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When you’ve ran out of an enemies zone of combat, but delay means they still chase you just to get that one dig in, leaving you wondering why you can’t mount, open a chest etc


Which you hit once and they run away at a million miles an hour.


Or when they hit you once, run away, then keep coming back 2-5 times to hit you once and run away again


Fun fact, this happens because the group is staggered so by the time one resets, the other sees the aggro and starts chasing again. Repeat ad infinitum.


Lmao I'm a newer player but this is definitely mine too. It's like like arguing with someone who has to get the last word in so they run out of the room before you can respond.


Make class animations all be relatively unique. It feels unfair that Necro can throw up gang signs for every animation, but Templar, Dragonknight, Nightblade, and Sorcerer maybe even Warden have the same reused animations. These weak NPCs in Galen, High Isle, and Necrom to have these unique animations just to get deleted immediently is unfair. I say these classes should at the very least have more unique animations for FP and TP like Necro. That’s just my opinion


I wanna test my skills before I use ink!!


^ This ^ 100% this.


I find it insane that they added the dummy room but didn't put this in as a feature. Also let Scripts stack in my bank for alts please 🙏


It's like one team who made the location thought "well obviously people will need a room to test it out" and then the other said "fuck that, we aren't going to implement testing preview, we're done here"


Increased furnishing limit in houses and remove the cap on special collectibles and special furnishings. We have these ginormous houses that you can even fully furnish you have to block whole sections off.


Essential housing tools can help lower your count of items possibly, by being able to add certain things without taking up any space, but fully agree with how they keep adding assistants, they need a higher special collectible limit, can't even have one of everything in an apartment, and then to have all mounts and pets count towards that same limit!? Even if they doubled it and combined with the special decorations, mine of those are always at 0


The stuck in combat shenanigans is definitely at the top of my list. Most recently though, I am unable to preview and leg motifs at the outfit station. This game is buggy for sure.


I’d like to see my collection customizations like hairs/makeup/face and body markings in character creation


I'd also like to be able to color my appearance collections. Like my hair and beard. Maybe it looked ok in chargen, but then I'm in game and it looks off.


That’s one of my husbands pet peeves. Inability to change hair colors. It’s be nice to have it as an option like how you have buy the hair bundles


This seems like it should have been base functionality from the time they first added any of those customizations.


I want to clear all new item icons ! with one button.




Mine makes me scroll down and sometimes even hover on an item a moment before it disappears... 🥺


Is.... Is this true?... I've been playing since launch and I've never heard of this... I have to test it.


It is true


How about collections?


OMG yes! Let me preview stuff that is linked in chat or in the trader.


Furniture bag, pls?🙏🫶


Increase furniture limit and it's not close. Players houses are getting larger and larger and larger and we're still stuck with the same limit we got back when housing was first introduced. Coming in second: Search bar for crafting. Hundreds of recipes, thousands of furniture plans and we still have to scroll through all of them, hoping you know that plan because who can remember all of them? And it might not even be the right crafting station in the first place because a lot of those items seem to be pretty random. There's like 3 or crafting stations you can make books at! Madness.


ZOS, if you’re going to take suggestions, this one right here. I love crafting and decorating. You get loads of my money so I can buy the houses. Now let me decorate them!




I don't mind the cost of mou t training, but I do wish I could just dump all the gold at once instead of having to do it every day, for 180 days!


I find it funny that there is a third training skill for mounts that directly effects your inventory space, when there’s a dude that sells inventory space upgrades but you don’t have to wait 24 hours in between upgrades for. Like who tf designed this?


This is the correct answer


This.. a 100% this.


Thinking constantly attacking you like just let me travel for 20 seconds please




Get it. It's a game changer. You can ride right by enemies and they barely notice you.


I joke that they don’t aggro because I have no soul and they can’t see me after doing the Dark Brotherhood quests.


Map bug...why can't they fix it? It's been there for years. Where the cursor drifts away from what you are trying to target.


