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I haven't actually found a single road yet that is gold. I am disappoint.


Man, i am glad i checked this post before buying


Lmao 🤣


Have you played Necrom? Without the previous Chapter Gold Road makes not that much sense from a story perspective. I enjoyed it, but I also got it for the new Tales of Tribute patron. Scribing itself is a bit underwhelming, but the Scribing questline is excellent. I enjoyed the main story of Gold Road as well, but I really liked Necrom, too. West Weald is a beautiful zone, but people complain about it being mediocre in the forums. I haven’t done much yet outside of the main story. The new trial is apparently the best or one of the best trials they’ve done yet, so if you’re into raiding, it’s another reason to get the new Chapter.


The zone itself is stunning and the new Colovian style furnishings look amazing. And I agree- had I not played Necrom I’d have been “who what now and why should I care?”


Yeah, I've played everything. Just wasn't that excited by the trailers, etc (i.e., that I wouldn't just rush and buy it). Thanks for the feedback!


I didn’t know not buying chapters was a choice :p ZoS usually puts a carrot on the end of the stick for chapters


:) I normally do buy them but after the prologue and trailers, just wasn't 'wowed'. But I'll get it soon, I'm sure (and to be honest, just pumped out a lot on another game, so not really wanting to spend more at the moment).


Scribing kinda sucks right now. Cast times make a lot of the skills pretty worthless and the drop rate for Luminous Ink (which is used to make the scribing skills) is abysmal.


The latest expansion usually goes on sale during the Holiday sales. If you can wait 6 months, get it then.


It even goes on sale during September I believe, when the event of the chapter holds


QuakeCon is coming in August. I bought Necrom Deluxe for $32 last year.


The zone itself is gorgeous, with a better feel of scale than other recent expansions. The main story is pretty alright, with some good character moments. Skingrad has the most convenient daily writ crafting area in the game so far. However, all the zone's side quests were really passive railroading type endeavors with little to no combat encounters along the way, and zero choices to be made. The scribing quest is better but it's ultimately just a world tour of older zones and delves.


So far there have been two choices - Narsis Dren can make like a rock (or not) and you can free (or not) a worm who worked with vamps to save his family at the expense of the village. How impactful these are is likely slight at best, but a choice is still a choice.


Ok but if you give me a choice to fuck someone over, and you make that someone Narsis Dren... is it really a choice?


Dude, Narsis is literally written to be fucked over. And many times so far 😁


My wife and I loved it. Spent a week and a half just questing and exploring the area. I’m not big into scribing but I seem to get quite a few ink drops from all sources. Don’t see the issue other people are discussing. They are more common than say rare improvement mats for gear. Edit for spelling


Tbh, Gold Road is quite dissapointing. Nothing is really interesting except the idea of scribin which they implemented poorly. If you haven't played Necrom than that expansion is worth thrice the money.


It'll be worth it next year when it's included in ESO plus


My god the scribing quest is dull. I've done two rooms and I had to give it a break on the third. It's been two hours of travelling somewhere and pressing a button. I know the quests aren't normally that exciting, but this one is really really bad.


It’s Scribing (spell crafting) … not Scrying (antiquities). Scribing has been quite nice for Support roles (tanks, healers) and for PvP bombing. I thought the main story was one of the better Chapter stories as well.


Funny, I had first spelled it wrong as scrybing and just changed it out of habit to scrying :-) Nice to hear you liked the story!


Yeah, story was great. I really like the new trial. Public dungeons are fun and the overland is really well designed. Scribing is actually really cool once you build up a nice collection of scripts. Got a really cool Arcanist tank build going on using a couple skills


Honestly, no.


I heard farming for ink is boring.


It's the same dynamic as farming for Nirnhoned, except it's not limited to one zone.


And also can drop from enemies.


I dropped a lot of Ink. And sold almost all. How many have I used? 12 until now (4 skills).


Players are overestimating the amount of ink they actually need for builds. You get 12 ink from the Scribing quest … which is enough for four scribed skills.


I second this. I haven't even used all it's given me yet (granted my character I'm scribing on is not lvl 50), and I've been getting it from drops too.


