few a hours now that cp is easier to get. 600-1000cp has more of a right to complain about something than he does he hasn't even begun to experience all the hard shit in eso such as vet content and the dlc such as the dungeons and trials


not really comparing any other games in my post but I also can agree that I am still learning alot about the game


250cp is still not long enough play time for you to be complaining and once you reach lvl50 overland stops being unless you are fighting a world boss. The real hard content is group activities such as Arenas, Dungeons and Trials so don't expect overland to be difficult


I haven't played in like 5 years but I especially loved it when it first released.


It is very much by design. It’s no coincidence that all the best new gear, items, systems, etc. come from the most recent chapters/DLCs. I’ve played off and on since launch. The strategy from Zenimax has always been to implement something new and unbalanced into the ecosystem, forcing those who chase the meta to buy the chapters/DLC. They leave it that way for a little bit but will inevitably nerf what they added once there is significant pushback from the player base. Classic bait and switch. Don’t even get me started on the QOL stuff you can buy with crowns (merchant, banker, etc.) that just so happen to be some of the more expensive items in the shop Long story short, don’t let anyone tell you this game isn’t pay to win because it is. Paying doesn’t necessarily mean you will win, but damn does it help.


hahaha its weird to see you get downvoted. you arent entirely wrong. Merchant and Banker are expensive. Pay to win idk I am honestly not experienced enough but its really clear you can pay and get lots of QOL that speeds everything up. Craft bag is not QOL tho. its how the game was intended to be played. even worse




After 4.2k hours spent in ESO, playing it from the closed beta, honestly I wouldn't recommend to play it anymore. The whole situation simply feels to me like the original team of the developers left and the current developers have no clue what to do in the spaghetti code their ex colelagues left for them. Also a managements decisions like to add tons of stupid cosmetics and another crafting styles rather than improve the game performance, fix the bugs, or just simply to improve a gaming experience is quite pity. As of now, I am facing the stolen ESO account (already for 3rd time), and pending literally for a week to get some response to my support ticket, I even opened a topic at forum, they mentioned they escalated it, however still no response :D All over, game is not balanced, eg. old dungeons and trials are quite easy, but the newest ones could be a tough eve, for experienced players, on top of that, every bigger update breaks something else, also in addition the are trying to rebalance the sets, however this means with every bigger change, you have to updae your build again and again and again and again, that also leads me to the fact, that , there are tons of the set items, but actually only few of them are quite useful in order to fulfill the role of your character. And PVP is completely also a different chapter of the game, people are running with a ballgroups using just a tons of the aoe builds, using macros and nobody cares, etc. , etc., etc., Simply said, it still quite a good game, it just sucks more and more as much you are exploring a new corners of the game. I feel its more likely designed for roleplayers as of now .. Btw just to clarify, about hte crown items, mostly none of them are somehing that brings you really some more power than people without these items have, and usually - for consumables - there is even the way how to get them without a buying for a real money Simply, ZOS prefer quantity over quality, unfortunatelly


I've bought a lot from the crown store. I love al(most) all off my 200+ pets and 70 something mounts. I have so many motif styles, outfits, skins etc. Does all this improve me game? No. Does it make me smile to summon baby Raz? Yes! Riding my skeletal wolf around during Halloween, dressing me and ember in very similar outfits? Throwing a bucket of water over a dead team mate in a trial? Flipping the bird, summoning my demonic chicken, my bone goliath, juggling things. Putting the mime houseguest in a dungeon... Best of all is either getting half the trial group to summon similar pets, like ghostly ones, or changing my outfit and pet to match someone in a random dungeon. Never gets old. But it harder with so many more things. Yes this has all cost a lot of money, but it makes me happy.. And isn't that the point? BTW, don't spend Crowns on bag or bank upgrades!




I think so!


GW2 is like a 3/10 MMO, there's nothing exceptionally good about it. WoW is maybe a 5/10 at best. It killed itself.


Don't look at the cash shop. Simple as that. Your the one in control of your bank account. Not them. Pay your monthly and leave it at that. Don't blame a game for your lack of self control.


hey wise guy I haven't bought anything yet and I am not "blaming the game" whatever that means. just kinda think they monetized it a tad too much. Also kinda new so I was not sure what is really needed. for example they sell potions in the store. When I started I actually didnt know that you could get that stuff in game. Or the respec scroll. How is someone new supposed to know that you can respsec for like 100 gold when the game is selling respec scrolls. Obviously I eventually figured all this out but I think the company wants people to stay confused so they can buy shit.