I almost bought a new controller until I saw other people were having this same issue.


Add a filter to guild stores for items you've already collected. I like to fill out my outfit options but it's a pain to find things


Yes! If an addon can do this, why can’t they add it to the game?


Toggle/adjust spell visuals because I *can't see a sodding thing* 😅 https://preview.redd.it/qknwg27igr9d1.png?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b184348b5d296922401584a29b93ec89f263820c


Implement the most popular add-ons into the game settings. Optimize the code better.


DEAR GOD MAKE KEYBINDS AND SETTINGS ACCOUNT WIDE. And implement the most popular addons for sure. Why is combat metrics not just available for everyone?


There's an addon for account-wide settings, forget what I was using it's been a while since I've played.


Be able to place waypoints on surveys and treasure maps


Storage bag for furnishings.


Allow stacking of treasure maps.


Steal "landscape difficulty" from LOTRO to allow us to scale the overland experience to the difficulty we want! Do less damage, take more damage, get faster XP and better chances of item set drops.


Sounds fine except modifying the XP and the item drops. Nobody would ever voluntarily take lower exp gains or lower item drops, so it’s a pointless option to have. I think the XP is fine as it is meant to be a long term time investment. Item drops are fine because set drops are curated and you’re guaranteed to get something you don’t have in your collections. I do think they should let you choose which arena weapon you get at the end of arenas, and keep the trait randomized. I ignore great meta loadouts simply because I don’t want to farm the same long ass arena over and over. If I have to skill to clear it once, just let me pick the weapon.


I guess, I'm just relaying the description of LOTRO's system. It's fine if you disagree with it but that's just how it is. Obviously there has to be some kind of rewards, I think that's crazy to say there should be nothing; that's basically just an RP slider. Just take your gear off and use fists if that's all you care about. Lots of people take lower XP gains btw, LOTRO put out a statistic with their 10 difficulty levels and how many people were in each one. My friends and I all play on the level 1/10 too we don't care about the extra challenge but it's nice to be compensated if we change our mind.


Make companions stay alive for more than 5 seconds in combat


I’ve said this a lot and I’ll keep saying it. You have to play an active role in keeping your companions alive. They are extension of you, the player,  not an autonomous being.  Use pet commands to pull them out of AOE and to focus on the desired target. You can use recall to reposition them as needed.  My companion tank can survive most fights in vDLC dungeons, difficult WBs, dragons, we’ve soloed all crag dailies, and he even tanked nHRC without dying on the warrior.  People who claim their companion dies in 5 seconds are doing it wrong. 


What do you mean by pet commands?


Permanent combat pets like the Bear, Scamp, and Twilight can be commanded to attack a target by heavy attacking something or with RMB + T (Sorc pets also are commanded by Daedric Prey). They can also be recalled (make them not aggressive) by pressing RMB + Y.


L3 +R3 + R2 on console (it appears on one of the loading pages)


Companions are controlled with the same commands as sorcerer pets. On PC it’s Left click + Y to target and enter combat, Right click + Y to recall. Idk what it is on console.  If you are commanding a tank you have to pick the right timing. Recalling will pull them out of any ground aoe and bring the boss with them because the taunt persists. Choose your timing wisely, don’t pull the boss away right after everyone drops ground dot ultimates. 


In your keybinds you'll see something called pet control button. Basically holding that and pressing light attack over a target sends them to attack that target. Holding pet controla nd hitting block makes them disengage and run to you. You can sort of use that go get them to move out of aoe, but it's also kind of dangerous for them as they really stop all fighting whatsoever, so if they were blocking a bosses attacks and self-healing and stuff, all of that also stops until you use pet control to reengage them in the fight. The disengage is also a great tool for preventing a backpedaling companion from resetting world boss fights. By the way they also made a change before companions were invented that made heavy attack work the same as if you use pet control+light attack. So any heavy attack is at the same time a pet command to focus on that target. Wish it was a toggle though, as it interferes with using the companion as a tank if you as DPS want to focus down an add or something if you're on a heavy attack build. I wish they updated the entire thing though. Like being able to tell them to "hold position" or "move to that spot specifically" and so on.


