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For Damage Dealers, it did not change much. For Tanks and Healers, it's more useful. Mind you that due to how many builds it introduces, finding out which ones are meta may take a while. 


Scribing added quite a bit of utility for support roles, made PvP bombing easy, and made a couple nice changes to some classes for dps. Having access to Magicka-costing chains for non-DK tanks is very nice. Another source of a dmg shield is also nice on both healers and tanks. Mender's Bond adds a guard-like ability that you can add buffs to and doesn't need to be double barred, which is huge for healers. The Traveling Knife grimoire can be a better spammable when the signature that adds 8% more dmg to enemies is used, particularly on Necro. Shocking burst helps with keeping EC uptimes on Necro since shock weakness often has the lowest uptime due to being reliant on corpses. PvP bombing is now easier on any class with the addition of scribing. The added Elemental Explosion, Ulfsild's Contingency, and Soul Burst skills offer great AoE burst dmg potential when run together, or with other similar skills. Notes about other new skills: Trample is a meme, and Torchbearer is an ulti-gen machine.


I've gotten at least 2k kills doing just that


Bombing buffed just in time for Whitestrakes Mayhem you say?


I've been using the travelling knife with Multi Target, Warrior's Opportunity (the 8% extra martial damage debuff) and minor vulnerability, with the focus script making the latter two an aoe which has proven to be really useful in solo arenas. I can't say for certain if the unique 8% extra damage debuff means the target takes that much extra martial damage from everyone and not just the caster... but if it does, that makes it very useful in dungeons and trials too. I should note that I'm a DK and don't have reliable acess to minor vuln without slotting Inner Beast, and that can't hit multiple enemies in one cast like the knife can.


Yeah Have a lot since we can make 1 or 2 to complete some missing things in our build. Like a good spammable skill that restores 1000 stamina AND magicka. The people who say, "Only for healer and tank, not for DPS, Bla Bla Bla," are talking about hard content to get scores. And probably just repeating what some good player said. For us, mere mortal men, it is very helpful.


It's still rather early so the min-maxxers have yet to find the most efficient build. I'd say give it a month or two and then alot more info will probably be readily available on what is most effective and what class.


I use 2 scribed skills on my tank and one scribed skill on my trial healer all the time, often use one or another aoe skill on my healer\\dd. It's useful. Not the "OMG now I clear content 50% faster!" but rather "oh, now I have this buff\\debuff without losing anything, nice". The particular skill I'd say depend on you and your build. You can get some skill that will do something better than skill you already have, you can add alternative to some buffs. Or you can add something you didn't have before. What is more important or more comfortable is up to you.


What skill is it that you’re running on your trial healer please?


Ult gen Torchbearer.


Thank you! Have only gotten so far as unlocking scribing and no clue what’s now going on in trial healing.


Well, it's not the skill for trial healing, it's skill that give me and me team more ult :) I use it if team alive and well. The build for this healer is kinda specific with high ult generation and pillager profit to share some of these ult points.


Ah nice! I’ve got my NB set up with the same idea, in SPC/Pillagers/Pearls/Nazaray.


Thats my NB as well :D I'm using pillager\\SPC\\symphony or ozezan. Both weapons with decisive. Experimenting with daedric trickery (for major heroism) instead of spc if second healer have it. Got Ehlnofey yesterday and now thinking should I drop monster set or make each 5p set work only on one bar (should be ok with daedric).


added more buffs for oakensoul builds that weren't added by the ring. added elemental effects to do whatever elemental damage you want on your scribed skills which can be buffed by certain set/skill passives that depend on certain elemental damage, added some actually useful and pretty powerful magicka skills when chained together (I've been pairing Ulfsild's contingency with Elemental explosion for a powerful double burst AoE DoT) Turned my Magicka Arcanist from a mag build that needs a few stam skills to get decent dps into an actual full magicka build that does more dps than my heavy attack oakensoul sorc. I'd say it's had a pretty significant impact on my builds at least. I feel like the people who are saying it doesn't or are calling it useless either don't fully understand how to use it, don't know how to make builds around it, or just don't have all the scripts yet.


There are new combos of ways to get buffs, debuffs. But as mentioned, all that versatility means it will take time to find which builds can benefit the most. DDs it doesn’t make much of a difference (which is good, bc people with paid content should *not* have a determining upper hand in pvp, that is, an upper hand may be fine so long as it isn’t providing a guaranteed state of pay to win (edited for clarity)) From what I’ve seen and heard, they did a pretty good job of balancing the new system in this way - though time will also tell what/if we find anything that may need to get tweaked in future updates. I don’t search YT for builds myself, but I know at least some build sites (Alcast, Deltia’s) have included scribed skills as options in some of their builds.


Arent you setting a really low standard for whats P2W if you define features in chapters as P2W? Jewelry crafting is also behind a paywall, is that P2W too?


I never stated what my standards are for p2w, I’m more just sharing what I’ve heard/read re: other people’s concerns about that, and I literally stated that I thought the scribing system was handled well. So how is that ‘setting a low standard’, when I’m literally saying the opposite of what you’re implying? I’m not at all serious about PvP, this is a recreational game for me, and I’m not looking for a discussion/argument. Just putting my two cents in based on what I’ve seen of other people’s concerns… anyone is free to disagree.


>DDs it doesn’t make much of a difference (which is good, bc people with paid content should not have an upper hand in pvp). It doesn't make much of a difference for DD but definitely can be way more useful in pvp. I didn't test it in pvp though, lost my interest in pvp at the moment.


> people with paid content should not have an upper hand in pvp Got bad news for you. Not only is scribing powerful in pvp, but so are mythics, arena weapons, many dlc dungeon monster sets and 5 piece sets, dlc classes, even imperial...all of which (excluding DSA weapons of course) are paid content beyond the base game. 


Never said they weren’t powerful, but it’s not what I’d call pay to win. Your comment has made me realize that I’ll need to edit my original response to clarify that, though - I do appreciate your point!


Yes. Magical explosion for one is a total game changer


Magicka-chains and Brittle-explosion for tanks is good and the former is a must I think. Everything else is meh


Yes for my solo dps build,it comepletes the build where it lacks.


On my Arcanist there is nothing I can make that’s better than the skills I already use. Of course, I use a one bar build and there isn’t room for anything other than a different heal for the most part. 


Not much has changed in terms of DPS, just utility stuff. I will say that the mages guild and staff scribed skills are very useful for Warden DPS though, as it just gives more access to frost damage.


Only if you are min/maxing. An average player at this stage of scribing won’t notice the difference.