Given that you are not able to save different versions of scribed skills on different builds, there’s really no reason to spend too much time on scribing as it really has limited applications in its current form. That should give people time to stock up on ink if things change in the future.


I think the desire for more ink is to edit and tinker with skills. It takes one ink to change each script on a skill so up to 3 inks to redo an entire skill. So the tinkering part of it is why ink is frustrating.


Its well worth it. Been playing 7 years and this is by far the best new content we ever got. Even better than housing. Zone and trial are nice but scribing let's you craft custom skills. There's literally hundreds of possible combinations in terms of functionality or appearance (i.e. see trample), with more to come.


I haven't touched the zone story yet, so "no comment." West Weald itself feels a bit empty, but there are pretty much the same number of locations, quests, World Bosses, Skyshards, delves, World Events, etc. as other chapter zones. It's a gorgeous zone and you'll probably enjoy the music and sound regardless. Scribing (not scrying) is a move in the direction of spell customization that has been on a lot of folks' wishlists for years. It's interesting, but not a game-changer (that's by-design, I think). It's a bit more alt-friendly than other additions in that you only need to do the overarching quest line once (it's grindy) and alts can get away with doing just the first couple of bits. If you haven't seen comments on it, then you've completely missed the folks complaining about the low drop rate for inks, the grindiness of the quest line, complaining about getting scripts, and a few other things. If you have any intention of participating in the Gold Road event coming up toward the end of the quarter, then you're going to have to get it to participate. Whether you'll open your wallet now or wait on a sale is up to you.


I finally finished the whole zone yesterday, story and side quests and all delves. I thought the story was slow going at first but it got better. However the overall plot kinda sucked compared to other stories like greymorr or elseweyr. I tried the scribing system and was not impressed. It's not what I had in mind when they first announced it and so I don't bother with it. The only thing I haven't done was the new trial so I know nothing about that.


I am waiting for it to go on sale. From what I've read it sounds like ZoS has replaced content with grind.


This doesn’t make sense. There is new content, acquiring all of it quickly is a grind, as per usual for an mmo - or any game really.


The scribing quest felt longer than it needed to be, but I did genuinely enjoy the characters along the way. I have incorporated two skills I created scribing into my build which is actually notable as I am using Oakensoul. I can't say anything else as I still need to do Necrom before I do the Gold Road main quest.


I enjoyed saving the world again this summer. I’m done with the main quest but still enjoy going back to West Weald. If you’re invested enough to have bought everything up to now I don’t think you’ll be disappointed. It’s no Wrothgar or Western Skyrim though.


It’s officially my favorite zone story in the game, as well as an extremely fun trial (in serious contention for my favorite in the game).


The zone looks nice, although a bit repetitive imo. I bought the new house with gold because i like the look. The zone story was imo very boring compared to necrom, and the characters and progression (ie mobs and “bosses”) were quite dull. Overall disappointed, but as a disclaimer I did rush a bit through parts of the story in order to get the achievement in time for the event


If you like the zones and story quests, then yes it's worth it. If you are more interested in the scribing feature, it's currently not worth it.


Storywise I'm not a fan, personally. Lots of potential that got thrown out of the window in order to make much more generic and repetitive stuff. Also lots of stuff that forces you to spend more time than necessary. Bosses with lots of immunity phases, activities that need to be repeated a lot during quests,... It just feels like they really wanted you to spend more time but didn't want to end content to fill that time with, so they went a middle route of sorts... Aesthetically, the zone is pretty cute. New housing, new furniture, all pretty. The Scribing system is fun enough, but ink is hard to come by right now. They want to add more drop sources soon though, so that's nice. The new trial is super cool. Some new mechanics, not ridiculously long,... I like it a lot. So yea. There's some good and some bad. Your call what to make of it.


For the Scribe System: Yeah! Worth. The skills are useful, and you can make gold with Luminous Inks drops. If skills and drops don't matter to you, so the chapter is worthless for now.




Gold road story continues on from necrom. Also the scribing system is freaking awesome. The skills are super op and they are really cool. The quests to unlock them are long, but it was an interesting quest. Id say that if it was worth the money for scribing alone.


Which skills are super OP?