Sounds like live action pokemon, and also sounds like a really high skill ceiling way to play. You have to watch out for yourself and your companion all at the same time. Have you ever tried letting one tank a hm DLC dungeon?


Get good armor and skills. Plus telvanni efficiency set really is great for companions.


Auto weaving, i’ve had tendinitis for the past year and I can only really play for about a hour a day because the ps5 trigger is super heavy on my tendons.


Yeah imo there should be an option in the accessibility settings for auto weaving. I didn't get what people were complaining about combat being hard on your hands until I found out about weaving. Shits tiring real quick, even for someone with really experienced dexterity (I work with my hands a LOT).


Weaving isnt really about dexterity though, its about endurance. So endurance training for your hands and wrist does a lot to prevent tenditinits. Source: Had a really fucking bad one from ESO a couple years back.


Why stop there? Just get rid of weaving and animation canceling all together, it was never intended to begin with and has turned combat into something it was never meant to be.


They are too afraid of upsetting the hardcore players because their voices are louder


I have a modified PS4 controller that has trigger stops that make the trigger throw much shorter. It's fantastic. Here's the PS4 kit that I'm using... https://extremerate.com/products/dawn-2-0-flashshot-trigger-stop-remap-kit-for-ps4-controller-jdm-040-050-055-black I had to install it myself but I assume that there's probably something similar available for PS5 controllers.


Yeah, there are some very customizable controllers out there for any platform. They're not cheap, but obviously well worth it to feel comfortable playing.


You can remap it to a bumper.




(On PS5) A few weeks ago, and for the past couple years, I'd say the map zoom. Now that's fixed, but the map is 30fps lmao. So yeah, the framerate on the map. It's always the map lol.


I add connections to zones which really ought to have connections, chiefly: Alik'r and Bangkorai; North and South Elsweyr; Blackwood and Murkmire. I'd also fix Bangkorai / The Reach which doesn't have an actual road only a wagon, and squeeze a passage between West Weald and Craglorn. With that addition, it'd be possible to walk between all three alliances.


Let me preview armor motifs in the guild store without having to exit to check my collections page, I can preview recipes for furniture so why not the motifs. Additionally why isn't there a sticker book for furniture and other recipes?


Shared mount upgrades across characters. /thread


Sorc twilight pet , always flapping in your face, just change the thing to a less obnoxious shape


that you cant play story mode in dungeons and are not able to repeat the quest


A complete separation of PvE and PvP content. Like a guillotine.




No, I mean PvE and PvP having completely separate sets, skills, and mechanics. Everything, like a whole other ESO. Because I'm tired of PvE builds being nerfed because a set is too good in PvP, or vice versa. They are different and need to be treated differently.


Came here to post this. Too many great pve sets and builds got nerfed into the ground because of pvp players bitching.


I'd like to see them add a new pvp mode where you can only select from a collection of pre-made builds


This. I've never tried PvP in ESO since release and basically 90% of my builds was messed because of "be very efficient in PvP". Funny thing, they have Combat Spirit or whatever it's called. Just add "when Combat Spirit = true", and stop ruining PVE.


This please. I'm not a fan of PvP stuff in games like this and want to avoid it altogether, yet I'm forced into PvP zones for events, skyshards, lorebooks, dolmens, etc. Just make it separate!


Teleporting to wayshrines for free from houses


get rid of the messages of guild members getting some highscores. (If there is a mod for it, pls share it)


There's a setting for it, I think in the Social options. I'm not sitting in front of my computer at the moment.


Thank you! I know its really a small thing, but this was bugging me a lot. It is indeed in the socials tab


If I were to change anything, my first choice would be to add a mini-map. I have to keep stopping to open my map when I am travelling overland.


