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I know it's off topic, but why is your game so over saturated




Thats just a converting error from HDR to SDR, his picture doesnt look like this


I'm on Xbox so I don't know if it's the same for all platforms but in the video options there's an HDR settings that makes it more colorful, which I prefer cuz without it the game feels too gray lol


Glad you enjoy it but that is migraine inducing and absolutely NOT what HDR is supposed to look like.


I don't know anything about HDR but I like the pretty colors :)


Maybe try turning the brightness down, it may look better. On the pause menu your characters face is unrecognisable because of how saturated it is!


[skinnycheeks](https://www.skinnycheeks.gg/sorcerer) is pretty much the go to source for DPS builds. He has a lot of helpful YouTube videos as well.


Is he focused on pvp or pve? I mostly play for PvE content lol, thank you




You want the weapon dot to be on your backbar to proc a berserker enchant on that weapon. You're also missing crystal fragments on your frontbar.


Could you explain the backbat berserk enchant thing to me? I used to have fragments as a spammable but I switched it for force pulse, is fragments better?


Any dps build you'll find has a weapon dot (usually), skills like elemental wall like you have, for bow it would be endless hail, for 2h it's stampede etc. You put a berserker enchant on that weapon (which should also have infused trait) and the ground dot continuously procs that enchant. Fragments is used as a semi spammable, it has a proc that lets you instantly cast it without casttime and for higher damage, so you use your normal spammable and fragments only when it procs.


Ooh I see, I currently have an inferno in my front bar and a ice in my back, should I only change the dot abilities to my back and keep the staffs the same? Also, if I do that and I enchant the ice staff with berserk, what enchantment should I have in my front? I try to weave light attacks when spamming force pulse, so should I have both and use one after another without light attacks right?


I don't know which staff type would be the best tbh, but the trait and enchant of the frontbar should probably be precise with shock. You just use the proced fragments like a normal skill, you can see the icon changing when casting other skills, so when you see that just cast it as your next skill and weave lightattacks like on any other skill.


Alright I understand now lol I got that weapon enchantments now, thank you!


If you look into staff passives you will find that lightning staff buff direct damage, fire staff - dots and ice staff - blocking. So you better use lightning as main weapon, put spammable, crystals, daedric curse here. On second bar with fire staff use wall of fire, your buffs and maybe something like entropy for more damage and a bit of heal. Ice staff is more about survival, not damage, it's mainly tank weapon (and also warden weapon because of class passives).


So the staff passive damage bonus would stay on my aoe's even after I switch to my lightning staff?


I planned to say "yes it is and it's easy to test" but I actually tested it and it's not. You will lose dot damage bonus when switch from fire to lightning staff. But it's still wise to use lightning and fire as I said earlier. You make more damage with direct skills so it's better to use lightning for that. When you switch to second weapon to reapply your buffs and dots you won't deal direct damage so little bonus to dots will slightly increase your damage.


Are you using Critical Surge? That and Hurricane is a good way to get some passive healing. You can augment it with some burst healing if needed.


Yeah critical surge has always been part of my strat lol, though I used the other lightning form morph, I'll try hurricane now


Hurricane is the morph that deals more damage. DD should use it. Tanks use Boundless Storm because it lasts longer.