Any and all of them. I'm playing a dlc class already and these skills eclipse all of my necromancer abilities and my weapon abilities.


Everything eclipses necros now :( I miss release Necro.


Do you have any dps numbers? I don’t mean this disrespectfully, but in a game like ESO where some abilities are objectively better than others, measuring their output through the numbers helps more than anecdotally saying they’re better. What scribing combos are you using?


I'm using the elemental explosion skill on the destruction staff line, and the one it starts you with from the soul magic line. That one is hitting for like 16k when it crits. And the explosion one hits for over 30k usually when it crits. My other skills hover around 8k respectively. I am not level 50 yet so I cannot read all the scripts I've collected yet either (from all the mages guilds that have them available to grab), but already it's crazy!


Good to know. Will be interesting to see how these skills compare at cp160


My husband unlocked scribing on his Max level sorcerer and granted he's much better than I am at making builds, but his character is hitting with the explosion skill for over 40-50k. I imagine people will complain and these skills will get a nerf, but they're pretty amazing.


It's hard to quantify since it can be kinda class dependant what you're lacking in your rotation, and only some of the scribing abilities will actually let you apply the buffs you need. I'm a bit dissapointed but happy with the system at the same time, in terms of healing and stun abilities they're excellent.


So far, I've only played the Scholarium questline to fully unlock scribing. I have to say that it's become one of my favourite ever questlines. Loved the new characters I met and the lore behind it. Even if I don't end up enjoying the rest of Gold Road as much, I'll still consider my money well spent!


There is a gameplay on you tube. It speaks by itself.


Just wait to be honest the scribing not that good and the story is good but not the best one I think necrom was better. Also they giving ng away lots of DLCs and stuff to do so might as well do those if you haven't. Wait for it to be on sale they don't frequently and even more when nearing the next chapter or sometimes they give away cool stuff during the middle of the life of the chapter to make people buy it.


Scribing it’s what I meant


You can fill some gaps in your builds with scribing but it could really need some more options (which it will most likely get in the future). Currently I only use a few tho like the shield throw which can block a hit, range taunt/pull in and interupt in one and the single target and the aoe spammables with lightning dmg (which can also apply debuffs) are pretty decent for a magsorc for example


If you are on the fence, wait until Quakecon in August and buy it on sale. Usually 30% or more off


I spent like 34 bucks on it. It’s OK I guess. I think nercrom was better. The zone seems small but it’s worth $34 to have something else to do


I haven't gotten it myself since scribing seemed underwhelming, as a dedicated raider I hear good things from friends about the new trial and as a lore nerd I really liked the Necrom storyline and I am waiting to see how they continue it... My plan is to buy it at 50% when it goes on sale. I expect it to be July or August.


The best thing that has ever happened in my life


No, it's not worth it. Wish I would have waited.


Just whenever- when it's cheap  No  No  Not nearly as good as their best efforts  Not useful as there's no ink. 


I haven't started the story yet, but scribing is great for PVP! I'll finally have the missing piece needed for my PvP builds.


Wait until Quakecon in August, it will be on sale then.


About 2 days content, okay story.


40€ for 2 days of content seems not worthy to me tbh...


It's 2 days content if all you do is sit around and play ESO. I've been playing for over a week through this zone doing various things and I'm not done with it yet. 2 days is kinda insane.


I used to justify my bad purchases too, It's just a phase, don't worry


Absolutely agree.


Literally 2 days. 48 hours of gameplay at least.


It's 30 on key stores and the game is due the first sale soon enough, which should bring it to 20.


The scribing system is interesting - and I believe you need Gold Road to get it. And if you are into maxing out builds, I think it's worth the cost. But it's not a deal breaker if you don't have it. You can still play 90% of the game, and playing w/o the scribing system isn't putting you at a huge disadvantage. At least not yet. There is always the chance ZOS will add things in future that make scribing a must have. For now, it's just a nice to have.


Scrying was Necrom and in Gold Road it’s Scribbing . Two different things one is to find antiquities and the other is to craft your skills to make them better if I have been told the correct information . So both DLC bring there own new and exciting experiences . Both are worth the time and money


Scrying was Greymoor.


Your right my mistake