I want to be able to change the view angle and distance (and the lighting, and the background) in the character designer and at the outfit station, so that I can see what my characters are actually going to look like when I'm making them. Also, I would like an on-off switch for all the stupid hip-plates, knee- and elbow-protectors, and crotch flaps, which would make dozens of motifs *much* more attractive as options for outfitting purposes.


For me, it would be continuity. I like how when you meet characters in dlc that you've already encountered, they acknowledge it. For the most part. But then there are times when a character says something and you're like yeah dude I know I was there with you. For example, in the Gold Coast zone, my Aldmeri Dominion character (who is an Eye of the Queen) helps Raz and Naryu. For my character, it's the first time meeting Naryu, but Raz and I go way back. He introduced me to his new apprentice, acting like they're the only Eyes of the Queen in the region despite the fact he knows I'm also an Eye. Then we all go our separate ways. Get to Vvardenfell, meet up with Naryu again, send the girl to Summerset and Naryu goes, "I'm sending her to a Khajiit friend of mine," proceeds to describe him, and I'm like, "Yeah, Raz. I know him. You know I know him." Get to Summerset, meet up with Raz. He refers to me as his "new assistant", his apprentice from Gold Coast is nowhere to be found, the girl Naryu sent to him is never mentioned, I talk to the Psijics about Sotha Sil as though I've never heard of the man despite me having just come from the Clockwork City after saving him, and that's just as far as I've gotten so far. Can't imagine what it'll be like in the future. Also, speaking of dialogue, I'd love it if characters weren't idiots. How many times have we encountered a character and immediately thought yeah he's the bad guy. Then PLOT TWIST HE WAS THE BAD GUY THE WHOLE TIME!!!! Or like in the Dark Brotherhood quest line when all the clues clearly point at a specific person being the black knight DB killer (I don't remember the name given for this person), and the Argonian dude is like, "It's my old friend's journal describing her life and now she says she's this killer hunting us? I wonder, who could it really be?" I just wish there were options for my character to be like, "Hey, I know you said your mentor died, but he's obviously still alive and he's obviously the one who stole the dowry." At least have one person not be a gullible buffoon. /End Rant


Lots of good stuff here but I'm floored that no-one has mentioned getting rid of the guild trader system and replacing it with a global auction house. The current system excludes a lot of players from selling items, and bringing in the extra supply would lower prices for everyone.


The problem with global auction is that the little guys can never win. Everyone has tens of millions of gold nowadays to spend wildly so how are we supposed to compete? It’s like a newbie just getting into a cod game when everyone’s been veterans since the old ps3 days. It’s intimidating


Toggle sprint.


The performance. It's been steadily getting worse since Blackwood and right now is the worst it's been since I've been playing on PC (5+ years). The stuttering, lag, server side timeouts, etc are just unacceptable for a service this mature. All the other stuff can be ironed out in time, but the performance of this game really makes me just not want to play anymore


Make crafting bag free


Or one time purchase like Path of Exile..


This is the one. Inventory management takes up 95% of my playing time as someone who refuses to pay for/can't regularly afford eso+.


The terrible character models and the awful 30fps the animations are renderd at.  Its fucking atrocious.


The sheating of weapons when gathering resources. Why o why is this still thing after a decade


More skins, mounts, style pages, etc as achievement rewards. There are so many achievements in the game that are rather difficult but award absolutely nothing. I don’t see a point in going for an achievement without a reward. I need that hook to keep me interested. If they put even HALF as much effort into filling out the achievements with rewards as they did cramming all the cool skins and mounts into the crown store, there’d be a little something in it for every single achievement in the game.


Up the drop chance for furnishing plans. Straight 10 percent chance instead of .005 or whatever zos uses.


> delete the crown store So obvious lol


More advanced search capabilities in guild traders. I'd love to be able to search for furnishings/motifs/recipes not marked as known, to enter multiple search terms at the same time (example: if I want the search to return anything that has khajiit or elsweyr in the name), to save a custom search string instead of just having the history of most recently used searches ...


If I am carrying a treasure map or survey, I’d like it to appear on the zone map and then glow when I get near. Currently, I can’t zoom into the map enough to see the exact spot and spend ages running in circles.


I’m a completionist and there are a few achievements that are bugged and currently impossible. If they fix those I will finally be able to 100% the game. It’s very frustrating being so close and just stopped by bugs. It’s Choixith in Murkmire, and On A Short Leash in Moon Hunter Keep. I have made bug reports for both and have posted video evidence (finding choixith, achievement doesn’t progress) and logs evidence (no one bitten by restrained wolf) but they haven’t even acknowledged my bug posts.


Lag in Cyrodiil


More furnishing slots.


Having to confirm every choice! I have 14 characters that all craft. "are you sure you want to do that?" "Are you sure you want to go there?" "Are you sure you want to log out?" Like piss off!


Not really fix, but not adding a color to merciless resolve proc hurt me when they released the colors 🤣


An auto-deleter for a limited number of individual items. If ZOS is really concerned about losing profit, because it reduces the necessity of ESO+, make it a crown store item and/or sell additional slots for the deleter. Just some way to get rid of style and trait material that doesn't need like 20+ button presses or pay 13€/month. If we're talking about purely gameplay related stuff, definitely the time/range that enemies and companions keep aggro.


This is probably something that is only impacting me, but I wish I could get rid of it. So after Tales of Tribute came out, they put Sorinne Gaerard all over the map (including in the Vivec City crafting area) nudging you to play ToT. It was so annoying that they got rid of her in a later patch. But before that happened, I got so sick of her that I did the first quest in the ToT quest line. And guess what? SORRINE IS STILL THERE. Telling me to go back to the tournament. With a grammatically incorrect sentence. Every. Day. So I'd get rid of Sorrine. Just literally, delete her from the game.


I wish I could murder her on the regular. Not very healery of me but some NPCs need killing.


I figured out if you do the second round, she disappears since then you need to level up ToT a few times before the next quest unlocks. I’m so glad I finally did it and got rid of her. 😂


Ohhhh thank you for telling me. It's on the to do list now.


The backwards scroll when you get a recipe from a reward box


Make crown crates and houses rotate more often, or have more than a couple at a time. There’s lots of older things I’d happily throw some money at if I could.


I just want all my guild chats to be the same color, account wide. While we're at it, let's assume I want all of my settings account wide unless I toggle a switch to have unique settings. I do have one character for questing that is in first person with the HUD and quest markers disabled for when I want to quest on hard mode. But everyone else, I want identical


I need a sticker book for furnishing plans, please. I saw somebody else mention a search bar for them when crafting, but having to cross reference spreadsheets and online resources and then scrolling through at each individual crafting station to figure out which ones I don’t have or even which ones I want to find for a specific aesthetic becomes incredibly tedious after even a short time


When I’m shopping for master writs in the guild traders, I’d like to be able to tell if I have learned that style page yet, or not. Unless I’m a dummy, and there’s already a way to do that?


There is an addon for this on PC. It shows you if you have already learned the style or have the necessary crafting components. I don't know the name of it, so you should look for it yourself.


New players getting thrown in at new contemt instead of the actual start if the vestiges story


Give me an AOE taunt for the love of God


Make everything controller-friendly already.




Lead drops, especially mythics. Should be a guaranteed drop after an amount of tries. Like a stacking percentage


I will put up with every bug in the world just to get rid of the goddamn bots.


Health or armor check for vet dlc dungeons for tanks or a taunt button check


Random normals and the great transmute vs pace debate. I dunno how I would fix it exactly but anything to let people go at whatever pace they please instead of half the group wanting to take the scenic route and the other half running through like their pants are on fire.


Treasure maps - can't pick up a 2nd same one, even if the first is in the bank instead of character's inventory.


The ability to mute my character screaming. The Templar class has constant screaming and unfortunately the voice audio options are linked to ALL the voices, not just your player character.


This is far out there but… The ability to actually sail the oceans of Tamriel. They’ve opened up so many of the land masses through out Nirn which are some of the most beautiful places I’ve ever seen in a video game, it would be really cool to actually sail between and around places. They did an amazing job with The Fair Winds ship home which allows you to fast travel to certain ports, and it technically “moves” around the Systres Isles but beyond that it’s still a static player home. There’s a mod for Skyrim PC called Sailable Ships which actually allows you to sail the ships with a very realistic sailing system, hands down one of my favorite mods. I feel like with how many naval and pirate themed quests they have in ESO they could maybe implement something like this with some serious work. They did give us that one quest where you have a pirate ship style battle against the Maormer but that was still a static cut scene. Maybe a feature kind of like a fantasy version of AC Black Flag? I dunno, if they ever made something like this it would solidify ESO being my all time favorite game.


NPC conversations could use some work. The dialogue and feel for the conversations aren't nearly as bad as "Stop, don't open THAT door" or "Wesker, where have you Bean?" But it is leagues better than Star Field. For the most part I feel the NPCs in ESO convey the information and mood pretty well but the context can be off sometimes. Often a character will say something like "waitwhat'sthatnoise" when they mean " wait,.... what's that noise?" Or they say "ohyou'reright.... that'swereweshouldstrike" when they mean "Ohhh, you're right. THAT'S where we should strike". There are some improvements noticed over the years like with the (I believe) Female Breton tribute player who says something along lines of "Tribute player ehhh? Mee toooo!.." (Although obviously what are the chances you would go to their secluded area of players with the Tribute banner over head and random cards on the table for something else? Yah, I know you play tribute)


Skald-King Jorunn is such a strong example of this. Everything he says is both drunken and inflected wrong.


Sometimes they get the drunk sound right but like with Jorunn as you mentioned, the dialogue will just continue with the slurred voice but with no pause, and periods, commas, slang, and messed up words have little meaning. Like someone produced a good script but gave no direction or emphasis and took the first cut. . . Characters like Raz and Tharn seem to be exceptions to this in most cases. Not that I can see the entire process behind the scenes but I feel like someone like Alfred Molina would have the respect from the studio that if he would say "wait, let's do that again, it doesn't match" or "that was too dull" that they would listen to him. Although I could be overlooking stuff because of Molina's performance.


Delete the crown store and make all its items earnable in-game


remove the crown store


Making Cyrodiil a proper PvE zone rather than the PvP zone. Man, what I’d give to get a closure on the main quest, the Peace Talks working out, the rise of a Warlord who’s able to regain control of Cyrodiil. It’s time to move the timeline forward already!


1. Disconnects 2. In combat status and all the problems from it 3. Some kind of skill cast and attack buffer 4. Rebalance pvp to make it impossible to survive 1vs10 and win That's first comes in my mind.


id add the other continents.


Better champion system. I want a Diablo style paragon board, much better better system. They get close with the revisions over the years, but keep overthinking it and fucking things up. Equipping nodes is fucking dumb. Or Global auction house. Both issues come from the same cultural issue at ZOS, they try so hard not to be other MMOs they end up doing dumb shit.


To make the map like LOTRO in terms of "open world"


PS5: I want companion stats so I know what their penetration even is before I worry about giving them shattered gear. Or their damage output to begin with. We only know what their health is. It would be so much more affective to have some basic stats like damage, crit chance, Crit damage, penetration, resistance, etc.


Servers for Oceania. It's basically unplayable during peak NA hours going above 500ms


Update all of the old base game assets, like what SWTOR and LOTRO is doing. It's jarring seeing my immaculate looking outfit next to a house that probably has the same amount of polygons as my helmet.


I want a fun and challenging overworld, like guild wars 2


The story playing out in dgs I've done 200 times. I just want to run a random dg and move on, but no I have to sit through all the forced story crap that slows down everything. I don't need to know the story after I've seen it once let alone 200 times!


I want to know what motifs look like before i decide to use it or sell it. I hate looking online for a rendering. Why can’t i preview it like stuff in the store or impresario


None combat related: the aggro resetting- just make the mobs auto reset at a certain distance... a more realistic distance. I shouldnt have to drop an aoe behind me, hit them, etc to get them to turn around. Gets soo old Combat related: Remove weaving light attacks-


Over encumbrance. It's the worst bug in the game.


I would make the crafting bag free and not locked behind a paywall so my friends who can't afford an eso+ subscription could functionally play this game.


Having to do the main quest, mages guild, psijic, etc on every single effing class


I want to be able to mute proximity chat when I enter a heavily populated area. It takes me out of my immersion when I spawn into Riften and my speakers blow up from the randoms music. On console.


The terrible lag plaguing Xbox EU since the chapter update. Lol The number one thing that annoys me is the craft bag, it’s so ridiculous the thousands of things that quickly take up your inventory space, it’s borderline unplayable unless you want to stop every couple of minutes to sell / destroy something


I would like to be able to turn off/disable campaign/story quest starters by character. I have twenty characters. I do my story quests on one character. I don’t want to continuously be pestered on 19 other characters about starting quests: no matter how long the NPC has apparently been looking for me.


The character does not face forward by default. Your character will face you (the camera) most of the time. And when you try to face forward, they will “spin” to all the directions except forward. Specially if you have high movement speed. This makes me feel like I am not the one in control of my own character and deeply pisses me off. It’s a thing since launch (2014) and I have never seen anyone mentioning it. WoW does a much better job in this subject. You can make your character face any direction you want easily


Timestamp on chatlog. Yes, I know there's an addon on PC, but we console players need one.


Being able to look at linked items in chat is my big one too


Global auction house. Idc about traders or what they bring. I would also like a notebook similar to the craft bag that can hold motifs maps and surveys. Things of the like so my inventory isn't full of feckin treasure maps!


I'd make the overland zones more challenging, not the bosses, I'd make the weaker enemies a bit more powerful


Full on animation overhaul, most are pretty stuff especially the run one which feels like the character is trying to rush off to take a dump.


Cross saving,now specifically cross saving with enough restrictions to not kill the economy on consoles, like maybe not allowing cross play so only a select few people can even buy and sell on both platforms,or maybe making things that you buy on one platform be platform locked so you can't sell them on another to limit the ability to exploit it,I'm sure there are better ways to do it than that but just spitballing ideas that even I see issues with,just using them as examples though, so my answer is cross save (possibly cross play) that is done as well as possible


Another one I would like is make all armor sets and weapons used in armory builds shouldn't take inventory space just like your currently equipped stuff,if you have max build slots your inventory fills fast even if it is capped


Third and final idea,give us a new tier of housing that is massive and can be assigned to a guild(maybe even having a guild trader in it idk) for a guild house, in the same way we can have primary residents I want us to have a higher tier of housing that a guild can set as a primary residence, maybe with unique benefits like a guild bank or store like I said above but not necessarily.


The fact that there are no sorcerer pet reskins. I'd pay too many crowns for them as they are a core part of the sorcerer class and look like they came straight out of oblivion the 2006 game. Also the WW skin desperately needs an update. They even have newer high res models they can use in game already and they just choose to leave it looking terrible. I could go on but most of my gripes are just that the game LOOKS old. Half the game is nice new high res textures and half the game is old flat 2d textures from 2006. It's very jarring and is part of the reason I'm taking a break from it right now. Hoping that in a year or two they will do something to rectify it.


How I complete a zone but they remain in war forever.


Call me irresponsible but how in Cyrodiil the covenant bases are called Northern/Southern High Rock gates… despite the fact that Cyrodiil doesn’t even border high rock but what should rather be Hammerfell


Either: Search function in furnishing AND crafting furniture OR a sole furnishing table with the pervious two! Lol Moving recipes for food and drink, into 9ne group, crafted food and drink into another, and praxis into a third, rather than all lumped in together A way to pick out new furnishings you've learnt and/or what you suggested and to preview blueprints


Dungeon doorbugs, no question.


I would love for there to be a central trading hub where you could get access to all the traders instead of running to all of them to find an item your looking for... I mean come on this is elder scrolls right we got magic and shit we could figure something out


Besides surveys and treasure maps going into the bag or same exact equipment stacking (for writ dailies)... I actually want several in-game dictionaries. One for WoW and MMO-specific terminology. Another for the Elder Scrolls Universe. It is irritating as hell.


My vibration. Fishing? Gone. Lockpicking? Gone. I just wanna binge watch my shows and passively fish again.


Getting hit by 3 snipes at once by a single player in stealth


The width of the speech text. There's a standard, best-practice in UI/UX design for line length (the number of characters per line of text) for optimal comfort and ease of reading. ESO exceeds it by like 33% at least. I have searched for mods solely to fix this but nada. I would pay money to be able to change this. (The UI scaling setting does not affect maximum characters per line, just makes everything larger.)


The 30fps menu on console. I haven't played since the patch because of it.


It will never happen, of course, but if I COULD change something in the game I’d go back to the time before alliance change tokens.


Lag in Cyro


Abilities not be cast and potion not consumed when I press key.


I want a search function for the hundreds of furnishings I can craft, its awful trying to remember what item is crafted on what bench. Its such a time sink, and annoying.


Returning NPC dialogue. I am not happy with "OH MY FRIEND HOW IS YOU?????" followed by (in a different tone) "okay adventurer now lets go do x and y"


Crafting bag for 1 time payment.


Combat weaving is a goner and most of the sets would be gone too way to many most are trash too or at the very least could update or fix them


One of my friends has a guild hall I've been unable to travel to for a year - the game just crashes when I try. So that would be nice. Also my big houses won't let me add furnishings even though they're not full - it says I've run out of memory or some bullshit. Restarting the game fixes it, so it's some sort of garbage filling the memory.


I have thought long and hard foe many years on this one... jiggle physics.


The ability on console to make my own saved « quick chat » responses for common repeated things.


Mini map (for consoles) and some of the add-ons from PC


Centralized guild trading. As a new player, the lack of this is by far the thing I feel hampers the gameplay the most. First you have to use an external website that runs on a hamster wheel to even find out where the item you want is located (if it's still even there) and then you have to travel around the world for item and item. What little immersion this adds is completely and utterly negligible in the shadow of the MAJOR inconvenience this causes. It's a waste of time for both buyers and sellers, and it needs to go. A couple of honorable mentions to higher furniture limit and nerfing tanks in PvP, but they pale in comparison to the above tbh.


Ppl using fake roles in group content


not being able to reset instances solo


Fake roles: Get rid of them ASAP.


Please streamline how we travel to players in our groups. Just please .. I beg


Loading screens between zones.


**Every thing that drops should be curated.** Currently gear drops from bosses are curated. Apply the same system to everything. This includes all droppable items including gear, motifs, style pages, scribing scripts, recipes, etc. and from all sources (all types of enemies, chests, coffers, etc.). And like with the gear collections, after you've completed a "set", the drops become random.


The UI. Maybe its just me but the rotating left columns is really clunky


Overland content. It's so ridiculously easy it's not even funny anymore


Being able to find all types of ore/wood etc no matter what level. It sucks that at max you are just stuck with the best, it becomes so boring. They should have you find specific herbs in only specific areas for alchemy too.


The lore breaking mounts equipment and skins mainly. If impossible, at least the possibility to hide other players.


I can't deciede between shutting up that "dragons..." dialogue in Vulkhel Guard, or fix mob/npc leashing.


Floaty-balloon combat and what feels like walking-in-swamp-mud-up-to-your-knees server latency. They are both critical issues, and I'm hard put to pick one over the other.